var ACCESS_CONTROL="Access Control"; var ADMIN="Admin"; var ADMINSET="ADMINISTRATOR SETTINGS"; var ADNS_HELP1="DNS stands for Domain Name System. The DNS servers act as a phonebook and translate the human-friendly domain name into its corresponding IP address. Advanced DNS Services for D-Link is powered by Best Path Networks, a subsidiary of OpenDNS that provides anti-phishing and DNS services to partners like D-Link. OpenDNS is the world's largest and fastest-growing provider of free security and DNS infrastructure services. Advanced DNS Services makes your online experience safer and your Internet overall faster and more reliable."; var ADNS_HELP2="The DNS platform is designed to not interfere with any specific protocol. However, a small subset of spam filtering solutions may be confused by receiving search responses for domains that do not exist. It is recommended that the enhanced search experience be disabled for clients that operate an on-site mail server. DNS does not affect upload or download speeds. These are controlled exclusively by your Internet Service Provider. D-Link and Best Path Networks do not collect or store any personally identifiable DNS information about Advanced DNS Services users."; var ADNS_HELP3="Your search results are powered by Yahoo. The search function provides you with a much more fluid browsing experience. When a site cannot be reached, or a site does not exist, we will provide you with search suggestions instead of the generic error message displayed by your browser. We also automatically correct some of the common typos users make in the address bar. The typo-correction feature only works for top level domains that have been misspelled, such .cmo and .ogr. Sometimes you might be mis-directed to the search results page. If you clicked on a link in a spam email it is quite possible that the site has been disabled for abuse. Because the site no longer exists you may receive our search page."; var ADVANCED_NETWORK="Advanced Network"; var ADVANCED_NETWORKS="Advanced Networks"; var ALLOWED_WEB_SITES="Allowed, Web Sites - %s%s, Ports - %s"; var APMODE_MSG0="The IP address of the router maybe change to"; var APMODE_MSG1="You will change the IP address of the router to"; var APMODE_MSG2=""; var APP_RULES="Application Rules"; var BIGPOND_FAILED="BigPond failed, see log for details"; var BIGPOND_LOGGED_IN="BigPond logged in"; var BIGPOND_LOGGED_OUT="BigPond logged out"; var BIGPOND_LOGGING_IN="BigPond logging in"; var BIGPOND_LOGGING_OUT="BigPond logging out"; var BIGPOND_NOT_PROPERLY_CFGD="BigPond not properly configured"; var BLOCKED="Blocked"; var BLOCK="Block"; var BSECURE_LOG_AUTH_CONNECTED="%S auth server connected"; var BSECURE_LOG_AUTH_FAIL_DB="%S service authorization failed auth server returned DB error"; var BSECURE_LOG_AUTH_FAIL_INTNL="%S service authorization failed internal error"; var BSECURE_LOG_AUTH_FAIL_PKT="%S service authorization failed auth response packet corrupted"; var BSECURE_LOG_AUTH_FAIL_RENEW="%S service authorization failed service needs renewal"; var BSECURE_LOG_AUTH_FAIL_UNKNW="%S service authorization failed auth server returned UNKNOWN error"; var BSECURE_LOG_AUTH_FAIL_UNREG="%S service authorization failed service is unregistered"; var BSECURE_LOG_AUTH_PASS="%S service authorization passed"; var BSECURE_LOG_FLTR_CONNECTED="%S filter server connected"; var BSECURE_LOG_FLTR_DISCONNECTED_CLOSED="%S filter server disconnected closed"; var BSECURE_LOG_FLTR_DISCONNECTED_TIMEOUT="%S filter server disconnected timeout"; var CHOOSE_LANGUAGE="Choose language"; var CN="Simplified Chinese"; var CONNECTED="Connected"; var CRIT="[CRIT]"; var DE="Deutsch"; var DEVICE_DESC="Device Name allows you to configure this device easily when your network using TCP/IP protocol. You can enter the device name of the router, instead of IP address, into your web browser to access for configuration. Recommend to change the device name if there's more than one D-Link devices within the subnet."; var DEVICE_NAME="Device Name"; var Device_Admin="Device Administration"; var DHCP_CLIENT_GOT_LEASE="Obtained IP Address using DHCP. IP address is %v"; var DHCP_CLIENT_LOST_LEASE="Lost lease on IP Address"; var DHCP_CLIENT_RELEASED_LEASE="The DHCP address %v is released by the user"; var DISCONNECTED="Disconnected"; var Dynamic_PPPoE="Dynamic PPPoE"; var EGRESS="Out"; var EMAIL="Email"; var EN="English"; var ES="Espa?ol"; var Enable_SharePort="Enable SharePort For Guest Zone"; var FR="Fran?ais"; var FW_UPDATE_AVAILABLE="Firmware Update is Available"; var GAMING="Gaming"; var GW_ADMIN_LOGOUT="Administrator logout"; var GW_AUTH_FAILED="Failed configuration authentication attempt by IP address %v"; var GW_AUTH_SUCCEEDED="Allowed configuration authentication by IP address %v"; var GW_BIGPOND_CONFIG="BigPond not configured properly"; var GW_BIGPOND_FAIL="BigPond failed, state=%d with error=%d, server response=%s"; var GW_BIGPOND_INIT="BigPond enabled"; var GW_BIGPOND_LOGOUT="BigPond logged out"; var GW_BIGPOND_STATUS="BigPond state changed, new state=%d"; var GW_BIGPOND_SUCCESS="BigPond logged in, state=%d, server response=%s"; var GW_DHCPSERVER_DECLINED="The DHCP server address %v was declined by the network device - check your network for IP Address conflicts."; var GW_DHCPSERVER_EXHAUSTED="The DHCP server can offer no more IP addresses because all available addresses are in use. Increase the number of available IP addresses on the DHCP server configuration."; var GW_DHCPSERVER_EXPIRED="A network computer never renewed its \"lease\" of %v and has lost its right to use that address. If the device continues to use that address it may cause IP address conflicts."; var GW_DHCPSERVER_NEW_ASSIGNMENT="A network computer (%s) was assigned the IP address of %v."; var GW_DHCPSERVER_REJECTED="The DHCP server address %v was rejected by the network device. If you have more than one DHCP server on your network this may cause IP address conflicts."; var GW_DHCPSERVER_RELEASED="The DHCP server address %v was released by the network device - the network device no longer wants to use it."; var GW_DHCPSERVER_START="Initialization complete, starting DHCP server"; var GW_DHCPSERVER_STOP="DHCP server stopped"; var GW_DHCP_CLIENT_CLIENT_NAME_INVALID="Invalid DHCP Client name"; var GW_DHCP_SERVER_DISABLED_WARNING="DHCP Server is being disabled because the LAN subnet is not suitable"; var GW_DHCP_SERVER_LEASE_TIME_INVALID="Lease time is invalid (must be 1 to 65535)"; var GW_DHCP_SERVER_NETBIOS_PRIMARY_WINS_INVALID="Invalid primary WINS IP address"; var GW_DHCP_SERVER_NETBIOS_SCOPE_INVALID="NetBIOS Scope is not in a valid form"; var GW_DHCP_SERVER_NETBIOS_SECONDARY_WINS_INVALID="Invalid secondary WINS IP address"; var GW_DHCP_SERVER_NETBIOS_TYPE_INVALID="Invalid NetBIOS registration type"; var GW_DHCP_SERVER_POOL_FROM_INVALID="The DHCP server start address %v is not valid in the LAN subnet %v."; var GW_DHCP_SERVER_POOL_FROM_IN_SUBNET_INVALID="DHCP server pool FROM %v is not in LAN subnet %v."; var GW_DHCP_SERVER_POOL_FROM_TO_ORIENTATION_INVALID="Pool IP address FROM must not be bigger than TO."; var GW_DHCP_SERVER_POOL_SIZE_INVALID="DHCP server pool size is too big (must be no more than 256 addresses)."; var GW_DHCP_SERVER_POOL_SIZE_IN_SUBNET_INVALID="The DHCP server pool size is too big to fit in LAN subnet %v."; var GW_DHCP_SERVER_POOL_TO_INVALID="The DHCP server end address %v is not valid in the LAN subnet %v."; var GW_DHCP_SERVER_POOL_TO_IN_SUBNET_INVALID="DHCP server pool TO %v is not in LAN subnet %v."; var GW_DHCP_SERVER_PRIMARY_AND_SECONDARY_WINS_IP_INVALID="Primary WINS IP address must be specified if secondary is also specified."; var GW_DHCP_SERVER_RECONFIG_WARNING="DHCP Server is being reconfigured because the LAN subnet is not suitable, please ensure your server remains correct."; var GW_DHCP_SERVER_RESERVATION_DISABLED_IN_CONFLICT_WARNING="A DHCP Reservation has been disabled because it conflicts with the routers own LAN IP."; var GW_DHCP_SERVER_RESERVATION_DISABLED_OUT_OF_POOL_WARNING="DHCP Reservation %v has been disabled because the DHCP pool is too small."; var GW_DHCP_SERVER_RESERVATION_IN_USE="The IP address %v is in use; you must Revoke its lease and reset the network settings for the device that uses it."; var GW_DHCP_SERVER_RESERVATION_RECONFIG_WARNING="A DHCP Reservation %v has been reconfigured to %v, please check this meets your network requirements."; var GW_DHCP_SERVER_RESERVED_IP_INVALID="Reserved IP %v is invalid"; var GW_DHCP_SERVER_RESERVED_IP_IN_POOL_INVALID="Reserved IP address %v should be within the configured DHCP range."; var GW_DHCP_SERVER_RESERVED_IP_IN_POOL_INVALID_a="should be within the configured DHCP range."; var GW_DHCP_SERVER_RESERVED_IP_NOT_LAN_IP_INVALID="Reserved IP %v conflicts with configured LAN IP Address"; var GW_DHCP_SERVER_RESERVED_IP_UNIQUENESS_INVALID="Reserved IP %v conflicts with another reservation"; var GW_DHCP_SERVER_RESERVED_MAC_UNIQUENESS_INVALID="Reserved IP address for this MAC address(%m) is already set."; var GW_DHCP_SERVER_RESERVED_MAC_UNIQUENESS_INVALID_a="Reserved IP address for this MAC address"; var GW_DHCP_SERVER_RESERVED_MAC_UNIQUENESS_INVALID_b="is already set."; var GW_DHCP_SERVER_SUBNET_SIZE_INVALID="LAN subnet mask leaves no addresses for DHCP server to use."; var GW_DHCP_SERVER_WINS_INCOMPATIBILITY_WARNING="WINS/NetBIOS settings cannot be learned from the internet in this Internet mode - WINS will not function as expected."; var GW_DHCP_SERVER_WINS_MODE_INVALID="WINS/NetBIOS may not operate in this mode given your Internet connection settings."; var GW_DYNDNS_HERROR="Error updating dynamic DNS entry %s. Please check configuration. Disabling DynDNS"; var GW_DYNDNS_HOST_NAME_INVALID="host must be specified"; var GW_DYNDNS_PASSWORD_INVALID="password must be specified"; var GW_DYNDNS_SERROR="Error updating dynamic DNS entry %s. Will retry later"; var GW_DYNDNS_SERVER_INDEX_VALUE_INVALID="invalid server index value."; var GW_DYNDNS_SUCCESS="Successfully updated dynamic DNS entry for %s"; var GW_DYNDNS_TIMEOUT_TOO_BIG_INVALID="The timeout value cannot be greater than 8760."; var GW_DYNDNS_UPDATE_IP="WAN IP changed to %v, updating to dynamic DNS provider"; var GW_DYNDNS_UPDATE_NEXT="Next dynamic DNS update scheduled for %s"; var GW_DYNDNS_UPDATE_TO="Updating dynamic DNS entry due to timeout"; var GW_DYNDNS_USER_NAME_INVALID="user account must be specified"; var GW_EMAIL_SUBJ="Gateway Logs"; var GW_FIREWALL_FILTER_NAME_INVALID="Filter Rule '%s' can't be deleted or renamed because it is used."; var GW_FIREWALL_NAME_INVALID="Name '%s' is already used"; var GW_FIREWALL_NO_IP_RANGE_INVALID="Enable at least one Source IP Range for '%s'"; var GW_FIREWALL_RANGE_DUPLICATED_INVALID="The Source IP Range '%v-%v' is duplicated."; var GW_FIREWALL_RULE_NAME_INVALID="Rule name can not be empty string"; var GW_FIREWALL_START_IP_ADDRESS_INVALID="Start IP address must be less than end IP address %v-%v"; var GW_FW_NOTIFY_EMAIL_DISABLED_INVALID="Email Notification is not enabled on Tools->Email Settings page but Email Notification of New Firmware Version is enabled in Tools->Firmware page."; var GW_FW_NOTIFY_FAILED_DNS="Unable to find DNS record for firmware upgrade server %s"; var GW_FW_NOTIFY_FIRMWARE_AVAIL="Latest firmware version %d.%02d is available"; var GW_FW_NOTIFY_FIRMWARE_ERROR="Failed to check for new firmware"; var GW_FW_NOTIFY_RESOLVED_DNS="Firmware upgrade server %s is at IP address %v"; var GW_INET_ACCESS_DROP_ACCESS_CONTROL="Internet access control dropped packet from %v%u to %v%u (protocol %u)"; var GW_INET_ACCESS_DROP_ACCESS_CONTROL_MAC="Internet access control dropped packet from %v%u (protocol %u)"; var GW_INET_ACCESS_DROP_ACCESS_CONTROL_WITH_PORT="Internet access control dropped packet from %v%u to %v%u (protocol %u)"; var GW_INET_ACCESS_DROP_BAD_PKT="Internet access control dropped bad packet from %v to %v (protocol %u)"; var GW_INET_ACCESS_DROP_PORT_FILTER="Internet access port filter dropped packet from %v%u to %v%u (protocol %u)"; var GW_INET_ACCESS_DROP_PORT_FILTER_MAC="Internet access port filter dropped packet from %v%u[%s] to %v%u (protocol %u)"; var GW_INET_ACCESS_DROP_PORT_FILTER_WITH_PORT="Internet access port filter dropped packet from %v%u to %v%u (protocol %u)"; var GW_INET_ACCESS_INITIAL_FAIL="Internet access control initialization failed"; var GW_INET_ACCESS_INITIAL_IP="Internet access for IP address %v set to %s"; var GW_INET_ACCESS_INITIAL_IP_FAIL="Internet access policy for IP address %v cannot be set"; var GW_INET_ACCESS_INITIAL_MAC="Internet access for MAC address %m set to %s"; var GW_INET_ACCESS_INITIAL_MAC_FAIL="Internet access policy for MAC address %m cannot be set"; var GW_INET_ACCESS_INITIAL_OTHERS="Internet access for all non-specified systems set to %s"; var GW_INET_ACCESS_POLICY_END_IP="Policy %s stopped; Internet access for IP address %v changed to %s"; var GW_INET_ACCESS_POLICY_END_MAC="Policy %s stopped; Internet access for MAC address %m changed to %s"; var GW_INET_ACCESS_POLICY_END_OTHERS="Policy %s stopped; Internet access for all non-specified systems changed to %s"; var GW_INET_ACCESS_POLICY_MAC_INVALID="Invalid MAC address %m."; var GW_INET_ACCESS_POLICY_START_IP="Policy %s started; Internet access for IP address %v changed to %s"; var GW_INET_ACCESS_POLICY_START_MAC="Policy %s started; Internet access for MAC address %s changed to %s"; var GW_INET_ACCESS_POLICY_START_OTHERS="Policy %s started; Internet access for all non-specified systems changed to %s"; var GW_INET_ACCESS_POLICY_TOO_MANY_IP_INVALID="You cannot add new IP address %v. You can only reuse IP addresses from other policies."; var GW_INET_ACCESS_POLICY_TOO_MANY_MAC_INVALID="You cannot add new MAC address %m. You can only reuse MAC addresses from other policies."; var GW_INET_ACCESS_RESTRICTED="One or more Internet access policies are in effect. Internet access will be restricted according to these policies"; var GW_INET_ACCESS_UNRESTRICTED="No Internet access policy is in effect. Unrestricted Internet access allowed to everyone"; var GW_INET_ACL_IP_ADDRESS_DUPLICATION_INVALID="IP address %v already exists."; var GW_INET_ACL_IP_ADDRESS_IN_LAN_SUBNET_INVALID="IP address %v should be within LAN subnet (%v)."; var GW_INET_ACL_MAC_ADDRESS_DUPLICATION_INVALID="MAC address %m already exists."; var GW_INET_ACL_NAME_DUPLICATE_INVALID="Name '%s' already exists."; var GW_INET_ACL_NAME_INVALID="Name can not be empty string."; var GW_INET_ACL_NO_FILTER_SELECTED_INVALID="Please select a filter."; var GW_INET_ACL_NO_MACHINE_IN_LAN_SUBNET_INVALID="There is no machine defined in policy %s."; var GW_INET_ACL_POLICY_NAME_DUPLICATE_INVALID="Policy name can't be duplicated %s."; var GW_INET_ACL_POLICY_NAME_INVALID="The Policy Name cannot be blank."; var GW_INET_ACL_POLICY_NAME_BE_USED="The Policy Name is already used."; var GW_INET_ACL_RECONFIGURED_WARNING="Access Control Table is being reconfigured because the LAN subnet has been changed."; var GW_INET_ACL_SCHEDULE_NAME_INVALID="Schedule name %s is not defined."; var GW_INET_ACL_SCHEDULE_NAME_INVALIDa="Schedule name is not defined."; var GW_INET_ACL_START_IP_ADDRESS_INVALID="Start IP address must be less than end IP address %v-%v."; var GW_INET_ACL_START_IP_ADDRESS_IN_LAN_SUBNET_INVALID="Start IP address(%v) of '%s' should not be within LAN subnet(%v)."; var GW_INET_ACL_START_PORT_INVALID="Start port must be less than end port %d-%d."; var GW_INIT_DONE="Device initialized"; var GW_IPFILTER_DENY="Filter - Denied packet from IP address %v port %u, protocol %u, to %v port %u"; var GW_LAN_ACCESS_DENIED="Access denied to LAN system with MAC address %m"; var GW_LAN_CARRIER_DETECTED="LAN Ethernet Carrier Detected"; var GW_LAN_CARRIER_LOST="LAN Ethernet Carrier Lost"; var GW_LAN_DEVICE_NAME_INVALID="Device name given is invalid"; var GW_LAN_DOMAIN_NAME_INVALID="Domain name given is invalid"; var GW_LAN_GATEWAY_IP_ADDRESS_INVALID="LAN Gateway IP address is invalid."; var GW_LAN_INTERFACE_DOWN="LAN interface is down"; var GW_LAN_INTERFACE_UP="LAN interface is up"; var GW_LAN_IP_ADDRESS_INVALID="LAN IP address is invalid."; var GW_LAN_IP_MODE_INVALID="LAN IP mode is invalid"; var GW_LAN_NETBIOS_SCOPE_INVALID="NetBIOS Scope given is invalid"; var GW_LAN_PRIMARY_DNS_INVALID="Primary DNS is invalid."; var GW_LAN_RIP_METRIC_INVALID="RIP metric is invalid."; var GW_LAN_RIP_MODE_INVALID="RIP mode is invalid."; var GW_LAN_SECONDARY_DNS_INVALID="Secondary DNS is invalid."; var GW_LAN_SUBNET_MASK_INVALID="LAN subnet mask is invalid."; var GW_LOGS_CLEARED="Log cleared by IP address %v"; var GW_LOGS_VIEWED="Log viewed by IP address %v"; var GW_LOG_EMAIL_BEFORE_REBOOT="Sending log email before reboot"; var GW_LOG_EMAIL_FAILED="Failure sending log email - retry scheduled"; var GW_LOG_EMAIL_ON_LOG_FULL="Sending log email as log is full"; var GW_LOG_EMAIL_ON_SCHEDULE="Sending log email on schedule"; var GW_LOG_EMAIL_ON_USER_REQUEST="Sending log email after administrator request"; var GW_LOG_ON_LATEST_FIRMWARE_RETRIEVED="Latest firmware version retrieved from the server was %d.%d"; var GW_MAC_FILTER_ALL_LOCKED_OUT_INVALID="MAC Filter settings will lockout all machines. This is not allowed."; var GW_MAC_FILTER_MAC_UNIQUENESS_INVALID="MAC address is already used %m"; var GW_MAC_FILTER_MULTICAST_MAC_INVALID="MAC address filter can't be multicast address format %m"; var GW_MAC_FILTER_NULL_MAC_INVALID="MAC address filter can't be NULL address %m"; var GW_NAT_BOTH="Both"; var GW_NAT_CONFLICTING_CONNECTIONS_LOG="Rule %s conflicts with an existing connection (%v%u (public %v%u)--->%v%u). Connectivity to the rule may be affected until this connection ends."; var GW_NAT_CONFLICTING_CONNECTIONS_WARNING="Rule %s conflicts with an existing connection (%v%u (public %v%u)--->%v%u). Connectivity to the rule may be affected until this connection ends."; var GW_NAT_DMZ_CONFLICT_WITH_LAN_IP_INVALID="DMZ address %v can not be the same as the LAN IP address."; var GW_NAT_DMZ_DISABLED_WARNING="DMZ is disabled because the LAN subnet has been changed."; var GW_NAT_DMZ_NOT_ALLOWED_INVALID="DMZ address %v is not allowed."; var GW_NAT_DMZ_NOT_IN_SUBNET_INVALID="DMZ address should be within LAN subnet(%v)."; var GW_NAT_ENTRY_DUPLICATED_INVALID="Record '%s' is duplicate of '%s'."; var GW_NAT_FTP_ALG_ACTIVATED_WARNING="The FTP ALG has been automatically enabled because a virtual server entry you created requires it."; var GW_NAT_H323_ALG_ACTIVATED_WARNING="The H.323 has been automatically enabled because a virtual server entry you created requires it."; var GW_NAT_INBOUND_FILTER="Inbound Filter"; var GW_NAT_INPUT_PORT="Firewall Port"; var GW_NAT_IP_ADDRESS_INVALID="IP address for '%s' should be within LAN subnet (%v)."; var GW_NAT_NAME_INVALID="Name can not be empty string."; var GW_NAT_NAME_UNDEFINED_INVALID="%s name %s of '%s' is not defined."; var GW_NAT_NAME_USED_INVALID="Name '%s' is already used."; var GW_NAT_PORT_DUP_INVALID="%s '%s' of '%s' should not contain duplicated numbers."; var GW_NAT_PORT_FORWARDING_TABLE_RECONFIGURED_WARNING="Port Forwarding Table is being reconfigured because the LAN subnet has been changed."; var GW_NAT_PORT_FORWARD_CONFLICT_INVALID="%s' [%s%s] conflicts with '%s'[%s%s] on different IP Addresses."; var GW_NAT_PORT_FORWARD_PORT_RANGE_INVALID="%s port range '%s' of '%s' is invalid."; var GW_NAT_PORT_FORWARD_PORT_RANGE_INVALIDa="Port range"; var GW_NAT_PORT_FORWARD_PORT_RANGE_INVALIDb="of"; var GW_NAT_PORT_FORWARD_PORT_RANGE_INVALIDc="is invalid."; var GW_NAT_PORT_FORWARD_RANGE_BOTH_EMPTY_INVALID="Port ranges can not be both empty."; var GW_NAT_PORT_TRIGGER_CONFLICT_INVALID="%s of '%s' [%s%s]->%s conflicts with '%s' [%s%s]->%s."; var GW_NAT_PORT_TRIGGER_PORT_RANGE_EMPTY_INVALID="%s of '%s' can not be empty."; var GW_NAT_PORT_TRIGGER_PORT_RANGE_INVALID="%s '%s' is invalid."; var GW_NAT_PPTP_ALG_ACTIVATED_WARNING="The PPTP ALG has been automatically enabled because a virtual server entry you created requires it."; var GW_NAT_REJECTED_SPOOFED_PACKET="Blocked packet from %v to %v that was received from the wrong network interface (IP address spoofing)"; var GW_NAT_SCHEDULE="Schedule"; var GW_NAT_TCP="TCP"; var GW_NAT_TCP_PORT="TCP Port"; var GW_NAT_TRIGGER_PORT="Trigger Port"; var GW_NAT_UDP="UDP"; var GW_NAT_UDP_PORT="UDP Port"; var GW_NAT_UNKNOWN="Unknown"; var GW_NAT_VIRTUAL_SERVER_IP_ADDRESS_CAN_NOT_MATCH_ROUTER="Virtual server '%s' can not use the router's IP address, %v."; var GW_NAT_VIRTUAL_SERVER_PROTO_CONFLICT_INVALID="%s' [protocol:%u]->%v conflicts with '%s' [protocol:%u]->%v."; var GW_NAT_VIRTUAL_SERVER_PUBLIC_PORT_CAN_NOT_MATCH_HTTPS_ADMIN_PORT="Virtual server '%s' can not use the router's HTTPS WAN administration port, %u"; var GW_NAT_VIRTUAL_SERVER_TABLE_RECONFIGURED_WARNING="Virtual Server Table is being reconfigured because the LAN subnet has been changed."; var GW_NAT_VS_IP_ADDRESS_CAN_NOT_MATCH_ROUTER="Virtual server '%s' can not use the router's IP address, %v."; var GW_NAT_VS_PORT_CONFLICT_INVALID="%s' [%s%d]->%v/%d conflicts with '%s' [%s%d]->%v%d."; var GW_NAT_VS_PROTOCOL_INVALID="Virtual server '%s' protocol number, %d, must be 0 or between 3 and 255."; var GW_NAT_VS_PROTO_CONFLICT_INVALID="%s' [protocol %u]->%v conflicts with '%s' [protocol %u]->%v."; var GW_NAT_VS_PUBLIC_PORT_CAN_NOT_MATCH_HTTPS_ADMIN_PORT="Virtual server '%s' can not use the router's HTTPS WAN administration port, %u"; var GW_NAT_VS_PUBLIC_PORT_CAN_NOT_MATCH_HTTP_ADMIN_PORT="Virtual server '%s' can not use the router's HTTP WAN administration port, %u"; var GW_NAT_WAN_PING_FILTER_INVALID="The WAN Ping filter name %s does not exist"; var GW_NAT_WAN_PING_FILTER_WARNING="The WAN Ping filter name %s no longer exists, WAN PING will be disabled."; var GW_NAT_WOL_ALG_ACTIVATED_WARNING="The Wake-On-LAN ALG has been automatically enabled because a virtual server entry you created requires it."; var GW_PORT_FORWARD_TCP_PACKET_ALLOC_FAILURE="Port forwarding ALG failed to allocate session for TCP packet from %v:%u to %v:%u"; var GW_PORT_FORWARD_UDP_PACKET_ALLOC_FAILURE="Port forwarding ALG failed to allocate session for UDP packet from %v:%u to %v:%u"; var GW_PORT_TRIGGER_UDP_PACKET_ALLOC_FAILURE="Port trigger ALG failed to allocate session for UDP packet from %v:%u to %v:%u"; var GW_PPPOE_EVENT_CONNECT="Trying to establish %s PPPoE connection"; var GW_PPPOE_EVENT_DISCONNECT="Terminating %s PPPoE session ID %u"; var GW_PPPOE_EVENT_DISCOVERY_ATTEMPT="Discovering PPPoE servers for %s PPPoE Session"; var GW_PPPOE_EVENT_DISCOVERY_REQUEST_ERROR="%s PPPoE session protocol fault. Connection attempt failed."; var GW_PPPOE_EVENT_OFFER="Offer received for %s PPPoE Session, service offered is %s from %s (%m)"; var GW_PPPOE_EVENT_OFFER_REQUEST="Issuing request for offer for %s PPPoE Session"; var GW_PURE_ADDPORTMAPPING_CHG_PROTOCOL="Pure Networks AddPortMapping modified %dth virtual server entry from '%s' %v%d<->%v%d %S to %S"; var GW_PURE_ADDPORTMAPPING_CONFLICT="Pure Networks AddPortMapping '%s' %v%d<->%v%d %S conflict with %dth virtual server entry '%s' %v%d<->%v%d %S"; var GW_PURE_ADDPORTMAPPING_CREATE="Pure Networks AddPortMapping created %dth virtual server entry '%s' %v%d<->%v%d %S"; var GW_PURE_ADDPORTMAPPING_MODIFY="Pure Networks AddPortMapping modified %dth virtual server entry from '%s' %v%d<->%v%d %S to '%s' %v%d<->%v%d %S"; var GW_PURE_DELETEPORTMAPPING_DELETE="Pure Networks DeletePortMapping %s%d deleted %dth virtual server entry '%s' %v%d<->%v%d %S"; var GW_PURE_DELETEPORTMAPPING_MODIFY="Pure Networks DeletePortMapping %s%d modified %dth virtual server entry '%s' %v%d<->%v%d %S to %S"; var GW_PURE_REBOOT="Pure Networks Reboot"; var GW_PURE_SETACCESSPOINTMODE="HNAP SetAccessPointMode %s returns %s, %s"; var GW_PURE_SETDEVICESETTINGS="Pure Networks SetDeviceSettings changed DeviceName to '%s'"; var GW_PURE_SETMACFILTERS2="Pure Networks SetMACFilters2"; var GW_PURE_SETROUTERLANSETTINGS="Pure Networks SetRouterLanSettings set RouterIPAddress %v, RouterSubnetMask %v, DHCPServerEnabled %s"; var GW_PURE_SETWANSETTINGS="Pure Networks SetDeviceSettings set wan mode to %S, %v/%v/%v"; var GW_PURE_SETWLANSECURITY="Pure Networks setWLanSecurity set Enabled %s, Type %s"; var GW_PURE_SETWLANSETTINGS24="Pure Networks SetWLanSettings24 set Enabled %s, SSIDBroadcast %s, Channel %d"; var GW_QOS_RULES_LOCAL_IP="%s' Local IP start, '%v', must be less than local IP end, '%v'"; var GW_QOS_RULES_LOCAL_IP_END_SUBNET="%s' Local IP end '%v' is not in the LAN subnet"; var GW_QOS_RULES_LOCAL_IP_START_SUBNET="%s' Local IP start '%v' is not in the LAN subnet"; var GW_QOS_RULES_LOCAL_PORT="%s' Local port start, %u, must be less than local port end, %u"; var GW_QOS_RULES_LOCAL_PORT1="Local port start"; var GW_QOS_RULES_LOCAL_PORT2="must be less than local port end"; var GW_QOS_RULES_LOCAL_PORT3=""; var GW_QOS_RULES_MAX_TRANS="Max transmission rate should be between 8 kbps and 100 Mbps, inclusive."; var GW_QOS_RULES_NAME_ALREADY_USED="Name '%s' is already used."; var GW_QOS_RULES_NAME_INVALID="Name can not be empty string."; var GW_QOS_RULES_PRIORITY_RANGE="%s' Priority, %d, needs to be between 1 and 255"; var GW_QOS_RULES_PROTOCOL="%s' Protocol, %d, needs to be between 0 and 257"; var GW_QOS_RULES_REMOTE_IP="%s' Remote IP start, '%v' ,must be less than remote IP end, '%v'"; var GW_QOS_RULES_REMOTE_IP_END_SUBNET="%s' Remote IP end '%v' is in the LAN subnet"; var GW_QOS_RULES_REMOTE_IP_START_SUBNET="%s' Remote IP start '%v' is in the LAN subnet"; var GW_QOS_RULES_REMOTE_PORT="%s' Remote port start, %u, must be less than remote port end, %u"; var GW_QOS_RULES_REMOTE_PORT1="Remote port start"; var GW_QOS_RULES_REMOTE_PORT2="must be less than remote port end"; var GW_QOS_RULES_REMOTE_PORT3=""; var GW_QOS_RULES_REMOTE_PORT4="The QoS engine rules"; var GW_REMOTE_ADMINSTRATION="Gateway remote administration enabled"; var GW_ROUTES_DESTINATION_IP_ADDRESS_INVALID="Route destination IP %v is invalid"; var GW_ROUTES_GATEWAY_IP_ADDRESS_CONFLICTS="Gateway address %v must not be the address of the intended interface"; var GW_ROUTES_GATEWAY_IP_ADDRESS_CONFLICTS_WARNING="Route gateway IP %v matches the address of the intended interface and will be disabled."; var GW_ROUTES_GATEWAY_IP_ADDRESS_INVALID="Route gateway IP %v is invalid"; var GW_ROUTES_GATEWAY_IP_ADDRESS_IN_SUBNET_INVALID="Route gateway IP %v is not in interface subnet"; var GW_ROUTES_GATEWAY_SUBNET_SAME="Destination and Gateway should not reside on the same subnet %v"; var GW_ROUTES_INTERFACE_INVALID="Route interface is invalid"; var GW_ROUTES_METRIC_INVALID="Route metric %u is invalid, must be from 1 to 16"; var GW_ROUTES_ON_LINK_DATALINK_CHECK_INVALID="The route for %v on interface %s may not be created - only routes via gateways may be created on this interface"; var GW_ROUTES_ROUTERS_IP_ADDRESS_INVALID="Router IP %v must be a valid host address"; var GW_ROUTES_ROUTE_GATEWAY_NOT_IN_SUBNET_WARNING="Route gateway IP %v is not in interface subnet (%v/%v) and will be disabled."; var GW_ROUTES_SUBNET_INVALID="Route subnet %v is invalid"; var GW_SCHEDULES_DAY_INVALID="No day is selected"; var GW_SCHEDULES_DUPLICATED_INVALID="This schedule is already used in '%s'"; var GW_SCHEDULES_IN_USE_INVALID="Schedule '%s' can't be deleted or renamed because it is used."; var GW_SCHEDULES_IN_USE_INVALID_s1="Schedule"; var GW_SCHEDULES_IN_USE_INVALID_s2="can't be deleted or renamed because it is used."; var GW_SCHEDULES_IN_USE_INVALIDa="can't be deleted or renamed because it is used."; var GW_SCHEDULES_NAME_CONFLICT_INVALID="Name '%s' is already used"; var GW_SCHEDULES_NAME_INVALID="The \"Name\" field can not be blank"; var GW_SCHEDULES_NAME_RESERVED_INVALID="The Schedule name '%s' is reserved and can not be used"; var GW_SCHEDULES_NAME_RESERVED_INVALIDa="The Schedule name is reserved and can not be used"; var GW_SCHEDULES_TIME_INVALID="Invalid Time for schedule name '%s'"; var GW_SCHED_ALLOC_FAILED="System error occured when allocating schedule %s"; var GW_SCHED_ATTACH_FAILED="System error occured when attaching with schedule %s"; var GW_SECURE_REMOTE_ADMINSTRATION="Gateway remote administration enabled on port %u"; var GW_SMTP_EMAIL_CANNOT_CREATE_CONNECTION="Unable to create connection to email server"; var GW_SMTP_EMAIL_FAILED_DNS="Unable to find DNS record for SMTP (Email) server %s"; var GW_SMTP_EMAIL_INVALID_TO_ADDRESS="Unable to send email as \'%s\' is not a valid \"To\" address"; var GW_SMTP_EMAIL_NO_SERVER_IP_ADDRESS="Unable to send email as server IP address is not known"; var GW_SMTP_EMAIL_RESOLVED_DNS="SMTP (Email) server %s is at IP address %v"; var GW_SMTP_EMAIL_SEND_FAILURE="Unable to send email (send status %u)"; var GW_SMTP_EMAIL_TIMEOUT="Unable to send email (connection timed out)"; var GW_SMTP_FROM_ADDRESS_INVALID="The given FROM address (%s) is invalid"; var GW_SMTP_INIT_FAILED_WARNING="Initialisation of email failed"; var GW_SMTP_LAN_ADDRESS_CONFLICT_WARNING="Email server address conflicts with router LAN address - email will be disabled."; var GW_SMTP_PASSWORD_INVALID="Password is invalid"; var GW_SMTP_SERVER_ADDRESS_INVALID="The given server address (%s) is invalid"; var GW_SMTP_TO_ADDRESS_INVALID="The given TO address (%s) is invalid"; var GW_SMTP_USERNAME_INVALID="User name is invalid"; var GW_SYSLOG_ADDRESS_INVALID="Syslog server IP address is invalid."; var GW_SYSLOG_ADDRESS_IN_SUBNET_INVALID="Syslog server IP address %v is not in the lan subnet."; var GW_SYSLOG_ADDRESS_NOT_IN_SUBNET_WARNING="Syslog server IP address is no longer in the LAN subnet, this may need to be reconfigured."; var GW_SYSLOG_STATUS="Syslog server set as IP address %v"; var GW_TIME_FAILED_DNS="Unable to find DNS record for time server %s"; var GW_TIME_RESOLVED_DNS="Time server %s is at IP address %v"; var GW_UPGRADE_FAILED="Invalid firmware upgrade image uploaded - discarding it"; var GW_UPGRADE_SUCCEEDED="Firmware upgrade image successfully uploaded - installing"; var GW_UPNP_IGD_PORTMAP_ADD="UPnP added entry %v <-> %v%d <-> %v%d %s timeout%d '%s'"; var GW_UPNP_IGD_PORTMAP_CONFLICT="UPnP conflict with existing entry %v <-> %v%d <-> %v%d %s '%s'"; var GW_UPNP_IGD_PORTMAP_DEL="UPnP deleted entry %v <-> %v%d %s"; var GW_UPNP_IGD_PORTMAP_EXPIRE="UPnP expired entry %v <-> %v%d <-> %v%d %s '%s'"; var GW_UPNP_IGD_PORTMAP_REFRESH="UPnP renew entry %v <-> %v%d <-> %v%d %s timeout%d '%s'"; var GW_UPNP_IGD_PORTMAP_RELEASE="UPnP deleted entry %v <-> %v%d <-> %v%d %s '%s' (client released address)"; var GW_UPNP_IGD_PORTMAP_VS_CHANGE="UPnP changed VS entry %v <-> %v%d <-> %v%d %s to %s"; var GW_UPNP_PORTMAP_ADD="UPnP added entry %v <-> %v%d <-> %v%d %S timeout%d '%s'"; var GW_UPNP_PORTMAP_CONFLICT="UPnP conflict with existing entry %v <-> %v%d <-> %v%d %S '%s'"; var GW_UPNP_PORTMAP_DEL="UPnP deleted entry %v <-> %v%d %S"; var GW_UPNP_PORTMAP_EXPIRE="UPnP expired entry %v <-> %v%d <-> %v%d %S '%s'"; var GW_UPNP_PORTMAP_REFRESH="UPnP renew entry %v <-> %v%d <-> %v%d %S timeout%d '%s'"; var GW_UPNP_PORTMAP_VS_CHANGE="UPnP changed VS entry %v <-> %v%d <-> %v%d %S to %S"; var GW_URL_INVALID="URL given is invalid"; var GW_WAN_BIGPOND_PASSWORD_INVALID="A Big Pond password MUST be specified"; var GW_WAN_BIGPOND_SERVER_INVALID="A Big Pond server MUST be specified"; var GW_WAN_BIGPOND_SERVER_NOTSTD15="The specified Big Pond server is not a proper domain name or IP address."; var GW_WAN_BIGPOND_USERNAME_INVALID="A Big Pond user name MUST be specified"; var GW_WAN_CARRIER_DETECTED="WAN interface cable has been connected"; var GW_WAN_CARRIER_LOST="WAN interface cable has been disconnected"; var GW_WAN_CONNECT_ALWAYS_ON="Attempting to start always-on WAN connection"; var GW_WAN_CONNECT_ON_ACTIVE="Attempting to start WAN connection on-demand"; var GW_WAN_DISCONNECT_ON_INACTIVE="WAN connection inactive too long so attempting to disconnect"; var GW_WAN_DNS_SERVERS_INVALID="DNS Servers must be configured."; var GW_WAN_DNS_SERVER_PRIMARY_INVALID="Invalid primary DNS server IP address %v"; var GW_WAN_DNS_SERVER_SECONDARY_INVALID="Invalid secondary DNS server IP address %v"; var GW_WAN_DNS_SERVER_SECONDARY_WITHOUT_PRIMARY_INVALID="Secondary DNS cannot be specified without giving a primary also."; var GW_WAN_IDLE_TIME_INVALID="Invalid Idle Time (the permitted range is %u to %u)"; var GW_WAN_INTERFACE_DOWN="WAN interface is down"; var GW_WAN_INTERFACE_UP="WAN interface is up. Connection to Internet established with IP Address %v and default gateway %v"; var GW_WAN_L2TP_GATEWAY_IN_SUBNET_INVALID="L2TP Gateway IP address %v must be within the WAN subnet."; var GW_WAN_L2TP_GATEWAY_IP_ADDRESS_INVALID="Invalid L2TP gateway IP address %v"; var GW_WAN_L2TP_IP_ADDRESS_INVALID="Invalid L2TP IP address %v"; var GW_WAN_L2TP_PASSWORD_INVALID="A L2TP password MUST be specified"; var GW_WAN_L2TP_SERVER_IP_ADDRESS_INVALID="Invalid L2TP server IP address %v"; var GW_WAN_L2TP_SUBNET_INVALID="Invalid L2TP subnet mask %v"; var GW_WAN_L2TP_USERNAME_INVALID="A L2TP user name MUST be specified"; var GW_WAN_LAN_ADDRESS_CONFLICT_DHCP="THE ADDRESSING OF THE INTERNET SIDE LEARNT THRU DHCP CONFLICTS WITH THE ADDRESSING SELECTED FOR THE LAN SIDE. INTERNET COMMUNICATIONS WILL BE DISABLED UNTIL YOU HAVE CHANGED THE LAN SIDE ADDRESSING TO RESOLVE THE PROBLEM"; var GW_WAN_LAN_ADDRESS_CONFLICT_PPP="THE ADDRESSING OF THE INTERNET SIDE LEARNT THRU PPPoE CONFLICTS WITH THE ADDRESSING SELECTED FOR THE LAN SIDE. INTERNET COMMUNICATIONS WILL BE DISABLED UNTIL YOU HAVE CHANGED THE LAN SIDE ADDRESSING TO RESOLVE THE PROBLEM"; var GW_WAN_LAN_SUBNET_CONFLICT_INVALID="WAN subnet conflicts with LAN subnet"; var GW_WAN_MAC_ADDRESS_INVALID="Invalid WAN MAC address %m"; var GW_WAN_MODE_IS="Bringing up WAN using %s"; var GW_WAN_MTU_INVALID="The MTU size is invalid (the permitted range is %u to %u)"; var GW_WAN_PPPOE_IP_ADDRESS_INVALID="Invalid PPPoE IP address %v"; var GW_WAN_PPPOE_LAN_SUBNET_CONFLICT_INVALID="PPPoE IP address %v conflicts with LAN subnet"; var GW_WAN_PPPOE_PASSWORD_INVALID="A PPPoE password MUST be specified"; var GW_WAN_PPPOE_SESSION_NAME_CONFLICT="PPPoE session name %s conflicts with other session name"; var GW_WAN_PPPOE_USERNAME_INVALID="A PPPoE user name MUST be specified"; var GW_WAN_PPTP_GATEWAY_IN_SUBNET_INVALID="PPTP Gateway IP address %v must be within the WAN subnet."; var GW_WAN_PPTP_GATEWAY_IP_ADDRESS_INVALID="Invalid PPTP gateway IP address %v"; var GW_WAN_PPTP_IP_ADDRESS_INVALID="Invalid PPTP IP address %v"; var GW_WAN_PPTP_PASSWORD_INVALID="A PPTP password MUST be specified"; var GW_WAN_PPTP_SERVER_IP_ADDRESS_INVALID="Invalid PPTP server IP address %v"; var GW_WAN_PPTP_SUBNET_INVALID="Invalid PPTP subnet mask %v"; var GW_WAN_PPTP_USERNAME_INVALID="A PPTP user name MUST be specified"; var GW_WAN_RATE_ESTIMATOR_CONVERGENCE_ERROR="WAN interface speed measurement aborted as they did not converge"; var GW_WAN_RATE_ESTIMATOR_RATE_COMPLETED="WAN interface speed measurement completed"; var GW_WAN_RATE_ESTIMATOR_RATE_COMPLETED_WITH_SPEED="WAN interface speed measurement completed. Upstream speed is %u kbps"; var GW_WAN_RATE_ESTIMATOR_RESOURCE_ERROR="WAN interface speed measurements not started as low on resources"; var GW_WAN_RATE_ESTIMATOR_STARTED_ON_WAN="Estimating speed of WAN interface"; var GW_WAN_RECONNECT_ALWAYS_ON="Attempting to re-connect always-on WAN connection"; var GW_WAN_RECONNECT_INTERVAL_INVALID="Invalid Reconnect interval %u (must be between 20 and 180)"; var GW_WAN_RECONNECT_MODE_INVALID="Invalid reconnect mode"; var GW_WAN_RECONNECT_ON_ACTIVE="Attempting to re-connect on-demand WAN connection"; var GW_WAN_SERVICES_STARTED="Starting WAN Services"; var GW_WAN_SERVICES_STOPPED="Stopping WAN Services"; var GW_WAN_WAN_GATEWAY_IN_SUBNET_INVALID="WAN Gateway IP address %v must be within the WAN subnet."; var GW_WAN_WAN_GATEWAY_IP_ADDRESS_INVALID="Invalid WAN gateway IP address %v"; var GW_WAN_WAN_IP_ADDRESS_INVALID="Invalid WAN IP address %v"; var GW_WAN_WAN_SUBNET_INVALID="Invalid WAN subnet mask %v"; var GW_WEB_FILTER_HTTPS_NOT_SUPPORTED_INVALID="https is not a supported protocol."; var GW_WEB_FILTER_INITIAL_FAIL="Web filter initialization failed"; var GW_WEB_FILTER_WEBSITE_INVALID_INVALID="This web site address '%s' is invalid."; var GW_WEB_FILTER_WEB_SITE_IS_USED_INVALID="The web site address '%s' already used."; var GW_WEB_SERVER_IDLE_TIME="Idle time cannot be zero."; var GW_WEB_SERVER_NO_ACCESS="You must have at least one of HTTP or HTTPS enabled."; var GW_WEB_SERVER_PUBLIC_PORT_CAN_NOT_MATCH_HTTPS_ADMIN_PORT="Virtual server '%s' can not use the router's HTTPS WAN administration port, %u"; var GW_WEB_SERVER_PUBLIC_PORT_CAN_NOT_MATCH_HTTP_ADMIN_PORT="Virtual server '%s' can not use the router's HTTP WAN administration port, %u"; var GW_WEB_SERVER_SAME_PORT_LAN="HTTP and HTTPS cannot occupy the same LAN port."; var GW_WEB_SERVER_SAME_PORT_WAN="HTTP and HTTPS cannot occupy the same WAN port."; var GW_WIFISC_CFG_CHANGED_WARNING="Changing wireless security settings may cause Wi-Fi protected Setup to not function as expected."; var GW_WIFISC_DISABLED_AUTOMATICALLY="Wi-Fi protected setup disabled because security of SSID '%s' is set to WPA-Enterprise."; var GW_WIFISC_LOCK_VERIFY_ERR="AP should not be locked before configuring."; var GW_WIRELESS_DEVICE_ASSOCIATED="Wireless system with MAC address %m associated"; var GW_WIRELESS_DEVICE_DISCONNECTED="Wireless system with MAC address %m disconnected for reason %s"; var GW_WIRELESS_DEVICE_DISCONNECT_ALL="%sDisconnect all stations"; var GW_WIRELESS_DEVICE_LINK_UP="%s%sWireless system with MAC address %m secured and linked"; var GW_WIRELESS_DEVICE_START_FAILED="%sFailed to start wireless"; var GW_WIRELESS_RADAR_DETECTED="Wireless radar detected on channel %d"; var GW_WIRELESS_RESTART="%sWireless restart"; var GW_WIRELESS_SHUT_DOWN="%sWireless shut down"; var GW_WIRELESS_SWITCH_CHANNEL="Wireless radar detected, switch to channel %d"; var GW_WISH_RULES_DUPLICATED="'%s' is duplicate of '%s'"; var GW_WISH_RULES_HOST1_IP="%s' Host 1 IP start, %v, must be less than host 1 IP end, %v"; var GW_WISH_RULES_HOST1_PORT="%s' Host 1 port start, %u, must be less than host 1 port end, %u"; var GW_WISH_RULES_HOST2_IP="%s' Host 2 IP start, %v, must be less than host 2 IP end, %v"; var GW_WISH_RULES_HOST2_PORT="%s' Host 2 port start, %u, must be less than host 2 port end, %u"; var GW_WISH_RULES_NAME_ALREADY_USED="Name '%s' is already used."; var GW_WISH_RULES_NAME_INVALID="Name can not be empty string."; var GW_WISH_RULES_NAME_USED_INVALID="Name '%s' is already used."; var GW_WISH_RULES_PRIORITY_RANGE="%s' Priority, %u, needs to be between 0 and 7"; var GW_WISH_RULES_PROTOCOL="%s' Protocol, %u, needs to be between 0 and 257"; var GW_WLAN_11A_CHANNEL_INVALID="Can not use 802.11b/g channel when the 802.11 mode is 802.11a."; var GW_WLAN_11A_CH_MID_BAND_WARN="Not all station are able to operate in channel 100-140. Please change channel if the station fails to connect."; var GW_WLAN_11A_DFS_CHANNEL_INVALID="Per regulatory request, channel 52 - 140 can not be used without enable radar detection."; var GW_WLAN_11A_DFS_TURBO_INVALID="Can not use Turbo in 11a mode."; var GW_WLAN_11A_DYNAMIC_TURBO_INVALID="For 11a Dynamic Turbo mode, channel should be set to one of 40,48,56,153, or 161."; var GW_WLAN_11A_STATIC_TURBO_INVALID="For 11a Static Turbo mode, channel should be set to one of 42,50,58,152, or 160."; var GW_WLAN_11BG_CHANNEL_INVALID="Can not use 802.11a channel when the 802.11 mode is 802.11b/g."; var GW_WLAN_11B_DYNAMIC_TURBO_INVALID="Dynamic Turbo mode is not allowed with 802.11b."; var GW_WLAN_11B_STATIC_TURBO_INVALID="Static Turbo mode is not allowed with 802.11b."; var GW_WLAN_11G_TURBO_INVALID="For 11g Turbo mode, the channel should be set to 6."; var GW_WLAN_80211X_RADIUS_INVALID="Radius server address is not valid."; var GW_WLAN_ACCESS_DENIED="Access denied to wireless system with MAC address %m"; var GW_WLAN_BEACON_PERIOD_INVALID="Beacon period should be between 20 and 1000."; var GW_WLAN_CHANGING_PHY_MODE_TO_11NG_ONLY_INVALID="Can not change 802.11 Mode to 802.11n only, while there is an SSID with WEP security."; var GW_WLAN_DTIM_INVALID="DTIM should be between 1 and 255."; var GW_WLAN_FRAGMENT_THRESHOLD_INVALID="Fragmentation threshold should be between 256 and 2346."; var GW_WLAN_LINK_DOWN="Wireless Link is down"; var GW_WLAN_LINK_UP="Wireless Link is up"; var GW_WLAN_RADIO_0_NAME="2.4GHz Band"; var GW_WLAN_RADIO_1_NAME="5GHz Band"; var GW_WLAN_RTS_THRESHOLD_INVALID="RTS threshold should be between 0 and 2347."; var GW_WLAN_SETTING_SSID_SECURITY_TO_WEP_INVALID="Can not set WEP security for an SSID, while 802.11 Mode is 802.11n only."; var GW_WLAN_SSID_INVALID="The SSID field can not be blank."; var GW_WLAN_STATION_TIMEOUT="Timeout, station left"; var GW_WLAN_WDS_MAC_ADDR_INVALID="Can not use a multicast MAC address in WDS."; var GW_WLAN_WPA_PSK_HEX_STRING_INVALID="Pre-Shared Key should be all HEX chars if length is 64."; var GW_WLAN_WPA_PSK_LEN_INVALID="Incorrect key length, should be 8 to 63 characters long."; var GW_WLAN_WPA_REKEY_TIME_INVALID="WPA Group Key Update Interval should be between 30 and 65535 seconds."; var GW_WLAN_WPA_WPA2_TKIP_INVALID="WPA2 only mode doesn't support TKIP."; var GW_WLAN_WPA_WPA_AES_INVALID="WPA only mode doesn't support AES."; var GW_WLS_SCHEDULE_INIT="gw_wireless_schedule init"; var GW_WLS_SCHEDULE_START="gw_wireless_schedule start"; var GW_WLS_SCHEDULE_STOP="gw_wireless_schedule stop"; var GW_XML_CONFIG_GET_FAILED="Failed to export configuration file #%u"; var GW_XML_CONFIG_GET_SUCCESS="Successfully exported configuration file"; var GW_XML_CONFIG_SET_FAILED="Failed to import configuration file #%u"; var GW_XML_CONFIG_SET_LOCK="Configuration database lock failed #%u"; var GW_XML_CONFIG_SET_PARSE="Configuration file parse error around line %u char %u"; var GW_XML_CONFIG_SET_PARSE_MIME="Configuration file parse error (MIME)"; var GW_XML_CONFIG_SET_SUCCESS="Successfully imported configuration file"; var GW_XML_CONFIG_WRITE_FAILED="Failed to write configuration file %s"; var GW_XML_CONFIG_WRITE_WARN="Warning while writing configuration file %s"; var IGMP_HOST_LOW_RESOURCES="IGMP host has rejected group %v due to low system resources"; var IGMP_ROUTER_LOW_RESOURCES="IGMP router has rejected group %v due to low system resources"; var INBOUND_FILTER="Inbound Filter"; var INBOUND_FILTER_NAME="Inbound Filter Name"; var INFO="[INFO]"; var INGRESS="In"; var INTERNET_CONNECTION_TYPE="INTERNET CONNECTION TYPE"; var IPASYNCFILEUSB_MOUNT_FAILED="Failed to mount USB device"; var IPDHCPSERVER_HOST_IS_ACTIVE="Lease assignment attempt fail - detected a LAN host active with address %v and MAC of %m"; var IPDHCPSERVER_LEASE_ASSIGNED="Assigned new lease %v to client %m"; var IPDHCPSERVER_LEASE_DELETED="Lease was deleted from server pool %v"; var IPDHCPSERVER_LEASE_DENIED="Client %m wanted specific address (%v) but it is not available"; var IPDHCPSERVER_LEASE_EXPIRED="Lease expired %v"; var IPDHCPSERVER_LEASE_EXPIRED_SPECIFIC="Lease expired %v - was reassigned because a client specifically requested this address"; var IPDHCPSERVER_LEASE_POOL_FULL="Lease table full"; var IPDHCPSERVER_LEASE_RELEASED="Lease %v released by client %m"; var IPDHCPSERVER_LEASE_RENEW="Lease %v renewed by client %m"; var IPDHCPSERVER_LEASE_RESERVATION_DELETED="Lease reservation %v was deleted."; var IPDHCPSERVER_LEASE_REVOKED1="The client %02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x had its lease (%v) revoked."; var IPDHCPSERVER_LEASE_REVOKED2="The lease %v was revoked."; var IPDHCPSERVER_PARAM_DB_ADDED="DHCP Server Parameter %u was added to the parameter database"; var IPDHCPSERVER_PARAM_DB_REMOVED="DHCP Server Parameter %u was removed from the parameter database"; var IPDHCPSERVER_PARAM_DB_UPDATED="DHCP Server Parameter %u was updated"; var IPDNSRELAYALG_REJECTED_PACKET="DNS relay ALG rejected packet from %v%u to %v%u"; var IPDRIVE_MOUNT_FAILED="Failed to mount drive device"; var IPFAT_DISK_FULL="Disk is full"; var IPFAT_INCOMPATIBLE_FILESYS="Detected file system is not compatible (FAT32, FAT16, FAT12)"; var IPFAT_MOUNT_FAILED="Failed to mount FAT device"; var IPFTPALG_REJECTED_PACKET="FTP ALG rejected packet from %v%u to %v%u"; var IPH323ALG_REJECTED_PACKET="H.323 ALG rejected packet from %v%u to %v%u"; var IPL2TP_FATAL_TIMEOUT="L2TP local tunnel 0x%04X RTE module fatal timeout - remote server is not responding."; var IPL2TP_LOW_RESOURCES="L2TP local tunnel 0x%04X RTE module is low on resources."; var IPL2TP_SEQUENCING_ACTIVATED="L2TP session server started sending sequencing numbers for local session 0x%04X"; var IPL2TP_SEQUENCING_DEACTIVATED="L2TP session server stopped sending sequencing numbers for local session 0x%04X"; var IPL2TP_SESSION_ABORTED="L2TP local session 0x%04X aborted"; var IPL2TP_SESSION_CLEAR_DOWN_REQUEST="L2TP local session 0x%04X terminating"; var IPL2TP_SESSION_CONNECTED="L2TP local session 0x%04X connected"; var IPL2TP_SESSION_CONNECTING="Trying to start L2TP local session 0x%04X"; var IPL2TP_SESSION_CONNECT_FAIL="L2TP local session 0x%04X connect attempt failed"; var IPL2TP_SESSION_DOWN="L2TP local session 0x%04X is down"; var IPL2TP_SHUTDOWN_COMPLETE="L2TP local tunnel 0x%04X RTE module has shut down."; var IPL2TP_SHUTDOWN_STARTED="L2TP local tunnel 0x%04X RTE module is shutting down."; var IPL2TP_TUNNEL_ABORTING="L2TP local tunnel 0x%04X aborted"; var IPL2TP_TUNNEL_CONNECTED="L2TP local tunnel 0x%04X has been connected to \'%s\'"; var IPL2TP_TUNNEL_CONNECTING="Trying to connect to L2TP server"; var IPL2TP_TUNNEL_DISCONNECTED="L2TP local tunnel 0x%04X has been disconnected"; var IPL2TP_TUNNEL_DISCONNECTING="L2TP local tunnel 0x%04X is disconnecting"; var IPL2TP_TUNNEL_UNEXPECTED_MESSAGE="L2TP local tunnel 0x%04X received unexpected control message (ignored)"; var IPMMSALG_REJECTED_PACKET="MMS ALG rejected packet from %v%u to %v%u"; var IPMSCHAP_AUTH_FAIL="MSCHAP authentication failed - please check login details."; var IPMSCHAP_AUTH_FAIL_AND_NO_RETRY="MSCHAP send authentication response (Failure and no Retry)."; var IPMSCHAP_AUTH_RESULT="MSCHAP sent authentication response to peer."; var IPMSCHAP_AUTH_SEND_CHALLENGE="MSCHAP authenticator send challenge."; var IPMSCHAP_AUTH_SENT="MSCHAP authentication details were sent to authenticator."; var IPMSCHAP_AUTH_SUCCESS="MSCHAP authentication successful."; var IPMSCHAP_AUTH_TIMEOUT="MSCHAP authentication timed out - authentication failed."; var IPMSCHAP_CHALLENGE_RECVD="MSCHAP authentication challenge received from peer."; var IPMSNMESSENGERALG_REJECTED_PACKET="MSN Messenger ALG rejected packet from %v%u to %v%u"; var IPNAT_BLOCKED_EGRESS="Blocked outgoing packet from %v to %v (IP protocol %u)"; var IPNAT_BLOCKED_INGRESS="Blocked incoming packet from %v to %v (IP protocol %u)"; var IPNAT_BLOCKED_INGRESS_ICMP_ERROR_PACKET="Blocked incoming ICMP error message (ICMP type %u) from %v to %v as there is no session active for protocol %u between %v and %v"; var IPNAT_ICMP_BLOCKED_EGRESS_PACKET="Blocked outgoing ICMP packet (ICMP type %u) from %v to %v"; var IPNAT_ICMP_BLOCKED_INGRESS_ICMP_ERROR_PACKET="Blocked incoming ICMP error message (ICMP type %u) from %v to %v as there is no ICMP session active between %v and %v"; var IPNAT_ICMP_BLOCKED_INGRESS_PACKET="Blocked incoming ICMP packet (ICMP type %u) from %v to %v"; var IPNAT_ICMP_UNABLE_TO_HANDLE_HEADER="Dropped ICMP packet from %v to %v as unable handle packet header"; var IPNAT_ILLEGAL_DEST="Dropped packet to illegal destination %v from %v"; var IPNAT_SESSION_ALREADY_EXISTS="Dropped packet from %v to %v (protocol %u) as session already exists"; var IPNAT_TCP_BAD_FLAGS="Blocked TCP packet from %v%u to %v%u as control %s in not valid"; var IPNAT_TCP_BLOCKED_EGRESS_BAD_ACK="Blocked outgoing TCP packet from %v%u to %v%u with unexpected acknowledgement %lu (expected %lu to %lu)"; var IPNAT_TCP_BLOCKED_EGRESS_BAD_SEQ="Blocked outgoing TCP packet from %v%u to %v%u with unexpected sequence %lu (expected %lu to %lu)"; var IPNAT_TCP_BLOCKED_EGRESS_NOT_SYN="Blocked outgoing TCP packet from %v%u to %v%u as %s received but there is no active connection"; var IPNAT_TCP_BLOCKED_EGRESS_UNEXP_FLAGS="Blocked outgoing TCP packet from %v%u to %v%u as %s is not allowed in state %s"; var IPNAT_TCP_BLOCKED_INGRESS_BAD_ACK="Blocked incoming TCP packet from %v%u to %v%u with unexpected acknowledgement %lu (expected %lu to %lu)"; var IPNAT_TCP_BLOCKED_INGRESS_BAD_SEQ="Blocked incoming TCP packet from %v%u to %v%u with unexpected sequence %lu (expected %lu to %lu)"; var IPNAT_TCP_BLOCKED_INGRESS_ICMP_ERROR_PACKET="Blocked incoming ICMP error message (ICMP type %u) from %v to %v as there is no TCP connection active between %v%u and %v%u"; var IPNAT_TCP_BLOCKED_INGRESS_NOT_SYN="Blocked incoming TCP packet from %v%u to %v%u as %s received but there is no active connection"; var IPNAT_TCP_BLOCKED_INGRESS_SYN="Blocked incoming TCP connection request from %v%u to %v%u"; var IPNAT_TCP_BLOCKED_INGRESS_UNEXP_FLAGS="Blocked incoming TCP packet from %v%u to %v%u as %s is not allowed in state %s"; var IPNAT_TCP_UNABLE_TO_HANDLE_HEADER="Dropped TCP packet from %v to %v as unable handle packet header"; var IPNAT_TCP_UNABLE_TO_MODIFY_OPTIONS="Dropped TCP packet from %v%u to %v%u as unable to modify header options"; var IPNAT_UDP_BLOCKED_INGRESS="Blocked incoming UDP packet from %v%u to %v%u"; var IPNAT_UDP_BLOCKED_INGRESS_ICMP_ERROR_PACKET="Blocked incoming ICMP error message (ICMP type %u) from %v to %v as there is no UDP session active between %v%u and %v%u"; var IPNAT_UDP_UNABLE_TO_HANDLE_HEADER="Dropped UDP packet from %v to %v as unable handle packet header"; var IPNAT_UNABLE_TO_CREATE_CONNECTION="Dropped packet from %v to %v (IP protocol %u) as unable to create new session"; var IPPMVM_MOUNT_FAILED="Failed to mount PV%d device"; var IPPORTFORWARDALG_TCP_PACKET_ALLOC_FAILURE="Port forwarding ALG failed to allocate session for TCP packet from %v%u to %v%u"; var IPPORTFORWARDALG_UDP_PACKET_ALLOC_FAILURE="Port forwarding ALG failed to allocate session for UDP packet from %v%u to %v%u"; var IPPORTTRIGGERALG_TCP_PACKET_ALLOC_FAILURE="Port trigger ALG failed to allocate session for TCP packet from %v%u to %v%u"; var IPPORTTRIGGERALG_UDP_PACKET_ALLOC_FAILURE="Port trigger ALG failed to allocate session for UDP packet from %v%u to %v%u"; var IPPPPCHAP_AUTH_FAIL="CHAP authentication failed - please check login details."; var IPPPPCHAP_AUTH_SENT="CHAP Authentication details sent to peer."; var IPPPPCHAP_AUTH_SUCCESS="CHAP authentication successful."; var IPPPPCHAP_CHALLENGE_RECVD="CHAP authentication challenge received from peer."; var IPPPPIPCP_PPP_LINK_DOWN="PPP network down"; var IPPPPIPCP_PPP_LINK_UP="PPP network up with IP Address %v"; var IPPPPLCP_SET_LOCAL_AUTH="LCP sets local auth %04x"; var IPPPPLCP_SET_LOCAL_OPTIONS="LCP sets local options ACCM %lx, ACFC %u, PFC MRU %u"; var IPPPPLCP_SET_REMOTE_AUTH="LCP sets remote auth %04x"; var IPPPPLCP_SET_REMOTE_OPTIONS="LCP sets remote options ACCM %lx, ACFC %u, PFC MRU %u"; var IPPPPPAP_AUTH_FAIL="PAP authentication failed - please check login details."; var IPPPPPAP_AUTH_ISSUE="PAP issued an authentication request."; var IPPPPPAP_AUTH_RESULT="PAP sent authentication \'%s\' response to remote peer."; var IPPPPPAP_AUTH_SUCCESS="PAP authentication successful."; var IPPPPPAP_AUTH_TIMEOUT="PAP authentication timed out - authentication failed."; var IPRTSPALG_REJECTED_ODD_RTP_PACKET="RTSP ALG rejected packet from %v%u to %v%u with odd RTP port %u"; var IPRTSPALG_REJECTED_PACKET="RTSP ALG rejected packet from %v%u to %v%u"; var IPSEC_ALG_ESP_BLOCKED_INGRESS="Blocked incoming GRE packet from %v to %v"; var IPSEC_ALG_ESP_ESTABLISH_ALREADY_PENDING="Dropped ESP packet from %v as connection attempt already pending from %v to %v"; var IPSEC_ALG_ESP_UNABLE_TO_HANDLE_HEADER="Dropped ESP packet from %v to %v as unable handle packet header"; var IPSEC_ALG_REJECTED_PACKET="IPSec ALG rejected packet from %v%u to %v%u"; var IPSIPALG_REJECTED_PACKET="SIP ALG rejected packet from %v%u to %v%u"; var IPSMTPCLIENT_CANNOT_CREATE_CONNECTION="Unable to create connection to email server"; var IPSMTPCLIENT_CONN_FAILED="SMTP client failed to connect to server %v"; var IPSMTPCLIENT_DATA_FAILED="failed to send email data"; var IPSMTPCLIENT_DIALOG_FAILED="SMTP failed during sender/recipient dialog"; var IPSMTPCLIENT_MSG_FAILED="SMTP client failed to send email"; var IPSMTPCLIENT_MSG_SENT="SMTP client succeeded sending email"; var IPSMTPCLIENT_MSG_WRONG_RECEPIENT_ADDR_FORMAT="recepient email address is in wrong format"; var IPSMTPCLIENT_MSG_WRONG_SENDER_ADDR_FORMAT="sender email address is in wrong format"; var IPSMTPCLIENT_NO_SERVER_IP_ADDRESS="Unable to send email since server IP address could not resolved"; var IPSMTPCLIENT_RESOLVED_DNS="SMTP (Email) server %s is at IP address %v"; var IPSTACK_REJECTED_LAND_ATTACK="Blocked packet from %v to %v (LAND Attack)"; var IPSTACK_REJECTED_SOURCE_ROUTED_PACKET="Blocked source-routed packet from %v to %v"; var IPSTACK_REJECTED_SPOOFED_PACKET="Blocked packet from %v to %v that was received from the wrong network interface (IP address spoofing)"; var IPV6_routing = "IPv6 Routing"; var IPV6_TEXT0="IPv6 Address"; var IPV6_TEXT01="IPv4 Address"; var IPV6_TEXT1="IPv6 PPPoE is share with IPv4 PPPoE. Please change IPv6 WAN protocol at first!"; var IPV6_TEXT10="Wired Equivalent Protocol (WEP) is a wireless security protocol for Wireless Local Area Networks (WLAN). WEP provides security by encrypting the data that is sent over the WLAN. The router supports 2 levels of WEP Encryption: 64-bit and 128-bit. WEP is disabled by default. The WEP setting can be changed to suit an existing wireless network or to customize your wireless network."; var IPV6_TEXT100="IPv6 Address Range (DHCPv6)"; var IPV6_TEXT101="Once your D-Link router is properly configured and this option is enabled, the router will manage the IPv6 addresses and other network configuration information for computers and other devices connected to your Local Area Network. There is no need for you to do this yourself."; var IPV6_TEXT102="It is possible for a computer or device that is manually configured to have an IPv6 address that does reside within this range."; var IPV6_TEXT103="The amount of time that a computer may have an IPv6 address before it is required to renew the lease."; var IPV6_TEXT104="IPv6 Default Gateway"; var IPV6_TEXT105="IPv6 WAN Default Gateway"; var IPV6_TEXT11="Authentication is a process by which the router verifies the identity of a network device that is attempting to join the wireless network. There are two types of authentication for this device when using WEP."; var IPV6_TEXT12="Select this option to allow all wireless devices to communicate with the router without being required to provide the encryption key needed to gain access to the network."; //var IPV6_TEXT13="Select this option if you require any wireless device attempting to communicate with the router to provide the encryption key needed to access the network before being allowed to communicate with the DIR-865."; var IPV6_TEXT13="Select this option if you require any wireless device attempting to communicate with the router to provide the encryption key needed to access the network before being allowed to communicate with the <-- model_number -->."; var IPV6_TEXT14="Select the level of WEP Encryption that you would like to use on your network. The two supported levels are 64-bit and 128-bit."; //var IPV6_TEXT15="The Key Types that are supported by the DIR-865 are HEX (Hexadecimal) and ASCII (American Standard Code for Information Interchange.) The Key Type can be changed to suit an existing wireless network or to customize your wireless network."; var IPV6_TEXT15="The Key Types that are supported by the <-- model_number --> are HEX (Hexadecimal) and ASCII (American Standard Code for Information Interchange.) The Key Type can be changed to suit an existing wireless network or to customize your wireless network."; var IPV6_TEXT16="Keys"; var IPV6_TEXT17="Keys 1-4 allow you to easily change wireless encryption settings to maintain a secure network. Simply select the specific key to be used for encrypting the network wireless data."; var IPV6_TEXT18="Key Type"; var IPV6_TEXT19="WEP Encryption"; var IPV6_TEXT2="Invalid Network Key!"; var IPV6_TEXT20="Wi-Fi Protected Access authorizes and authenticates users coming onto the wireless network. WPA uses stronger security than WEP and is based on a key that changes automatically at regular intervals."; var IPV6_TEXT21="DIR-865 supports two different cipher types when WPA is used as the Security Type. These two options are TKIP (Temporal Key Integrity Protocol) and AES (Advanced Encryption Standard)."; var IPV6_TEXT22="PSK/EAP"; var IPV6_TEXT23="When PSK is selected, your wireless clients will need to provide a Passphrase for authentication. When EAP is selected, you will need to have a RADIUS server on your network which will handle the authentication of all your wireless clients."; var IPV6_TEXT24="Passphrase"; var IPV6_TEXT25="This will be needed by your wireless clients in order to communicate with your DIR-865, when PSK is selected. Enter 8 to 63 alphanumeric characters. Be sure to write this Passphrase down as you will need to enter it on any other wireless devices you are trying to add to your network."; var IPV6_TEXT26="This means of WPA authentication is used in conjunction with a RADIUS server that must be presented on your network. Enter the IP address, port, and Shared Secret used to configure the RADIUS. You also have the option to enter information for a second RADIUS server in the event that there are two on your network being used to authenticate wireless clients."; var IPV6_TEXT27="Wi-Fi Protected Access 2 authorizes and authenticates users onto the wireless network. WPA2 uses stronger security than WEP and is based on a key that changes automatically at regular intervals."; var IPV6_TEXT28="Use this section to configure your IPv6 Connection type. If you are unsure of your connection method, please contact your Internet Service Provider."; var IPV6_TEXT29="IPv6 CONNECTION TYPE"; var IPV6_TEXT29a="IPv6 Connection Type"; var IPV6_TEXT3="Enable Routing Between Zones"; var IPV6_TEXT30="Choose the mode to be used by the router to the IPv6 Internet."; var IPV6_TEXT31="My IPv6 Connection is"; var IPV6_TEXT32="Static IPv6"; var IPV6_TEXT32a="Autoconfiguration (SLAAC/DHCPv6)"; var IPV6_TEXT32b="Auto Detection"; var IPV6_TEXT32c="Autoconfiguration (Stateless/DHCPv6)"; var IPV6_TEXT32d="Autoconfiguration (SLAAC/DHCPv6) + 6RD"; var IPV6_TEXT33="DHCPv6"; var IPV6_TEXT34="PPPoE"; var IPV6_TEXT35="IPv6 in IPv4 Tunnel"; var IPV6_TEXT36="6to4"; var IPV6_TEXT36a="6rd"; var IPV6_TEXT37="Link-local only"; var IPV6_TEXT37a="Local Connectivity Only"; var IPV6_TEXT38="IPv6 in IPv4 TUNNEL SETTINGS"; var IPV6_TEXT39="Enter the IPv6 in IPv4 Tunnel information provided by your Tunnel Broker."; var IPV6_TEXT4="Enable SSID"; var IPV6_TEXT40="Remote IPv4 Address"; var IPV6_TEXT41="Remote IPv6 Address"; var IPV6_TEXT42="Local IPv4 Address"; var IPV6_TEXT43="Local IPv6 Address"; var IPV6_TEXT44="LAN IPv6 ADDRESS SETTINGS"; var IPV6_TEXT45="Use this section to configure the internal network settings of your router. If you change the LAN IPv6 Address here, you may need to adjust your PC network settings to access the network again."; var IPV6_TEXT45a="Enable DHCP-PD"; var IPV6_TEXT45b="DHCP-PD"; var IPV6_TEXT45c="IPv6 network assigned
by DHCP-PD"; var IPV6_TEXT46="LAN IPv6 Address"; var IPV6_TEXT47="LAN IPv6 Link-Local Address"; var IPV6_TEXT48="ADDRESS AUTOCONFIGURATION SETTINGS"; var IPV6_TEXT49="Use this section to setup IPv6 Autoconfiguration to assign IP addresses to the computers on your network."; var IPV6_TEXT49a="You can also enable DHCP-PD to delegate prefixes for router in your LAN."; var IPV6_TEXT5="This selection helps you to define the Guest Zone scale."; var IPV6_TEXT50="Enable automatic IPv6 address assignment"; var IPV6_TEXT50a="Enable Automatic DHCP-PD in LAN"; var IPV6_TEXT51="Autoconfiguration Type"; var IPV6_TEXT52="SLAAC + RDNSS"; var IPV6_TEXT53="Stateful DHCPv6"; var IPV6_TEXT53a="SLAAC + Stateless DHCPv6"; var IPV6_TEXT54="IPv6 Address Range (Start)"; var IPV6_TEXT55="IPv6 Address Range (End)"; var IPV6_TEXT56="IPv6 Address Lifetime"; var IPV6_TEXT57="Router Advertisement Lifetime"; var IPV6_TEXT58="When configuring the router to access the IPv6 Internet, be sure to choose the correct IPv6 Connection Type from the drop down menu. If you are unsure of which option to choose, contact your Internet Service Provider (ISP)."; var IPV6_TEXT59="If you are having trouble accessing the IPv6 Internet through the router, double check any settings you have entered on this page and verify them with your ISP if needed."; var IPV6_TEXT6="Specifies whether the Guest Zone will be enabled or disabled."; var IPV6_TEXT60="6to4 SETTINGS"; var IPV6_TEXT61="Enter the IPv6 address information provided by your Internet Service Provider (ISP)."; var IPV6_TEXT62="6to4 Address"; var IPV6_TEXT62a="6to4 Relay"; var IPV6_TEXT63="IPv6 DNS SETTINGS"; var IPV6_TEXT64="Obtain a DNS server address automatically or enter a specific DNS server address."; var IPV6_TEXT64a="Enter a specific DNS server address."; var IPV6_TEXT65="Obtain a DNS server address automatically"; var IPV6_TEXT66="Use the following DNS address"; var IPV6_TEXT67="LAN IPv6 address for local IPv6 communications."; var IPV6_TEXT68="Address Lifetime"; var IPV6_TEXT69="Advertisement Lifetime"; var IPV6_TEXT7="Provide a name for Guest Zone wireless network."; var IPV6_TEXT70="Address Range (Start)"; var IPV6_TEXT71="Address Range (End)"; var IPV6_TEXT72="Enter the information provided by your Internet Service Provider (ISP)."; var IPV6_TEXT73="Idle Time"; var IPV6_TEXT74="Subnet Prefix Length"; var IPV6_TEXT75="Default Gateway"; var IPV6_TEXT76="The IPv6 (Internet Protocol version 6) section is where you configure your IPv6 Connection type."; var IPV6_TEXT77="There are several connection types to choose from: Link-local, Static IPv6, DHCPv6, Stateless Autoconfiguration, PPPoE, IPv6 in IPv4 Tunnel and 6to4. If you are unsure of your connection method, please contact your IPv6 Internet Service Provider. Note: If using the PPPoE option, you will need to ensure that any PPPoE client software on your computers has been removed or disabled."; var IPV6_TEXT78="Link-local Mode"; var IPV6_TEXT79="The Link-local address is used by nodes and routers when communicating with neighboring nodes on the same link. This mode enables IPv6-capable devices to communicate with each other on the LAN side."; var IPV6_TEXT8="Use this section to enable routing between Host Zone and Guest Zone, Guest clients cannot access Host clients' data without enabling this function."; var IPV6_TEXT80="Static IPv6 Mode"; var IPV6_TEXT81="This mode is used when your ISP provides you with a set IPv6 addresses that does not change. The IPv6 information is manually entered in your IPv6 configuration settings. You must enter the IPv6 address, Subnet Prefix Length, Default Gateway, Primary DNS Server, and Secondary DNS Server. Your ISP provides you with all this information."; var IPV6_TEXT82="DHCPv6 Mode"; var IPV6_TEXT83="This is a method of connection where the ISP assigns your IPv6 address when your router requests one from the ISP's server. Some ISP's require you to make some settings on your side before your router can connect to the IPv6 Internet."; var IPV6_TEXT84="Stateless Autoconfiguration Mode"; var IPV6_TEXT85="This is a method of connection where the ISP assigns your IPv6 address when your router requests one from the Default Gateway. Configuration of the IPv6 address is based on the receipt of the Router Advertisement message."; var IPV6_TEXT86="Select this option if your ISP requires you to use a PPPoE (Point to Point Protocol over Ethernet) connection to IPv6 Internet. DSL providers typically use this option. This method of connection requires you to enter a Username and Password (provided by your Internet Service Provider) to gain access to the IPv6 Internet. The supported authentication protocols are PAP and CHAP."; var IPV6_TEXT87="Select this option if the ISP's servers assign the router's WAN IPv6 address upon establishing a connection."; var IPV6_TEXT88="If your ISP has assigned a fixed IPv6 address, select this option. The ISP provides the value for the IPv6 Address."; var IPV6_TEXT89="The time interval the machine can be idle before the WAN link is disconnected. The Maximum Idle Time value is only used for the \"On demand\" and \"Manual\" reconnect modes."; var IPV6_TEXT9="Securing your wireless network is important as it is used to protect the integrity of the information being transmitted. The router is capable of 4 types of wireless security; WEP, WPA only, WPA2 only, and WPA/WPA2 (auto-detect)."; var IPV6_TEXT90="IPv6 in IPv4 Tunnel Mode"; var IPV6_TEXT91="IPv6 in IPv4 tunneling encapsulate of IPv6 packets in IPv4 packets so that IPv6 packets can be sent over an IPv4 infrastructure."; var IPV6_TEXT92="6to4 Mode"; var IPV6_TEXT93="6to4 is an IPv6 address assignment and automatic tunneling technology that used to provide unicast IPv6 connectivity between IPv6 sites and hosts across the IPv4 Internet."; var IPV6_TEXT94="Primary DNS Server, Secondary DNS Server: Enter the IPv6 addresses of the DNS Servers. Leave the field for the secondary server empty if not used."; var IPV6_TEXT95="These are the settings of the LAN (Local Area Network) IPv6 interface for the router. The router's LAN IPv6 Address configuration is based on the IPv6 Address and Subnet assigned by your ISP. (A subnet with prefix /64 is supported in LAN.)"; var IPV6_TEXT96="Use this section to set up IPv6 Autoconfiguration to assign an IPv6 address to the computers on your local network. A Stateless and a Stateful Autoconfiguration method are provided."; var IPV6_TEXT97="These two values (from and to) define a range of IPv6 addresses that the DHCPv6 Server uses when assigning addresses to computers and devices on your Local Area Network. Any addresses that are outside this range are not managed by the DHCPv6 Server. However, these could be used for manually configuring devices or devices that cannot use DHCPv6 to automatically obtain network address details."; var IPV6_TEXT98="When you select Stateful (DHCPv6), the following options are displayed."; var IPV6_TEXT99="The computers (and other devices) connected to your LAN also need to have their TCP/IP configuration set to \"DHCPv6\" or \"Obtain an IPv6 address automatically\"."; var IPV6_TEXT99="The computers (and other devices) connected to your LAN also need to have their TCP/IP configuration set to \"DHCPv6\" or \"Obtain an IPv6 address automatically\"."; var IPV6_WAN_IP="WAN IPv6 ADDRESS SETTINGS"; var IPV6_PPPoE_session="PPPoE Session:"; var IPV6_PPPoE_share="Share with IPv4"; var IPV6_PPPoE_create="Create a new session"; var IPV6_PPPoE_v4wan="IPv6 PPPoE is share with IPv4 PPPoE. Please change IPv4 WAN protocol to PPPoE at first!"; var IPV6_simple_security="IPv6 SIMPLE SECURITY"; var IPV6_simple_security_enable="Enable IPv6 Simple Security"; var IPV6_ingress_filtering_enable="Enable IPv6 Ingress Filtering"; var IPV6_firewall_rule_name="IPv6 firewall rule name \" + i + \" invalid. the legal characters can not enter /"; var IPV6_firewall_filter_setting="Firewall Filter settings will lockout all packets. This is not allowed."; var IPV6_firewall="IPv6 FIREWALL"; var IPV6_firewall_name="IPv6 FIREWALL RULES NAME"; var IPV6_firewall_info="The Firewall settings section is an advance feature used to allow or deny traffic from passing through the device. It works in the same way as IP Filters with additional settings. You can create more detailed rules for the device."; var IPV6_firewall_config="Configure IPv6 Firewall below"; var IPV6_firewall_turn_off="Turn IPv6 Firewall OFF"; var IPV6_firewall_allow="Turn IPv6 Firewall ON and ALLOW rules listed"; var IPV6_firewall_deny="Turn IPv6 Firewall ON and DENY rules listed"; var IPV6_firewall_remaining="Remaining number of firewall rules that can be configured"; var IPV6_firewall_msg1="For each rule you can create a name and control the direction of traffic. You can also allow or deny a range of IP Addresses, the protocol and a port range."; var IPV6_firewall_msg2="In order to apply a schedule to a firewall rule, your must first define a schedule on the Tools → Schedules page"; var IPV6_firewall_port1="Invalid port range (min > max)"; var IPV6_firewall_interface="Source and destination interface can not be the same for rule number"; var IPV6_6rd_info="Use this section to configure your IPv6 Connection type. If you are unsure of your connection method, please contact your Internet Service Provider."; var IPV6_6rd_choose_mode="Choose the mode to be used by the router to the IPv6 Internet."; var IPV6_6rd_setting="6RD SETTINGS"; var IPV6_6rd_prefix="6rd IPv6 Prefix"; var IPV6_6rd_address="6rd Address"; var IPV6_6rd_relay="6rd Border Relay IPv4 Address"; var IPV6_6rd_mask="Mask Length"; var IPV6_6rd_assign="Assign IPv6 Prefix"; var IPV6_6rd_tunnel="Tunnel Link-Local Address"; var IPV6_6rd_config="6rd Configuration"; var IPV6_6rd_dhcp="6rd DHCPv4 Option"; var IPV6_6rd_manual="Manual Configuration"; var IPV6_6rd_v4wan="6rd will use DHCPv4 option. Please change IPv4 WAN protocol to DHCP at first!"; var IPV6_6rd_v6wan="6rd is using DHCPv4 option. Please change IPv6 WAN protocol at first!"; var IPV6_static_link="Use Link-Local Address"; var IPV6_static_prefix="The value of Subnet Prefix Length must be an integer."; var IPv6_wizard_button_0="Try again"; var IPv6_wizard_button_1="Guide me through the IPv6 setting"; var IPv6_wizard_0="IPv6 Internet connection"; var IPv6_wizard_1="IPv6 Internet Connection Setup Wizard"; var IPv6_wizard_2="Manual IPv6 Internet Connection Setup"; var IPv6_wizard_3="Welcome to the D-Link IPv6 internet connection setup wizard"; var IPv6_wizard_4="Router is detecting your IPv6 Internet connection type, please wait ..."; var IPv6_wizard_5="Router is unable detect your IPv6 Internet connection type"; var IPv6_wizard_6="Please select your IPv6 Internet Connection type"; var IPv6_wizard_7="IPv6 over PPPoE"; var IPv6_wizard_8="Static IPv6 address and Route"; var IPv6_wizard_9="Tunneling Connection (6rd)"; var IPv6_wizard_10="Set username and password connection (PPPoE)"; var IPv6_wizard_11="Set static IPv6 address connection"; var IPv6_wizard_12="Set up 6rd tunneling connection"; var IPv6_wizard_13="IPv6 DNS Server"; var IPv6_wizard_14="Setup complete!"; var IPv6_wizard_15="Manual IPv6 Local Connectivity Settings"; var IPv6_wizard_16="IPv6 Local Connectivity Settings"; var IPV6_wizard_info_0="There are two ways to set up your IPv6 internet connection. You can use the Web-based IPv6 Internet Connection Setup Wizard, or you can manually configure the connection."; var IPV6_wizard_info_1="If you would link to utilize our easy to use Web-based Wizard to assist you in connecting your new D-Link Systems Router to the IPv6 Internet, click on the button below."; var IPV6_wizard_info_2="If you would like to configure the IPv6 Internet settings of your new D-Link Systems Router manually, then click on the button below."; var IPV6_wizard_info_3="This wizard will guide you through a step-by-step process to configure a new connection to the IPv6 Internet."; var IPV6_wizard_info_4="Choose this option if your IPv6 Internet connection requires a username and password to get online. Most DSL modems use this type of connection."; var IPV6_wizard_info_5="Choose this option if your Internet Service Provider (ISP) provided you with IPv6 address information that has to be manually configured."; var IPV6_wizard_info_6="Choose this option if your Internet Service Provider (ISP) provided you a IPv6 Internet connection by using 6rd automatic tunneling mechanism."; var IPV6_wizard_info_7="To set up this 6rd tunneling connection you will need to have the following information from your IPv6 Internet Service Provider. If you do not have this information, please contact your ISP."; var IPV6_wizard_info_8="The IPv6 Internet Connection Setup Wizard has completed. Click the Connect button to save your settings and reboot the router."; var IPV6_wizard_info_9="To set up this connection you will need to have a complete list of IPv6 information provided by your IPv6 Internet Service Provider. If you have a Static IPv6 connection and do not have this information, please contact your ISP."; var IPV6_wizard_info_10="To set up this connection you will need to have a Username and Password from your IPv6 Internet Service Provider. If you do not have this information, please contact your ISP."; var IPV6_wizard_info_11="If you would like to configure IPv6 local connectivity setting of your D-Link Router, then click on the button below"; var IPV6_wizard_step_1="Step 1: Configure your IPv6 Internet Connection"; var IPV6_wizard_step_2="Step 2: Save setting and connect"; var IPV6_wizard_help_1="If you are new to networking and have never configured a router before,click on IPv6 Internet Connection Setup Wizard and the router will guide you through a few simple steps to get your network up and running."; var IPV6_wizard_help_2="If you consider yourself an advanced user and have configured a router before,click IPv6 Local Connectivity Settings and Manual IPv6 Internet Connection Setup to input all the settings manually."; var STATUS_IPV6_DESC_0="This page displays your IPv6 internet and network connection details."; var STATUS_IPV6_DESC_1="IPv6 Connection Information"; var STATUS_IPV6_DESC_2="The name of the connected computer."; var STATUS_IPV6_DESC_3="The type of IPv6 connection."; var STATUS_IPV6_DESC_4="The MAC address of the connected computer."; var STATUS_IPV6_DESC_5="The LAN IPv6 Link-Local Address."; var STATUS_IPV6_DESC_6="The IPv6 address of the connected computer."; var IPV6_ROUTING_TABLE="IPv6 Routing Table"; var IPV6_ROUTING_TABLE_INFO="This page dsiplays the IPv6 routing detials configured for your router"; var DSLITE="DS-Lite"; var DSLITE_CONFIG="DS-Lite Configuration"; var DSLITE_DHCP="DS-Lite DHCPv6 Option"; var DSLITE_AFTR="AFTR IPv6 Address"; var DSLITE_B4="B4 IPv4 Address"; var DSLITE_DHCP_INFO="IPv6 wan type should be SLAAC/DHCPv6, PPPoE, Autodetect Mode"; var DSLITE_B4_RANGE="The range of B4 IPv4 address is from to"; var DSLITE_AFTR_INFO="Enter the AFTR address information provided by your Internet Service Provider(ISP)."; var IPWEBFILTER_REJECTED_PACKET="Web filter rejected packet from %v%u to %v%u"; var IPWOLALG_REJECTED_PACKET="Wake-on-LAN ALG rejected packet from %v%u to %v%u"; var IP_FILTERS="IP Filters"; var IT="Italiano"; var KR="Korean"; var KR1="Port Filter name"; var KR1a="'Port Filter name'+ i + 'is invalid. The legal characters can not enter',/,'''"; var KR10="Private port should be in range (1..65535) for virtual server"; var KR100="Save Settings Failed"; var KR100_a="Save To Local Hard Drive"; var KR101="The device may be too busy to properly receive it right now. Please try to save the settings again."; var KR102="Save Settings Succeeded"; var KR103="The Wi-Fi Protected Setup Network Settings have been saved successfully."; var KR104="The router must be rebooted before the new settings will take effect. You can reboot now, or you can continue to make other changes and reboot later."; var KR105="Anti-Spoof checking"; var KR106="Enable anti-spoof checking"; var KR107="When this option is enabled, the router restricts the flow of outbound traffic so as not to exceed the WAN uplink bandwidth."; var KR108="This mechanism protects against activity from spoofed or forged IP addresses, mainly by blocking packets appearing on interfaces and in directions which are logically not possible."; var KR109="Log Entries"; var KR11="Public port should be in range (1..65535) for virtual server"; var KR110="Message"; var KR111="Warnings were raised as a result of configuration changes."; var KR112="You should examine these warnings as some features may have been disabled."; var KR113="Log Type"; var KR114="Destination IP"; var KR12="WAN Port Mode"; var KR13="Router Mode"; var KR136="You should examine these warnings, because some features may have been disabled or modified."; var KR14="Bridge Mode"; var KR15="802.11 Band"; var KR16="2.4GHz"; var KR17="5GHz"; var KR18="Enter an 8 to 63 character alphanumeric pass-phrase."; var KR19="For good security it should be of ample length and should not be a commonly known phrase."; var KR2="Invalid IP address"; var KR20="The Wireless Device PIN field cannot be blank"; var KR21="The Wireless Device PIN is not valid"; var KR22="The Wireless Device PIN should be either 4 or 8 digits"; var KR22_ww="Invalid PIN number."; var KR23="Process stopped. You can click on the Cancel button below to return to the beginning of the wizard page and restart the process"; var KR24="Cannot stop the process"; var KR25="Session Time-Out"; var KR26="In progress"; var KR27="Succeeded. To add another device click on the Cancel button below or click on the Wireless Status button to check wireless status."; var KR28="Session Aborted"; var KR29="PIN (1st half) Mismatch Detected"; var KR3="Invalid MAC address"; var KR30="PIN (2nd half) Mismatch Detected"; var KR31="Session Over"; var KR32="Received Unknown Message"; var KR33="Welcome to the Add Wireless Device Wizard"; var KR34="This wizard will guide you through a step-by-step process to add your wireless device to your wireless network."; var KR35="Step 1: Select Configuration Method for your Wireless Network"; var KR36="Step 2: Connect your Wireless Device"; var KR37="For information on which configuration method your wireless device support, please refer to the adapters' documentation."; var KR38="PIN"; var KR39="Select this option if your wireless device supports PIN"; var KR4="WLAN Partition"; var KR40="Push Button"; var KR41="Select this option if your wireless device supports push button"; var KR42="Select this option if you want to configure your wireless device manually"; var KR43="Please enter the PIN of your wireless device, then click on the Connect button below."; var KR44="Wireless Device PIN"; var KR45="Please push button on your wireless device, then click on the Connect button below."; var KR46="seconds for your wireless device to be connected. If you want to stop the process, click on the Cancel button below."; var KR47="WPA Only"; var KR48="Auto (WPA or WPA2) - Personal"; var KR49="Please Select Configuration Method to set up your Wireless Network"; var KR4_ww="WLAN Partition"; var KR5="Remote IP Start"; var KR50="Auto"; var KR51="Select this option if your wireless device supports Wi-Fi Protected Setup"; var KR52="Select this option if you want to setup your network manually"; var KR53="Note that different LAN computers cannot be associated with Port Forwarding rules that contain any ports in common; such rules would contradict each other."; var KR54="Formerly, the terms \"Full Cone\", \"Restricted Cone\", \"Port Restricted Cone\" and \"Symmetric\" were used to refer to different variations of NATs. These terms are purposely not used here, because they do not fully describe the behavior of this router's NAT."; var KR55="While not a perfect mapping, the following loose correspondences between the \"cone\" classification and the \"endpoint filtering\" modes can be drawn if this router is configured for endpoint independent filtering, it implements full cone behavior; address restricted filtering implements restricted cone behavior; and port and address restricted filtering implements port restricted cone behavior."; var KR56="Add/Update"; var KR57="Re-initializes the Add/Update area of the screen, erasing any changes that you may have made prior to clicking the Add/Update button."; var KR58="Enabling L2 (Layer 2) Isolation prevents associated wireless clients from communicating with each other."; var KR58_ww="Enabling WLAN Partition prevents associated wireless clients from communicating with each other."; var KR59="This option controls how the device reacts to traffic on the WAN connector."; var KR6="Remote IP End"; var KR60="In this case the term \"port\" refers to the Ethernet connectors on the device."; var KR61="Select this option if the WAN port is connected to the Internet. The device functions as a NAT router."; var KR62="Select this option if the device is connected to a local network downstream from another router. In this mode, the device functions as a bridge between the network on its WAN port and the devices on its LAN port and those connected to it wirelessly."; var KR63="The Router IP Address field below must be set to the IP address of this device. The Gateway must be set to the IP address of the upstream router. Both addresses must be within the LAN subnet as specified by Subnet Mask."; var KR64="In bridge mode, the device still supports several features not available in ordinary bridges -- features that involve the WAN side of the upstream router."; var KR65="Firmware update checks"; var KR66="The bridge checks the support site for updates by way of the upstream router."; var KR67="Log emails"; var KR68="When the log email option is set, log emails are sent to the Internet by way of the upstream router."; var KR69="Internet rate estimation"; var KR7="You must be logged in as Administrator to use these features."; var KR70="The bridge still has the ability to analyze traffic on the WAN side of the upstream router so as to determine the speed of its WAN connection."; var KR71="StreamEngine"; var KR72="StreamEngine™ technology is applied to media streas that are passed between the WAN side of the upstream router and clients of the bridge."; var KR73="If WAN Port Mode is set to \"Bridge Mode\", the following choices are displayed in place of the above choices, because the device is functioning as a bridge in a network that contains another router."; var KR74="The IP address of the this device on the local area network."; var KR75="Assign any unused IP address in the range of IP addresses available for the LAN."; var KR76="For example,"; var KR77="The subnet mask of the local area network."; var KR78="The IP address of the router on the local area network."; var KR79="For example,"; var KR8="Invalid IP address for route"; var KR80="Check this box to allow the DHCP Server to offer NetBIOS configuration settings to the LAN hosts."; var KR81="NetBIOS allow LAN hosts to discover all other computers within the network, e.g. within Network Neighbourhood."; var KR82="If NetBIOS advertisement is swicthed on, switching this setting on causes WINS information to be learned from the WAN side, if available."; var KR83="Turn this setting off to configure manually."; var KR84="Configure the IP address of the preferred WINS server."; var KR85="WINS Servers store information regarding network hosts, allowing hosts to \"register\" themselves as well as discover other available hosts, e.g. for use in Network Neighbourhood."; var KR86="This setting has no effect if the \"Learn NetBIOS information from WAN\" is activated."; var KR87="Configure the IP address of the backup WINS server, if any."; var KR88="This is an advanced setting and is normally left blank. This allows the configuration of a NetBIOS \"domain\" name under which network hosts operate."; var KR89="Indicates how network hosts are to perform NetBIOS name registration and discovery."; var KR9="Invalid IP address for virtual server"; var KR90="H-Node, this indicates a Hybrid-State of operation. First WINS servers are tried, if any, followed by local network broadcast. This is generally the preferred mode if you have configured WINS servers."; var KR91="M-Node (default), this indicates a Mixed-Mode of operation. First Broadcast operation is performed to register hosts and discover other hosts, if broadcast operation fails, WINS servers are tried, if any. This mode favours broadcast operation which may be preferred if WINS servers are reachable by a slow network link and the majority of network services such as servers and printers are local to the LAN."; var KR92="P-Node, this indicates to use WINS servers ONLY. This setting is useful to force all NetBIOS operation to the configured WINS servers. You must have configured at least the primary WINS server IP to point to a working WINS server."; var KR93="B-Node, this indicates to use local network broadcast ONLY. This setting is useful where there are no WINS servers available, however, it is preferred you try M-Node operation first."; var KR94="Static IP mode is always on, so no action buttons are avaliable."; var KR95="Add/Update Schedule Rule"; var KR96="Saves the new or edited Schedule Rule."; var KR97="WPA/WPA2"; var KR971="Operating frequency band. Choose 2.4GHz for visibility to legacy devices and for longer range. Choose 5GHz for least interference; interference can hurt performance."; var KR98="The specified Dynamic DNS Service Provider is not supported."; var KR99="Select Dynamic DNS Server"; var KR100="Enter an 8 to 63 character alphanumeric pass-phrase. For good security it should be of ample length and should not be a commonly known phrase."; var KRA1="Message"; var KRL8="Select the Radio you Want to Configure"; var LOGGED="Logged"; var LOGIN_AGAIN="login again"; var LOG_PREV_MSG_REPEATED_1_TIME="Previous message repeated 1 time"; var LOG_PREV_MSG_REPEATED_N_TIMES="Previous message repeated %d times"; var LS151="Configuration Warnings"; var LS202="Invalid Subnet Mask"; var LS204="Invalid Gateway"; var LS3="Nothing has changed, save anyway?"; var LS312="Renew"; var LS313="Release"; var LS314="Connect"; var LS315="Disconnect"; var LS316="Login"; var LS317="Logout"; var LS321="WEP"; var LS4="Do you want to abandon all changes you made to this page?"; var LS422="Hardware Address"; var LS423="Assigned IP"; var LS424="Hostname"; var LS425="Expires"; var LS46="Invalid IP Address"; var LS47="Invalid MAC Address"; var LT119="Invalid DHCP Server Start IP Range"; var LT119a="Invalid DHCP Server End IP Range"; var LT120="Invalid DHCP Server lease time"; var LT120y="Invalid Primary WINS IP"; var LT120z="Invalid Secondary WINS IP"; var LT124="optional"; var LT210="WPA2-PSK/AES (also known as WPA2 Personal)"; var LT248="All log entries were cleared."; var LT290="This area of the screen reflects configuration settings from the Setup → Wireless Settings page and the Advanced → WISH page. The MAC Address is the factory-assigned identifier of the wireless card."; var LT290wifisc="This area of the screen reflects configuration settings from the Setup → Wireless Settings page, the Advanced → WISH page and the Advanced → Wi-Fi Protected Setup page. The MAC Address is the factory-assigned identifier of the wireless card."; var LT291="This area of the screen reflects configuration settings from the Setup → Wireless Settings page. The MAC Address is the factory-assigned identifier of the wireless card."; var LT291wifisc="This area of the screen reflects configuration settings from the Setup → Wireless Settings page and the Advanced → Wi-Fi Protected Setup page. The MAC Address is the factory-assigned identifier of the wireless card."; var LT7="You do not have permission to perform the specified action."; var LV2="Enable HTTPS Server"; var LV3="Use HTTPS"; var LW1="IP address cannot be the same as LAN IP address of the router."; var LW10="Reset PIN to Default"; var LW11="Generate New PIN"; var LW12="Add Wireless Station"; var LW13="Add Wireless Device with WPS"; var LW13b="(Wi-Fi Protected Setup)"; var LW14="Enable if other wireless devices you wish to include in the local network support Wi-Fi Protected Setup."; var LW15="Only \"Admin\" account can change security settings."; var LW16="Lock Wireless Security Settings after all wireless network devices have been configured."; var LW17="Click Add Wireless Device Wizard to use Wi-Fi Protected Setup to add wireless devices to the wireless network."; var LW2="Wi-Fi Protected Setup"; var LW22="WEP Key"; var LW22usekey="Key In Use"; var LW23="Enterprise"; var LW24="Personal"; var LW25="Pre-shared Key"; var LW27="If you would like to utilize our easy to use Web-based Wizards to assist you in connecting your new D-Link Systems Router to the Internet, click on the button below."; var LW28="Manual Internet Connection Options"; var LW29="If you would like to configure the Internet settings of your new D-Link Systems Router manually, then click on the button below."; var LW3="1000Mbps"; var LW30="Manual Internet Connection Setup"; var LW31="The following Web-based Setup Wizard is designed to assist you in your printer setup. This Setup Wizard will guide you through step-by-step instructions on how to set up your printer."; var LW32="Launch Printer Setup Wizard"; var LW33="If you are new to networking and have never configured a router before, click on Internet Connection Setup Wizard and the router will guide you through a few simple steps to get your network up and running."; var LW34="If you consider yourself an advanced user and have configured a router before, click Manual Internet Connection Setup to input all the settings manually."; var LW35="When configuring the router to access the Internet, be sure to choose the correct Internet Connection Type from the drop down menu. If you are unsure of which option to choose, contact your Internet Service Provider (ISP)."; var LW36="If you are having trouble accessing the Internet through the router, double check any settings you have entered on this page and verify them with your ISP if needed."; var LW37="Wireless Wizard"; var LW38="Wireless Settings"; var LW39="The following Web-based wizards are designed to assist you in your wireless network setup and wireless device connection."; var LW39b="Only Administrator has access to these functionalities. The buttons are disabled as you are not currently logged in as Administrator."; var LW39c="Before launching these wizards, please make sure you have followed all steps outlined in the Quick Installation Guide included in the package."; var LW4="Wi-Fi Protected Setup"; var LW40="This wizard is designed to assist you in connecting your wireless device to your router. It will guide you through step-by-step instructions on how to get your wireless device connected. Click the button below to begin."; var LW41="This wizard is designed to assist you in your Wi-Fi network setup. It will guide you through step-by-step instructions on how to set up your Wi-Fi network and how to make it secure."; var LW42="Manual Wireless Network Setup"; var LW43="If your wireless network is already set up with Wi-Fi Protected Setup, manual confguration of the wireless network will destroy the existing wireless network."; var LW44="If you would like to configure the wireless settings of your new D-Link Systems Router manually, then click on the Manual Wireless Network Setup button below."; var LW45="If you already have a wireless network setup with Wi-Fi Protected Setup, click on Add Wireless Device Wizard to add new device to your wireless network."; var LW46="If you are new to wireless networking and have never configured a wireless router before, click on Wireless Network Setup Wizard and the router will guide you through a few simple steps to get your wireless network up and running."; var LW47="If you consider yourself an advanced user and have configured a wireless router before, click Manual Wireless Network Setup to input all the settings manually."; var LW48="When a LAN application that uses a protocol other than UDP, TCP, or ICMP initiates a session to the Internet, the router's NAT can track such a session, even though it does not recognize the protocol. This feature is useful because it enables certain applications (most importantly a single VPN connection to a remote host) without the need for an ALG."; var LW49="Note that this feature does not apply to the DMZ host (if one is enabled). The DMZ host always handles these kinds of sessions."; var LW50="Enabling this option (the default setting) enables single VPN connections to a remote host. (But, for multiple VPN connections, the appropriate VPN ALG must be used.) Disabling this option, however, only disables VPN if the appropriate VPN ALG is also disabled."; var LW51="When an excessive number of wireless packet collisions are occurring, wireless performance can be improved by using the RTS/CTS (Request to Send/Clear to Send) handshake protocol."; var LW52="The wireless transmitter will begin to send RTS frames (and wait for CTS) when data frame size in bytes is greater than the RTS Threshold."; var LW53="Wireless frames can be divided into smaller units (fragments) to improve performance in the presence of RF interference and at the limits of RF coverage."; var LW54="Fragmentation will occur when frame size in bytes is greater than the Fragmentation Threshold."; var LW55="Enable the Wi-Fi Protected Setup feature."; var LW57="A PIN is a unique number that can be used to add the router to an existing network or to create a new network. The default PIN may be printed on the bottom of the router. For extra security, a new PIN can be generated. You can restore the default PIN at any time. Only the Administrator (\"admin\" account) can change or reset the PIN."; var LW58="Shows the current value of the router's PIN."; var LW59="Restore the default PIN of the router."; //var LW6="Lock Wireless Security Settings"; var LW6="Disable WPS-PIN Method"; var LW60="Create a random number that is a valid PIN. This becomes the router's PIN. You can then copy this PIN to the user interface of the registrar."; var LW61="This Wizard helps you add wireless devices to the wireless network."; var LW62="The wizard will either display the wireless network settings to guide you through manual configuration, prompt you to enter the PIN for the device, or ask you to press the configuration button on the device. If the device supports Wi-Fi Protected Setup and has a configuration button, you can add it to the network by pressing the configuration button on the device and then the on the router within 60 seconds. The status LED on the router will flash three times if the device has been successfully added to the network."; var LW63="There are several ways to add a wireless device to your network. Access to the wireless network is controlled by a Registrar A registrar only allows devices onto the wireless network if you have entered the PIN, or pressed a special Wi-Fi Protected Setup button on the device. The router acts as a registrar for the network, although other devices may act as a registrar as well."; var LW64="Start the wizard."; var LW65="Wi-Fi Protected Setup"; var LW66="Enabled/Configured"; var LW67="Enabled/Not Configured"; var LW7="PIN Settings"; var LW9="Current PIN"; var LY10="Add Wireless Station"; var LY2="Wi-Fi Protected Setup"; var LY23="Wireless Status"; var LY28="Specifies whether the Guest Zone will be enabled or disabled."; var LY29="Locking the wireless security settings prevents the settings from being changed by any new external registrar using its PIN. Devices can still be added to the wireless network using Wi-Fi Protected Setup. It is still possible to change wireless network settings with Manual Wireless Network Setup, Wireless Network Setup Wizard, or an existing external WLAN Manager Registrar."; var LY292="Provide a name for Guest Zone wireless network."; var LY293="Securing your wireless network is important as it is used to protect the integrity of the information being transmitted over your wireless network. The router is capable of 4 types of wireless security; WEP, WPA only, WPA2 only, and WPA/WPA2 (auto-detect)."; var LY3="Wi-Fi Protected Setup is used to easily add devices to a network using a PIN or button press. Devices must support Wi-Fi Protected Setup in order to be configured by this method."; var LY30="The selection helps you to define the Guest Zone"; var LY34="Use this section to enable routing between Host Zone and Guest Zone, Guest clients can not access Host clients' data without enable the function."; var LY4="Lock Wireless Security Settings"; var LY5="PIN Settings"; var MISC="Misc"; var MSG000="Please enter a Trigger Port number"; var MSG001="Please enter a Firewall Port number"; var MSG002="The 1st address of %s must be an integer."; var MSG003="The 2nd address of %s must be an integer."; var MSG004="The 3rd address of %s must be an integer."; var MSG005="The 4th address of %s must be an integer."; var MSG006="The %s is an invalid address."; var MSG007="The %s cannot be zero."; var MSG008="The port entered is invalid."; var MSG009="The secret entered is invalid"; var MSG010="The %s can't allow entry to loopback IP or multicast IP (127.x.x.x, 224.x.x.x ~ 239.x.x.x)."; var MSG011="Please enter user name"; var MSG012="Please enter another %s value."; var MSG013="The value of %s must be numeric!"; var MSG014="The range of %s is %1n ~ %2n."; var MSG015="The value of %s must be an even number."; var MSG016="The Key is invalid. The Key must be a 5 or 10 character hexadecimal number. You entered"; var MSG017="The Key is invalid. The Key must be a 13 or 26 character hexadecimal number. You entered"; var MSG018="The 1st address of %s must be hexadecimal."; var MSG019="The 2nd address of %s must be hexadecimal."; var MSG020="The 3rd address of %s must be hexadecimal."; var MSG021="The 4th address of %s must be hexadecimal."; var MSG022="The 5th address of %s must be a hexadecimal."; var MSG023="The 6th address of %s must be hexadecimal."; var MSG024="The 7th address of %s must be hexadecimal."; var MSG025="The 8th address of %s must be hexadecimal."; var MSG026="The 1st range of %s must be between"; var MSG027="The 2nd range of %s must be between"; var MSG028="The 3rd range of %s must be between"; var MSG029="The 4th range of %s must be between"; var MSG030="The 5th range of %s must be between"; var MSG031="The 6th range of %s must be between"; var MSG032="The 7th range of %s must be between"; var MSG033="The 8th range of %s must be between"; var MSG034="The %s cannot allow entry to loopback IP ( ::1 )."; var MSG035="The %s cannot allow entry to multicast IP ( FFxx:0:0:0:0:0:0:2 or ffxx:0:0:0:0:0:0:2."; var MSG036="The suffix of '+tag +' must be hexadecimal."; var MSG036_1="The suffix of"; var MSG036_2="must be hexadecimal."; var MSG037="The suffix of '+tag+' is an invalid address."; var MSG037_1="is an invalid address."; var MSG038="The subnet of '+tag +' must be hexadecimal."; var MSG038_1="The subnet of"; var MSG039="The subnet of '+tag+' is an invalid address."; var MSG040="The suffix of is more than the suffix of IPv6 Address Range(End)"; var MSG041="The IPv6 address allows a double-colon only once."; var MSG042="The IPv6 address is illegal"; var MSG043="Invalid Metric"; var MSG044="802.11n only mode doesn't support WEP."; var MSG045="802.11n only mode doesn't support TKIP."; var MSG046="The IP address cannot be zero or blank."; var MSG047="The Admin Password field entered is invalid."; var MSG048="The User Password field entered is invalid."; var MUST_BE_LOGGED_IN_AS_ADMIN="You must be logged in as \"admin\" to perform this action"; var NET_RTC_REQUEST_TIME="Requesting time from %v"; var NET_RTC_SYNCHRONIZATION_FAILED="Time synchronization failed (status %d)"; var NET_RTC_SYNCHRONIZATION_FAILED_AFTER_RETRIES="Time synchronization failed after retries ... giving up"; var NET_RTC_SYNCHRONIZED="Time synchronized"; var NEWER_FW_VERSION="Newer Firmware Version %d.%d for your %s %s router is now available at"; var NONE_BLOCKED="None Blocked"; var NOT_LOGGED_IN_PLEASE_REFRESH="You are not logged in, please refresh the browser"; var N_A="N/A"; var PORT_FORWARDING="Port Forwarding"; var PPPOE_EVENT_CONNECT="Trying to establish a PPPoE connection"; var PPPOE_EVENT_DISCONNECT="Terminating PPPoE session 0x%04X"; var PPPOE_EVENT_DISCOVERY_REQUEST="PPPoE confirming session offer"; var PPPOE_EVENT_DISCOVERY_REQUEST_ERROR="PPPoE session offer had errors. Connection attempt failed."; var PPPOE_EVENT_DISCOVERY_TIMEOUT="PPPoE timed out waiting for connection. Connection attempt failed."; var PPPOE_EVENT_SESSION_OFFER_RECVD="PPPoE received session offer"; var PPPOE_EVENT_TERMINATED="PPPoE session 0x%04X terminated by access concentrator"; var PPPOE_EVENT_UP="PPPoE session 0x%04X established"; var PPTP_ALG_GRE_BLOCKED_INGRESS="Blocked incoming GRE packet from %v to %v"; var PPTP_ALG_GRE_UNABLE_TO_HANDLE_HEADER="Dropped GRE packet from %v to %v as unable handle packet header"; var PPTP_ALG_REJECTED_PACKET="PPTP ALG rejected packet from %v%u to %v%u"; var PPTP_EVENT_LOW_RESOURCES_TO_QUEUE="The PPTP subsystem is low on resources. Connectivity may be affected."; var PPTP_EVENT_REMOTE_WINDOW_SIZE="The PPTP transmit window is %u"; var PPTP_EVENT_TUNNEL_CLEAR_DOWN_REQUEST="PPTP received a tunnel clear down request from the application, the tunnel will now be closed."; var PPTP_EVENT_TUNNEL_CONNECTED="PPTP connected to server \'%s\' with ID 0x%04X"; var PPTP_EVENT_TUNNEL_CONNECT_FAIL="PPTP connection attempt failed. Check remote PPTP server details."; var PPTP_EVENT_TUNNEL_DOWN="PPTP tunnel ID 0x%04X has been closed"; var PPTP_EVENT_TUNNEL_ESTABLISH_REQUEST="Attempting to establish a PPTP connection."; var PPTP_EVENT_TUNNEL_WINDOW_TIMEOUT="The remote PPTP access concentrator is slow to respond. There may be connectivity problems."; var RATE_ESTIMATOR_CONVERGENCE_ERROR="Rate estimation aborted as measurements failed to converge"; var RATE_ESTIMATOR_RATE_COMPLETED="Rate estimation completed"; var RATE_ESTIMATOR_RATE_COMPLETED_WITH_SPEED="Rate estimation completed. Upstream speed is %u kbps"; var RATE_ESTIMATOR_RATE_IS="Estimated rate of link is %d kbps"; var RATE_ESTIMATOR_RESOURCE_ERROR="Rate estimation aborted as low on resources"; var RESTRICTED="Restricted"; var RIP_LOW_RESOURCES="RIP has rejected route %v from peer router %v due to low system resources"; var RUNTIME_CONFIG_LOADED_CONFIG_FROM_NVRAM="Loaded configuration from non-volatile memory"; var RUNTIME_CONFIG_MAGIC_NUM_ERROR="Error loading configuration from non-volatile memory (Magic number mis-match). Reset configuration to factory defaults"; var RUNTIME_CONFIG_RESET_CONFIG_TO_FACTORY_DEFAULTS="Reset configuration to factory defaults"; var RUNTIME_CONFIG_STORING_CONFIG_IN_NVRAM="Stored configuration to non-volatile memory"; var ROUTING_MSG0="Please enter another Metric value."; var ROUTING_MSG1="The value of Metric must be an integer."; var ROUTING_MSG2="The range of Metric is 1 ~ 15."; var S473="Enable Routing Between Zones"; var S493="Password can only contain printable characters."; var S496="Network Type"; var S500="Select this option if you want to add a guest network"; var S525="Problem in receiving logs! Memory is too low to display logs or there is a problem with the connection."; var S528="The administration idle time should be in the range of 1 to 65535."; var S558="Select your Wireless Network"; var SPECIAL_APP="Special Applications"; var STATIC_IP_ADDRESS="Static IP Address"; var END_IP_ADDRESS="End IP Address"; var SYSTEM_LOG_INACTIVE="System LOG is inactive"; var S_reboot="Success, system rebooting."; var SharePort="SharePort For Guest Zone"; var SUBMASK_0="The Subnet Mask is an invalid address."; var SUBMASK_1="The Subnet Mask can not be zero."; var SUBMASK_2="The 1st address of Subnet Mask must be an integer."; var SUBMASK_3="The 2nd address of Subnet Mask must be an integer."; var SUBMASK_4="The 3rd address of Subnet Mask must be an integer."; var SUBMASK_5="The 4th address of Subnet Mask must be an integer."; var SUBMASK_6="The 1st range of Subnet Mask must be 128, 192, 224, 240, 248, 252, 254, 255."; var SUBMASK_7="The 2nd range of Subnet Mask must be 0, 128, 192, 224, 240, 248, 252, 254, 255."; var SUBMASK_8="The 3rd range of Subnet Mask must be 0, 128, 192, 224, 240, 248, 252, 254, 255."; var SUBMASK_9="The 4th range of Subnet Mask must be 0, 128, 192, 224, 240, 248, 252."; var TA1="Not all of the needed components have been loaded; this page will refresh."; var TA11="Enable Auto Channel Scan so that the router can select the best possible channel for your wireless network to operate on."; var TA12="Setting Visibility Status to Invisible is another way to secure your network. With visibility disabled, no wireless clients will be able to see your wireless network when they scan to see what's available. For your wireless devices to connect to your router, you will need to manually enter the Wireless Network Name on each device."; var TA14="If you have enabled Wireless Security, make sure you write down the Passphrase that you have configured."; var TA15="You will need to enter this information on any wireless device that you connect to your wireless network."; var TA16="To use this feature, you must first have a Dynamic DNS account from one of the providers in the drop down menu."; var TA17="Firmware updates are released periodically to improve the functionality of your router and to add features. If you run into a problem with a specific feature of the router, check our support site by clicking on the Check Online Now for Latest Firmware Version link and see if updated firmware is available for your router."; var TA18="Once your router is configured the way you want it, you can save the configuration settings to a configuration file. You might need this file so that you can load your configuration later in the event that the router's default settings are restored. To save the configuration, click the Save Configuration button."; var TA19="(automatically disabled if UPnP is enabled)"; var TA2="Product Page"; var TA20="A reservation cannot be the same as the configured LAN IP Address."; var TA21="When a LAN application that uses a protocol other than UDP, TCP, or ICMP initiates a session to the Internet, the router's NAT can track such a session, even though it does not recognize the protocol. This feature is useful because it enables certain applications (most importantly a single VPN connection to a remote host) without the need for an ALG."; var TA22="Note that this feature does not apply to the DMZ host (if one is enabled). The DMZ host always handles these kinds of sessions."; var TA24="Week"; var TA25="Day of Week"; var TA3="Hardware Version"; var TA7="If you already have a DHCP server on your network or are using static IP addresses on all the devices on your network, uncheck Enable DHCP Server to disable this feature."; var TA8="If you have devices on your network that should always have fixed IP addresses, add a DHCP Reservation for each such device."; var TA9="Changing your Wireless Network Name is the first step in securing your wireless network. Change it to a familiar name that does not contain any personal information."; var TEXT000="D-LINK CORPORATION, INC | WIRELESS ROUTER | HOME"; var TEXT001="Stateless Autoconfiguration"; var TEXT002="Port forwarding name '+ i +' invalid. Illegal character ',/,''"; var TEXT003="Rules name '+ i +' invalid. Illegal character ',/,''"; var TEXT003a="Rules name"; var TEXT004="Host name invalid. Illegal character ',/,''"; var TEXT005="Local domain name invalid. Illegal character ',/,'"; var TEXT006="Rules name '+ i +' invalid. Illegal character ',/,''"; var TEXT007="Port forwarding name '+ i +' invalid. Illegal character ',/,''"; var TEXT007a="Port forwarding name"; var TEXT007b="invalid. Illegal character ',/,''"; var TEXT007c="Route list name"; var TEXT008="Rules'+i+' is setting same as Rules'+j+'."; var TEXT008a="Rules"; var TEXT008b="is seting same as Rules"; var TEXT009="conflict with another public port."; var TEXT010="conflict with another private port."; var TEXT010_a="%s is conflicted with LAN IP address, please enter again."; var TEXT011="The Other Protocol Type is invalid"; var TEXT012="Please choose wireless device with wps!"; var TEXT013="Inbound filter must be smaller than"; var TEXT014="Name cannot be set as the same as default Inbound filter name 'Allow All' or 'Deny All'."; var TEXT015="Schedule rules Full! Please Delete an Entry."; var TEXT016="First Page"; var TEXT017="Last Page"; var TEXT018="Previous"; var TEXT019="System Activity"; var TEXT020="Debug Information"; var TEXT021="Attacks"; var TEXT022="Dropped Packets"; var TEXT023="Notice"; var TEXT024="Cannot choose WEP key 2, 3, 4 when WPS is enabled!!"; var TEXT025="Cannot choose WPA-Personal/TKIP and AES when WPS is enabled!!"; var TEXT026="Cannot choose WPA-Enterprise when WPS is enabled!!"; var TEXT027="Cannot choose shared key when WPS is enabled!!"; var TEXT028="Please Enable Wireless first."; var TEXT029="The WPS Function is currently set to disabled. Please click \"Yes\" and enable it or \"No\" to exit the wizard."; var TEXT030="The %s cannot allow loopback IP or multicase IP (127.x.x.x, 224.x.x.x ~ 239.x.x.x) entries."; var TEXT031="The port entered is invalid."; var TEXT032="The secret entered is invalid."; var TEXT033="Reserved IP address"; var TEXT034="Please enter another Name."; var TEXT035="Start IP address"; var TEXT036="End IP address"; var TEXT037="The LAN IP Address and the Start IP Address are not in the same subnet"; var TEXT038="The LAN IP Address and the End IP Address are not in the same subnet"; var TEXT039="The Ending IP Address must be greater than the Starting IP Address"; var TEXT040="The setting has been saved."; var TEXT041="The Key ' + i +' is invalid. The Key must be ' + wep_key_len + ' characters or ' + hex_len + 'hexadecimal number."; var TEXT041_1 ="The Key"; var TEXT041_2 ="is invalid. The Key must be"; var TEXT041_3 ="characters or"; var TEXT041_4 ="hexadecimal number."; var TEXT042="Key ' + i + 'is wrong, the legal characters are 0~9, A~F, or a~f."; var TEXT042_1 ="Key"; var TEXT042_2 ="is wrong, the legal characters are 0~9, A~F, or a~f."; var TEXT043="%s Gateway IP address %s must be within the WAN subnet."; var TEXT044="Please select a Computer Name first."; var TEXT045="This firmware is the latest version."; var TEXT045_a="This firmware and language are the latest version."; var TEXT046="Error contacting the server, please check the Internet connection status."; var TEXT047="WAN and LAN IP Address cannot be in the same subnet."; var TEXT048="Please enter the following settings in the device that you are adding to your wireless network and keep a note of it for future reference."; var TEXT049="You have failed to add the wireless device to your wireless network within the given timeframe, please click on the button below to do it again."; var TEXT050="IP Address '+ res_ip +' has already been used."; var TEXT051="The Confirmed Password does not match the New Password"; var TEXT052="Please select an Application Name first"; var TEXT052b="Please enter one machine."; var TEXT053="ALSO CALLED WCN 2.0 IN WINDOW VISTA"; var TEXT054="conflict with Port Forwarding Port."; var TEXT054a="conflict with Port Forwarding Port."; var TEXT054b="conflict with TCP Port Forwarding Port."; var TEXT054c="conflict with UDP Port Forwarding Port."; var TEXT055="conflict with Application Firewall Port."; var TEXT055a="conflict with Application Firewall Port."; var TEXT056="conflict with Virtual Server Port."; var TEXT056a="conflict with Virtual Server Port."; var TEXT056b="conflict with other public port."; var TEXT056c="conflict with other private port."; var TEXT057="Port conflict."; var TEXT058="TCP Port conflict."; var TEXT059="UDP Port conflict."; var TEXT060="The Port Forwarding name is already in the list"; var TEXT061="Please enter a TCP port number or a UDP port number."; var TEXT062="Do you want to enable the DHCP Reservation entry for IP Address ' + DataArray[idx].IP"; var TEXT063="The rule is being used by another rule and cannot be deleted."; var TEXT064="Schedule Name is invalid. Legal characters are 0~9, A~Z, or a~z."; var TEXT065="Schedule Name is the default name."; var TEXT066="The Schdule name is already in the list"; var TEXT067="The rule is being used by another rule and cannot be edited."; var TEXT068="IPv6 Network Information"; var TEXT069="All of your IPv6 Internet and network connection details are displayed on this page."; var TEXT070="IPv6 Connection Information"; var TEXT071="WAN IPv6 Address"; var TEXT072="LAN IPv6 Computers"; var TEXT073="Retry"; var TEXT074="Next"; var TEXT075="Host Name or IPv6 Address"; var TEXT076="Key is wrong, the legal characters are 0~9, A~F, or a~f."; var TEXT077="The virtual server name is already in the list"; var TEXT078="Public port conflict with Remote Management HTTP port."; var TEXT079="Please enter another Private Port number"; var TEXT080="Please enter a Firewall Port number"; var TEXT081="The static routes table has the same router rule."; var TEXT082="TCP port conflict with Remote Management HTTP port."; var TEXT083="Firewall port conflict with Remote Management HTTP port."; var TEXT084="The Routing name is already in the list"; var TEXT085="The Prefix is already in the list"; var TEXT086="The Prefix length is over than 64"; var UNKNOWN="Unknown"; var USB_LOG_STORAGE_NOT_FOUND="No WCN compatible USB mass storage interface was found"; var USB_LOG_STORAGE_TYPE="Found USB mass storage with subclass %u protocol %u"; var VIRTUAL_SERVERS="Virtual Servers"; var WAN="WAN"; var WAN_ALREADY_CONNECTED="WAN is already connected"; var WAN_ALREADY_DISCONNECTED="WAN is already disconnected"; var WAN_MODE_INCORRECT="Incorrect WAN connectivity mode"; var WARN="[WARN]"; var WCN_LOG_ABORT="WCN configuration aborted due to %S"; var WCN_LOG_NO_WSETTING="Device %s, wsetting.wfc file not found"; var WCN_LOG_REBOOT="Reboot requested for WCN"; var WCN_LOG_RESTORE="Restore wireless settings"; var WCN_LOG_SAVE="Updated flash to wireless configuration"; var WCN_LOG_UPDATE="Update device to wsetting.wfc"; var WEB_FILTER_LOG_URL_ACCESSED="Web site %S accessed from %v"; var WEB_FILTER_LOG_URL_ACCESSED_MAC="Web site %S accessed from %s"; var WEB_FILTER_LOG_URL_BLOCKED="Web site %S blocked for %v"; var WEB_FILTER_LOG_URL_BLOCKED_MAC="Web site %S blocked for %s"; var WIFISC_AP_DEL_APSETTINGS_COMPLETE="DelAPSettings by (%s) complete"; var WIFISC_AP_DEL_APSETTINGS_FAIL="DelAPSettings by (%s) failed, reason (%s), err_code (%u)"; var WIFISC_AP_PEER_CFG_ERR="Peer configuration error %u"; var WIFISC_AP_PROXY_END_ON_MSG="WPS end for STA with MAC (%m) on msg %s"; var WIFISC_AP_PROXY_PROCESS_CLOSE="STA with MAC (%m) WPS process closed"; var WIFISC_AP_PROXY_PROCESS_COMPLETE="STA with MAC (%m) registered in"; var WIFISC_AP_PROXY_PROCESS_FAIL="STA with MAC (%m) failed to register in, reason (%s), err_code (%u)"; var WIFISC_AP_PROXY_PROCESS_START="STA with MAC (%m) requested for WPS registration"; var WIFISC_AP_REBOOT_COMPLETE="Reboot by %s complete"; var WIFISC_AP_REBOOT_FAIL="Reboot by %s fail, reason (%s), err_code (%u)"; var WIFISC_AP_REGISTRATION_COMPLETE="AP registered to Registrar (%s) through %s"; var WIFISC_AP_REGISTRATION_FAIL="AP failed to registere to Registrar (%s) through %s, reason (%s), err code (%u)"; var WIFISC_AP_REGISTRATION_UNEXPECTED_EVENT="AP failed to registere to Registrar (%s) through %s, unexpected (%s), at state (%s)"; var WIFISC_AP_RESET_COMPLETE="Reset by %s complete"; var WIFISC_AP_RESET_FAIL="Reset by %s failed, reason (%s), err_code (%u)"; var WIFISC_AP_SETUP_LOCKED="Lock AP setup"; var WIFISC_AP_SETUP_UNLOCKED="Unlock AP setup"; var WIFISC_AP_SET_APSETTINGS_COMPLETE="SetAPSettings by (%s) complete"; var WIFISC_AP_SET_APSETTINGS_FAIL="SetAPSettings by (%s) failed, reason (%s), err_code (%u)"; var WIFISC_AP_SET_SELECTED_REGISTRAR="Set Selected Registrar"; var WIFISC_AP_SET_SELECTED_REGISTRAR_COMPLETE="Set Selected Registrar complete"; var WIFISC_AP_SET_SELECTED_REGISTRAR_FAIL="Set Selected Registrar failed, reason (%s), err_code (%u)"; var WIFISC_AP_UNSET_SELECTED_REGISTRAR="Unset Selected Registrar"; var WIFISC_IR_REGISTRATION_FAIL="Adding wireless station %m failed, reason %s, err_code %u"; var WIFISC_IR_REGISTRATION_FAIL_1="WPS Internal Registrar failed to add new station, reason %s"; var WIFISC_IR_REGISTRATION_FAIL_2="WPS Internal Registrar failed to add wireless station %m, reason %s, err_code %u."; var WIFISC_IR_REGISTRATION_FAIL_3="WPS Internal Registrar did not receive request from any wireless station in 2 minutes and stopped."; var WIFISC_IR_REGISTRATION_INPROGRESS="WPS Internal Registrar started %s registration"; var WIFISC_IR_REGISTRATION_SESSION_OVERLAP="WPS Internal Registrar detected session overlap between %m and %m"; var WIFISC_IR_REGISTRATION_SUCCESS="Successfully added station %s (%m)"; var YM1="Reboot needed"; var YM10="Warnings"; var YM100="Invalid WAN subnet mask"; var YM101="Invalid WAN gateway IP address"; var YM102="The entered passwords do not match"; var YM103="Invalid PPPoE IP address"; var YM104="Invalid Idle Time"; var YM105="Invalid PPTP IP address"; var YM106="Invalid PPTP subnet mask"; var YM107="Invalid PPTP gateway IP address"; var YM108="Invalid PPTP server IP address"; var YM109="Invalid L2TP IP address"; var YM11="Warnings"; var YM110="Invalid L2TP subnet mask"; var YM111="Invalid L2TP gateway IP address"; var YM112="Invalid L2TP server IP address"; var YM113="Invalid primary DNS server IP address"; var YM114="Invalid secondary DNS server IP address"; var YM115="Invalid MTU Size"; var YM116="WPA Personal Key must be at least 8 characters."; var YM117="Invalid Group Key Update Interval."; var YM118="WPA Group Key Update Interval should be between 30 and 65535 seconds."; var YM119="Invalid Authentication Timeout."; var YM12="Some configuration changes have an effect upon other system settings. Those changes may impact in a negative way, raising warnings that need to be communicated to you. A warning may indicate a feature has been modified, or even disabled, to match the new operating conditions."; var YM120="Invalid Port Number."; var YM121="Invalid WEP Keys"; var YM122="Invalid WEP Key"; var YM123="Changing your Wireless Network Name is the first step in securing your wireless network. Change it to a familiar name that does not contain any personal information."; var YM124="Enable Auto Channel Scan so that the router can select the best possible channel for your wireless network to operate on."; var YM124g="If you are not utilizing Super G with Dynamic Turbo for its speed improvements, enable Auto Channel Scan so that the router can select the best possible channel for your wireless network to operate on."; var YM125="Enabling Hidden Mode is another way to secure your network. With this option enabled, no wireless clients will be able to see your wireless network when they scan to see what's available. For your wireless devices to connect to your router, you will need to manually enter the Wireless Network Name on each device."; var YM126="If you have enabled Wireless Security, make sure you write down the Key or Passphrase that you have configured. You will need to enter this information on any wireless device that you connect to your wireless network."; var YM127="Invalid Gateway Address"; var YM128="Invalid Primary DNS Address"; var YM129="Invalid Secondary DNS Address"; var YM13="A Port Filter rule name cannot be blank."; var YM130="Invalid Server IP Address"; var YM131="The router configuration was changed by something else during wizard operation.\nWizard function will be cancelled, please try again."; var YM133="The NAT Endpoint Filtering options control how the router's NAT manages incoming connection requests to ports that are already being used."; var YM134="Once a LAN-side application has created a connection through a specific port, the NAT will forward any incoming connection requests with the same port to the LAN-side application regardless of their origin. This is the least restrictive option, giving the best connectivity and allowing some applications (P2P applications in particular) to behave almost as if they are directly connected to the Internet."; var YM135="The NAT forwards incoming connection requests to a LAN-side host only when they come from the same IP address with which a connection was established. This allows the remote application to send data back through a port different from the one used when the outgoing session was created."; var YM136="The NAT does not forward any incoming connection requests with the same port address as an already establish connection."; var YM137="Note that some of these options can interact with other port restrictions. Endpoint Independent Filtering takes priority over inbound filters or schedules, so it is possible for an incoming session request related to an outgoing session to enter through a port in spite of an active inbound filter on that port. However, packets will be rejected as expected when sent to blocked ports (whether blocked by schedule or by inbound filter) for which there are no active sessions. Port and Address Restricted Filtering ensures that inbound filters and schedules work precisely, but prevents some level of connectivity, and therefore might require the use of port triggers, virtual servers, or port forwarding to open the ports needed by the application. Address Restricted Filtering gives a compromise position, which avoids problems when communicating with certain other types of NAT router (symmetric NATs in particular) but leaves inbound filters and scheduled access working as expected."; var YM138="Controls endpoint filtering for packets of the UDP protocol."; var YM139="Controls endpoint filtering for packets of the TCP protocol."; var YM14="Port Filter rule names cannot be duplicated."; var YM140="WISH is short for Wireless Intelligent Stream Handling, a technology developed to enhance your experience of using a wireless network by prioritizing the traffic of different applications."; var YM141="Enable this option if you want to allow WISH to prioritize your traffic."; var YM142="Allows the router to recognize HTTP transfers for many common audio and video streams and prioritize them above other traffic. Such streams are frequently used by digital media players."; var YM143="When enabled, this option causes the router to automatically attempt to prioritize traffic streams that it doesn't otherwise recognize, based on the behavior that the streams exhibit. This acts to deprioritize streams that exhibit bulk transfer characteristics, such as file transfers, while leaving interactive traffic, such as gaming or VoIP, running at a normal priority."; var YM144="A WISH Rule identifies a specific message flow and assigns a priority to that flow."; var YM145="For most applications, the priority classifiers ensure the right priorities and specific WISH Rules are not required."; var YM146="WISH supports overlaps between rules. If more than one rule matches for a specific message flow, the rule with the highest priority will be used."; var YM147="The priority of the message flow is entered here. Four priorities are defined:"; var YM148="Background (least urgent)."; var YM149="Best Effort."; var YM15="Invalid Destination IP Start address for Port Filter"; var YM150="Video."; var YM151="Voice (most urgent)."; var YM152="The rule applies to a flow of messages for which one computer's IP address falls within the range set here."; var YM153="The rule applies to a flow of messages for which host 1's port number is within the range set here."; var YM154="The rule applies to a flow of messages for which the other computer's IP address falls within the range set here."; var YM155="The rule applies to a flow of messages for which host 2's port number is within the range set here."; var YM156="This section is where you define WISH Rules."; var YM157="Internet Sessions"; var YM158="WISH Sessions"; var YM159="The WISH Sessions page displays full details of active local wireless sessions through your router when WISH has been enabled. A WISH session is a conversation between a program or application on a wirelessly connected LAN-side computer and another computer, however connected."; var YM16="Destination IP Start address should not be in LAN subnet"; var YM160="The IP address and, where appropriate, port number of the computer that originated a network connection."; var YM161="The IP address and, where appropriate, port number of the computer to which a network connection has been made."; var YM161_a="The IP address and, where appropriate, port number of the local application."; var YM161_b="The IP address and, where appropriate, port number of the application on the Internet."; var YM162="The priority given to packets sent wirelessly over this conversation by the WISH logic. The priorities are"; var YM163="Note that, even when NTP Server is enabled, you must still choose a time zone and set the daylight saving parameters."; var YM164="Active"; var YM165="Inactive"; var YM166="Failed to retrieve active session list. Retrying"; var YM167="Getting active session list. Please wait"; var YM168="Communication with the router failed"; var YM169="Email address is not configured."; var YM171="This is a list of all active conversations involving wireless clients in the local network."; var YM172="Your web browser is too old to use this web site. Please upgrade your browser."; var YM173="Password and Verify Password do not match. Please reconfirm admin password."; var YM174="Password and Verify Password do not match. Please reconfirm user password."; var YM175="The remote admin port number is not valid."; var YM176="The remote admin port should be in the range of 1 to 65535."; var YM177="passwords do not match, please re-enter"; var YM178="You must enter a numeric value between 0 and 8760 inclusive."; var YM179="The timeout value cannot be less than or equal to zero."; var YM18="Invalid Destination IP End address for Port Filter"; var YM180="The timeout value cannot be greater than 8760."; var YM181="To use this feature, you must first have a Dynamic DNS account from one of the providers in the drop down menu."; var YM182="Latest Firmware Version"; var YM183="-"; var YM184="The schedule is not valid."; var YM185="NTP Server is not configured."; var YM186="Multicast Group Address"; var YM187="Name (if any)"; var YM188="Warnings have been raised as a result of configuration changes.\nThe system is unable to generate a list of those warnings right now, but will retry."; var YM19="Destination IP End address should not be in LAN subnet"; var YM2="Your changes have been saved. The router must be rebooted for the changes to take effect.
You can reboot now, or you can continue to make other changes and reboot later."; var YM20="Invalid Destination IP range for Port Filter"; var YM21="Invalid Destination Port Start for Port Filter"; var YM22="Invalid Destination Port End for Port Filter"; var YM23="Destination Port Start should not be greater than Destination Port End for Port Filter"; var YM24="Are you sure you want to enable/disable"; var YM25="Are you sure you want to delete"; var YM27="Invalid Beacon Period"; var YM28="Invalid RTS Threshold"; var YM29="Invalid Fragmentation Threshold"; var YM3="Reboot Now"; var YM30="DTIM should be between 1 and 255."; var YM31="Invalid TPC Max Gain"; var YM32="Invalid Aggregation Max Size"; var YM33="Invalid Aggregation Num Packets"; var YM34="Update"; var YM35="Are you sure you want to delete"; var YM38="Are you sure you want to update"; var YM4="Reboot Later"; var YM43="AIM Talk"; var YM44="Calista IP phone"; var YM45="ICQ"; var YM47="PalTalk"; var YM48="QoS Engine"; var YM49="A name is required for rule number"; var YM5="Forbidden"; var YM51="Rule \'"; var YM52="Invalid local start IP Address."; var YM53="Invalid local end IP Address."; var YM54="Invalid remote start IP Address."; var YM55="Invalid remote end IP Address."; var YM56="Protocol must be a number."; var YM57="Protocol must be specified."; var YM58="Priority must be a number between 1 and 255 inclusive."; var YM59="Local start port should be between 0 and 65535 inclusive."; var YM6="You do not have permissions to perform the specified action."; var YM60_1="Local start port must be smaller than Local end port."; var YM60="Local end port should be between 0 and 65535 inclusive."; var YM61="Remote start port should be between 0 and 65535 inclusive."; var YM62="Remote end port should be between 0 and 65535 inclusive."; var YM62_1="Remote start port must be smaller than Remote end port."; var YM63="WISH"; var YM64="invalid source starting IP Address."; var YM65="invalid source ending IP Address."; var YM66="invalid destination starting IP Address."; var YM67="invalid destination ending IP Address."; var YM68="source starting port should be between 0 and 65535 inclusive."; var YM69="source ending port should be between 0 and 65535 inclusive."; var YM7="You will be redirected to the login page in"; var YM70="destination starting port should be between 0 and 65535 inclusive."; var YM71="destination ending port should be between 0 and 65535 inclusive."; var YM72="WISH (Wireless Intelligent Stream Handling) prioritizes the traffic of various wireless applications."; var YM73="Enable WISH"; var YM74="Priority Classifiers"; var YM75="Windows Media Center"; var YM76="Automatic"; var YM77="WISH Rules"; var YM78="Background (BK)"; var YM79="Best Effort (BE)"; var YM8="seconds."; var YM80="Video (VI)"; var YM81="Voice (VO)"; var YM82="Host 1 IP Range"; var YM83="Host 1 Port Range"; var YM84="Host 2 IP Range"; var YM85="Host 2 Port Range"; var YM86="Enable this option if you want to allow WISH to prioritize wireless traffic."; var YM87="For most applications, the priority classifiers ensure the right priorities, and specific WISH Rules are not required."; var YM88="No more reservations may be created"; var YM89="Invalid Reservation IP Address"; var YM9="Succeeded"; var YM90="Invalid Reservation MAC address"; var YM91="Do you want to abandon changes you made to the current entry?"; var YM92="Do you want to enable the DHCP Reservation entry for IP Address"; var YM93="Do you want to disable the DHCP Reservation entry for IP Address"; var YM94="Do you want to abandon changes you made to the reservation entry?"; var YM97="Use this section to configure the internal network settings of your router. The IP Address that is configured here is the IP Address that you use to access the Web-based management interface. If you change the IP Address here, you may need to adjust your PC's network settings to access the network again."; var YM98="optional"; var YM99="Invalid WAN IP address"; var ZH="Traditional Chinese"; var ZM1="(automatically disabled if UPnP is enabled)"; var ZM10="Restart during DNS query"; var ZM11="Send/Receive authorization"; var ZM12="Send/Receive login"; var ZM13="Send/Receive heartbeat"; var ZM14="User is logging out"; var ZM15="User has logged out"; var ZM16="Send/Receive instance failure"; var ZM17="Firmware updates are released periodically to improve the functionality of your router and to add features. If you run into a problem with a specific feature of the router, check if updated firmware is available for your router."; var ZM17_a="Firmware updates are released periodically to improve the functionality of your Access Point and to add features. If you run into a problem with a specific feature of the Access Point, check our support site by checking on the Click here to check for an upgrade on your support site link and see if an updated firmware is available for your Access Point."; var ZM18="Once your router is configured the way you want it, you can save the configuration settings to a configuration file."; var ZM19="You might need this file so that you can load your configuration later in the event that the router's default settings are restored."; var ZM2="(default if not matched by anything else)"; var ZM20="To save the configuration, click the Save Configuration button."; var ZM21="Week"; var ZM22="Day of Week"; var ZM23="You must be logged in as \"admin\" to perform this action."; var ZM5="DHCP Client"; var ZM6="BigPond Client"; var ZM7="Uninitalized"; var ZM8="DNS Lookup Authentication Server"; var ZM9="DNS Lookup Login Server"; var PSK_ERROR="The length of the Passphrase must be at least 8 characters"; var PSK_ERROR_1="The PSK should Hex."; var _1044="This entry is optional. Enter a domain name for the local network. The AP's DHCP server will give this domain name to the computers on the wireless LAN. So, for example, if you enter here, and you have a wireless laptop with a name of chris, that laptop will be known as"; var _1044a="Note, however, if the AP's settings specify \"DHCP (Dynamic)\" Address, and the router's DHCP server assigns a domain name to the AP, that domain name will override any name you enter here."; var _1044awired="Note, however, the entered domain name can be overridden by the one obtained from the router's upstream DHCP server."; var _1044wired="This entry is optional. Enter a domain name for the local network. Your LAN computer will assume this domain name when it gets an address from the router's built in DHCP server. So, for example, if you enter here, and you have a LAN side laptop with a name of chris, that laptop will be known as"; var _1066="The LAN address that you want to reserve."; var _223="Expire Time"; var _225ap="The gateway address is not in the LAN subnet"; var _226ap="IP address or subnet mask is badly formatted"; var _262="Local Domain Name"; var _308="MTU default ="; var _501_12="Click this button to start creating a new access control policy."; var _AM="AM"; var _DHCP="DHCP"; var _FTP="FTP"; var _Fri="Fri"; var _H323="H.323"; var _ICMP="ICMP"; var _In="In"; var _L2TP="L2TP"; var _RL2TP="Russia L2TP"; var _L2TPgw="L2TP Gateway IP Address"; var _L2TPip="L2TP IP Address"; var _L2TPsubnet="L2TP Subnet Mask"; var _LAN="LAN"; var _LANComputers="LAN Computers"; var _Mon="Mon"; var _NA="N/A"; var _Out="Out"; var _PM="PM"; var _PPPoE="PPPoE"; var _MPPPoE="MPPPoE"; var _RPPPoE="Russia PPPoE"; var _PPTP="PPTP"; var _RPPTP="Russia PPTP"; var _PPTPgw="PPTP Gateway IP Address"; var _PPTPip="PPTP IP Address"; var _PPTPsubnet="PPTP Subnet Mask"; var _RULE="Rules"; var _Sat="Sat"; var _Sun="Sun"; var _TCP="TCP"; var _Thu="Thu"; var _Tue="Tue"; var _UDP="UDP"; var _WAN="WAN"; var _WEP="WEP"; var _WOL="Wake-On-LAN"; var _WPA="WPA"; var _WPAenterprise="WPA-Enterprise"; var _WPApersonal="WPA-Personal"; var _Wed="Wed"; var _aa_allow_all="Log Web Access Only"; var _aa_apply_port_filter="Apply Advanced Port Filters"; var _aa_apply_web_filter="Apply Web Filter"; var _aa_apply_web_filter_intro="The Website Filter option allows you to set up a list of Web sites you would like to allow or deny through your network. To us this feature, you must also select the "Apply Web Filter" checkbox in the Access Control section."; var _aa_block_all="Block All Access"; var _aa_block_some="Block Some Access"; var _aa_bsecure_age_ado="Adolescent (9-12)"; var _aa_bsecure_age_adult="Adult (18+)"; var _aa_bsecure_age_child="Child (0-8)"; var _aa_bsecure_age_youth="Youth (13-17)"; var _aa_bsecure_alcohol="Alcohol"; var _aa_bsecure_anarchy="Anarchy"; var _aa_bsecure_automobile="Automobile"; var _aa_bsecure_banner_ad="Banner Ad"; var _aa_bsecure_block_unrated="Block Unrated Sites"; var _aa_bsecure_byage="By Age"; var _aa_bsecure_categ_select="Categories Selection"; var _aa_bsecure_chat="Chat"; var _aa_bsecure_criminal_skills="Criminal Skills"; var _aa_bsecure_cults="Cults"; var _aa_bsecure_drugs="Drugs"; var _aa_bsecure_employment="Employment"; var _aa_bsecure_entertainment="Entertainment"; var _aa_bsecure_financial="Financial"; var _aa_bsecure_free_host="Free Host"; var _aa_bsecure_gambling="Gambling"; var _aa_bsecure_games="Games"; var _aa_bsecure_hate="Hate"; var _aa_bsecure_humor="Humor"; var _aa_bsecure_lifestyles="Lifestyles"; var _aa_bsecure_magazine="Magazine"; var _aa_bsecure_manually="Manually"; var _aa_bsecure_news="News"; var _aa_bsecure_obscene="Obscene"; var _aa_bsecure_opinion="Opinion"; var _aa_bsecure_personals="Personals"; var _aa_bsecure_popups="Pop-ups"; var _aa_bsecure_pornography="Pornography"; var _aa_bsecure_public_proxies="Public Proxies"; var _aa_bsecure_rrated="R-rated"; var _aa_bsecure_search_engine="Search Engine"; var _aa_bsecure_select_age="Select Age Category"; var _aa_bsecure_shopping="Shopping"; var _aa_bsecure_sports="Sports"; var _aa_bsecure_tickets="Tickets"; var _aa_bsecure_travel="Travel"; var _aa_bsecure_unstable="Unstable"; var _aa_bsecure_web_mail="Web Mail"; var _aa_bsecure_web_newsgroup="Web Newsgroup"; var _aa_check_all="Check All"; var _aa_detail="Detail"; var _aa_details="Details"; var _aa_logging="Web Access Logging"; var _aa_method="Method"; var _aa_other_machines="Other Machines"; var _aa_pol_add="Add Policy"; var _aa_pol_wiz="Policy Wizard"; var _aa_wiz_s1_msg="This wizard will guide you through the following steps to add a new policy for Access Control."; var _aa_wiz_s1_title="Add New Policy"; var _aa_wiz_s2_msg="Choose a unique name for your policy."; var _aa_wiz_s2_title="Step 1: Choose Policy Name"; var _aa_wiz_s3_msg="Choose a schedule to apply to this policy."; var _aa_wiz_s3_title="Step 2: Select Schedule"; var _aa_wiz_s4_help="Specify a machine with its IP or MAC address, or select \"Other Machines\" for machines that do not have a policy."; var _aa_wiz_s4_msg="Select the machine to which this policy applies."; var _aa_wiz_s4_title="Step 3: Select Machine"; var _aa_wiz_s5_msg1="Select the method for filtering."; var _aa_wiz_s5_title="Step 4: Select Filtering Method"; var _aa_wiz_s6_msg="Select the Sentinel categories to filter."; var _aa_wiz_s6_title="Step 5: Sentinel Categories"; var _aa_wiz_s7_help="Specify rules to prohibit access to specific IP addresses and ports."; var _aa_wiz_s7_msg="Add Port Filters Rules."; var _aa_wiz_s7_title="Step 5: Port Filter"; var _aa_wiz_s8_title="Step 6: Configure Web Access Logging"; var _acccon="Access Control"; var _actsess="Active Sessions"; var _add="Add"; var _add_edit="Add/Edit"; var _admin="Admin"; var _admin_ssl ="SSL Remote Management"; var _admin_ssl_enable="Enable SSL Remote Login"; var _admin_ssl_port = "(default 443 port)"; var _admin_ssl_port_select = "SSL Port Select"; var _advanced="Advanced"; var _advnetwork="Advanced Network"; var _advwls="Advanced Wireless"; var _allow="Allow"; var _allowall="Allow All"; var _always="Always"; var _app="Application"; var _ap_advanced_title="IGMP Snooping"; var _ap_advanced_info="These options are for users that wish to change the behaviour of their 802.11n wireless radio from the standard setting. D-link does not recommend changing these settings from the factory default. Incorrect settings may impair the performance of your wireless radio. The default settings should provide the best wireless radio performance in most environments."; var _ap_advanced_info_2="You can lower the output power of the DHP-1565 by selecting lower percentage Transmit Power values from the drop down. Your choices are: 100%, 50%, and 25%."; var _ap_advanced_info_3="Enabling WMM can help control latency and jitter when transmitting multimedia content over a wireless connection."; var _ap_filter_title="Wireless Client List"; var _ap_filter_info="Select a MAC address from the drop down menu, then click the arrow to add that MAC address to the list."; var _ap_firmware_title="Firmware And Language Pack Information"; var _ap_firmware_info="After your have download the new firmware file from our support site, click the Browse button below to find the firmware file on your local hard drive. Click the upload button to update the firmware on the"; var _ap_firmware_info_2="Do not update firmware through wireless network!!"; var _ap_IPv6_info="There are several connection types to choose from: Link-local, Static IPv6, Autoconfiguration (Stateless/DHCPv6). If you are unsure of your connection method, please contact your IPv6 Internet Service Provider."; var _ap_IPv6_info_2="Used when your ISP provides you a set IPv6 address that does not change. The IPv6 information is manually entered in your IPv6 configuration settings. You must enter the IPv6 address, Subnet Prefix Length, Default Gateway, Primary DNS Server, and Secondary DNS Server. Your ISP provides you with all of this information."; var _ap_IPv6_info_3="A method of connection where the ISP assigns your IPv6 address when your router requests one from the ISP's server. Some ISP's require you to make some settings on your side before your router can connect to the IPv6 Internet."; var _ap_lan_v4_type="Lan IPv4 Connection Type"; var _ap_lan_type_info1="Choose the IPv4 mode to be used by the Access Point"; var _ap_lan_type_info2="My LAN Connection is"; var _ap_lan_dhcp="Dynamic IP(DHCP) Lan Connection Type"; var _ap_lan_static="Static IP Lan Connection Type"; var _ap_lan_v4_info="Enter the IPv4 Address Information."; var _ap_lan_title_4="LAN IPv6 CONNECTION TYPE"; var _ap_lan_title_5="Choose the IPv6 mode to be used by the Access Point."; var _ap_lan_title_6="LAN Connection type"; var _ap_lan_IPv6="Enter the IPv6 address information."; var _ap_lan_IPv6_1="Primary IPv6 DNS Server"; var _ap_lan_IPv6_2="Secondary IPv6 DNS Server"; var _ap_lan_IPv6_3="Obtain DNS server address automatically or enter a specific DNS server address."; var _ap_lan_IPv6_4="Obtain IPv6 DNS servers automatically"; var _ap_lan_IPv6_5="Use the following IPv6 DNS servers"; var _ap_lan_IPv6_lo="The LAN IPv6 Link-Local Address is the IPv6 Address that you use to access the Web-based management interface."; var _ap_lan_info="Use this section to configure the internal network settings of your AP."; var _ap_lan_info_2="Device Name allows you to configure this device more easily when your network using TCP/IP protocol. You can enter the device name of the AP into your web browser to access the instead of IP address for configuration. Recommend to change the device name if there're more than one D-Link devices within the subnet."; var _ap_lan_info_3="Device Name allows you to configure this device more easily.You can enter \"http://\"device name\" into your web browser instead of IP address for configuration. (Default: http://dlinkrouter)"; var _ap_lan_info_4="Also referred as private settings. LAN settings allow you to configure LAN interface of <-- model_number -->. LAN IP address is private to your internal network and is not visible to Internet. The factory default setting is Dynamic IP(DHCP)."; var _ap_lan_info_5="The factory default setting is Dynamic IP(DHCP) to allow the DHCP host to automatically assign the Access Point an IP address that conforms to the applied local area network. Enable \"Static IP\" which allows the IP address of the <-- model_number --> to be manually configured in accordance to the applied local area network."; var _ap_lan_info_6="The default IP address is It can be modified to conform to an existing local area network. Please note that the IP address of each device in the wireless local area network must be within the same IP address range and subnet mask. Take default <-- model_number --> IP address as an example, each station associated to the AP must be configured with a unique IP address falling in the range of 192.168.0.*. \"*\" ranges from 1 to 254 but 50 in this case."; var _ap_lan_info_7="A mask used to determine what subnet an IP address belongs to. The default subnet setting is"; var _ap_lan_info_8="Specify the gateway IP address of the local network."; var _ap_pin_info="If the PIN changes, the new PIN will be used in following Wi-Fi Protected Setup process. Clicking on \"Don't Save Settings\" button will not reset the PIN."; var _ap_pin_info_2="However, if the new PIN is not saved, it will get lost when the device reboots or loses power."; var _ap_plc_info="Network name"; var _ap_plc_info_2="You can set the name of your network and to make it either public or private. Make sure the Network Name of the devices within your powerline network are the same to enable data transmission."; var _ap_plc_info_3="Add Member"; var _ap_plc_info_4="This section lets you add new HomePlug devices to your powerline network. When you add the device it is given the current Network name."; var _ap_plc_info_5="The Password is used to verify that you are authorized to perform changes on a device. You can find the Password printed on your device back label."; var _ap_plc_info_6="You can find the MAC address printed on your device back label.."; var _ap_plc_info_7="Type a name you wish to use to identify a specific HomePlug device, for example, \"Jack's room\"."; var _ap_plc_info_8="Member List"; var _ap_plc_info_9="This section provides information on the HomePlug devices in your powerline network (or that were previously connected on it but are currently disconnected)."; var _ap_plc_info_10="This field shows the status of the device. If the field shows \"Connect\", then the device is connected to your powerline network. If the field shows \"Disconnect\", the device has been added to the network but it is not ready. Please check its password and make sure the HomePlug is power on."; var _ap_plc_info_11="QoS Based on MAC Address"; var _ap_plc_info_12="You can prioritize traffic passing through your HomePlug besed on the device it is intended for by setting MAC address on your powerline network and the level of priority."; var _ap_time_title="Current Time"; var _ap_wireless_info="Use this section to configure the wireless settings for your D-Link Access Point. Please note that changes made on this section will also need to be duplicated to your wireless clients and PC."; var _ap_wireless_info_2="Enter an 8- to 63-character alphanumeric pass-phrase. For good security it should be of ample length and should not be a commonly known phrase."; var _ap_wireless_info_3="Visibility Status is another way to secure your network. With invisible option enabled, no wireless clients will be able to see your wireless network when they scan to see what's available. For your wireless devices to connect to your router, you will need to manually enter the Wireless Network Name on each device."; var _ap_wireless_info_4="Wi-Fi Protected Setup (Also called WCN 2.0 in Windows Vista)"; var _ap_wireless_info_5="Wi-Fi Protected Setup provides a more intuitive way of setting up wireless security between the AP and the wireless client. Make sure the wireless card supports such feature or uses a certified Windows Vista driver in order to take advantage of this feature."; var _ap_support_internet_info="The Wizard is a quick and useful utility to help setup the <-- model_number --> to easily connect to your Local Area Network (LAN) with only a few simple steps required. It will guide you step by step to configure a new password, SSID, channel, security setting for the <-- model_number -->. The Setup Wizard is a helpful guide for first time users to the <-- model_number -->."; var _ap_support_lan_info="These are the settings of the LAN (Local Area Network) interface for the device. These settings may be referred to as \"private settings\". You may change the LAN IP address if needed. The LAN IP address is private to your internal network and cannot be seen on the Internet. The default IP address is with a subnet mask of"; var _ap_support_lan_info2="Dynamic IP Address/Static IP Address"; var _ap_support_lan_info3="- The <-- model_number --> can be configured to obtain an IP address automatically from another DHCP server in the local network. By default, the <-- model_number --> is pre-configured with a fixed IP of"; var _ap_support_lan_info4="IP address of the <-- model_number -->, default is"; var _ap_support_lan_info5="Subnet Mask of <-- model_number -->, default is"; var _ap_support_adv_info="Wireless Access Settings"; var _ap_support_adv_info_2="Select a MAC address from the drop down menu, then click the arrow to add it to the list."; var _ap_support_adv_info_3="Filter wireless clients"; var _ap_support_adv_info_4="Apply MAC Filtering to devices that connect to the network via Wi-Fi. This is the normal usage of MAC Filtering"; var _ap_support_adv_info_5="Filter wired clients"; var _ap_support_adv_info_6="Apply MAC Filtering to devices that are physically connected to the network (as by Ethernet cable). (This is Not applicable for 1 LAN port AP)"; var _ask_nochange="Nothing has changed, save anyway?"; var _add_new_schedule="Add New Schedule"; var _auth="Authentication"; var _authsecmodel="Authentication & Security"; var _authword="Enter the correct password above and
then type the characters you see in the
picture below."; var _badL2TP="Invalid L2TP subnet mask"; var _badL2TP2="The L2TP gateway IP address is not in the L2TP subnet"; var _badL2TP3="Invalid L2TP address"; var _badL2TPgwip="Invalid L2TP Gateway IP Address"; var _badPPTPgwip="Invalid PPTP Gateway IP Address"; var _badPPTPip="Invalid PPTP IP address"; var _badPPTPipsub="The PPTP gateway IP address is not in the PPTP subnet"; var _badPPTPsub="Invalid PPTP subnet mask"; var _badWANIP="Invalid WAN IP address"; var _badWANsub="Invalid WAN subnet mask."; var _badfromemailaddr="The Email address ' + from_addr + ' is not valid."; var _badsmtpserveraddr=" SMTP Server Address is not allowed"; var _badssid="The SSID field can not be blank"; var _badtoemailaddr="The Email address ' + to_addr + ' is not valid."; var _band="Band"; var _basic="Basic"; var _blankddnsserver="The specified Server Address is blank"; var _blankfromemailaddr="From email address should not be blank"; var _blanksmtpmailaddr="SMTP Server address should not be blank"; var _blanktomemailaddr="To email address should not be blank"; var _bln_nmgmy="No multicast group membership information yet."; var _bln_title_IGMPMemberships="IGMP Multicast memberships"; var _bln_title_IGMPMemberships_h="If IGMP is enabled, this area of the screen show all multicast groups of which any LAN devices are members."; var _both="Both"; var _bsecure_activate_trial="Activate Your FREE 30 Day Trial Here"; var _bsecure_free_trial="FREE 30 Day Trial"; var _bsecure_more_info="More info..."; var _bsecure_parental_blurb="The Parental Controls service is a simple yet effective way to limit access to offensive, illegal or hateful web sites. This service covers all PC's or Apple Computers behind your router and is always automatically updated in real time. (No need for you to download or manually input sites.) This service is fast and will not slow down your network."; var _bsecure_parental_limits="Note that it is not possible to control access to web sites that use the secure HTTP protocol; that is, those whose URL is of the form https://...."; var _bsecure_parental_serv="Sentinel Parental Controls Service"; var _bsecure_security_blurb="Security Services are a great way to protect all your PC's with a unified suite of services that are managed from any web browser. Includes Anti-Virus, Firewall, Intrusion Detection, Content Filtering, Spam Killer and Pop-up blocker. Any or all services can be selected at one low price."; var _bsecure_security_serv="Sentinel Security Services"; var _bss="BSS"; var _cablestate="Cable Status"; var _cancel="Cancel"; var _cantapplysettings="Can't Apply Settings"; var _cantapplysettings_1="Insufficient Permission"; var _certification = "Certification"; var _channel="Channel"; var _cipher="Cipher"; var _clear="Clear"; var _clone="Copy Your PC's MAC Address"; var _clonemac="Clone Your PC's MAC Address"; var _clone_error="The MAC Address entered is invalid."; var _connect="Connect"; var _connected_time="Connected Time"; var _disonnect="Disonnect"; var _connow="Windows Connect Now"; var _continue="Continue"; var _contype="Connection Type"; var _detnettype="Detected Network type"; var _conuptime="Connection Up Time"; var _copyright="Copyright © 2014 D-Link Corporation/D-Link Systems, Inc."; var _copyright2="Copyright © 2004-2014 D-Link Corporation, Inc."; var _copyright3="Copyright © 2014 D-Link Corporation."; var _copyright4="Copyright © 2014 D-Link Corporation."; var _country="Country"; var _cpu_usr ="CPU usage by user"; var _cpu_sys="CPU usage by system"; var _cpu_idle="CPU Idle"; var _cpu_io="CPU waitting for IO"; var _creator="Creator"; var _date="Date"; var _days="Day(s)"; var _defgw="Default Gateway"; var _delete="Delete"; var _deny="Deny"; var _denyall="Deny All"; var _desc_AdvDns = "Advanced DNS is a free security option that provides Anti-Phishing to protect your Internet connection from fraud and navigation improvements such as auto-correction of common URL typos."; var _destip="Destination IP"; var _destipv6="Destination IP/Prefix Length"; var _devinfo="Device Info"; var _ddnssetting="DDNS Setting"; var _dhcpconn="DHCP Connection (Dynamic IP Address)"; var _dhcpop="DHCP Option"; var _dhcpsrv="DHCP Server"; var _dhcprout="DHCP routing option"; var _disabled="Disabled"; var _disableoff="Disable/off"; var _dmzh="DMZ Host"; var _dns1="Primary DNS Server"; var _dns2="Secondary DNS Server"; var _dontsavesettings="Don't Save Settings"; var _dyndns="Dynamic DNS"; var _edit="Edit"; var _email="EMail Settings"; var _emailaccnameisblank="Account Name must be valid"; var _en_AdvDns="Enable Advanced DNS Service"; var _enable="Enable"; var _enable_https="Enable HTTPS Server"; var _enabled="Enabled"; var _encrypt="Encrypt"; var _error="Error"; var _firewall="Firewall"; var _firewalls="Firewall Settings"; var _firmware="Firmware"; var _firmwareupdate="Firmware Update"; var _gaming="Gaming"; var _gateway="Gateway"; var _graph_auth="Enable Graphical Authentication"; var _guestzone="GUEST ZONE"; var _index="Index"; var _gprotrction="G Protection"; var _help="Help"; var _hints="Helpful Hints"; var _hostname="Host Name"; var _hostname_err="Host name given is invalid"; var _hostname_eg="(e.g."; var _ht_pretection="HT Pretection"; var _inboundfilter="Inbound Filter"; var _info_netowrk="Please set Network USB Detection interval time, the router will automatically detect the USB device."; var _init_fail="Init failed"; var _interface="Interface"; var _internetconn="INTERNET CONNECTION"; var _internet="INTERNET"; var _internetc="Internet Connection"; var _intranet="INTRANET"; var _invalidddnsserver="The specified Dynamic DNS Service Provider is not supported"; var _invalidsmtpserveraddr=" The SMTP Server Address' + data.smtp_email_server_addr + ' is not valid."; var _ip="IP"; var _isp="ISP"; var _ipaddr="IP Address"; var _res_ipaddr="Reservation IP"; var _ispinfo="Enter the information provided by your Internet Service Provider (ISP)."; var _lan="LAN"; var _laninfo2="The clients should release and renew IP address or the DUT should be reboot."; var _local="LOCAL"; var _idel_time="Idle Time"; var _idel_time_alert="Login session timeout must be 60 ~ 600 seconds"; var _logs="Logs"; var _logsyslog_alert1="IP address is not valid"; var _logsyslog_alert2="IP address is not allowed"; var _long="Long"; var _longsetting="Log Settings"; var _locakloopback="Local Loopback"; var _lowest="lowest"; var _mac="MAC"; var _macaddr="MAC Address"; var _macfilt="MAC Address Filter"; var _maintenance="Maintenance"; var _metric="Metric"; var _memtotal="Memory Total"; var _memused="Memory Used"; var _memfree="Memory Free"; var _minutes="(minutes)"; var _mode="Mode"; var _more="More"; var _mpppoe_info="IP unnumber"; var _mpppoe_info_2="Unnumber IP address"; var _mpppoe_info_3="Unnumber Network Mask"; var _mpppoe_info_4="Domain Name"; var _mpppoe_info_5="Destination IP address"; var _mpppoe_info_6="Two sessions provide in this mode for different PPPoE Server. Select Dynamic PPPoE to obtain an IP address automatically for your PPPoE connection (used by majority of PPPoE connections). Select Static PPPoE to use a static IP address you're your PPPoE connection."; var _na="N/A"; var _name="Name"; var _name_emipt="name is empty."; var _neft="NAT Endpoint Filtering"; var _netfilt="Network Filter"; var _netmask="Netmask"; var _network_usb_auto="Enable Network USB Auto-Detection"; var _networkstate="Network Status"; var _never="Never"; var _next="Next"; var _no="No"; var _none="None"; var _note="Note"; var _nousername="Please enter a user name and try again"; var _off="Off"; var _ok="OK"; var _on="On"; var _only="Only"; var _open="Open"; var _optional="(optional)"; var _other="Other"; var _password="Password"; var _password_admin="Admin Password"; var _password_user="User Password"; var _cpuload="CPU Loading"; var _pf="Port Forwarding"; var _phone="Phone Type"; var _phone_info="Select the 3G USB phone you used."; var _ping="Ping"; var _please_wait="Please wait..."; var _prev="Prev"; var _priority="Priority"; var _private="Private"; var _protocol="Protocol"; var _ps="Print Server"; var _psk="Pre-Shared Key"; var _public="Public"; var _pwsame="Please make the two passwords the same and try again"; var _pwsame_admin="Please make the two admin passwords the same and try again"; var _pwsame_user="Please make the two user passwords the same and try again"; var _r_alert2="Invalid Netmask for route"; var _r_alert3="Invalid Gateway for route"; var _r_alert4="Invalid Interface for route"; var _r_alert5="Invalid Metric for route"; var _r_alert_new1="Destination IP address are same"; var _dest="Dest"; var _rate="Rate"; var _reboot="Reboot The Device"; var _reboot_running="The Reboot running"; var _restore="The restore defaults running"; var _relogin="Re-login"; var _remotedesktop="REMOTE DESKTOP"; var _remove="Remove"; var _ripaddr="Router IP Address"; var _routing="Routing"; var _rs_failed="Restore Failed"; var _rs_invalid="Restore Invalid"; var _rs_succeeded="Restore Succeeded"; var _rssi="Signal(%)"; var _save="Save"; var _savesettings="Save Settings"; var _saveandrestore="Save and Restore"; var _save_system="Saving System"; var _sched="Schedule"; var _scheds="Schedules"; var _sdi_bpc="BigPond Client"; var _sdi_days="day(s),"; var _sdi_dhcpclient="DHCP Client"; var _sdi_disconnectpending=" (disconnection pending in"; var _sdi_nciy="No computer information yet."; var _sdi_s1=" Incorrectly configured"; var _sdi_s10=" Status change (please wait...)"; var _sdi_s1a=" Incorrectly configured - check logs"; var _sdi_s2="Disconnected"; var _sdi_s3="Establishing (please wait...)"; var _sdi_s4=" Established"; var _sdi_s4b="Established"; var _sdi_s5="Disconnecting (please wait...)"; var _sdi_s6=" Disconnected by administrator"; var _sdi_s7=" Logged in"; var _sdi_s8=" Logged out"; var _sdi_s9=" Failed"; var _sdi_secs=" seconds)"; var _static="STATIC"; var _sdi_staticip="Static IP"; var _seconds="seconds"; var _security="Security"; var _seealso="See also"; var _select_ISP="Select your ISP"; var _select_country="Select your country"; var _sentinel_serv="Sentinel Services"; var _setup="Setup"; var _setupdone="Setup Complete!"; var _setup_wizard_1 ="Welcome to the D-Link Setup Wizard"; var _setup_wizard_2 ="This wizard will guide you through a step-by-step process to configure your new D-Link router and connect to the Internet."; var _setup_wizard_3 ="Set your Password"; var _setup_wizard_4 ="Select your Time Zone"; var _setup_wizard_5 ="Set Advanced DNS Services"; var _setup_wizard_6 ="Step 4: Configure your Internet Connection"; var _setup_wizard_7 ="Step 5: Set your wireless security"; var _setup_wizard_8 ="Step 6: Save Settings and Connect"; var _setup_wizard_06 ="Configure your Internet Connection"; var _setup_wizard_07 ="Configure your Wi-Fi security"; var _setup_wizard_08 ="Save Settings"; var _setup_wizard_9 ="By default, your new D-Link Router does not have a password configured for administrator access to the Web-based configuration pages. To secure your new networking device, please set and verify a password below, and enabling CAPTCHA Graphical Authentication provides added security protection to prevent unauthorized online users and hacker software from accessing your network settings."; var _setup_wizard_10 ="Enable Graphical Authentication"; var _setup_wizard_11="Select the appropriate time zone for your location. This information is required to configure the time-based options for the router."; var _setup_wizard_12="Advanced Domain Name System (DNS) services enhances your Internet Performance by getting you the information and web pages you are looking for faster and more reliably.In addition, it improves your overall Internet experience by correcting many common typo mistakes automatically, taking you where you intended to go and saving you valuable time."; var _setup_wizard_13="Please plug one end of the included Ethernet cable that came with your router into the port labeled INTERNET on the back of the router. Plug the other end of this cable into the Ethernet port on your modem."; var _setup_wizard_14="Router is detecting your Internet connection type, please wait ..."; var _setup_wizard_15="Guide me through the internet connection settings"; var _setup_wizard_16="Please select your Internet connection type below"; var _setup_wizard_17="Do you really want to quit the Setup Wizard and setup the device manually?"; var _setup_wizard_unable="Router is unable to detect your Internet connection type."; var _setup_wizard_pppoe="Choose this option if your Internet connection requires a username and password to get online. Most DSL modems use this connection type of connection."; var _setup_wizard_button="Save & Connect"; var _setup_wizard_wlan="CONFIGURE YOUR WI-FI SECURITY"; var _setup_wizard_wlan_0="Step 4: Welcome TO THE D-LINK WIRELESS SECURITY SETUP WIZARD"; var _setup_wizard_wlan_1="The WPA (Wi-Fi Protected Access) key must meet following guildelines"; var _setup_wizard_wlan_2="-Between 8 and 63 characters (A longer WPA key is more secure than a short one)"; var _setup_wizard_wlan_3="Network key"; var _setup_wizard_wlan_4="Below is a detailed summary of your Wi-Fi security settings. Please print this page out, or write the information on a piece of paper, so you can configure the correct settings on your Wi-Fi devices."; var _setup_wizard_info="Do you want to bookmark \"D-Link Router Web Management\""; var _setup_wizard_info_ap="Do you want to bookmark \"D-Link AP Web Management\""; var _setup_wizard_info2="D-Link Router Web Management"; var _setup_wizard_info2_ap="D-Link AP Web Management"; var _setup_wizard_wps_fin="You have succeed to add the wireless device to your wireless network."; var _select_phone="Select usb phone"; var _shutdown="shutdown"; var _share_port="SharePort"; var _short="Short"; var _sp_desc1_AdvDNS = "When feature is enabled, your internet traffic will be protected by a security ready DNS server. This feature provides Anti-Phishing to protect your Internet connection from fraud and navigation improvements such as auto-correction of common URL typos."; var _sp_desc2_AdvDNS = "Note:
When DNS Relay is enabled along with Advanced DNS feature, your workstations on the network that are obtaining an IP address from router's DHCP server will obtain (router's IP address). However, traffic will still be protected."; var _sp_desc3_AdvDNS = "Although Advanced DNS feature is enabled, DNS IP address of your workstation can still be modified to the DNS server IP you desire. Please note that the router does not dictate the DNS name resolution when DNS IP address is configured on the workstation."; var _sp_desc4_AdvDNS = "If you selected this option and have VPN or Intranet setup in your network, you can disable Advanced DNS service if you experience connection difficulties."; var _sp_title_AdvDNS = "Advanced DNS"; var _specapps="Special Applications"; var _specapps_alert_2="Trigger port range '+protocols[ae.thearray[-1].trigger_ports.protocol]+' ['+ae.thearray[-1].trigger_ports.port_range+'] conflicts with '+saved_records[i].entry_name+''+protocols[saved_records[i].trigger_ports.protocol]+' ['+saved_records[i].trigger_ports.port_range+']'"; var _specapps_ipr="Input port range"; var _specapps_tpr="Trigger port range"; var _specappsr="Application Rules"; var _sr_nriy="No routes information yet."; var _source="Source"; var _srcip="Source IP Range"; var _srcport="Source Port Range"; var _srvname="Service Name"; var _st_AdvDns="Advanced DNS"; var _stats="Statistics"; var _status="Status"; var _stop="Stop"; var _subnet="Subnet Mask"; var _success="Success"; var _support="Support"; var _syscheck="System Check"; var _systime_settings="System Time Settings"; var _syslog="SysLog"; var _system="System"; var _sys_ipaddr="Server IP address"; var _sys_ipaddr_error="The Server IP Address cannot be zero."; var _tcpports="TCP ports"; var _time="Time"; var _title_AdvDns="Advanced DNS Service"; var _to="to"; var _tools="Tools"; var _trigger="Trigger"; var _tstats="Traffic Statistics"; var _type="Type"; var _udpports="UDP ports"; var _unavailable="unavailable"; var _unknown="Unknown"; var _unknown_wait="Unknown (Please wait...)"; var _upgintro="The router will now be reprogrammed using the uploaded firmware file. Please wait  seconds for this process to complete, after which you may access these web pages again. Pressing reload or back on your browser may cause this operation to fail."; var _uploadgood="Upload Succeeded"; var _use_https="Use HTTPS"; var _use_unicasting="Use Unicasting"; var _user_group = "UserGroup"; var _user="User"; var _username="User Name"; var _userpage="Only admin account can change the settings."; var _usingpingnumber="USING PIN NUMBER"; var _user_limit_add="Add User limit"; var _user_limit_title="User Limit Settings"; var _user_limit_set_info="Check this option to enable User Limit function."; var _user_limit_info_ap="Please Apply the settings to limit how many wireless stations connecting to AP."; var _user_limit_info = "User Limit can set a limit upon the number of wireless clients. Using user limit, you can prevent scenarios where the <-- model_number --> in your network shows performance degradation because it is handling heavy wireless traffic."; var _user_limit_enable="Enable User Limit"; var _user_limit_num="User Limit(1 - 32)"; var _user_limit_num_info="Enter the numbers of wireless clients you want to set for a limitation in accessing your network."; var _uptime="uptime"; var _servicename="Serivce Name"; var _optional="(Optional)"; var _verifypw="Verify Password"; var _virtserv="Virtual Server"; var _vs_both="Both"; var _vs_other="Other"; var _vs_port="Port"; var _vs_private="Private"; var _vs_proto="Protocol"; var _vs_public="Public"; var _vs_title="Virtual Server"; var _vs_traffictype="Traffic Type"; var _vs_schedule="Schedule"; var _wakeonlan="Wake-On-LAN"; var _wchannel="Wireless Channel"; var _webfilter="Web Filter"; var _websfilter="Website Filter"; var _wep="Wep"; var _wepkey1="WEP Key 1"; var _wepkey2="WEP Key 2"; var _wepkey3="WEP Key 3"; var _wepkey4="WEP Key 4"; var _wifisc_addfail="Failed"; var _wifisc_addstart="Started"; var _wifisc_overlap="Session Overlap Detected"; var _Wifi_protected_setup = "Wi-Fi Protected Setup"; var _wireless="Wireless"; var _wireless_net="Wireless Network"; var _wirelesst="Wireless Settings"; var _wireless_mode="Wireless Mode"; var _wireless_hybrid="Hybrid will be disable when the wireless function is disable." var _lanst="LAN Settings"; var _plcst="PLC Settings"; var _wizard="Wizard"; var _wizard_set="Wi-Fi Connection Setup Wizard"; var _wizard_manual="Manual Wireless Connection Setup"; var _wizquit="Do you want to abandon all changes you made to this wizard?"; var _worksbest="Select the option that works best for your installation."; var _wps_albert_1="Can't choose shared key when WPS is enable!!"; var _wps_albert_2="Can't choos WPA-Enterprisey when WPS is enable!!"; var _wps_vpb="Virtual Push Button"; var _yes="Yes"; var _packets="Packets"; var _bytes="Bytes"; var _user_limit="User Limit"; var aa_ACR_c2="Policy"; var aa_ACR_c5="Filtering"; var aa_ACR_c6="Logged"; var aa_ACR_c7="Schedule"; var aa_AT="Address Type"; var aa_AT_0="IP"; var aa_AT_1="MAC"; var aa_AT_2="Others"; var aa_EAC="Enable Access Control"; var aa_FPR_c3="Dest IP
Start"; var aa_FPR_c4="Dest IP
End"; var aa_FPR_c6="Dest
Start"; var aa_FPR_c7="Dest
End"; var aa_ACC_01="Start Dest IP Address"; var aa_ACC_02="End Dest IP Address"; var aa_ACC_03="The Start Dest IP Address and the LAN IP Address are in the same subnet."; var aa_ACC_04="The End Dest IP address and the LAN IP Address are in the same subnet."; var aa_ACC_05=" -- IP Address should be in LAN subnet."; var aa_ACC_06="Are you sure that you want to delete ?"; var aa_ACC_07="The Ending Port number must be greater than the Starting Port number"; var aa_ACC_08="Are you sure that you want to enable/disable ?"; var aa_FILTER_01="Please select a machine first"; var aa_FILTER_02="The Parental Control rule entered is already in the list."; var aa_FILTER_03="The web address %v is already in the list."; var aa_FILTER_04="The allow list should not be empty"; var aa_MAC="Machine Address"; var aa_Machine="Machine"; var aa_PolName="Policy Name"; var aa_Policy_Table="Policy Table"; var aa_WebSite="Web Site"; var aa_WebSite_Domain="Website URL/Domain"; var aa_alert_1="This Access Control rule is already defined by the Policy + data.access_ctrl_table[i].policy_name"; var aa_alert_10="Please enter one machine"; var aa_alert_11="is not a valid IP address"; var aa_alert_12="should be in LAN subnet"; var aa_alert_13="Please select a filter"; var aa_alert_14="You cannot add new IP addresses. You can only reuse IP addresses from other policies."; var aa_alert_15="You cannot add new MAC addresses. You can only reuse MAC addresses from other policies."; var aa_alert_16="The Port Filter rule ' + data.access_ctrl_table[-1].port_filter_table[i].entry_name + ' is duplicated."; var aa_alert_17="You cannot add more machines because the table is full."; var aa_alert_2="Destination IP Start address for Port Filter = '+data.access_ctrl_table[-1].port_filter_table[j].entry_name+' should not be in LAN subnet ('+lan_subnet+')"; var aa_alert_3="Destination IP End address for Port Filter = '+data.access_ctrl_table[-1].port_filter_table[j].entry_name+' should not be in LAN subnet ('+lan_subnet+')"; var aa_alert_4="Invalid destination IP address range for Port Filter = '+data.access_ctrl_table[-1].port_filter_table[j].entry_name+'"; var aa_alert_5="Invalid destination port range for Port Filter = '+data.access_ctrl_table[-1].port_filter_table[j].entry_name+' should be in range (1..65535)"; var aa_alert_6="Destination start port for Port Filter = '+data.access_ctrl_table[-1].port_filter_table[j].entry_name+' should not be greater than destination end port"; var aa_alert_7="This Machine rule is already used."; var aa_alert_7_new1="are same Machine."; var aa_alert_8="This Policy Name is already used."; var aa_alert_9="The Policy Name cannot be blank"; var aa_intro="The Access Control option allows you to control access in and out of your network. Use this feature as Access Controls to only grant access to approved sites, limit web access based on time or dates, and/or block internet access for applications like P2P utilities or games."; var aa_sched_conf_1="You must abandon all your changes in order to define a new schedule."; var aa_sched_conf_2="Press \"Ok \" to abandon these changes and display the Schedule page."; var aa_sched_conf_3="There are ' + unsaved_policies + ' unsaved policies, do you want to abandon these policies."; var aa_sched_new="Define a new schedule"; var aa_wiz_s1_msg1="Step 1 - Choose a unique name for your policy"; var aa_wiz_s1_msg2="Step 2 - Select a schedule"; var aa_wiz_s1_msg3="Step 3 - Select the machine to which this policy applies"; var aa_wiz_s1_msg4="Step 4 - Select filtering method"; var aa_wiz_s1_msg5="Step 5 - Select filters"; var aa_wiz_s1_msg6="Step 6 - Configure Web Access Logging"; var ad_dmz_intro="The Firewall Settings allow you to set a single computer on your network outside of the router."; var add_ed_ssid="Add/Edit SSID"; var add_gu_wps="Add Guest Wireless with WPS"; var add_wireless_device="Adding wireless device:"; var adv_Everyone="Everyone allowed"; var adv_Noone="No one allowed"; var adv_opendns="OpenDns"; var adv_opendns_client="OpenDNS by Client" var adv_opendns_desc="OpenDNSTM is a DNS service provider that supports parental controls and phishing protections."; var adv_opendns_h="OpenDNSTM"; var adv_opendns_h_desc="Enable OpenDNSTM Services"; var adv_opendns_service="OpenDNSTM Service"; var adv_opendns_service_desc="Click here to create and manage OpenDNS service, and enter the provided Deviced ID in bellow"; var adv_opendns_device_id="Device ID"; var adv_opendns_help_msg="Once you have enabled OpenDns service, you will have access to advanced parental controls, and phishing protections."; var adv_opendns_help_msg1="Click here for more information about OpenDNSTM services."; var af_DI="DMZ IP Address"; var af_ED="Enable DMZ"; var af_EFT_0="Endpoint Independent"; var af_EFT_1="Address Restricted"; var af_EFT_2="Port And Address Restricted"; var af_EFT_h0="Once a LAN-side application has created a connection through a specific port, the NAT will forward any incoming connection requests with the same port to the LAN-side application regardless of their origin. This is the least restrictive option, giving the best connectivity and allowing some applications (P2P applications in particular) to behave almost as if they are directly connected to the Internet."; var af_EFT_h1="The NAT forwards incoming connection requests to a LAN-side host only when they come from the same IP address with which a connection was established. This allows the remote application to send data back through a port different from the one used when the outgoing session was created."; var af_EFT_h2="The NAT does not forward any incoming connection requests with the same port address as an already establish connection."; var af_EFT_h4="The NAT Endpoint Filtering options control how the router's NAT manages incoming connection requests to ports that are already being used."; var af_EFT_h5="Note that some of these options can interact with other port restrictions. Endpoint Independent Filtering takes priority over inbound filters or schedules, so it is possible for an incoming session request related to an outgoing session to enter through a port in spite of an active inbound filter on that port. However, packets will be rejected as expected when sent to blocked ports (whether blocked by schedule or by inbound filter) for which there are no active sessions. Port and Address Restricted Filtering ensures that inbound filters and schedules work precisely, but prevents some level of connectivity, and therefore might require the use of port triggers, virtual servers, or port forwarding to open the ports needed by the application. Address Restricted Filtering gives a compromise position, which avoids problems when communicating with certain other types of NAT router (symmetric NATs in particular) but leaves inbound filters and scheduled access working as expected."; var af_ES="Enable SPI"; var af_TEFT="TCP Endpoint Filtering"; var af_TEFT_h2="Controls endpoint filtering for packets of the TCP protocol."; var af_UEFT="UDP Endpoint Filtering"; var af_UEFT_h1="Controls endpoint filtering for packets of the UDP protocol."; var af_alert_1="DMZ address should be within LAN subnet (+lan_subnet+')"; var af_alert_2="DMZ Address is not allowed"; var af_algconfig="Application Level Gateway (ALG) Configuration"; var af_gss="Non-UDP/TCP/ICMP LAN Sessions"; var af_intro_1="The DMZ (Demilitarized Zone) option lets you set a single computer on your network outside of the router. If you have a computer that cannot run Internet applications successfully from behind the router, then you can place the computer into the DMZ for unrestricted Internet access."; var af_intro_2="Note: Putting a computer in the DMZ may expose that computer to a variety of security risks. Use of this option is only recommended as a last resort."; var af_intro_x="The Firewall Settings allows you to set a single computer on your network outside of the router."; var ag_alert2="Both 'TCP Ports to Open' and 'UDP Ports to Open' fields can not be blank"; var ag_alert_1="IP address for '+data.game_rules[i].entry_name+'' should be within LAN subnet ('+lan_subnet+')'"; var ag_alert_3="IP Address for '+data.game_rules[i].entry_name+'' is not allowed'"; var ag_alert_4="This '+ data.game_rules[j].entry_name + ' record is already present."; var ag_alert_5="This '+ data.game_rules[j].entry_name + ' record is duplicate of '' + data.game_rules[i].entry_name + ''."; var ag_alert_duplicate="The Application Rules name ' + saved_records[j].entry_name + ' is duplicate of ' + saved_records[i].entry_name + '"; var ag_alert_duplicate_name="The Application Rules name ' + saved_records[i].entry_name + ' is duplicated."; var ag_alert_duplicate_name2="The rule name ' + data.game_rules[j].entry_name + '' is duplicated.'"; var ag_alert_duplicate_name3="The Application Rules name"; var ag_alert_empty_name="The rule name can not be empty."; var ag_conflict10="'TCP ports ['+data.game_rules[i].tcp_ports_to_open+'] conflicts with '+data.game_rules[j].entry_name+' TCP ports ['+data.game_rules[j].tcp_ports_to_open+']'"; var ag_conflict20="'UDP ports ['+data.game_rules[i].udp_ports_to_open+'] conflicts with '+data.game_rules[j].entry_name+' UDP ports ['+data.game_rules[j].udp_ports_to_open+']'"; var ag_conflict21="Please select a schedule for record ' + data.game_rules[i].entry_name + ''.'"; var ag_conflict4="TCP ports[' + data.game_rules[i].tcp_ports_to_open + '] conflicts with Remote Management Port"; var ag_conflict4a="conflicts with Remote Management Port"; var ag_intro="This option is used to open multiple ports or a range of ports in your router and redirect data through those ports to a single PC on your network. This feature allows you to enter ports in various formats including, Port Ranges (100-150), Individual Ports (80, 68, 888), or Mixed (1020-5000, 689)."; var ag_inuse="This Rule is already used"; var ag_title_4="Port Forwarding Rules"; var ai_Action="Action"; var ai_alert_3="Invalid source IP Range for '+data.ingress_rules[i].ingress_filter_name+'+' ('+data.ingress_rules[i].ip_range_table[j].ip_start+', +data.ingress_rules[i].ip_range_table[j].ip_end+)'"; var ai_alert_4="The inbound filter name '+(data.ingress_rules[i].ingress_filter_name)+'' is reserved and can not be used'"; var ai_alert_5="Enable at least one Source IP Range for ''+ data.ingress_rules[i].ingress_filter_name"; var ai_alert_5a="Enable at least one Source IP Range for"; var ai_alert_6="The inbound filter rule '' + data.ingress_rules[-1].ingress_filter_name + '' is duplicated.'"; var ai_alert_7="The inbound filter range ' + data.ingress_rules[i].ip_range_table[k].ip_start + '-' + data.ingress_rules[i].ip_range_table[k].ip_end + '' is duplicated.'"; var ai_alert_7a="The inbound filter range"; var ai_alert_7b="is duplicated."; var ai_c2="Source IP Start"; var ai_c3="Source IP End"; var ai_intro_1="The Inbound Filter option is an advanced method of controlling data received from the Internet. With this feature you can configure inbound data filtering rules that control data based on an IP address range."; var ai_intro_2="Inbound Filters can be used for limiting access to a server on your network to a system or group of systems."; var ai_intro_3="Filter rules can be used with Virtual Server, Port Forwarding, or Remote Administration features."; var ai_title_2="Inbound Filter Rules"; var ai_title_IFR="Inbound Filter Rule"; var _add_ai_title_IFR="Add Inbound Filter Rule"; var ai_title_IFRL="Inbound Filter Rules List"; var am_FM_2="Turn MAC Filtering OFF"; var am_FM_3="Turn MAC Filtering ON and ALLOW computers listed to access the network"; var am_FM_4="Turn MAC Filtering ON and DENY computers listed to access the network"; var am_MACFILT="MAC Filtering Rules"; var am_cMT_Allow="Allow access to all except the machines in this list (subject to \"Filter Settings\")"; var am_cMT_deny="Deny access to all except the machines in this list (subject to \"Filter Settings\")"; var am_intro="Configure MAC Filtering below"; var am_intro_1="The MAC (Media Access Controller) Address filter option is used to control network access based on the MAC Address of the network adapter. A MAC address is a unique ID assigned by the manufacturer of the network adapter. This feature can be configured to ALLOW or DENY network/Internet access."; var am_intro_2="Configure MAC Filtering"; var amaf_alert_1="The ' + saved_records[i].mac_addr + ' MAC address is duplicate."; var amaf_alert_2="MAC Address Filter allows no machines. This is not allowed because it locks out all machines."; var amaf_alert_3="WPS will be disable when the MAC filter allow/deny function is enabled."; var android_phone="Android Phone"; var anet_intro="If you are not familiar with these Advanced Network settings, please read the help section before attempting to modify these settings."; var anet_msg_upnp="Universal Plug and Play (UPnP) supports peer-to-peer Plug and Play functionality for network devices."; var anet_msg_wan_ping="If you enable this feature, the WAN port of your router will respond to ping requests from the Internet that are sent to the WAN IP Address."; var anet_multicast="IPv4 Multicast Streams"; var ipv6_anet_multicast="IPv6 Multicast Streams"; var anet_multicast_enable="Enable IPv4 Multicast Streams"; var ipv6_anet_multicast_enable="Enable IPv6 Multicast Streams"; var anet_multicast_enhanced="Enhanced IGMP Proxy"; var anet_wan_phyrate="WAN Port Speed"; var anet_wan_ping="WAN Ping"; var anet_wan_ping_1="Pinging public WAN IP addresses is a common method used by hackers to test whether your WAN IP address is valid."; var anet_wan_ping_2="If you leave this option unchecked, you are causing the router to ignore ping commands for the public WAN IP address of the router."; var anet_wp_0="10Mbps"; var anet_wp_1="100Mbps"; var anet_wp_2="Auto 10/100/1000Mbps"; var anet_wp_auto2="Auto 10/100/1000Mbps"; var anet_wp_auto3="Auto 10/100Mbps"; var ap_intro_cont="Please press the button below to continue configuring the router."; var ap_intro_noreboot="Press the button below to continue configuring the router if the previous page doesn't restore in  seconds"; var ap_intro_sv="The new settings have been applied."; var ar_ERTable="Existing routes"; var ar_RoutI="The Routing option allows you to define fixed routes to defined destinations."; var ar_Route="Route"; var ar_RoutesList="Routes List"; var ar_alert_1="This internal route is already used"; var ar_alert_2="This Route is already Present"; var ar_alert_3="Metric value should be in between (1..16)."; var ar_alert_4="Next Hop not on the specified interface"; var ar_alert_5="Invalid Netmask."; var as_FPrt="Firewall Traffic Type"; var as_H323="H.323 (NetMeeting)"; var as_IPR="Input Port Range"; var as_IPR_b="Firewall Port"; var as_IPSec="IPSec (VPN)"; var as_IPrt="Input Protocol"; var as_MMS="MMS"; var as_NM="H.323 (Netmeeting)"; var as_RTSP="RTSP"; var as_SIP="SIP"; var as_TPR="Trigger Protocol"; var as_TPRange="Trigger Port Range"; var as_TPRange_b="Trigger Port"; var as_TPrt="Trigger Traffic Type"; var as_WM="Windows/MSN Messenger"; var as_ex="ex."; var as_intro_SA="This option is used to open single or multiple ports on your router when the router senses data sent to the Internet on a \"trigger\" port or port range. Special Applications rules apply to all computers on your internal network."; var as_title_SAR="Special Applications Rule"; var at_AC="Automatic Classification"; var at_AUS="Automatic Uplink Speed"; var at_Any="Any"; var at_Auto="Auto-detect"; var at_Both="Both"; var at_Cable="Cable Or Other Broadband Network"; var at_DF="Dynamic Fragmentation"; var at_DIPR="Destination IP Range"; var at_DPR="Destination Port Range"; var at_DxDSL="Detected xDSL Or Other Frame Relay Network"; var at_ESE="Enable QoS Engine"; var at_ETS="Enable Traffic Shaping"; var at_LoIPR="Local IP Range"; var at_LoPortR="Local Port Range"; var at_MUS="Measured Uplink Speed"; var at_NEst="Not Estimated"; var at_Prot_0="ANY"; var at_Prot_1="Select Protocol"; var at_ReIPR="Remote IP Range"; var at_RePortR="Remote Port Range"; var at_STR="Select Transmission Rate"; var at_UpSp="Manual Uplink Speed"; var at_alert_0="name + 's local port start,' + local_ports_start + ', must be less or equal than local port end, ' + local_ports_end + '.'"; var at_alert_0a="name + 's remote port start,' + remote_ports_start + ', must be less or equal than remote port end, ' + remote_ports_end + '.'"; var at_alert_1="Max transmission rate should be between 20 kbps and 100 Mbps, inclusive."; var at_alert_10="Source Port start for rule ''+data.qos_rules[i].entry_name+'' should be less than Source Port end.'"; var at_alert_11="Destination Port start for rule ''+data.qos_rules[i].entry_name+'' should be less than Destination Port end.'"; var at_alert_14="Protocol \"ANY\" includes ICMP so port ranges are disabled. Select TCP or UDP if you want to configure port ranges."; var at_alert_15="Name can not be blank."; var at_alert_16="Rule ''+data.qos_rules[i].entry_name+'' Priority '+data.qos_rules[i].priority+' should be between 1 and 255, inclusive.'"; var at_alert_17="Rule ''+data.qos_rules[i].entry_name+'' Protocol can not be blank.'"; var at_alert_18="Rule ''+data.qos_rules[i].entry_name+'' Source IP Range ''+data.qos_rules[i].source_ip_start+'' is invalid.'"; var at_alert_19="Rule ''+data.qos_rules[i].entry_name+'' Source IP Range ''+data.qos_rules[i].source_ip_end+'' is invalid.'"; var at_alert_2="Rule ''+data.qos_rules[i].entry_name+'' Source IP Range ''+data.qos_rules[i].source_ip_start+'' should be within LAN subnet ('+lan_subnet+').'"; var at_alert_20="Rule ''+data.qos_rules[i].entry_name+'' Destination IP Range ''+data.qos_rules[i].dest_ip_start+'' is invalid.'"; var at_alert_21="Rule ''+data.qos_rules[i].entry_name+'' Destination IP Range ''+data.qos_rules[i].dest_ip_end+'' is invalid.'"; var at_alert_22="Name ''+data.qos_rules[i].entry_name+'' is already used.'"; var at_alert_23="Source/Destination IP Range for ''+data.qos_rules[j].entry_name+'' is overlapped with ''+data.qos_rules[i].entry_name+''.'"; var at_alert_24="Source/Destination IP/Port Range for ''+data.qos_rules[j].entry_name+'' is overlapped with ''+data.qos_rules[i].entry_name+''.'"; var at_alert_3="Rule ''+data.qos_rules[i].entry_name+'' Source IP Range ''+data.qos_rules[i].source_ip_end+'' should be within LAN subnet ('+lan_subnet+').'"; var at_alert_4="Rule ''+data.qos_rules[i].entry_name+'' Source IP Range is invalid.'"; var at_alert_5="Rule ''+data.qos_rules[i].entry_name+'' Destination IP Range ''+data.qos_rules[i].dest_ip_start+'' should not be within LAN subnet ('+lan_subnet+').'"; var at_alert_6="Rule ''+data.qos_rules[i].entry_name+'' Destination IP Range ''+data.qos_rules[i].dest_ip_end+'' should not be within LAN subnet ('+lan_subnet+').'"; var at_alert_7="Rule ''+data.qos_rules[i].entry_name+'' Source Port Range should be between 0 and 65535, inclusive.'"; var at_alert_8="Rule ''+data.qos_rules[i].entry_name+'' Destination IP Range is invalid.'"; var at_alert_9="Rule ''+data.qos_rules[i].entry_name+'' Destination Port Range should be between 0 and 65535, inclusive.'"; var at_alert_msg="is used."; var at_intro="Use this section to configure D-Link's QoS Engine powered by QoS Engine™ Technology. This QoS Engine improves your online gaming experience by ensuring that your game traffic is prioritized over other network traffic, such as FTP or Web."; var at_intro_2="For best performance, use the Automatic Classification option to automatically set the priority for your applications."; var at_kbps="kbps"; var at_mbps="Mbps"; var at_lowpriority="(1..255)"; var at_title_SERules="QoS Engine Rules"; var at_title_SESet="QoS Engine Setup"; var at_title_TSSet="Traffic Shaping Setup"; var at_title_Traff="WAN Traffic Shaping"; var at_xDSL="xDSL Or Other Frame Relay Network"; var at_alert10="'Port range '+ chk_port+ 'of '+obj_word+ 'is invalid'"; var at_alert10a="'Port forwarding name ' + obj_word+ ' conflict with TCP Port Forwarding Port.'"; var at_alert10b="'Port forwarding name'+ obj_word +' conflict with UDP Port Forwarding Port.'"; var at_alert10c="'Port forwarding name '+ i +' invalid. the legal characters can not enter ',/,''"; var at_alert11="The Application table has the same rules."; var at_alert12="Can't select the same PC"; var auth="Authentication"; var av_PriP="Private Port"; var av_PubP="Public Port"; var av_alert_1="IP address for ' + data.virtual_servers[i].entry_name + ' should be within LAN subnet ('+lan_subnet+')"; var av_alert_10="H.323 ALG has been enabled"; var av_alert_11="The record ' + data.virtual_servers[i].entry_name + ' is duplicated."; var av_alert_12="Public port should not be same as Remote Management Port"; var av_alert_13="Other protocol for ' + data.virtual_servers[i].entry_name + ' should be in range (3..5, 7..16 or 18..255)"; var av_alert_16="Name ' + data.virtual_servers[j].entry_name + ' is already used."; var av_alert_17="Protocol for ' + data.virtual_servers[i].entry_name + ' is overlapped with ' + data.virtual_servers[j].entry_name+'"; var av_alert_18="Cannot create an entry for ICMP (protocol 1) as this will prevent the router from working correctly"; var av_alert_19="Please select TCP instead of protocol 6 and specify port details"; var av_alert_2="IP address for ' + data.virtual_servers[i].entry_name + ' is not allowed"; var av_alert_20="Please select UDP instead of protocol 17 and specify port details"; var av_alert_21="The record ' + data.virtual_servers[j].entry_name + ' is duplicate of ' + data.virtual_servers[i].entry_name + '."; var av_alert_23="Cannot create an entry for IGMP (protocol 2) as this will prevent the router from working correctly"; var av_alert_24="Please select a schedule for record ' + data.virtual_servers[i].entry_name + '."; var av_alert_3="Private port for ' + data.virtual_servers[i].entry_name + ' should be in range (1..65535)"; var av_alert_35="Protocol ' + entry_1.user_protocol + ' of ' + entry_1.entry_name + ' conflicts with ' + entry_2.entry_name + '"; var av_alert_4="Public port for ' + data.virtual_servers[i].entry_name + ' should be in range (1..65535)"; var av_alert_5="Ports for ' + data.virtual_servers[i].entry_name + ' are overlapped with ' + data.virtual_servers[j].entry_name+'"; var av_alert_6="Private Port for ' + data.virtual_servers[i].entry_name + ' conflicts with ' + data.virtual_servers[j].entry_name+'"; var av_alert_7="FTP ALG has been enabled"; var av_alert_8="PPTP ALG has been enabled"; var av_alert_9="Wake-On-LAN ALG has been enabled"; var av_alert_empty_name="The \"Name\" field can not be blank"; var av_intro_r="This Routing page allows you to specify custom routes that determine how data is moved around your network."; var av_intro_vs="The Virtual Server option allows you to define a single public port on your router for redirection to an internal LAN IP Address and Private LAN port if required. This feature is useful for hosting online services such as FTP or Web Servers."; var av_title_VSL="Virtual Servers List"; var av_traftype="Traffic Type"; var aw_16="16 Kbytes"; var aw_32="32 Kbytes"; var aw_64="64 Kbytes"; var aw_8="8 Kbytes"; var aw_AP="Aggregation Num Packets"; var aw_AS="Aggregation Max Size"; var aw_BP="Beacon Period"; var aw_BI="Beacon Interval"; var aw_DI="DTIM Interval"; var aw_FT="Fragmentation Threshold"; var aw_GI="Guard Interval"; var aw_RT="RTS Threshold"; var aw_TP="Transmit Power"; var aw_TPC="TPC Max Gain"; var aw_TP_0="High"; var aw_TP_1="Medium"; var aw_TP_2="Low"; var aw_WDSEn="WDS Enable"; var aw_WDSMAC="WDS AP MAC Address"; var aw_WE="WMM Enable"; var aw_aggr="Aggregation Limit"; var aw_alert_1="The valid range for fragmentation threshold is 256..65535"; var aw_alert_2="The valid range for RTS threshold is 1..65535"; var aw_alert_3="The valid range for beacon period is 20..1000"; var aw_alert_4="The valid range for DTIM interval is 1..255"; var aw_alert_5_1="Uncheck \"Auto Channel Select\" for WDS mode."; var aw_dE="802.11d Enable"; var aw_erpe="Extra Wireless Protection"; var aw_erpe_h="Extra protection for neighboring 11b wireless networks. Turn this option off to reduce the adverse effect of legacy wireless networks on 802.11n performance."; var aw_erpe_h2="This option is available only when 802.11 Mode is set to 802.11n only or 802.11g only."; var aw_erpe_h3="(Refer to the Setup → Wireless Settings page.)"; var aw_igslot="Force Short Slot for 11N Clients"; var aw_intro="If you are not familiar with these Advanced Wireless settings, please read the help section before attempting to modify these settings."; var aw_sgi="Short GI"; var aw_sgi_h1="Using a short (400ns) guard interval can increase throughput. However, it can also increase error rate in some installations, due to increased sensitivity to radio-frequency reflections."; var aw_title_2="Advanced Wireless Settings"; var awf_alert_4="https is not a supported protocol."; var awf_alert_5="The web site address ' + data.web_filter[i].url + ' already used."; var awf_alert_5_1="The web site address"; var awf_alert_5_2="already used."; var awf_alert_7="The web site addresses ' + invalid_wf_str + ' are invalid."; var awf_alert_8="The web site address ' + invalid_wf_str + ' is invalid."; var awf_clearlist="Clear the list below..."; var awf_intro_WF="The Web Filter option allows you to set up a list of allowed Web sites that can be used by multiple users. When Web Filter is enabled, all Web sites not listed on this page will be blocked. To use this feature, you must also select the \"Apply Web Filter\" checkbox in the Access Control section."; var awf_title_WSFR="Website Filtering Rules"; var awsf_p="Website Filter Parameters"; var aw_wep_msg0="The selected WEP key field cannot be blank"; var bd_CName="Computer Name"; var bd_DAB="Always broadcast"; var bd_DAB_note="(compatibility for some DHCP Clients)"; var bd_DHCP="DHCP Client List"; var bd_DIPAR="DHCP IP Address Range"; var bd_DLT="DHCP Lease Time"; var bd_EDSv="Enable DHCP Server"; var bd_NETBIOS="NetBIOS Advertisement"; var bd_NETBIOS_ENABLE="NetBIOS announcement"; var bd_NETBIOS_LEARN_FROM_WAN_ENABLE="Learn NetBIOS from WAN"; var bd_NETBIOS_PRI_WINS="Primary WINS IP Address"; var bd_NETBIOS_REG="NetBIOS Registration mode"; var bd_NETBIOS_REG_TYPE="NetBIOS node type"; var bd_NETBIOS_REG_TYPE_B="Broadcast only (use when no WINS servers configured)"; var bd_NETBIOS_REG_TYPE_H="Hybrid (Point-to-Point then Broadcast)"; var bd_NETBIOS_REG_TYPE_M="Mixed-mode (Broadcast then Point-to-Point)"; var bd_NETBIOS_REG_TYPE_P="Point-to-Point (no broadcast)"; var bd_NETBIOS_SCOPE="NetBIOS Scope"; var bd_NETBIOS_SEC_WINS="Secondary WINS IP Address"; var bd_NETBIOS_WAN="Learn NetBIOS information from WAN"; var bd_NETBIOS_WINS_1="Primary WINS Server IP address"; var bd_NETBIOS_WINS_2="Secondary WINS Server IP address"; var bd_NETBIOS_LIMIT="NetBIOS names have a limit of 15 characters."; var bd_Reserve="Reserve"; var bd_Revoke="Revoke"; var bd_alert_1="The DHCP FROM address does not contain a valid host starting value."; var bd_alert_10="The DHCP address range FROM is not in the LAN subnet."; var bd_alert_11="The DHCP address range TO is not in the LAN subnet."; var bd_alert_12="The number of IP addresses in the range exceeds a limit of 256."; var bd_alert_13="The DHCP address range must not include the subnet broadcast address."; var bd_alert_22="Must specify primary DNS server before supplying a secondary DNS server"; var bd_alert_23="Invalid Primary dns IP address"; var bd_alert_24="Invalid Secondary dns IP address"; var bd_alert_3="The DHCP address range should go from a low address to a high address, not high to low"; var bd_alert_5="DHCP Lease Time can not be 0"; var bd_alert_6="Reserved IP address for this MAC address ('+ae.thearray[-1].mac_addr+') is already set"; var bd_alert_7="Reserved IP address for this Computer Name ('+ae.thearray[-1].comp_name+') is already set"; var bd_alert_8="Reserved IP address should be within the configured DHCP range."; var bd_intro_="Use this section to configure the built-in DHCP Server to assign IP addresses to the computers on your network."; var bd_nat_desc="Select AP Mode if the device is connected to a local network downstream from another router. In Auto Mode, the device will turn itself into AP Mode if receives a private IP address from DHCP."; var bd_noneyet="No dynamic clients detected yet."; var bd_revoked="The lease has been revoked"; var bd_title_DHCPSSt="DHCP Server Settings"; var bd_title_SDC="DHCP Reservation"; var bd_title_clients="Number of Dynamic DHCP Clients"; var bd_title_list="DHCP Reservations List"; var bd_title_nat="NAT Enable/Disable"; var bi_man="If you consider yourself an advanced user and have configured a router before, click Manual Configure to input all the settings manually."; var bi_wiz="If you are new to networking and have never configured a router before, click on Setup Wizard and the router will guide you through a few simple steps to get your network up and running."; var bln_EnDNSRelay="Enable DNS Relay"; var bln_EnDHCPRelay="Enable DHCP Relay"; var bln_DHCPRelay_IP="DHCP Server IP Address"; var bln_IGMP_title_h="The router uses the IGMP protocol to support efficient multicasting -- transmission of identical content, such as multimedia, from a source to a number of recipients."; var bln_NetBIOSReg_B="Broadcast only (use when no WINS servers configured)"; var bln_NetBIOSReg_H="Hybrid (Point-to-Point then Broadcast)"; var bln_NetBIOSReg_M="Mixed-mode (Broadcast then Point-to-Point)"; var bln_NetBIOSReg_P="Point-to-Point (no broadcast)"; var bln_alert_1="Invalid LAN subnet mask."; var bln_alert_2="Invalid LAN IP address"; var bln_alert_3="LAN subnet conflicts with WAN subnet"; var bln_alert_lannbpri="Primary WINS IP address must be specified."; var bln_alert_lannbsec="Secondary WINS IP address is invalid."; var bln_title="Network Settings"; var bln_title_DNSRly="DNS Relay"; var bln_title_NetSt="Network Settings"; var bln_title_NetSt_lan="LAN SETUP"; var bln_title_Rtrset="Router Settings"; var bln_title_Rtrset_mbssid_for_gzone="Router Settings for the Guest Zone"; var bln_title_usb="USB Settings"; var bw_WDUU_note="(compatibility for some DHCP Servers)"; var bw_sap="The supported authentication protocols are PAP and CHAP."; var bwl_AS="(Also called the SSID)"; var bwl_CWM="Channel Width"; var bwl_CWM_h1="The \"Auto 20/40 MHz\" option is usually best."; var bwl_CWM_h2="The other options are available for special circumstances."; var bwl_EW="Enable Wireless"; var bwl_Intro_1="Use this section to configure the wireless settings for your D-Link Router. Please note that changes made on this section may also need to be duplicated on your Wireless Client."; var bwl_Intro_1_ap="Use this section to configure the wireless settings for your D-Link Access Point. Please note that changes made on this section will also need to be duplicated to your Wireless Clients and PC."; var bwl_MS="(Mbit/s)"; var bwl_Mode="802.11 Mode"; var bwl_Mode_1="802.11b only"; var bwl_Mode_10="Mixed 802.11n and 802.11g"; var bwl_Mode_11="Mixed 802.11n, 802.11g and 802.11b"; var bwl_Mode_12 ="Mixed 802.11n, 802.11g and 802.11b"; var bwl_Mode_13 ="Mixed 802.11a, 802.11n and 802.11ac"; var bwl_Mode_14 ="Mixed 802.11n and 802.11ac"; var bwl_Mode_15 ="802.11ac only"; var bwl_Mode_2="802.11g only"; var bwl_Mode_3="Mixed 802.11g and 802.11b"; var bwl_Mode_4 ="Mixed 802.11n and 802.11g"; var bwl_Mode_5 ="Mixed 802.11n and 802.11a"; var bwl_Mode_8="802.11ng only"; var bwl_Mode_a ="802.11a only"; var bwl_Mode_n ="802.11n only"; var bwl_auto="Best(automatic)"; var bwl_NN="Wireless Network Name"; var bwl_NSS="Number of Spatial Streams"; var bwl_NSS_h1="Selecting more than one spatial stream can increase throughput, but can in some cases decrease signal quality."; var bwl_SGM="Super G™ Mode"; var bwl_TxR="Transmission Rate"; var bwl_TxR_0="Best (automatic)"; var bwl_VS="Visibility Status"; var bwl_VS_0="Visible"; var bwl_VS_1="Invisible"; var bwl_CXT="HT20/40 Coexistence"; var bwl_CXT_h1="Disable HT20/40 Coexistence to fix the channel width. Enable it to auto select channel width in run time."; var bwl_CXT_0="Enable"; var bwl_CXT_1="Disable"; var bwl_alert_10="For 11a Dynamic Turbo, channel should be set to one of 40,48,56,153 or 161."; var bwl_alert_11="WPA Group Key Update Interval should be between 30 and 65535 seconds."; var bwl_alert_12="IEEE 802.1X Authentication Timeout should be between 1 and 65535 minutes"; var bwl_alert_13="The IP address ' + data.wireless.radius_server_address + ' is not valid."; var bwl_alert_14="The IP address ' + data.wireless.second_radius_server_address + ' is not valid."; var bwl_alert_15=" RADIUS server Port field can not be blank."; var bwl_alert_16=" RADIUS server Port ' + data.wireless.radius_server_port + ' should be in range (1..65535)."; var bwl_alert_2="Can not use 802.11b/g channel when the 802.11 mode is 802.11a"; var bwl_alert_3="Can not use 802.11a channel when the 802.11 mode is 802.11b/g"; var bwl_alert_4="Can not use 802.11b transmit rates when the PHY mode is 802.11a"; var bwl_alert_5="Can not use 802.11a/g transmit rates when the PHY mode is 802.11b"; var bwl_alert_6="Static Turbo mode is not allowed with 802.11b"; var bwl_alert_7="Dynamic Turbo mode is not allowed with 802.11b"; var bwl_alert_8="For 11g Turbo mode, the channel should be set to 6"; var bwl_alert_9="For 11a Static Turbo, channel should be set to one of 42,50,58,152, or 160."; var bwl_ht20="20 MHz"; var bwl_ht2040="Auto 20/40 MHz"; var bwl_title_1="Wireless Network Settings"; var bwn_AM="Address Mode"; var bwn_BPICT="Big Pond Internet Connection Type"; var bwn_BPP="BigPond Password"; var bwn_BPS="BigPond Server"; var bwn_BPU="BigPond User Id"; var bwn_DIAICT="Dynamic IP (DHCP) Internet Connection Type"; var bwn_DWM="DHCP WAN Mode"; var bwn_IF="WAN Ping Inbound Filter"; var bwn_L2TPICT="L2TP Internet Connection Type"; var bwn_L2TPSIPA="L2TP Server IP Address"; var bwn_MIT="Maximum Idle Time"; var bwn_MTU="MTU"; var bwn_MTU_def="(bytes)MTU default"; var bwn_MTU_dvalue="1500"; var bwn_Mode_BigPond="BigPond (Australia)"; var bwn_Mode_DHCP="Dynamic IP (DHCP)"; var bwn_Mode_PPPoE="PPPoE (Username / Password)"; var bwn_Mode_PPTP="PPTP (Username / Password)"; var bwn_Mode_L2TP="L2TP (Username / Password)"; var bwn_Mode_MPPPoE="Mulit-PPPoE (Japan)"; var bwn_Mode_RUS_PPPoE="Russia PPPoE (Username / Password)"; var bwn_Mode_RUS_PPTP="Russia PPTP (Username / Password)"; var bwn_Mode_RUS_L2TP="Russia L2TP (Username / Password)"; var bwn_RUSPOEICT="Russia PPPoE (DUAL ACCESS) Internet Connection Type"; var bwn_RUSPPTPICT="Russia PPTP (DUAL ACCESS) Internet Connection Type"; var bwn_RUSL2TPICT="Russia L2TP (DUAL ACCESS) Internet Connection Type"; var _rus_pppoe="Russia PPPoE (DUAL ACCESS)"; var _rus_pptp="Russia PPTP (DUAL ACCESS)"; var _rus_l2tp="Russia L2TP (DUAL ACCESS)"; var bwn_PPPOEICT="PPPOE Internet Connection Type"; var bwn_MPPPOEICTP="PPPOE : PRIMARY"; var bwn_MPPPOEICTS="PPPOE : SECONDANRY"; var bwn_PPTPICT="PPTP Internet Connection Type"; var bwn_PPTPSIPA="PPTP Server IP Address"; var bwn_RM="Reconnect Mode"; var bwn_RM_0="Always on"; var bwn_RM_1="On demand"; var bwn_RM_2="Manual"; var bwn_RPing="Enable WAN Ping Respond"; var bwn_SIAICT="Static IP Address Internet Connection Type"; var bwn_SWM="Static WAN Mode"; var bwn_WAN_PHYSICAL="Wan Physical setting"; var bwn_UN="Username"; var bwn_alert_11="Invalid PPTP Server IP address"; var bwn_alert_12="Invalid PPPoE IP address"; var bwn_alert_17="Invalid L2TP Server IP address"; var bwn_alert_2="Invalid WAN subnet mask"; var bwn_alert_21="The MTU should be in the range 128..30000"; var bwn_alert_3="The default gateway address is not in the WAN subnet"; var bwn_alert_4="DNS are not configured. The clients will not be able to resolve domain names. Proceed ?"; var bwn_alert_5="WAN subnet conflicts with LAN subnet"; var bwn_alert_8="The maximum idle time should be in the range 0..600"; var bwn_bytes="(bytes)"; var bwn_bytes_usb="sec (range:3-600 sec.)"; var bwn_ict="Internet Connection Type"; var bwn_intro_ICS="Use this section to configure your Internet Connection type. There are several connection types to choose from Static IP, DHCP, PPPoE, PPTP, L2TP, DS-Lite. If you are unsure of your connection method, please contact your Internet Service Provider."; var bwn_intro_ICS2="Use this section to configure your Internet Connection type. There are several connection types to choose from: Static IP, DHCP, PPPoE, PPTP, L2TP, and BigPond. If you are unsure of your connection method, please contact your Internet Service Provider."; var bwn_intro_usb="Use this section to configure your USB port. There are several configurations to choose from: Network USB and WCN Configuration."; var bwn_mici="My Internet Connection is"; var bwn_mici_usb="My plug of USB type is"; var bwn_min="(minutes, 0=infinite)"; var bwn_msg_DHCPDesc="Use this Internet connection type if your Internet Service Provider (ISP) didn't provide you with IP Address information and/or a username and password."; var bwn_msg_Modes="Choose the mode to be used by the router to connect to the Internet."; var bwn_msg_SWM="Enter the static address information provided by your Internet Service Provider (ISP)."; var bwn_msg_usb="Choose the type of USB device to be plugged into the USB port."; var bwn_note_clientSW="If using the PPPoE option, you will need to remove or disable any PPPoE client software on your computers."; var bwn_note_usb="If using the Network USB option, users will need to install the Network USB Utility into their computers to share the USB device through the router."; var bwn_usb_time="Network USB Detection interval"; var bwn_wwanICT="WWAN Internet Connection Type"; var bwsAT_="Authentication Timeout"; var bws_2RIPA="Second RADIUS server IP Address"; var bws_2RMAA="Second MAC Address Authentication"; var bws_2RSP="Second RADIUS server Port"; var bws_2RSSS="Second RADIUS server Shared Secret"; var bws_Auth_2="Shared Key"; var bws_CT="Cipher Type"; var bws_CT_1="TKIP"; var bws_CT_2="AES"; var bws_CT_3="TKIP and AES"; var bws_DFWK="Default WEP Key"; var bws_DWK="Default WEP Key"; var bws_EAPx="EAP (802.1x)"; var bws_GKUI="Group Key Update Interval"; var bws_ORAD="Optional backup RADIUS server"; var bws_RIPA="RADIUS server IP Address"; var bws_RMAA="MAC Address Authentication"; var bws_RSP="RADIUS server Port"; var bws_RSSs="RADIUS server Shared Secret"; var bws_SM="Security Mode"; var bws_SM_h1="Unless one of these encryption modes is selected, wireless transmissions to and from your wireless network can be easily intercepted and interpreted by unauthorized users."; var bws_WKL="WEP Key Length"; var bws_WKL_0="64 bit (10 hex digits)"; var bws_WKL_1="128 bit (26 hex digits)"; var bws_WPAM="WPA Mode"; var bws_WPAM_1="WPA Only"; var bws_WPAM_2="Auto (WPA or WPA2)"; var bws_WPAM_3="WPA2 Only"; var bws_WSMode="Wireless Security Mode"; var bws_alert_15="WEP Keys '+ wep_error_msg + ' are invalid."; var bws_alert_16="WEP Key is invalid."; var bws_alert_2="Incorrect key length, should be 8 to 63 character long."; var bws_alert_3="WEP key' +(i+1)+' must be '+len+' characters long"; var bws_intro_WlsSec="To protect your privacy you can configure wireless security features. This device supports three wireless security modes including WEP, WPA-Personal, and WPA-Enterprise. WEP is the original wireless encryption standard. WPA provides a higher level of security. WPA-Personal does not require an authentication server. The WPA-Enterprise option requires an external RADIUS server."; var bws_length="(length applies to all keys)"; var bws_msg_EAP="When WPA enterprise is enabled, the router uses EAP (802.1x) to authenticate clients via a remote RADIUS server."; var bws_msg_WEP_1="WEP is the wireless encryption standard. To use it you must enter the same key(s) into the router and the wireless stations. For 64 bit keys you must enter 10 hex digits into each key box. For 128 bit keys you must enter 26 hex digits into each key box. A hex digit is either a number from 0 to 9 or a letter from A to F. For the most secure use of WEP set the authentication type to \"Shared Key\" when WEP is enabled."; var bws_msg_WEP_2="You may also enter any text string into a WEP key box, in which case it will be converted into a hexadecimal key using the ASCII values of the characters. A maximum of 5 text characters can be entered for 64 bit keys, and a maximum of 13 characters for 128 bit keys."; var bws_msg_WEP_3="If you choose the WEP security option this device will ONLY operate in Legacy Wireless mode (802.11B/G). This means you will NOT get 11N performance due to the fact that WEP is not supported by the Draft 11N specification."; var bws_msg_WEP_4="If you choose the WEP security option this device will ONLY operate in Legacy Wireless mode (802.11B/G)."; var bws_msg_WPA="Use WPA or WPA2 mode to achieve a balance of strong security and best compatibility. This mode uses WPA for legacy clients while maintaining higher security with stations that are WPA2 capable. Also the strongest cipher that the client supports will be used. For best security, use WPA2 Only mode. This mode uses AES(CCMP) cipher and legacy stations are not allowed access with WPA security. For maximum compatibility, use WPA Only. This mode uses TKIP cipher. Some gaming and legacy devices work only in this mode."; var bws_msg_WPA_2="To achieve better wireless performance use WPA2 Only security mode (or in other words AES cipher)."; var bws_secs="(seconds)"; var bwz_LConWz="Launch Internet Connection Setup Wizard"; var bwz_LWCNWz="Use Windows Connect Now"; var bwz_LWlsWz="Launch Wireless Security Setup Wizard"; var bwz_LWlWz="Launch Wireless Setup Wizard"; var bwz_WCNWz="Microsoft Windows Connect Now Wizard"; var bwz_WlsWz="Wireless Security Setup Wizard"; var bwz_intro="The D-Link RangeBooster N™ 650 Router powered by QoS Engine™ technology meets the demands of individuals who demand powerful and reliable performance for the ultimate online gaming experience."; var bwz_intro_ConWz="The following Web-based Setup Wizard is designed to assist you in connecting your new D-Link Router to the Internet. This Setup Wizard will guide you through step-by-step instructions on how to get your Internet connection up and running. Click the button below to begin."; var bwz_intro_WCNWz="The following wizard uses Microsoft's Windows Connect Now technology to automatically configure the wireless settings on your Router. Make sure that you have sucessfully run Microsoft's Network Wireless Configuarion Wizard on your computer before using this feature."; var bwz_intro_WlsWz="The following Web-based Setup Wizard is designed to assist you in your wireless network setup. This Setup Wizard will guide you through step-by-step instructions on how to set up your wireless network and how to make it secure."; var bwz_note_ConWz="Before launching these wizards, please make sure you have followed all steps outlined in the Quick Installation Guide included in the package."; var bwz_note_WlsWz="Some changes made using this Setup Wizard may require you to change some settings on your wireless client adapters so they can still connect to the D-Link Router."; var bwz_note_WlsWz_ap="Some changes made using this Setup Wizard may require you to change some settings on your wireless client adapters so they can still connect to the D-Link Access Point."; var bwz_psw="Printer Setup Wizard"; var ca_intro="The user account can not reconfigure the router."; var carriertype_ct_0="Dynamic IP"; var country_0="USA"; var country_1="Australia"; var country_10="HongKong"; var country_11="Taiwan"; var country_12="Canada"; var country_13="Egypt"; var country_14="Dominican Republic"; var country_15="El Salvador"; var country_16="Brasil"; var country_2="Italy"; var country_3="Portugal"; var country_4="UK"; var country_5="Indonesia"; var country_6="Malaysia"; var country_7="Singapore"; var country_8="Philippine"; var country_9="South Africa"; var day="Day"; var days="Days"; var ddns_connected="Connected"; var ddns_connecting="Connecting"; var ddns_disconnect="Disconnected"; var dlink_1_YM23="Destination Port and Start Port should not be equal to 0 for Port Filter"; var dlink_1_add_new="New Schedule"; var dlink_1_bw1_schld_help="When Wireless is enabled, the default selection for scheduling is 'Always'. Selections for other schedules will be available in the drop down menu after users define schedules in the \"Schedule\" page. This function gets disabled when wireless is disabled."; var dlink_1_bwl_schld="Scheduling for Wireless Settings"; var dlink_awf_intro_WF="The Website Filter option allows you to set up a list of Web sites you would like to allow or deny through your network. To use this feature, you must also select the \"Apply Web Filter\" checkbox in the Access Control section."; var dlink_help145="Enter the URL (address) of the Web Site that you want to allow or deny; for example Do not enter the http:// preceding the URL. Enter the most inclusive domain; for example, select allow and enter and access will be permitted to both and"; var dlink_help146="Many web sites construct pages with images and content from other web sites. For example, to access, you would need to select allow and type,, and"; var dlink_help148="The section lists the current denied or allowed web sites."; var dlink_help150="Guest clients can reach to the internet along guest SSIDs"; var dlink_help151="Select a filter that controls which WAN computers can use the ping feature. If you do not see the filter you need in the list of filters, go to the Advanced ??Inbound Filter screen and create a new filter."; var dlink_help155="You may assign more than one SSID to each radio card."; var dlink_help156="Enable or disable this SSID. When enabled, the following parameters are in effect."; var dlink_help157="This is the network to which the SSID belongs; SSID clients that belong to the same network can transmit data over this subnet."; var dlink_hhwf_intro="Create a list of Web Sites to which you would like to deny or allow through the network."; var dlink_wf_intro="Configure Website Filter below"; var dlink_wf_op_0="DENY computers access to ONLY these sites"; var dlink_wf_op_1="ALLOW computers access to ONLY these sites"; var ebwl_AChan="Enable Auto Channel Scan"; var equal_wnt="equal to wireless network"; var fb_FailLogin="Failed Login"; var fb_FailLogin_1="Access to this device is not allowed without a correct password."; var fb_FbAc="Forbidden Access"; var fb_FbWbAc="Forbidden Web Access"; var fb_p_1="Access to this Web site is not allowed from this computer."; var fb_p_2="This page is not included in the router's Allowed Web Site List."; var fl_Failure="Failure"; var fl_text="The new settings have NOT been saved because an error occurred."; var guest="Guest"; var guestzone_Intro_1="Use this section to configure the guest zone settings of your router. The guest zone provide a separate network zone for guest to access Internet."; var guestzone_enable="Enable Guest Zone"; var guestzone_inclw="Include Wireless"; var guestzone_title_1="Guest Zone Selection"; var guestzone_conflict="Host Zone and Guest Zone cannot be in the same subnet."; var mbssid="Multi-SSID"; var mbssid_setting="Settings"; var mbssid_list="List"; var mbssid_for_gzone="for the Guest Zone"; var mbssid_route_info="Use this section to configure the guest zone settings of your router. The guest zone provides a separate network zone for guests to access the Internet."; var dhcp_set_for="Dhcp Server Setting"; var mbssid_dhcp_info="Use this section to configure the built-in DHCP server to assign IP addresses to computers on your network."; var gw_SelBPS="Select BigPond Server"; var gw_SelVS="Application Name"; var gw_bp_0="Name1"; var gw_bp_1="Name2"; var gw_bp_2="Name3"; var gw_days="Days"; var gw_gm_0="Age of Empires"; var gw_gm_1="America's Army"; var gw_gm_10="Counter Strike"; var gw_gm_11="Crimson Skies"; var gw_gm_12="Dark Reign 2"; var gw_gm_13="Delta Force"; var gw_gm_14="Diablo I and II"; var gw_gm_15="Doom 3"; var gw_gm_16="Dungeon Siege"; var gw_gm_17="Everquest"; var gw_gm_18="Far Cry"; var gw_gm_19="Ghost Recon"; var gw_gm_2="Aliens vs. Predator"; var gw_gm_20="Final Fantasy XI (PC)"; var gw_gm_21="Final Fantasy XI (PS2)"; var gw_gm_22="Half Life"; var gw_gm_23="Halo Combat Evolved"; var gw_gm_24="Heretic II"; var gw_gm_25="Hexen II"; var gw_gm_26="Jedi Knight II Jedi Outcast"; var gw_gm_27="Jedi Knight III Jedi Academy"; var gw_gm_28="Links"; var gw_gm_29="Medal of Honor Games"; var gw_gm_3="Asheron's Call"; var gw_gm_30="Myth"; var gw_gm_31="Need for Speed"; var gw_gm_32="Need for Speed Hot Pursuit 2"; var gw_gm_33="Need for Speed 3"; var gw_gm_34="Neverwinter Nights"; var gw_gm_35="PainKiller"; var gw_gm_36="Postal 2 Share the Pain"; var gw_gm_37="Quake 2"; var gw_gm_38="Quake 3"; var gw_gm_39="Rainbow Six"; var gw_gm_4="Battlefield 1942"; var gw_gm_40="Rainbow Six Raven Shield"; var gw_gm_41="Return to Castle Wolfenstein"; var gw_gm_42="Rise of Nations"; var gw_gm_43="Rogue Spear"; var gw_gm_44="Serious Sam II"; var gw_gm_45="Splinter Cell Pandora Tomorrow"; var gw_gm_46="Silent Hunter II"; var gw_gm_47="Soldier of Fortune"; var gw_gm_48="Soldier of Fortune II Double Helix"; var gw_gm_49="Starcraft"; var gw_gm_5="Battlefield Vietnam"; var gw_gm_50="Starsiege Tribes"; var gw_gm_51="Star Trek Elite Force II"; var gw_gm_52="Tiberian Sun"; var gw_gm_53="Tiger Woods 2K4"; var gw_gm_54="Ultima"; var gw_gm_55="Unreal"; var gw_gm_56="Unreal Tournament"; var gw_gm_57="Unreal Tournament 2004"; var gw_gm_58="Vietcong"; var gw_gm_59="Warcraft II"; var gw_gm_6="Black and White"; var gw_gm_60="Warcraft III"; var gw_gm_61="Wolfenstein Enemy Territory"; var gw_gm_62="World of Warcraft"; var gw_gm_64="Gnutella"; var gw_gm_65="eDonkey"; var gw_gm_66="Shareaza"; var gw_gm_67="eMule"; var gw_gm_68="WinMX"; var gw_gm_69="WON Servers"; var gw_gm_7="Call of Duty"; var gw_gm_70="Xbox Live"; var gw_gm_71=""; var gw_gm_72="Steam"; var gw_gm_73="MSN Game Zone"; var gw_gm_74="MSN Game Zone (DX)"; var gw_gm_75="KALI"; var gw_gm_76="Gamespy Arcade"; var gw_gm_77="Gamespy Tunnel"; var gw_gm_78="Roger Wilco"; var gw_gm_79="TeamSpeak"; var gw_gm_8="Command and Conquer Generals"; var gw_gm_80="Tribes of Vengeance"; var gw_gm_81="PlayStation2"; var gw_gm_82="SWAT 4"; var gw_gm_83="D-Link DVC-1000"; var gw_gm_84="Battlefield 2"; var gw_gm_9="Command and Conquer Zero Hour"; var gw_hours="Hours"; var gw_mins="Minutes"; var gw_sa_0="AIM Talk"; var gw_sa_1="BitTorrent"; var gw_sa_2="Calista IP phone"; var gw_sa_3="ICQ"; var gw_sa_4="MSN Messenger"; var gw_sa_5="PalTalk"; var gw_vs_0="TELNET"; var gw_vs_1="HTTP"; var gw_vs_2="HTTPS"; var gw_vs_4="DNS"; var gw_vs_5="SMTP"; var gw_vs_6="POP3"; var gw_vs_8="REMOTE DESKTOP"; var gw_wcn_alert5="WCN does not support key index other than 1 now."; var gw_wcn_alert6="WCN does not support WPA2 mode now."; var gw_wcn_alert7="WCN does not support WPA enterprise authentication now."; var gw_wcn_alert_3="Please accept and install the ActiveX, then try it again."; var gw_wcn_alert_4="WCN ActiveX control is not available. Please check the security setting and refresh this page to install it."; var gw_wcn_err_bad_wsetting_entry="Invalid wireless settings. Please check wireless settings"; var gw_wcn_err_code="Error code"; var gw_wcn_err_com="WCN ActiveX control is not registered. Please check the security setting and refresh this page to install it."; var gw_wcn_err_default="Unexpected error"; var gw_wcn_err_dom_processing="MSXML2 DOM parser failed to parse the string in XML format"; var gw_wcn_err_encryption="Failed to encrypt wireless data."; var gw_wcn_err_exception="Internal exception occured"; var gw_wcn_err_io_write_config="Failed to write wireless data in to configuration file. Please check the security setting"; var gw_wcn_err_load_config="Loading the Wireless Configuration file failed. Please run Windows Wireless Network Setup Wizard to create/re-create the configuration file"; var gw_wcn_err_ok="Wireless settings saved successfully"; var gw_wcn_err_os_version="This version of the operation system does not support WCN"; var gw_wcn_err_provision="Failed to add the wireless profile. Please make sure that the new SSID does not conflict with an existing profile"; var gw_wcn_err_unsupported_wsetting="WPA security mode is not enabled. Please check WPA security settings"; var haar_p="Parameters for an Application Rule"; var haf_dmz_10="When a LAN host is configured as a DMZ host, it becomes the destination for all incoming packets that do not match some other incoming session or rule. If any other ingress rule is in place, that will be used instead of sending packets to the DMZ host; so, an active session, virtual server, active port trigger, or port forwarding rule will take priority over sending a packet to the DMZ host. (The DMZ policy resembles a default port forwarding rule that forwards every port that is not specifically sent anywhere else.)"; var haf_dmz_20="The router provides only limited firewall protection for the DMZ host. The router does not forward a TCP packet that does not match an active DMZ session, unless it is a connection establishment packet (SYN). Except for this limited protection, the DMZ host is effectively \"outside the firewall\". Anyone considering using a DMZ host should also consider running a firewall on that DMZ host system to provide additional protection."; var haf_dmz_30="Packets received by the DMZ host have their IP addresses translated from the WAN-side IP address of the router to the LAN-side IP address of the DMZ host. However, port numbers are not translated; so applications on the DMZ host can depend on specific port numbers."; var haf_dmz_40="The DMZ capability is just one of several means for allowing incoming requests that might appear unsolicited to the NAT. In general, the DMZ host should be used only if there are no other alternatives, because it is much more exposed to cyberattacks than any other system on the LAN. Thought should be given to using other configurations instead a virtual server, a port forwarding rule, or a port trigger. Virtual servers open one port for incoming sessions bound for a specific application (and also allow port redirection and the use of ALGs). Port forwarding is rather like a selective DMZ, where incoming traffic targeted at one or more ports is forwarded to a specific LAN host (thereby not exposing as many ports as a DMZ host). Port triggering is a special form of port forwarding, which is activated by outgoing traffic, and for which ports are only forwarded while the trigger is active."; var haf_dmz_50="Few applications truly require the use of the DMZ host. Following are examples of when a DMZ host might be required"; var haf_dmz_60="A host needs to support several applications that might use overlapping ingress ports such that two port forwarding rules cannot be used because they would potentially be in conflict."; var haf_dmz_70="To handle incoming connections that use a protocol other than ICMP, TCP, UDP, and IGMP (also GRE and ESP, when these protocols are enabled by the PPTP and IPSec ALGs )."; var haf_intro_1="The router provides a tight firewall by virtue of the way NAT works. Unless you configure the router to the contrary, the NAT does not respond to unsolicited incoming requests on any port, thereby making your LAN invisible to Internet cyberattackers. However, some network applications cannot run with a tight firewall. Those applications need to selectively open ports in the firewall to function correctly. The options on this page control several ways of opening the firewall to address the needs of specific types of applications."; var haf_intro_2="See also Virtual Server, Port Forwarding, Application Rules, and UPnP for related options."; var haf_intro_3="See also Advanced→Virtual Server, Advanced→Port Forwarding , Advanced→Application Rules , and Advanced→Network (UPnP) for related options."; var ham_del="Click the Clear button to remove the MAC address from the MAC Filtering list."; var help1="Advanced Help"; var help10="Ensure the schedule is set to Always"; var help102="Enable"; var help103="Specifies whether the entry will be enabled or disabled."; var help104="Destination IP"; var help105="The IP address of packets that will take this route."; var help106="Netmask"; var help107="One bits in the mask specify which bits of the IP address must match."; var help108="Gateway"; var help109="Specifies the next hop to be taken if this route is used. A gateway of implies there is no next hop, and the IP address matched is directly connected to the router on the interface specified WAN."; var help11="Click Save to add the settings to the Virtual Servers List"; var help110="Interface"; var help111="Specifies the interface -- WAN -- that the IP packet must use to transit out of the router, when this route is used."; var help112="Metric"; var help113="The route metric is a value from 1 to 16 that indicates the cost of using this route. A value of 1 is the lowest cost, and 15 is the highest cost. A value of 16 indicates that the route is not reachable from this router. When trying to reach a particular destination, computers on your network will select the best route, ignoring unreachable routes."; var help117="The Access Control section allows you to control access in and out of devices on your network. Use this feature as Parental Controls to only grant access to approved sites, limit web access based on time or dates, and/or block access from applications such as peer-to-peer utilities or games."; var help118="By default, the Access Control feature is disabled. If you need Access Control, check this option."; var help119="Note:"; var help12="Repeat these steps for each Virtual Server Rule you wish to add. After the list is complete, click Save Settings at the top of the page."; var help120="When Access Control is disabled, every device on the LAN has unrestricted access to the Internet. However, if you enable Access Control, Internet access is restricted for those devices that have an Access Control Policy configured for them. All other devices have unrestricted access to the Internet."; var help121="The Policy Wizard guides you through the steps of defining each access control policy. A policy is the \"Who, What,When, and How\" of access control -- whose computer will be affected by the control,what internet addresses are controlled, when will the control be in effect, and how is the control implemented. You can define multiple policies. The Policy Wizard starts when you click the button below and also when you edit an existing policy."; var help13="With this Virtual Server entry, all Internet traffic on Port 8888 will be redirected to your internal web server on port 80 at IP Address"; var help140="This section shows the currently defined access control policies. A policy can be changed by clicking the Edit icon, or deleted by clicking the Delete icon. When you click the Edit icon, the Policy Wizard starts and guides you through the process of changing a policy. You can enable or disable specific policies in the list by clicking the \"Enable\" checkbox."; var help141="This section is where you add the Web sites to be used for Access Control."; var help141_a="The Web sites listed here are used when the Web Filter option is enabled in Access Control."; var help141_b="The Web sites listed here are used when the Web Filter option is enabled in Advanced→Access Control."; var help143s="The Web Filter section is one of two means by which you can specify the web sites you want to allow. You also have the alternative of using the Sentinel Parental Controls Service, which allows you to specify broad categories of web sites and saves you the trouble of entering specific web site URLs. For more information about the Sentinel service, refer to Tools → Sentinel."; var help145="Enter the address of the web site that you want to allow; for example Do not enter the http:// preceding the address. Enter the most inclusive domain; for example, enter and access will be permitted to both and"; var help146="Many web sites construct pages with images and content from other web sites. Access will be forbidden if you do not enable all the web sites used to construct a page. For example, to access, you need to enable access to,, and"; var help148="The section lists the currently allowed web sites."; var help149="The MAC address filter section can be used to filter network access by machines based on the unique MAC addresses of their network adapter(s)."; var help14_p="Virtual Server Parameters"; var help150="It is most useful to prevent unauthorized wireless devices from connecting to your network."; var help151="A MAC address is a unique ID assigned by the manufacturer of the network adapter."; var help155_2="When \"OFF\" is selected, MAC addresses are not used to control network access. When \"ALLOW\" is selected, only computers with MAC addresses listed in the MAC Address List are granted network access. When \"DENY\" is selected, any computer with a MAC address listed in the MAC Address List is refused access to the network."; var help161_2="Enter the MAC address of the desired."; var help164="SPI (\"stateful packet inspection\" also known as \"dynamic packet filtering\") helps to prevent cyberattacks by tracking more state per session. It validates that the traffic passing through that session conforms to the protocol."; var help164_1="When the protocol is TCP, SPI checks that packet sequence numbers are within the valid range for the session, discarding those packets that do not have valid sequence numbers."; var help164_2="Whether SPI is enabled or not, the router always tracks TCP connection states and ensures that each TCP packet's flags are valid for the current state."; var help165="DMZ means \"Demilitarized Zone.\" If an application has trouble working from behind the router, you can expose one computer to the Internet and run the application on that computer."; var help166="Putting a computer in the DMZ may expose that computer to a variety of security risks. Use of this option is only recommended as a last resort."; var help167="Specify the LAN IP address of the LAN computer that you want to have unrestricted Internet communication. If this computer obtains its address Automatically using DHCP, then you may want to make a static reservation on the Basic → Network Settings page so that the IP address of the DMZ computer does not change."; var help167a="Specify the LAN IP address of the LAN computer that you want to have unrestricted Internet communication. If this computer obtains its address Automatically using DHCP, then you may want to make a static reservation on the Setup→Network Settings page so that the IP address of the DMZ computer does not change."; var help168a="When you use the Virtual Server, Port Forwarding, or Remote Administration features to open specific ports to traffic from the Internet, you could be increasing the exposure of your LAN to cyberattacks from the Internet."; var help168c="In these cases, you can use Inbound Filters to limit that exposure by specifying the IP addresses of internet hosts that you trust to access your LAN through the ports that you have opened. You might, for example, only allow access to a game server on your home LAN from the computers of friends whom you have invited to play the games on that server."; var help169="Inbound Filters can be used for limiting access to a server on your network to a system or group of systems. Filter rules can be used with Virtual Server, Gaming, or Remote Administration features. Each filter can be used for several functions; for example a \"Game Clan\" filter might allow all of the members of a particular gaming group to play several different games for which gaming entries have been created. At the same time an \"Admin\" filter might only allows systems from your office network to access the WAN admin pages and an FTP server you use at home. If you add an IP address to a filter, the change is effected in all of the places where the filter is used."; var help17="Assign a meaningful name to the virtual server, for example Web Server. Several well-known types of virtual server are available from the\"Application Name\" drop-down list. Selecting one of these entries fills some of the remaining parameters with standard values for that type of server."; var help170="Add/Edit Inbound Filter Rule"; var help171="Here you can add entries to the Inbound Filter Rules List below, or edit existing entries."; var help172="Enter a name for the rule that is meaningful to you."; var help173="The rule can either Allow or Deny messages."; var help174="Define the ranges of Internet addresses this rule applies to. For a single IP address, enter the same address in both the Start and End boxes. Up to eight ranges can be entered. The Enable checkbox allows you to turn on or off specific entries in the list of ranges."; var help175="Saves the new or edited Inbound Filter Rule in the following list. When finished updating the Inbound Filter Rules List, you must still click the Save Settings button at the top of the page to make the changes effective and permanent."; var help175_a="Saves the new or edited Inbound Filter Rule in the following list."; var help176="The section lists the current Inbound Filter Rules. An Inbound Filter Rule can be changed by clicking the Edit icon, or deleted by clicking the Delete icon. When you click the Edit icon, the item is highlighted, and the \"Edit Inbound Filter Rule\" section is activated for editing."; var help177="In addition to the filters listed here, two predefined filters are available wherever inbound filters can be applied"; var help178="Permit any WAN user to access the related capability."; var help178_a="Advanced→Virtual Server"; var help178_b="Advanced→Port Forwarding"; var help178_c="Advanced→Application Rules"; var help179_d="Advanced→Network (UPnP)"; var help179="Prevent all WAN users from accessing the related capability. (LAN users are not affected by Inbound Filter Rules.)"; var help18="The IP address of the system on your internal network that will provide the virtual service, for example"; var help180="This setting should remain at its default value of 2346."; var help180a="This setting should remain at its default value of 2346 bytes."; var help181="Setting the Fragmentation value too low may result in poor performance."; var help182="This setting should remain at its default value of 2346. If you encounter inconsistent data flow, only minor modifications to the value"; var help183="are recommended."; var help184="Beacons are packets sent by a wireless router to synchronize wireless devices. Specify a Beacon Period value between 20 and 1000. The default value is set to 100 milliseconds."; var help185="A DTIM is a countdown informing clients of the next window for listening to broadcast and multicast messages. When the wireless router has buffered broadcast or multicast messages for associated clients, it sends the next DTIM with a DTIM Interval value. Wireless clients detect the beacons and awaken to receive the broadcast and multicast messages. The default value is 1. Valid settings are between 1 and 255."; var help186="Enables 802.11d operation. 802.11d is a wireless specification for operation in additional regulatory domains. This supplement to the 802.11 specifications defines the physical layer requirements (channelization, hopping patterns, new values for current MIB attributes, and other requirements to extend the operation of 802.11 WLANs to new regulatory domains (countries). The current 802.11 standard defines operation in only a few regulatory domains (countries). This supplement adds the requirements and definitions necessary to allow 802.11 WLAN equipment to operate in markets not served by the current standard. Enable this option if you are operating in one of these\"additional regulatory domains\"."; var help187="Normally the wireless transmitter operates at 100% power. In some circumstances, however, there might be a need to isolate specific frequencies to a smaller area. By reducing the power of the radio, you can prevent transmissions from reaching beyond your corporate/home office or designated wireless area."; var help188="When WDS is enabled, this access point functions as a wireless repeater and is able to wirelessly communicate with other APs via WDS links. Note that WDS is incompatible with WPA -- both features cannot be used at the same time. A WDS link is bidirectional; so this AP must know the MAC Address (creates the WDS link) of the other AP, and the other AP must have a WDS link back to this AP."; var help188_wmm="Enabling WMM can help control latency and jitter when transmitting multimedia content over a wireless connection."; var help188b="Make sure the APs are configured with same channel number."; var help189="Specifies one-half of the WDS link. The other AP must also have the MAC address of this AP to create the WDS link back to this AP."; var help189a="Enter a MAC address for each of the other APs that you want to connect with WDS."; var help18_a="You can select a computer from the list of DHCP clients in the\"Computer Name\" drop-down menu, or you can manually enter the IP address of the server computer."; var help19="Select the protocol used by the service."; var help190="Schedules can be created for use with enforcing rules. For example, if you want to restrict web access to Mon-Fri from 3pm to 8pm, you could create a schedule selecting Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, and Fri and enter a Start Time of 3pm and End Time of 8pm."; var help191="Add/Edit Schedule Rule"; var help192="In this section you can add entries to the Schedule Rules List below or edit existing entries."; var help193="Give the schedule a name that is meaningful to you, such as\"Weekday rule\"."; var help194="Place a checkmark in the boxes for the desired days or select the All Week radio button to select all seven days of the week."; var help195="Select this option if you want this schedule in effect all day for the selected day(s)."; var help196="If you don't use the All Day option, then you enter the time here. The start time is entered in two fields. The first box is for the hour and the second box is for the minute. Email events are normally triggered only by the start time."; var help197="The end time is entered in the same format as the start time. The hour in the first box and the minutes in the second box. The end time is used for most other rules, but is not normally used for email events."; var help198="Saves the new or edited Schedule Rule in the following list. When finished updating the Schedule Rules, you must still click the Save Settings button at the top of the page to make the changes effective and permanent."; var help199="This section shows the currently defined Schedule Rules. A Schedule Rule can be changed by clicking the Edit icon, or deleted by clicking the Delete icon. When you click the Edit icon, the item is highlighted, and the \"Edit Schedule Rule\" section is activated for editing."; var help19x1="The common choices -- UDP, TCP, and both UDP and TCP -- can be selected from the drop-down menu."; var help19x2="To specify any other protocol, select \"Other\" from the list, then enter the corresponding protocol number ( as assigned by the IANA) in the Protocol box."; var help2="The Virtual Server option gives Internet users access to services on your LAN. This feature is useful for hosting online services such as FTP, Web, or game servers. For each Virtual Server, you define a public port on your router for redirection to an internal LAN IP Address and LAN port."; var help20="The port that will be used on your internal network."; var help201a="Setup Help"; var help202="This router has a USB port; so, if you have a USB flash drive, a USB port on your PC, and your PC runs Windows XP Service Pack 2 (SP2) or later, you can transfer wireless configuration data between your PC and the router with the USB flash drive. Go to the Windows Control Panel and select Wireless Network Setup Wizard. The Wireless Network Setup Wizard gives you the choices \"Use a USB flash drive\" and \"Set up a network manually\". Select \"Use a USB flash drive\"."; var help203="Note: Do not connect more than one USB flash drive to the router, not even with a USB hub."; var help209="If your PC's operating system is Windows XP Service Pack 2 (SP2) or later and you are using Windows Internet Explorer (IE) as your browser, you can use Windows Connect Now (WCN) technology to help configure the router's wireless security settings."; var help21="The port that will be accessed from the Internet."; var help211="Before you can use the router's WCN Wizard, you must first execute the Wireless Network Setup Wizard on your PC. If you have not already done so, go to the Windows Control Panel and select Wireless Network Setup Wizard. When the Wireless Network Setup Wizard gives you the choice to \"Use a USB flash drive\" or \"Set up a network manually\", choose the latter. (In fact, you will not have to do the set-up manually; it will be done with the WCN ActiveX Control.)"; var help212="WCN ActiveX Control"; var help213="The WCN ActiveX Control provides the WCN link between your PC and the router via the browser that communicates wireless configuration data without a USB flash drive. The browser will attempt to download the WCN ActiveX Control, if it is not already available on your PC. For this action to succeed, you must already have a WAN connection, and the browser's internet security setting must be Medium or lower (select Tools → Internet Options → Security → Custom Level → Medium)."; var help214="When the necessary preparations are complete, the WCN technology will propagate the wireless network settings from your PC to the router. Then you will have to reboot the router for the settings to take effect."; var help215="Note that WCN only sets a few of the wireless options. You will still need to go to the Wireless Settings page to set other wireless options such as Super G Mode and transmission rate."; var help22="Select a filter that controls access as needed for this virtual server. If you do not see the filter you need in the list of filters, go to the Advanced → Inbound Filter screen and create a new filter."; var help23="Select a schedule for when the service will be enabled. If you do not see the schedule you need in the list of schedules, go to the Tools → Schedules screen and create a new schedule."; var help254="The WAN (Wide Area Network) section is where you configure your Internet Connection type."; var help254_ict="There are several connection types to choose from Static IP, DHCP, PPPoE, PPTP, L2TP, DS-Lite. If you are unsure of your connection method, please contact your Internet Service Provider. Note: If using the PPPoE option, you will need to ensure that any PPPoE client software on your computers is removed or disabled."; var help255="Used when your ISP provides you a set IP address that does not change. The IP information is manually entered in your IP configuration settings. You must enter the"; var help256="IP address"; var help257="and"; var help258="Your ISP provides you with all of this information."; var help259="A method of connection where the ISP assigns your IP address when your router requests one from the ISP's server. Some ISP's require you to make some settings on your side before your router can connect to the Internet."; var help25_b="Use the checkboxes at the left to activate or deactivate completed Virtual Server entries."; var help26="Note:"; var help260="Host Name"; var help261="Some ISP's may check your computer's Host Name. The Host Name identifies your system to the ISP's server. This way they know your computer is eligible to receive an IP address. In other words, they know that you are paying for their service."; var help261a="This option is normally turned off, and should remain off as long as the WAN-side DHCP server correctly provides an IP address to the router. However, if the router cannot obtain an IP address from the DHCP server, the DHCP server may be one that works better with unicast responses. In this case, turn the unicasting option on, and observe whether the router can obtain an IP address. In this mode, the router accepts unicast responses from the DHCP server instead of broadcast responses."; var help262="Enable BigPond"; var help263="Check this option to connect to the internet through Telstra BigPond Cable Broadband in Australia. Telstra BigPond provides the values for"; var help264="and"; var help265="Select this option if your ISP requires you to use a PPPoE (Point to Point Protocol over Ethernet) connection. DSL providers typically use this option. This method of connection requires you to enter a Username and Password (provided by your Internet Service Provider) to gain access to the Internet."; var help265_2="If your ISP has assigned a fixed IP address, select this option. The ISP provides the value for the"; var help265_5="If your ISP has assigned a fixed IP address, select this option. The ISP provides the values for the following fields"; var help265_7="If the ISP's servers assign the router's IP addressing upon establishing a connection, select this option."; var help266="Service Name"; var help267="Some ISP's may require that you enter a Service Name. Only enter a Service Name if your ISP requires one."; var help268="Reconnect Mode"; var help269="Typically PPPoE connections are not always on. The D-Link router allows you to set the reconnection mode. The settings are"; var help27="You might have trouble accessing a virtual server using its public identity (WAN-side IP-address of the gateway or its dynamic DNS name) from a machine on the LAN. Your requests may not be looped back or you may be redirected to the \"Forbidden\" page."; var help270="Always on"; var help271="A connection to the Internet is always maintained."; var help272="On demand"; var help273="A connection to the Internet is made as needed."; var help274="Manual"; var help275="You have to open up the Web-based management interface and click the Connect button manually any time that you wish to connect to the Internet."; var help276="Maximum Idle Time"; var help277="Time interval the machine can be idle before the PPPoE connection is disconnected. The Maximum Idle Time value is only used for the \"On demand\" and \"Manual\" reconnect modes."; var help278="PPTP (Point to Point Tunneling Protocol) uses a virtual private network to connect to your ISP. This method of connection is primarily used in Europe. This method of connection requires you to enter a Username and Password (provided by your Internet Service Provider) to gain access to the Internet."; var help279="PPTP Subnet Mask"; var help28="This will happen if you have an Access Control Rule configured for this LAN machine."; var help280="The ISP provides this parameter, if necessary. The value may be the same as the Gateway IP Address."; var help281="Reconnect Mode"; var help282="Typically PPTP connections are not always on. The D-Link router allows you to set the reconnection mode. The settings are"; var help283="Time interval the machine can be idle before the PPTP connection is disconnected. The Maximum Idle Time value is only used for the \"On demand\" and \"Manual\" reconnect modes."; var help284="L2TP (Layer Two Tunneling Protocol) uses a virtual private network to connect to your ISP. This method of connection requires you to enter a Username and Password (provided by your Internet Service Provider) to gain access to the Internet."; var help285="L2TP Subnet Mask"; var help286="Typically L2TP connections are not always on. The D-Link router allows you to set the reconnection mode. The settings are"; var help287="Time interval the machine can be idle before the L2TP connection is disconnected. The Maximum Idle Time value is used for the \"On demand\" and \"Manual\" reconnect modes."; var help288="The following options apply to all WAN modes."; var help289a="Primary DNS Server, Secondary DNS Server"; var help29="The requests from the LAN machine will not be looped back if Internet access is blocked at the time of access. To work around this problem, access the LAN machine using its LAN-side identity."; var help290a="Enter the IP addresses of the DNS Servers. Leave the field for the secondary server empty if not used."; var help293="MTU"; var help294="The Maximum Transmission Unit (MTU) is a parameter that determines the largest packet size (in bytes) that the router will send to the WAN. If LAN devices send larger packets, the router will break them into smaller packets. Ideally, you should set this to match the MTU of the connection to your ISP. Typical values are 1500 bytes for an Ethernet connection and 1492 bytes for a PPPoE connection. If the router's MTU is set too high, packets will be fragmented downstream. If the router's MTU is set too low, the router will fragment packets unnecessarily and in extreme cases may be unable to establish some connections. In either case, network performance can suffer."; var help296="Normally, this is set to \"auto\". If you have trouble connecting to the WAN, try the other settings."; var help3="Example"; var help30="Requests may be redirected to the \"Forbidden\" page if web access for the LAN machine is restricted by an Access Control Rule. Add the WAN-side identity (WAN-side IP-address of the router or its dynamic DNS name) on the Advanced → Web Filter screen to work around this problem."; var help302="Each networking device has it's own unique MAC address defined by the hardware manufacturer. Some ISP's may check your computer's MAC address. Some ISP's record the MAC address of the network adapter in the computer or router used to initially connect to their service. The ISP will then only grant Internet access to requests from a computer or router with this particular MAC address. This router has a different MAC address than the computer or router that initially connected to the ISP."; var help303="MAC Address"; var help304="If you need to change the MAC address of the router's WAN-side Ethernet interface, either type in an alternate MAC address (for example, the MAC address of the router initially connected to the ISP) or copy the MAC address of a PC. To copy the MAC address of the computer that initially connected to the ISP, connect to the D-Link router using that computer and click the Clone Your PC's MAC Address button. The WAN interface will then use the MAC address of the network adapter in your computer."; var help305="These are the settings of the LAN (Local Area Network) interface for the router. The router's local network (LAN) settings are configured based on the IP Address and Subnet Mask assigned in this section. The IP address is also used to access this Web-based management interface."; var help305rt="It is recommended that you use the default settings if you do not have an existing network."; var help307="The IP address of your router on the local area network. Your local area network settings are based on the address assigned here. For example,"; var help309="The subnet mask of your router on the local area network."; var help309A="The subnet mask of the local area network."; var help312dr2="When DNS Relay is enabled, the router plays the role of a DNS server. DNS requests sent to the router are forwarded to the ISP's DNS server. This provides a constant DNS address that LAN computers can use, even when the router obtains a different DNS server address from the ISP upon re-establishing the WAN connection. You should disable DNS relay if you implement a LAN-side DNS server as a virtual server."; var help314="DHCP stands for Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol. The DHCP section is where you configure the built-in DHCP Server to assign IP addresses to the computers and other devices on your local area network (LAN)."; var help316="Once your D-Link router is properly configured and this option is enabled, the DHCP Server will manage the IP addresses and other network configuration information for computers and other devices connected to your Local Area Network. There is no need for you to do this yourself."; var help317="The computers (and other devices) connected to your LAN also need to have their TCP/IP configuration set to \"DHCP\" or \"Obtain an IP address automatically\"."; var help318="When you set Enable DHCP Server, the following options are displayed."; var help319="These two IP values (from and to) define a range of IP addresses that the DHCP Server uses when assigning addresses to computers and devices on your Local Area Network. Any addresses that are outside of this range are not managed by the DHCP Server; these could, therefore, be used for manually configured devices or devices that cannot use DHCP to obtain network address details automatically."; var help32="Here you can enable or disable ALGs. Some protocols and applications require special handling of the IP payload to make them work with network address translation (NAT). Each ALG provides special handling for a specific protocol or application. A number of ALGs for common applications are enabled by default."; var help320="It is possible for a computer or device that is manually configured to have an address that does reside within this range. In this case the address should be reserved (see Static DHCP Client below), so that the DHCP Server knows that this specific address can only be used by a specific computer or device."; var help321="Your D-Link router, by default, has a static IP address of This means that addresses to can be made available for allocation by the DHCP Server."; var help322="Your D-Link router uses for the IP address. You've assigned a computer that you want to designate as a Web server with a static IP address of You've assigned another computer that you want to designate as an FTP server with a static IP address of Therefore the starting IP address for your DHCP IP address range needs to be or greater."; var help323="Suppose you configure the DHCP Server to manage addresses From To This means that to and to are NOT managed by the DHCP Server. Computers or devices that use addresses from these ranges are to be manually configured. Suppose you have a web server computer that has a manually configured address of Because this falls within the \"managed range\" be sure to create a reservation for this address and match it to the relevant computer (see Static DHCP Client below)."; var help324="The amount of time that a computer may have an IP address before it is required to renew the lease. The lease functions just as a lease on an apartment would. The initial lease designates the amount of time before the lease expires. If the tenant wishes to retain the address when the lease is expired then a new lease is established. If the lease expires and the address is no longer needed than another tenant may use the address."; var help325="Always Broadcast"; var help326="If all the computers on the LAN successfully obtain their IP addresses from the router's DHCP server as expected, this option can remain disabled. However, if one of the computers on the LAN fails to obtain an IP address from the router's DHCP server, it may have an old DHCP client that incorrectly turns off the broadcast flag of DHCP packets. Enabling this option will cause the router to always broadcast its responses to all clients, thereby working around the problem, at the cost of increased broadcast traffic on the LAN."; var help327="In this section you can see what LAN devices are currently leasing IP addresses."; var help329="The Revoke option is available for the situation in which the lease table becomes full or nearly full, you need to recover space in the table for new entries, and you know that some of the currently allocated leases are no longer needed. Clicking Revoke cancels the lease for a specific LAN device and frees an entry in the lease table. Do this only if the device no longer needs the leased IP address, because, for example, it has been removed from the network."; var help329_rsv="The Reserve option converts this dynamic IP allocation into a DHCP Reservation and adds the corresponding entry to the DHCP Reservations List."; var help33="Allows multiple machines on the LAN to connect to their corporate networks using PPTP protocol."; var help330="Add/Edit DHCP Reservation"; var help331="This option lets you reserve IP addresses, and assign the same IP address to the network device with the specified MAC address any time it requests an IP address. This is almost the same as when a device has a static IP address except that the device must still request an IP address from the D-Link router. The D-Link router will provide the device the same IP address every time. DHCP Reservations are helpful for server computers on the local network that are hosting applications such as Web and FTP. Servers on your network should either use a static IP address or use this option."; var help333="To input the MAC address of your system, enter it in manually or connect to the D-Link router's Web-Management interface from the system and click the Copy Your PC's MAC Address button."; var help334="A MAC address is usually located on a sticker on the bottom of a network device. The MAC address is comprised of twelve digits. Each pair of hexadecimal digits are usually separated by dashes or colons such as 00-0D-88-11-22-33 or 000D88112233. If your network device is a computer and the network card is already located inside the computer, you can connect to the D-Link router from the computer and click the Copy Your PC's MAC Address button to enter the MAC address."; var help335="As an alternative, you can locate a MAC address in a specific operating system by following the steps below"; var help336="Windows 98"; var help337="Windows Me"; var help338="Go to the Start menu, select Run, type in winipcfg, and hit Enter. A popup window will be displayed. Select the appropriate adapter from the pull-down menu and you will see the Adapter Address. This is the MAC address of the device."; var help339="Windows 2000"; var help33b="When the PPTP ALG is enabled, LAN computers can establish PPTP VPN connections either with the same or with different VPN servers. When the PPTP ALG is disabled, the router allows VPN operation in a restricted way -- LAN computers are typically able to establish VPN tunnels to different VPN Internet servers but not to the same server. The advantage of disabling the PPTP ALG is to increase VPN performance. Enabling the PPTP ALG also allows incoming VPN connections to a LAN side VPN server (refer to Virtual Server)."; var help34="Allows multiple VPN clients to connect to their corporate networks using IPSec. Some VPN clients support traversal of IPSec through NAT. This option may interfere with the operation of such VPN clients. If you are having trouble connecting with your corporate network, try disabling this option."; var help340="Windows XP"; var help341="Go to your Start menu, select Programs, select Accessories, and select Command Prompt. At the command prompt type ipconfig /all and hit Enter. The physical address displayed for the adapter connecting to the router is the MAC address."; var help342="Mac OS X"; var help343="Go to the Apple Menu, select System Preferences, select Network, and select the Ethernet Adapter connecting to the D-Link router. Select the Ethernet button and the Ethernet ID will be listed. This is the same as the MAC address."; var help345="You can assign a name for each computer that is given a reserved IP address. This may help you keep track of which computers are assigned this way."; var help346="Game Server"; var help348="This shows clients that you have specified to have reserved DHCP addresses. An entry can be changed by clicking the Edit icon, or deleted by clicking the Delete icon. When you click the Edit icon, the item is highlighted, and the \"Edit DHCP Reservation\" section is activated for editing."; var help349="The wireless section is used to configure the wireless settings for your D-Link router. Note that changes made in this section may also need to be duplicated on wireless clients that you want to connect to your wireless network."; var help34b="Note that L2TP VPN connections typically use IPSec to secure the connection. To achieve multiple VPN pass-through in this case, the IPSec ALG must be enabled."; var help35="Check with the system administrator of your corporate network whether your VPN client supports NAT traversal."; var help350="To protect your privacy, use the wireless security mode to configure the wireless security features. This device supports two wireless security modes including WPA-Personal, and WPA-Enterprise. WPA provides a high level of security. WPA-Personal does not require an authentication server. The WPA-Enterprise option does require a RADIUS authentication server."; var help350_a="To protect your privacy, use the wireless security mode to configure the wireless security features. This device supports three wireless security modes including: WEP, WPA-Personal, and WPA-Enterprise. WEP is the original wireless encryption standard. WPA provides a higher level of security. WPA-Personal does not require an authentication server. The WPA-Enterprise option does require a RADIUS authentication server."; var help351="This option turns off and on the wireless connection feature of the router. When you set this option, the following parameters are in effect."; var help352="When you are browsing for available wireless networks, this is the name that will appear in the list (unless Visibility Status is set to Invisible, see below). This name is also referred to as the SSID. For security purposes, it is highly recommended to change from the pre-configured network name."; var help353="The Invisible option allows you to hide your wireless network. When this option is set to Visible, your wireless network name is broadcast to anyone within the range of your signal. If you're not using encryption then they could connect to your network. When Invisible mode is enabled, you must enter the Wireless Network Name (SSID) on the client manually to connect to the network."; var help354="If you select this option, the router automatically finds the channel with least interference and uses that channel for wireless networking. If you disable this option, the router uses the channel that you specify with the following Wireless Channel option."; var help355="A wireless network uses specific channels in the wireless spectrum to handle communication between clients. Some channels in your area may have interference from other electronic devices. Choose the clearest channel to help optimize the performance and coverage of your wireless network."; var help356="By default the fastest possible transmission rate will be selected. You have the option of selecting the speed if necessary."; var help357="If all of the wireless devices you want to connect with this router can connect in the same transmission mode, you can improve performance slightly by choosing the appropriate \"Only\" mode. If you have some devices that use a different transmission mode, choose the appropriate \"Mixed\" mode."; var help358="Super G Mode"; var help359="Super G Turbo Modes must use channel 6 for communication. For Super G with Static Turbo, 802.11 Mode must be set to 802.11g. For proper operation, RTS threshold and Fragmentation Threshold on the Advanced → Advanced Wireless screen should both be set to their default values."; var help36="Allows applications that use Real Time Streaming Protocol to receive streaming media from the internet. QuickTime and Real Player are some of the common applications using this protocol."; var help360="Super G without Turbo"; var help361="Performance enhancing features such as Packet Bursting, FastFrames, and Compression."; var help362="Super G with Static Turbo"; var help363="This mode is not backwards compatible with non-Turbo (legacy) devices. This mode should only be enabled when all devices on the wireless network are Static Turbo enabled."; var help364="Super G with Dynamic Turbo"; var help365="This mode is backwards compatible with non-Turbo (legacy) devices. This mode should be enabled when some devices on the wireless network are not Turbo enabled but support other Super G features mentioned above."; var help366="A method of encrypting data for wireless communication intended to provide the same level of privacy as a wired network. WEP is not as secure as WPA encryption. To gain access to a WEP network, you must know the key. The key is a string of characters that you create. When using WEP, you must determine the level of encryption. The type of encryption determines the key length. 128-bit encryption requires a longer key than 64-bit encryption. Keys are defined by entering in a string in HEX (hexadecimal - using characters 0-9, A-F) or ASCII (American Standard Code for Information Interchange - alphanumeric characters) format. ASCII format is provided so you can enter a string that is easier to remember. The ASCII string is converted to HEX for use over the network. Four keys can be defined so that you can change keys easily. A default key is selected for use on the network."; var help367="Example"; var help368="64-bit hexadecimal keys are exactly 10 characters in length. (12345678FA is a valid string of 10 characters for 64-bit encryption.)"; var help369="128-bit hexadecimal keys are exactly 26 characters in length. (456FBCDF123400122225271730 is a valid string of 26 characters for 128-bit encryption.)"; var help37="Supports use on LAN computers of Microsoft Windows Messenger (the Internet messaging client that ships with Microsoft Windows) and MSN Messenger. The SIP ALG must also be enabled when the Windows Messenger ALG is enabled."; var help370="64-bit ASCII keys are up to 5 characters in length (DMODE is a valid string of 5 characters for 64-bit encryption.)"; var help371="128-bit ASCII keys are up to 13 characters in length (2002HALOSWIN1 is a valid string of 13 characters for 128-bit encryption.)"; var help371_n="Note that, if you enter fewer characters in the WEP key than required, the remainder of the key is automatically padded with zeros."; var help372="WPA-Personal and WPA-Enterprise"; var help373="Both of these options select some variant of Wi-Fi Protected Access (WPA) -- security standards published by the Wi-Fi Alliance. The WPA Mode further refines the variant that the router should employ."; var help374="WPA Mode"; var help375="WPA is the older standard; select this option if the clients that will be used with the router only support the older standard. WPA2 is the newer implementation of the stronger IEEE 802.11i security standard. With the \"WPA or WPA2\" option, the router tries WPA2 first, but falls back to WPA if the client only supports WPA. The strongest cipher that the client supports will be used. With the \"WPA2 Only\" option, the router associates only with clients that also support WPA2 security. The AES cipher will be used in \"WPA or WPA2\" and \"WPA2 Only\" modes to ensure best security. Some gaming and legacy devices work only in \"WPA Only\" mode. TKIP is the cipher for \"WPA only\" mode."; var help375_a="WPA is the older standard; select this option if the clients that will be used with the router only support the older standard. WPA2 is the newer implementation of the stronger IEEE 802.11i security standard. With the \"WPA2\" option, the router tries WPA2 first, but falls back to WPA if the client only supports WPA. With the \"WPA2 Only\" option, the router associates only with clients that also support WPA2 security."; var help376="Cipher Type"; var help377="The encryption algorithm used to secure the data communication. TKIP (Temporal Key Integrity Protocol) provides per-packet key generation and is based on WEP. AES (Advanced Encryption Standard) is a very secure block based encryption. With the \"TKIP and AES\" option, the router negotiates the cipher type with the client, and uses AES when available."; var help378="Group Key Update Interval"; var help379="The amount of time before the group key used for broadcast and multicast data is changed."; var help38="Allows FTP clients and servers to transfer data across NAT. Refer to the Advanced → Virtual Server page if you want to host an FTP server."; var help380="This option uses Wi-Fi Protected Access with a Pre-Shared Key (PSK)."; var help381="Pre-Shared Key"; var help382="The key is entered as a pass-phrase of up to 63 alphanumeric characters in ASCII (American Standard Code for Information Interchange) format at both ends of the wireless connection. It cannot be shorter than eight characters, although for proper security it needs to be of ample length and should not be a commonly known phrase. This phrase is used to generate session keys that are unique for each wireless client."; var help383="Wireless Networking technology enables ubiquitous communication"; var help384="This option works with a RADIUS Server to authenticate wireless clients. Wireless clients should have established the necessary credentials before attempting to authenticate to the Server through this Gateway. Furthermore, it may be necessary to configure the RADIUS Server to allow this Gateway to authenticate users."; var help385="Authentication Timeout"; var help386="Amount of time before a client will be required to re-authenticate."; var help387="RADIUS Server IP Address"; var help388="The IP address of the authentication server."; var help389="RADIUS Server Port"; var help39="Allows H.323 (specifically Microsoft Netmeeting) clients to communicate across NAT. Note that if you want your buddies to call you, you should also set up a virtual server for NetMeeting. Refer to the Advanced → Virtual Server page for information on how to set up a virtual server."; var help390="The port number used to connect to the authentication server."; var help391="RADIUS Server Shared Secret"; var help392="A pass-phrase that must match with the authentication server."; var help393="MAC Address Authentication"; var help394="If this is selected, the user must connect from the same computer whenever logging into the wireless network."; var help395="Advanced"; var help396="Optional Backup RADIUS Server"; var help397="This option enables configuration of an optional second RADIUS server. A second RADIUS server can be used as backup for the primary RADIUS server. The second RADIUS server is consulted only when the primary server is not available or not responding. The fields Second RADIUS Server IP Address, RADIUS Server Port, Second RADIUS server Shared Secret, Second MAC Address Authentication provide the corresponding parameters for the second RADIUS Server."; var help398="Help Glossary"; var help399="Access Control List"; var help4="You are hosting a Web Server on a PC that has LAN IP Address of and your ISP is blocking Port 80."; var help40="Allows devices and applications using VoIP (Voice over IP) to communicate across NAT. Some VoIP applications and devices have the ability to discover NAT devices and work around them. This ALG may interfere with the operation of such devices. If you are having trouble making VoIP calls, try turning this ALG off."; var help400="ACL. This is a database of network devices that are allowed to access resources on the network."; var help400_1="NetBIOS allow LAN hosts to discover all other computers within the network, e.g. within Network Neighbourhood."; var help400_b="Check this box to allow the DHCP Server to offer NetBIOS configuration settings to the LAN hosts."; var help401="Access Point"; var help401_1="Turn this setting off to configure manually."; var help401_b="If NetBIOS advertisement is swicthed on, switching this setting on causes WINS information to be learned from the WAN side, if available."; var help402="AP. Device that allows wireless clients to connect to it and access the network"; var help402_1="WINS Servers store information regarding network hosts, allowing hosts to \"register\" themselves as well as discover other available hosts, e.g. for use in Network Neighbourhood."; var help402_2="This setting has no effect if the \"Learn NetBIOS information from WAN\" is activated."; var help402_b="Configure the IP address of the preferred WINS server."; var help403="ActiveX"; var help403_b="Configure the IP address of the backup WINS server, if any."; var help404="A Microsoft specification for the interaction of software components."; var help404_b="This is an advanced setting and is normally left blank. This allows the configuration of a NetBIOS \"domain\" name under which network hosts operate."; var help405="Ad-hoc network"; var help405_1="H-Node, this indicates a Hybrid-State of operation. First WINS servers are tried, if any, followed by local network broadcast. This is generally the preferred mode if you have configured WINS servers."; var help405_2="M-Node (default), this indicates a Mixed-Mode of operation. First Broadcast operation is performed to register hosts and discover other hosts, if broadcast operation fails, WINS servers are tried, if any. This mode favours broadcast operation which may be preferred if WINS servers are reachable by a slow network link and the majority of network services such as servers and printers are local to the LAN."; var help405_3="P-Node, this indicates to use WINS servers ONLY. This setting is useful to force all NetBIOS operation to the configured WINS servers. You must have configured at least the primary WINS server IP to point to a working WINS server."; var help405_4="B-Node, this indicates to use local network broadcast ONLY. This setting is useful where there are no WINS servers available, however, it is preferred you try M-Node operation first."; var help405_b="Indicates how network hosts are to perform NetBIOS name registration and discovery."; var help406="Peer-to-Peer network between wireless clients"; var help407="Address Resolution Protocol"; var help408="ARP. Used to map MAC addresses to IP addresses so that conversions can be made in both directions."; var help409="ADSL"; var help41="This feature enables forwarding of \"magic packets\" (that is, specially formatted wake-up packets) from the WAN to a LAN computer or other device that is \"Wake on LAN\" (WOL) capable. The WOL device must be defined as such on the Advanced → Virtual Server page. The LAN IP address for the virtual server is typically set to the broadcast address The computer on the LAN whose MAC address is contained in the magic packet will be awakened."; var help410="Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line"; var help411="Advanced Encryption Standard"; var help412="AES. Government encryption standard"; var help413="Alphanumeric"; var help414="Characters A-Z and 0-9"; var help415="Antenna"; var help416="Used to transmit and receive RF signals."; var help417="AppleTalk"; var help418="A set of Local Area Network protocols developed by Apple for their computer systems"; var help419="AppleTalk Address Resolution Protocol"; var help420="AARP. Used to map the MAC addresses of Apple computers to their AppleTalk network addresses, so that conversions can be made in both directions."; var help421="Application layer"; var help422="7th Layer of the OSI model. Provides services to applications to ensure that they can communicate properly with other applications on a network."; var help423="ASCII"; var help424="American Standard Code for Information Interchange. This system of characters is most commonly used for text files"; var help425="Attenuation"; var help426="The loss in strength of digital and analog signals. The loss is greater when the signal is being transmitted over long distances."; var help427="To provide credentials, like a Password, in order to verify that the person or device is really who they are claiming to be"; var help428="Automatic Private IP Addressing"; var help429="APIPA. An IP address that that a Windows computer will assign itself when it is configured to obtain an IP address automatically but no DHCP server is available on the network"; var help43="Allows Windows Media Player, using MMS protocol, to receive streaming media from the internet."; var help430="Backward Compatible"; var help431="The ability for new devices to communicate and interact with older legacy devices to guarantee interoperability"; var help432="Bandwidth"; var help433="The maximum amount of bytes or bits per second that can be transmitted to and from a network device"; var help434="Basic Input/Output System"; var help435="BIOS. A program that the processor of a computer uses to startup the system once it is turned on"; var help436="Baud"; var help437="Data transmission speed"; var help438="Beacon"; var help439="A data frame by which one of the stations in a Wi-Fi network periodically broadcasts network control data to other wireless stations."; var help440="Bit rate"; var help441="The amount of bits that pass in given amount of time"; var help442="Bit/sec"; var help443="Bits per second"; var help444="BOOTP"; var help445="Bootstrap Protocol. Allows for computers to be booted up and given an IP address with no user intervention"; var help446="Bottleneck"; var help447="A time during processes when something causes the process to slowdown or stop all together"; var help448="Broadband"; var help449="A wide band of frequencies available for transmitting data"; var help450="Broadcast"; var help451="Transmitting data in all directions at once"; var help452="Browser"; var help453="A program that allows you to access resources on the web and provides them to you graphically"; var help454="Cable modem"; var help455="A device that allows you to connect a computer up to a coaxial cable and receive Internet access from your Cable provider"; var help456="CardBus"; var help457="A newer version of the PC Card or PCMCIA interface. It supports a 32-bit data path, DMA, and consumes less voltage"; var help458="CAT 5"; var help459="Category 5. Used for 10/100 Mbps or 1Gbps Ethernet connections"; var help46="An application rule is used to open single or multiple ports on your router when the router senses data sent to the Internet on a \"trigger\" port or port range. An application rule applies to all computers on your internal network."; var help460="Client"; var help461="A program or user that requests data from a server"; var help462="Collision"; var help463="When do two devices on the same Ethernet network try and transmit data at the exact same time."; var help464="Cookie"; var help465="Information that is stored on the hard drive of your computer that holds your preferences to the site that gave your computer the cookie"; var help466="Data"; var help467="Information that has been translated into binary so that it can be processed or moved to another device"; var help468="Data Encryption Standard"; var help469="Uses a randomly selected 56-bit key that must be known by both the sender and the receiver when information is exchanged"; var help47="You need to configure your router to allow a software application running on any computer on your network to connect to a web-based server or another user on the Internet."; var help470="Data-Link layer"; var help471="The second layer of the OSI model. Controls the movement of data on the physical link of a network"; var help472="Database"; var help473="Organizes information so that it can be managed updated, as well as easily accessed by users or applications."; var help474="DB-25"; var help475="A 25 ping male connector for attaching External modems or RS-232 serial devices"; var help476="DB-9"; var help477=" A 9 pin connector for RS-232 connections"; var help478="dBd"; var help479="Decibels related to dipole antenna"; var help48="Enter a name for the Special Application Rule, for example Game App, which will help you identify the rule in the future. Alternatively, you can select from the Application list of common applications."; var help480="dBi"; var help481=""; var help482="dBm"; var help483="Decibels relative to one milliwatt"; var help484="Decrypt"; var help485="To unscramble an encrypted message back into plain text"; var help486="Default"; var help487="A predetermined value or setting that is used by a program when no user input has been entered for this value or setting"; var help488="Demilitarized zone"; var help489="DMZ A single computer or group of computers that can be accessed by both users on the Internet as well as users on the Local Network, but that is not protected by the same security as the Local Network."; var help48a="Instead of entering a name for the Special Application rule, you can select from this list of common applications, and the remaining configuration values will be filled in accordingly."; var help49="Enter the outgoing port range used by your application (for example 6500-6700)."; var help490="Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol Used to automatically assign IP addresses from a predefined pool of addresses to computers or devices that request them"; var help491="Digital certificate"; var help492="An electronic method of providing credentials to a server in order to have access to it or a network"; var help493="Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum"; var help494="DSSS Modulation technique used by 802.11b wireless devices"; var help495="DMZ"; var help496="Demilitarized Zone. A computer that logically sits in a \"no-mans land\" between the LAN and the WAN. The DMZ computer trades some of the protection of the router's security mechanisms for the convenience of being directly addressable from the Internet."; var help498="Domain Name System Translates Domain Names to IP addresses"; var help499="Domain name"; var help5="Name the Virtual Server (for example Web Server)"; var help50="Select the outbound protocol used by your application (for example Both)."; var help500="A name that is associated with an IP address"; var help501="Download"; var help502="To send a request from one computer to another and have the file transmitted back to the requesting computer"; var help503="DSL"; var help504="Digital Subscriber Line. High bandwidth Internet connection over telephone lines"; var help505="Duplex"; var help506="Sending and Receiving data transmissions at the same time"; var help507="Dynamic DNS service"; var help508="Dynamic DNS is provided by companies to allow users with Dynamic IP addresses to obtain a Domain Name that will always by linked to their changing IP address. The IP address is updated by either client software running on a computer or by a router that supports Dynamic DNS, whenever the IP address changes"; var help509="Dynamic IP address"; var help51="Enter the port range that you want to open up to Internet traffic (for example 6000-6200)."; var help510="IP address that is assigned by a DHCP server and that may change. Cable Internet providers usually use this method to assign IP addresses to their customers."; var help511="EAP"; var help512="Extensible Authentication Protocol"; var help513="Email"; var help514="Electronic Mail is a computer-stored message that is transmitted over the Internet"; var help515="Converting data into cyphertext so that it cannot be easily read"; var help516="Ethernet"; var help517="The most widely used technology for Local Area Networks."; var help518="Fiber optic"; var help519="A way of sending data through light impulses over glass or plastic wire or fiber"; var help52="Select the protocol used by the Internet traffic coming back into the router through the opened port range (for example Both)."; var help520="File server"; var help521="A computer on a network that stores data so that the other computers on the network can all access it"; var help522="File sharing"; var help523="Allowing data from computers on a network to be accessed by other computers on the network with different levels of access rights"; var help524="A device that protects resources of the Local Area Network from unauthorized users outside of the local network"; var help525="Programming that is inserted into a hardware device that tells it how to function"; var help526="Fragmentation"; var help527="Breaking up data into smaller pieces to make it easier to store"; var help528="File Transfer Protocol. Easiest way to transfer files between computers on the Internet"; var help529="Full-duplex"; var help53="Select a schedule for when this rule is in effect. If you do not see the schedule you need in the list of schedules, go to the Tools → Schedules screen and create a new schedule."; var help530="Sending and Receiving data at the same time"; var help531="Gain"; var help532="The amount an amplifier boosts the wireless signal"; var help533="A device that connects your network to another, like the internet"; var help534="Gbps"; var help535="Gigabits per second"; var help536="Gigabit Ethernet"; var help537="Transmission technology that provides a data rate of 1 billion bits per second"; var help538="GUI"; var help539="Graphical user interface"; var help541="A standard that provides consistency of voice and video transmissions and compatibility for videoconferencing devices"; var help542="Half-duplex"; var help543="Data cannot be transmitted and received at the same time"; var help544="Hashing"; var help545="Transforming a string of characters into a shorter string with a predefined length"; var help546="Hexadecimal"; var help547="Characters 0-9 and A-F"; var help548="Hop"; var help549="The action of data packets being transmitted from one router to another"; var help55="With the above example application rule enabled, the router will open up a range of ports from 6000-6200 for incoming traffic from the Internet, whenever any computer on the internal network opens up an application that sends data to the Internet using a port in the range of 6500-6700."; var help550="Host"; var help551="Computer on a network"; var help553="Hypertext Transfer Protocol is used to transfer files from HTTP servers (web servers) to HTTP clients (web browsers)"; var help555="HTTP over SSL is used to encrypt and decrypt HTTP transmissions"; var help556="Hub"; var help557="A networking device that connects multiple devices together"; var help558="Internet Control Message Protocol"; var help559="IEEE"; var help560="Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers"; var help561="IGMP"; var help562="Internet Group Management Protocol is used to make sure that computers can report their multicast group membership to adjacent routers"; var help563="IIS"; var help564="Internet Information Server is a WEB server and FTP server provided by Microsoft"; var help565="IKE"; var help566="Internet Key Exchange is used to ensure security for VPN connections"; var help567="Infrastructure"; var help568="In terms of a wireless network, this is when wireless clients use an Access Point to gain access to the network"; var help569="Internet"; var help56_a="This section is where you define application rules."; var help56_b="The QoS Engine feature helps improve your network performance by prioritizing applications." ; var help57="Multiple connections are required by some applications, such as internet games, video conferencing, Internet telephony, and others. These applications have difficulties working through NAT (Network Address Translation). This section is used to open multiple ports or a range of ports in your router and redirect data through those ports to a single PC on your network. You can enter ports in various formats"; var help570="A system of worldwide networks which use TCP/IP to allow for resources to be accessed from computers around the world"; var help571="Internet Explorer"; var help572="A World Wide Web browser created and provided by Microsoft"; var help573="Internet Protocol"; var help574="The method of transferring data from one computer to another on the Internet"; var help576="IPsec provides security at the packet processing layer of network communication"; var help577="Internet Service Provider"; var help578="An ISP provides access to the Internet to individuals or companies"; var help579="Intranet"; var help58="Range (50-1:00)"; var help58_1="Range (50-100)"; var help580="A private network"; var help581="Intrusion Detection"; var help582="A type of security that scans a network to detect attacks coming from inside and outside of the network"; var help583="A 32-bit number, when talking about Internet Protocol Version 4, that identifies each computer that transmits data on the Internet or on an Intranet"; var help584="IPsec"; var help585="IPX"; var help586="Internetwork Packet Exchange is a networking protocol developed by Novel to enable their Netware clients and servers to communicate"; var help587="ISP"; var help588="Java"; var help589="A programming language used to create programs and applets for web pages"; var help59="Individual (80, 68, 888)"; var help590="Kbps"; var help591="Kilobits per second"; var help592="Kbyte"; var help593="Kilobyte"; var help594="Local Area Network"; var help595="Latency"; var help596="The amount of time that it takes a packet to get from the one point to another on a network. Also referred to as delay"; var help597="LED"; var help598="Light Emitting Diode"; var help599="Legacy"; var help6="Enter the IP Address of the machine on your LAN (for example"; var help60="Mixed (1020-5000, 689)"; var help600="Older devices or technology"; var help601="A group of computers in a building that usually access files from a server"; var help602="LPR/LPD"; var help603="Line Printer Requestor/\"Line Printer Daemon\". A TCP/IP protocol for transmitting streams of printer data."; var help605="MAC address"; var help606="A unique hardware ID assigned to every Ethernet adapter by the manufacturer."; var help607="Mbps"; var help608="Megabits per second"; var help609="MDI"; var help60f="Port Forwarding Fields"; var help610="Medium Dependent Interface is an Ethernet port for a connection to a straight-through cable"; var help611="MDIX"; var help612="Medium Dependent Interface Crossover, is an Ethernet port for a connection to a crossover cable"; var help613="MIB"; var help614="Management Information Base is a set of objects that can be managed by using SNMP"; var help615="Modem"; var help616="A device that Modulates digital signals from a computer to an analog signal in order to transmit the signal over phone lines. It also Demodulates the analog signals coming from the phone lines to digital signals for your computer"; var help617="MPPE"; var help618="Microsoft Point-to-Point Encryption is used to secure data transmissions over PPTP connections"; var help619="Maximum Transmission Unit is the largest packet that can be transmitted on a packet-based network like the Internet"; var help620="Multicast"; var help621="Sending data from one device to many devices on a network"; var help622="Network Address Translation allows many private IP addresses to connect to the Internet, or another network, through one IP address"; var help623="NetBEUI"; var help624="NetBIOS Extended User Interface is a Local Area Network communication protocol. This is an updated version of NetBIOS"; var help625="NetBIOS"; var help626="Network Basic Input/Output System"; var help627="Determines what portion of an IP address designates the Network and which part designates the Host"; var help628="Network Interface Card"; var help629="A card installed in a computer or built onto the motherboard that allows the computer to connect to a network"; var help63="Suppose you are hosting an online game server that is running on a PC with a private IP Address of This game requires that you open multiple ports (6159-6180, 99) on the router so Internet users can connect."; var help630="Network Layer"; var help631="The third layer of the OSI model which handles the routing of traffic on a network"; var help632="Network Time Protocol"; var help633="Used to synchronize the time of all the computers in a network"; var help634="NIC"; var help635="NTP"; var help636="OFDM"; var help637="Orthogonal Frequency-Division Multiplexing is the modulation technique for both 802.11a and 802.11g"; var help638="OSI"; var help639="Open Systems Interconnection is the reference model for how data should travel between two devices on a network"; var help640="OSPF"; var help641="Open Shortest Path First is a routing protocol that is used more than RIP in larger scale networks because only changes to the routing table are sent to all the other routers in the network as opposed to sending the entire routing table at a regular interval, which is how RIP functions"; var help642="A sequence of characters that is used to authenticate requests to resources on a network"; var help643="Personal Area Network"; var help644="The interconnection of networking devices within a range of 10 meters"; var help645="Physical layer"; var help646="The first layer of the OSI model. Provides the hardware means of transmitting electrical signals on a data carrier"; var help648="A utility program that verifies that a given Internet address exists and can receive messages. The utility sends a control packet to the given address and waits for a response."; var help649="PoE"; var help65="Give the rule a name that is meaningful to you, for example Game Server. You can also select from a list of popular games, and many of the remaining configuration values will be filled in accordingly. However, you should check whether the port values have changed since this list was created, and you must fill in the IP address field."; var help650="Power over Ethernet is the means of transmitting electricity over the unused pairs in a category 5 Ethernet cable"; var help652="Post Office Protocol 3 is used for receiving email"; var help653="A logical channel endpoint in a network. A computer might have only one physical channel (its Ethernet channel) but can have multiple ports (logical channels) each identified by a number."; var help654="PPP"; var help655="Point-to-Point Protocol is used for two computers to communicate with each over a serial interface, like a phone line"; var help656="Point-to-Point Protocol over Ethernet is used to connect multiple computers to a remote server over Ethernet"; var help657="Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol is used for creating VPN tunnels over the Internet between two networks"; var help658="Preamble"; var help659="Used to synchronize communication timing between devices on a network"; var help66="Enter the local network IP address of the system hosting the server, for example"; var help660="QoS"; var help661="Quality of Service"; var help662="RADIUS"; var help663="Remote Authentication Dial-In User Service allows for remote users to dial into a central server and be authenticated in order to access resources on a network"; var help664="Reboot"; var help665="To restart a computer and reload it's operating software or firmware from nonvolatile storage."; var help666="Rendezvous"; var help667="Apple's version of UPnP, which allows for devices on a network to discover each other and be connected without the need to configure any settings"; var help668="Repeater"; var help669="Retransmits the signal of an Access Point in order to extend it's coverage"; var help67="TCP Ports To Open"; var help670="RIP"; var help671="Routing Information Protocol is used to synchronize the routing table of all the routers on a network"; var help672="RJ-11"; var help673="The most commonly used connection method for telephones"; var help674="RJ-45"; var help675="The most commonly used connection method for Ethernet"; var help676="RS-232C"; var help677="The interface for serial communication between computers and other related devices"; var help678="RSA"; var help679="Algorithm used for encryption and authentication"; var help68="Enter the TCP ports to open (for example 6159-6180, 99)."; var help680="Server"; var help681="A computer on a network that provides services and resources to other computers on the network"; var help682="Session key"; var help683="An encryption and decryption key that is generated for every communication session between two computers"; var help684="Session layer"; var help685="The fifth layer of the OSI model which coordinates the connection and communication between applications on both ends"; var help686="Simple Mail Transfer Protocol"; var help687="Used for sending and receiving email"; var help688="Simple Network Management Protocol"; var help689="Governs the management and monitoring of network devices"; var help69="UDP Ports To Open"; var help690="Session Initiation Protocol. A standard protocol for initiating a user session that involves multimedia content, such as voice or chat."; var help692="SNMP"; var help693="SOHO"; var help694="Small Office/Home Office"; var help695="SPI"; var help696="Stateful Packet Inspection"; var help697="SSH"; var help698="Secure Shell is a command line interface that allows for secure connections to remote computers"; var help699="SSID"; var help7="Enter the Private Port as [80]"; var help70="Enter the UDP ports to open (for example 6159-6180, 99)."; var help700="Service Set Identifier is a name for a wireless network"; var help701="Stateful inspection"; var help702="A feature of a firewall that monitors outgoing and incoming traffic to make sure that only valid responses to outgoing requests are allowed to pass though the firewall"; var help703="Subnet mask"; var help704="Syslog"; var help705="System Logger -- a distributed logging interface for collecting in one place the logs from different sources. Originally written for UNIX, it is now available for other operating systems, including Windows."; var help706="Transmission Control Protocol"; var help707="TCP/IP"; var help708="Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol"; var help709="TCP Raw"; var help71="Select a filter that controls access as needed for this rule. If you do not see the filter you need in the list of filters, go to the Advanced → Inbound Filter screen and create a new filter."; var help710="A TCP/IP protocol for transmitting streams of printer data."; var help711="TFTP"; var help712="Trivial File Transfer Protocol is a utility used for transferring files that is simpler to use than FTP but with less features"; var help713="Throughput"; var help714="The amount of data that can be transferred in a given time period"; var help715="Traceroute"; var help716="A utility displays the routes between you computer and specific destination"; var help717="User Datagram Protocol"; var help718="Unicast"; var help719="Communication between a single sender and receiver"; var help72="Select a schedule for the times when this rule is in effect. If you do not see the schedule you need in the list of schedules, go to the Tools → Schedules screen and create a new schedule."; var help720="Universal Plug and Play"; var help721="A standard that allows network devices to discover each other and configure themselves to be a part of the network"; var help722="Upgrade"; var help723="To install a more recent version of a software or firmware product"; var help724="To send a request from one computer to another and have a file transmitted from the requesting computer to the other"; var help725="URL"; var help726="Uniform Resource Locator is a unique address for files accessible on the Internet"; var help727="USB"; var help728="Universal Serial Bus"; var help729="UTP"; var help730="Unshielded Twisted Pair"; var help731="Virtual Private Network"; var help732="VPN A secure tunnel over the Internet to connect remote offices or users to their company's network"; var help733="VLAN"; var help734="Virtual LAN"; var help735="Voice over IP"; var help736="Sending voice information over the Internet as opposed to the PSTN"; var help737="VoIP"; var help738="Wake on LAN"; var help739="Allows you to power up a computer though it's Network Interface Card"; var help74="With the above example values filled in and this Gaming Rule enabled, all TCP and UDP traffic on ports 6159 through 6180 and port 99 is passed through the router and redirected to the Internal Private IP Address of your Game Server at"; var help740="Wi, Wide Area Network"; var help741="WCN"; var help742="Windows Connect Now. A Microsoft method for configuring and bootstrapping wireless networking hardware (access points) and wireless clients, including PCs and other devices."; var help743="WDS"; var help744="Wireless Distribution System. A system that enables the interconnection of access points wirelessly."; var help745="Web browser"; var help746="A utility that allows you to view content and interact with all of the information on the World Wide Web"; var help747="Wired Equivalent Privacy is security for wireless networks that is supposed to be comparable to that of a wired network"; var help748="Wi-Fi"; var help749="Wireless Fidelity"; var help750="Wi-Fi Protected Access"; var help751="An updated version of security for wireless networks that provides authentication as well as encryption"; var help752="The larger network that your LAN is connected to, which may be the Internet itself, or a regional or corporate network"; var help753="Wireless ISP"; var help754="A company that provides a broadband Internet connection over a wireless connection"; var help755="Connecting to a Local Area Network over one of the 802.11 wireless standards"; var help756="WISP"; var help757="Wireless Internet Service Provider"; var help758="WLAN"; var help759="Wireless Local Area Network"; var help75a="Enable or disable defined rules with the checkboxes at the left."; var help76="The QoS Engine™ feature helps improve your network gaming performance by prioritizing the data flows of network applications."; var help760="Wi-Fi Protected Access. A Wi-Fi security enhancement that provides improved data encryption, relative to WEP."; var help761="xDSL"; var help762="A generic term for the family of digital subscriber line (DSL) technologies, such as ADSL, HDSL, RADSL, and SDSL."; var help763="Yagi antenna"; var help764="A directional antenna used to concentrate wireless signals on a specific location"; var help765="802.11"; var help766="A family of specifications for wireless local area networks (WLANs) developed by a working group of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)."; var help767s="Support Menu"; var help770="Tools Help"; var help771="Status Help"; var help772="All of your Internet and network connection details are displayed on the Device Info page. The firmware version is also displayed here."; var help773="Note: Some browsers have limitations that make it impossible to update the WAN status display when the status changes. Some browsers require that you refresh the display to obtain updated status. Some browsers report an error condition when trying to obtain WAN status."; var help774="Depending on the type of WAN connection, you can take one of the following sets of actions"; var help775="DHCP Connection"; var help776="Clicking the DHCP Release button unassigns the router's IP address. The router will not respond to IP messages from the WAN side until you click the DHCP Renew button or power-up the router again. Clicking the DHCP Renew button causes the router to request a new IP address from the ISP's server."; var help777="PPPoE, PPTP, L2TP Connection"; var help778="Depending on whether the WAN connection is currently established, you can click either the Connect to attempt to establish the WAN connection or the Disconnect to break the WAN connection."; var help779="BigPond Connection"; var help78="Enable this option for better performance and experience with online games and other interactive applications, such as VoIP."; var help780="Depending on whether you are currently logged in to BigPond, you can click either the BigPond Login to attempt to establish the WAN connection or the BigPond Logout to break the WAN connection."; var help781="This area of the screen continually updates to show all DHCP enabled computers and devices connected to the LAN side of your router. The detection \"range\" is limited to the address range as configured in DHCP Server. Computers that have an address outside of this range will not show. If the DHCP Client (i.e. a computer configured to \"Automatically obtain an address\") supplies a Host Name then that will also be shown. Any computer or device that has a static IP address that lies within the detection \"range\" may show, however its host name will not."; var help781_a="The Routing Status menu shows information about the routes that have been enabled on your router. The list will display the destination IP address, gateway IP address, subnet mask, metric and interface for each route."; var help782="The wireless section allows you to view the wireless clients that are connected to your wireless router."; var help783="The Ethernet ID (MAC address) of the wireless client."; var help784="The LAN-side IP address of the client."; var help785="The transmission standard being used by the client. Values are 11a, 11b, or 11g for 802.11a, 802.11b, or 802.11g respectively."; var help785_a="The transmission standard being used by the client. Values are 11a, 11b, 11g, or 11n for 802.11a, 802.11b, 802.11g, or 802.11n respectively."; var help786="The actual transmission rate of the client in megabits per second."; var help787="Signal"; var help788="This is a relative measure of signal quality. The value is expressed as a percentage of theoretical best quality. Signal quality can be reduced by distance, by interference from other radio-frequency sources (such as cordless telephones or neighboring wireless networks), and by obstacles between the router and the wireless device."; var help79="This option is enabled by default so that your router will automatically determine which programs should have network priority."; var help795="The router automatically logs (records) events of possible interest in its internal memory. If there is not enough internal memory for all events, logs of older events are deleted, but logs of the latest events are retained. The Logs option allows you to view the router logs. You can define what types of events you want to view and the level of events to view. This router also has internal Syslog Server support so you can send the log files to a computer on your network that is running a Syslog utility."; var help795a="Note that a log message uses the language that is in effect at the time of the logged event. If you change languages, you may see some log messages in one language and other log messages in another language."; var help796="Select the kinds of events that you want to view."; var help797="Firewall and Security"; var help798="Select the level of events that you want to view."; var help799="Click this button after changing Log Options to make them effective and permanent."; var help8="Enter the Public Port as [8888]"; var help80="This option should be enabled when you have a slow Internet uplink. It helps to reduce the impact that large low priority network packets can have on more urgent ones by breaking the large packets into several smaller packets."; var help800="Clicking this button refreshes the display of log entries. There may be new events since the last time you accessed the log."; var help801="Clicking this button erases all log entries."; var help802="If you provided email information with the Tools → EMail Settings screen, clicking the Email Now button sends the router log to the configured email address."; var help803="Select this option to save the router log to a file on you computer."; var help804="The Statistics page displays all of the LAN, WAN, and Wireless packet transmit and receive statistics."; var help806="The number of packets sent from the router."; var help807="The number of packets received by the router."; var help808="The number of packets that were dropped while being sent, due to errors, collisions, or router resource limitations."; var help809="The number of packets that were dropped while being received, due to errors, collisions, or router resource limitations."; var help80b="Enables the router to recognize certain audio and video streams generated by a Windows Media Center PC and to prioritize these above other traffic. Such streams are used by systems known as Windows Media Extenders, such as the Xbox 360."; var help81="When enabled, this option causes the router to automatically measure the useful uplink bandwidth each time the WAN interface is re-established (after a reboot, for example)."; var help810="The number of packets that were dropped due to Ethernet collisions (two or more devices attempting to use an Ethernet circuit at the same time)."; var help811="The number of transmission failures that cause loss of a packet."; var help811_a="The Internet Sessions page displays full Details of active Internet sessions through your router. An Internet session is a conversation between a program or application on a LAN-side computer and a program or application on a WAN-side computer."; var help812="A noisy radio-frequency environment can cause a high error rate on the wireless LAN."; var help813="The Active Sessions page displays full details of active sessions through your router. A session is a conversation between a progam or application on a LAN-side computer and a program or application on a WAN-side computer."; var help814="The IP address and port number of the LAN-side application."; var help815="The communications protocol used for the conversation."; var help816="The IP address and port number of the WAN-side application."; var help817="The port number of the LAN-side application as viewed by the WAN-side application."; var help818="The preference given to outbound packets of this conversation by the QoS Engine logic. Smaller numbers represent higher priority."; var help819="State for sessions that use the TCP protocol."; var help819_1="None -- This entry is used as a placeholder for a future connection that may occur."; var help819_2="SYN Sent -- One of the systems is attempting to start a connection."; var help819_3="Established -- the connection is passing data."; var help819_4="FIN Wait -- The client system has requested that the connection be stopped."; var help819_5="Close Wait -- the server system has requested that the connection be stopped."; var help819_6="Time Wait -- Waiting for a short time while a connection that was in FIN Wait is fully closed."; var help819_7="Last ACK -- Waiting for a short time while a connection that was in Close Wait is fully closed."; var help819_8="Closed -- The connection is no longer active but the session is being tracked in case there are any retransmitted packets still pending."; var help81ets="When this option is enabled, the router restricts the flow of outbound traffic so as not to exceed the WAN uplink bandwidth."; var help82="This is the uplink speed measured when the WAN interface was last re-established. The value may be lower than that reported by your ISP as it does not include all of the network protocol overheads associated with your ISP's network. Typically, this figure will be between 87% and 91% of the stated uplink speed for xDSL connections and around 5 kbps lower for cable network connections."; var help820="The direction of initiation of the conversation"; var help821a="Initiated from LAN to WAN."; var help822a="Initiated from WAN to LAN."; var help823="The number of seconds of idle time until the router considers the session terminated."; var help823_1="The initial value of Time Out depends on the type and state of the connection."; var help823_11="UDP connections."; var help823_13="Reset or closed TCP connections. The connection does not close instantly so that lingering packets can pass or the connection can be re-established."; var help823_15="Opening or closing TCP connections."; var help823_17="Established TCP connections."; var help823_18="Established or closing TCP connections."; var help824="Enter a password for the user \"admin\", who will have full access to the Web-based management interface."; var help825="Enter a password for the user \"user\", who will have read-only access to the Web-based management interface."; var help827="The name of the router can be changed here."; var help828="Enabling Remote Management allows you to manage the router from anywhere on the Internet. Disabling Remote Management allows you to manage the router only from computers on your LAN."; var help829="The port that you will use to address the management interface from the Internet. For example, if you specify port 1080 here, then, to access the router from the Internet, you would use a URL of the form"; var help83="If Automatic Uplink Speed is disabled, this option allows you to set the uplink speed manually. Uplink speed is the speed at which data can be transferred from the router to your ISP. This is determined by your ISP. ISPs often specify speed as a downlink/uplink pair; for example, 1.5Mbps/284kbps. For this example, you would enter \"284\". Alternatively you can test your uplink speed with a service such as Note however that sites such as DSL Reports, because they do not consider as many network protocol overheads, will generally note speeds slightly lower than the Measured Uplink Speed or the ISP rated speed."; var help830="Remote Admin Inbound Filter"; var help831="Select a filter that controls access as needed for this admin port. If you do not see the filter you need in the list of filters, go to the Advanced → Inbound Filter screen and create a new filter."; var help831_1="Select a filter that controls access as needed for this admin port. If you do not see the filter you need in the list of filters, go to the Advanced → Inbound Filter screen and create a new filter."; var help833="This option allows you to save the router's configuration to a file on your computer. Be sure to save the configuration before performing a firmware upgrade."; var help834="Use this option to restore previously saved router configuration settings."; var help835="If your PC's operating system is Windows XP Service Pack 2 (SP2) or later and you are using Windows Internet Explorer (IE) as your browser, you can use this option to save key parts of the router's current wireless security settings to your PC with Windows Connect Now (WCN) technology. The settings will then be available to propagate to other wireless devices."; var help836="The WCN ActiveX Control provides the necessary WCN link between the router and your PC via the browser. The browser will attempt to download the WCN ActiveX Control, if it is not already available on your PC. For this action to succeed, the WAN connection must be established, and the browser's internet security setting must be Medium or lower (select Tools → Internet Options → Security → Custom Level → Medium)."; var help837="Click the Save to Windows Connect Now button, and the WCN technology will capture the wireless network settings from your router and save them on your PC."; var help838="Note that WCN only saves a few of the wireless security settings. When you use WCN to propagate settings to other wireless devices, you may have to make additional settings manually on those devices."; var help839="Note that, in Microsoft's current implementation of WCN, you cannot save the wireless settings if a profile of the same name already exists. To work around this limitation, either delete the existing profile or change the SSID when you change the wireless settings; then, when you save the new settings, a new profile will be created."; var help84="By default, the router automatically determines whether the underlying connection is an xDSL/Frame-relay network or some other connection type (such as cable modem or Ethernet), and it displays the result as Detected xDSL or Frame Relay Network. If you have an unusual network connection in which you are actually connected via xDSL but for which you configure either \"Static\" or \"DHCP\" in the WAN settings, setting this option to xDSL or Other Frame Relay Network ensures that the router will recognize that it needs to shape traffic slightly differently in order to give the best performance. Choosing xDSL or Other Frame Relay Network causes the measured uplink speed to be reported slightly lower than before on such connections, but gives much better results."; var help840="The Time Configuration option allows you to configure, update, and maintain the correct time on the router's internal system clock. From this section you can set the time zone that you are in and set the Time Server. Daylight saving can also be configured to automatically adjust the time when needed."; var help841="Select your local time zone from pull down menu."; var help841a="Displays the time currently maintained by the router. If this is not correct, use the following options to configure the time correctly."; var help843="Check this option if your location observes daylight saving time."; var help844="Select the time offset, if your location observes daylight saving time."; var help845="DST Start and DST End"; var help846="Select the starting and ending times for the change to and from daylight saving time. For example, suppose for DST Start you select Month=\"Oct\", Week=\"3rd\", Day=\"Sun\" and Time=\"2am\". This is the same as saying \"Daylight saving starts on the third Sunday of October at 2:00 AM.\""; var help848="Select this option if you want to synchronize the router's clock to a Network Time Server over the Internet. If you are using schedules or logs, this is the best way to ensure that the schedules and logs are kept accurate."; var help85="Detected xDSL or Frame Relay Network"; var help850="Select a Network Time Server for synchronization. You can type in the address of a time server or select one from the list. If you have trouble using one server, select another."; var help851="If you do not have the NTP Server option in effect, you can either manually set the time for your router here, or you can click the Copy Your Computer's Time Settings button to copy the time from the computer you are using. (Make sure that computer's time is set correctly.)"; var help852="If the router loses power for any reason, it cannot keep its clock running, and will not have the correct time when it is started again. To maintain correct time for schedules and logs, either you must enter the correct time after you restart the router, or you must enable the NTP Server option."; var help856="This section allows you to archive your log files to a Syslog Server."; var help857="Enable Logging to Syslog Server"; var help858="Enable this option if you have a syslog server currently running on the LAN and wish to send log messages to it."; var help859="Enter the LAN IP address of the Syslog Server."; var help86="When Connection Type is set to Auto-detect, the automatically detected connection type is displayed here."; var help860="When this option is enabled, router activity logs or firmware upgrade notifications can be emailed to a designated email address, and the following parameters are displayed."; var help861="This email address will appear as the sender when you receive a log file or firmware upgrade notification via email."; var help862="Enter the email address where you want the email sent."; var help863="Enter the SMTP server address for sending email."; var help864="If your SMTP server requires authentication, select this option."; var help865="Enter your account for sending email."; var help866="Enter the password associated with the account."; var help867="Re-type the password associated with the account."; var help868="Email Log When Full or on Schedule"; var help869="Select this option if you want logs to be sent by email when the log is full."; var help870="Select this option if you want logs to be sent by email according to a schedule."; var help872="If you selected the On Schedule option, select one of the defined schedule rules. If you do not see the schedule you need in the list of schedules, go to the Tools → Schedules screen and create a new schedule."; var help873="Normally email is sent at the start time defined for a schedule, and the schedule end time is not used. However, rebooting the router during the schedule period will cause additional emails to be sent."; var help874="This section allows you to manage the router's configuration settings, reboot the router, and restore the router to the factory default settings. Restoring the unit to the factory default settings will erase all settings, including any rules that you've created."; var help875="This restarts the router. Useful for restarting when you are not near the device."; var help876="This option restores all configuration settings back to the settings that were in effect at the time the router was shipped from the factory. Any settings that have not been saved will be lost. If you want to save your router configuration settings, use the Save Settings option above."; var help877="To check for the latest firmware, click the Check Online Now button. If you would like to be notified when new firmware is released, place a checkmark in the box next to Email Notification of Newer Firmware Version."; var help877a="If you would like to be notified when new firmware is released, place a checkmark in the box next to Email Notification of Newer Firmware Version."; var help878="To upgrade the firmware, follow these steps"; var help879="Click the Browse button to locate the D-Link upgrade file on your computer."; var help88="A QoS Engine Rule identifies a specific message flow and assigns a priority to that flow."; var help880="Once you have found the file to be used, click the Upload button below to start the firmware upgrade process. This can take a minute or more."; var help881="Wait for the router to reboot. This can take another minute or more."; var help882="Confirm updated firmware revision on status page."; var help883="Here are displayed the version numbers of the firmware currently installed in your router and the most recent upgrade that is available."; var help884="Check Online"; var help885="This option will check D-Link's support site to see if you have the latest version of the firmware available. If a newer version is available, download instructions will be displayed."; var help886="Firmware upgrade cannot be performed from a wireless device. To perform an upgrade, ensure that you are using a PC that is connected to the router by wire."; var help887="Some firmware upgrades reset the configuration options to the factory defaults. Before performing an upgrade, be sure to save the current configuration from the Tools → Admin screen."; var help887_a="Some firmware upgrades reset the configuration options to the factory defaults. Before performing an upgrade, be sure to save the current configuration from the Tools→System screen."; var help888="Once you have a firmware update on your computer, use this option to browse for the file and then upload the information into the router."; var help889="When this option is enabled, your router will check online periodically to see if a newer version of the firmware is available."; var help88a="The QoS Engine supports overlaps between rules, where more than one rule can match for a specific message flow. If more than one rule is found to match the rule with the highest priority will be used."; var help88b="For most applications, automatic classification will be adequate, and specific QoS Engine Rules will not be required."; var help88c="Conflicting rules are not permitted. Conflicting rules are those that share any combination of source address/port, destination address/port, and protocol. Rejecting conflicting rules ensures the that every flow defined in a rule receives the expected priority and avoids indeterminate prioritization that could reduce QoS effectiveness."; var help890="When this option is enabled, an email will be sent to the email address configured in the email section whenever new firmware is available. You must have Email Notification enabled from the Tools → EMail Settings screen."; var help890_a="When this option is enabled, an email will be sent to the email address configured in the email section whenever new firmware is available. You must have Email Notification enabled from the Tools→Email Settings page."; var help890_1="Register the email notification service online to receive an email notification when a newer version of the firmware is available."; var help891="The Dynamic DNS feature allows you to host a server (Web, FTP, Game Server, etc.) using a domain name that you have purchased ( with your dynamically assigned IP address. Most broadband Internet Service Providers assign dynamic (changing) IP addresses. When you use a Dynamic DNS service provider, your friends can enter your host name to connect to your server, no matter what your IP address is."; var help892="Enable this option only if you have purchased your own domain name and registered with a dynamic DNS service provider. The following parameters are displayed when the option is enabled."; var help893="Select a dynamic DNS service provider from the pull-down list."; var help893b="Or you may enter a dynamic DNS service provider manually."; var help894="Enter your host name, fully qualified; for example"; var help895="Enter the username or key provided by your service provider. If the Dynamic DNS provider supplies only a key, enter that key in all three fields."; var help896="Enter the password or key provided by your service provider. If the Dynamic DNS provider supplies only a key, enter that key in all three fields."; var help897="Re-type the password or key provided by your service provider. If the Dynamic DNS provider supplies only a key, enter that key in all three fields."; var help898="The time between periodic updates to the Dynamic DNS, if your dynamic IP address has not changed. The timeout period is entered in hours."; var help899="If a dynamic DNS update fails for any reason (for example, when incorrect parameters are entered), the router automatically disables the Dynamic DNS feature and records the failure in the log."; var help9="Select the Protocol (for example TCP)."; var help90="Create a name for the rule that is meaningful to you."; var help900="After configuring the router for dynamic DNS, you can open a browser and navigate to the URL for your domain (for example and the router will attempt to forward the request to port 80 on your LAN. If, however, you do this from a LAN-side computer and there is no virtual server defined for port 80, the router will return the router's configuration home page. Refer to the Advanced → Virtual Server configuration page to set up a virtual server."; var help901="Once your Access Point is configured the way you want it, you can save these configuration settings to a configuration file that can later be loaded in the event that the AP's default settings are restored. To do this, click the Save button next to where it says Save Settings to Local Hard Drive."; var help902="Displays connected client station main parameters, such as Connect Time and station MAC address. In AP Client mode it displays the connected AP's MAC address and connected Time."; var help91="The priority of the message flow is entered here -- 1 receives the highest priority (most urgent) and 8 receives the lowest priority (least urgent)."; var help91_b="The priority of the message flow is entered here -- 1 receives the highest priority (most urgent) and 255 receives the lowest priority (least urgent)."; var help91a="Priority 0 is reserved."; var help91b="Flows that are not prioritized by any rule receive lowest priority."; var help92="The protocol used by the messages."; var help92x1="The common choices can be selected from the drop-down menu."; var help92x2="To specify any other protocol, enter its protocol number (as assigned by the IANA) in the Protocol box."; var help93="The rule applies to a flow of messages whose LAN-side IP address falls within the range set here."; var help94="The rule applies to a flow of messages whose LAN-side port number is within the range set here."; var help95="The rule applies to a flow of messages whose WAN-side IP address falls within the range set here."; var help96="The rule applies to a flow of messages whose WAN-side port number is within the range set here."; var help99_s="This section is where you define QoS Engine Rules."; var help_nat="NAT allows the router to distribute IP addresses to devices connected to it. Router Mode enables NAT, so that other devices on your network will be given a private IP address. This is useful when you want to share an Internet connection. AP Mode disables NAT, which is useful if your router is behind another router or another device that will distribute IP addresses to your devices. Auto Mode will attempt to automatically detect which mode is appropriate for your network by detecting if the WAN port is receiving a public IP address or a private IP address. If the router is receiving a public IP address, it will switch to Router Mode. If the router is receiving a private IP address, it will switch to AP Mode."; var help_ts_ls="Load Settings From Local Hard Drive"; var help_ts_ld="Load From Local Hard Driver"; var help_ts_rfd="Restore To Factory Default Settings"; var help_ts_ss="Save Settings To Local Hard Drive"; var help_upnp_1="UPnP is short for Universal Plug and Play, which is a networking architecture that provides compatibility among networking equipment, software, and peripherals. This router has optional UPnP capability, and can work with other UPnP devices and software."; var help_upnp_2="If you need to use the UPnP functionality, you can enable it here."; var hhac_add="Click Add Policy to start the processes of creating a rule. You can cancel the process at any time. When you are finished creating a rule it will be added to the Policy Table below."; var hhac_delete="Click the Delete icon to permanently remove a rule."; var hhac_edit="Click the Edit icon to modify an existing rule using the Policy Wizard."; var hhac_en="Check Enable Access Control if you want to enforce rules that limit Internet access from specific LAN computers."; var hhaf_alg="ALGs provide special handling of the IP payload for some protocols and applications to make them work with network address translation (NAT). If you are having trouble using any of these applications, try both enabling and disabling the corresponding ALG."; var hhaf_dmz="Enable the DMZ option only as a last resort. If you are having trouble using an application from a computer behind the router, first try opening ports associated with the application in the Virtual Server or Port Forwarding sections."; var hhaf_dmz_1="Enable the DMZ option only as a last resort. If you are having trouble using an application from a computer behind the router, first try opening ports associated with the application in the Port Forwarding sections."; var hhaf_ngss="Non-UDP/TCP/ICMP LAN Sessions is normally enabled. It facilitates single VPN connections to a remote host."; var hhag_10="Check the Application Name drop down menu for a list of predefined applications. If you select one of the predefined applications, click the arrow button next to the drop down menu to fill out the corresponding field."; var hhag_20="You can select a computer from the list of DHCP clients in the Computer Name drop down menu, or you can manually enter the IP address of the LAN computer to which you would like to open the specified port."; var hhag_30="Select a schedule for when the rule will be enabled. If you do not see the schedule you need in the list of schedules, go to the Tools → Schedules screen and create a new schedule."; var hhag_40="You can enter ports in various formats:"; var hhai_action="Each rule can either Allow or Deny access from the WAN."; var hhai_delete="Click the Delete icon in the Rules List to permanently remove a rule."; var hhai_edit="Click the Edit icon in the Rules List to change a rule."; var hhai_ip="The starting and ending IP addresses are WAN-side address."; var hhai_ipr="Up to eight ranges of WAN IP addresses can be controlled by each rule. The checkbox by each IP range can be used to disable ranges already defined."; var hhai_name="Give each rule a Name that is meaningful to you."; var hhai_save="Click the Save button to store a finished rule in the Rules List below."; var hhai_update="Click the Add or Update button to store a finished rule in the Rules List below."; var hham_add="Computers that have obtained an IP address from the router's DHCP server will be in the DHCP Client List. Select a device from the drop down menu, then click the arrow to add that device's MAC address to the list."; var hham_del="Click the Clear button to remove the MAC address from the MAC Filtering list."; var hham_intro="Create a list of MAC addresses that you would either like to allow or deny access to your network."; var hhan_mc="If you are having trouble receiving multicast streams from the Internet, make sure the Multicast Streams option is enabled."; var hhan_ping="For added security, it is recommended that you disable the WAN Ping Respond option. Ping is often used by malicious Internet users to locate active networks or PCs."; var hhan_upnp="UPnP helps other UPnP LAN hosts interoperate with the router. Leave the UPnP option enabled as long as the LAN has other UPnP applications."; var hhan_wans="The WAN speed is usually detected automatically. If you are having problems connecting to the WAN, try selecting the speed manually."; var hhase_intro="If the Measured Uplink Speed is known to be incorrect (that is, it produces suboptimal performance), disable Automatic Uplink Speed and enter the Manual Uplink Speed. Some experimentation and performance measurement may be required to converge on the optimal value."; var hhav_enable="Each route has a check box next to it, check this box if you want the route to be enabled."; var hhav_filt="Select a filter that restricts the Internet hosts that can access this virtual server to hosts that you trust. If you do not see the filter you need in the list of filters, go to the Advanced → Inbound Filter screen and create a new filter."; var hhav_ip="You can select a computer from the list of DHCP clients in the Computer Name drop down menu, or you can manually enter the IP address of the computer at which you would like to open the specified port."; var hhav_name="Check the Application Name drop down menu for a list of predefined server types. If you select one of the predefined server types, click the arrow button next to the drop down menu to fill out the corresponding field."; var hhav_r_dest_ip="The destination IP address is the address of the host or network you wish to reach."; var hhav_r_gateway="The gateway IP address is the IP address of the router, if any, used to reach the specified destination."; var hhav_r_name="The name field allows you to specify a name for identification of this route, e.g. \"Network 2\""; var hhav_r_netmask="The netmask field identifies the portion of the destination IP in use."; var hhav_sch="Select a schedule for when the virtual server will be enabled. If you do not see the schedule you need in the list of schedules, go to the Tools → Schedules screen and create a new schedule."; var hhaw_1="It is recommended that you leave these parameters at their default values. Adjusting them could limit the performance of your wireless network."; var hhaw_2="The options on this page should be changed by advanced users or if you are instructed to by one of our support personnel, as they can negatively affect the performance of your Access Point if configured improperly."; var hhaw_3="You can lower the output power of the <-- model_number --> by selecting lower percentage Transmit Power values from the drop down. Your choices are: 100%, 50%, 25%, and 12.5%."; var hhaw_11d="Use 802.11d only for countries where it is required."; var hhaw_wmm="Enabling WMM can help control latency and jitter when transmitting multimedia content over a wireless connection."; var hhbi_man="If you consider yourself an advanced user and have configured a router before, click Manual Configure to input all the settings manually."; var hhbi_wiz="If you are new to networking and have never configured a router before, click on Setup Wizard and the router will guide you through a few simple steps to get your network up and running."; var hhbi_wiz_ap="If you are new to networking and have never configured an access point before, click on Launch Setup Wizard and the access point will guide you through a few simple steps to get your network up and running."; var hhpt_app="Check the Application Name drop down menu for a list of predefined applications. If you select one of the predefined applications, click the arrow button next to the drop down menu to fill out the corresponding field."; var hhpt_intro="Use this feature if you are trying to execute one of the listed network applications and it is not communicating as expected."; var hhpt_sch="Select a schedule for when the service will be enabled. If you do not see the schedule you need in the list of schedules, go to the Tools → Schedules screen and create a new schedule."; var hhsa_intro="This is a list of all active conversations between WAN computers and LAN computers."; var hhsd_intro="All of your WAN and LAN connection details are displayed here."; var hhsl_intro="Check the log frequently to detect unauthorized network usage."; var hhsl_lmail="You can also have the log mailed to you periodically. Refer to Tools → EMail Settings."; var hhss_intro="This is a summary of the number of packets that have passed between the WAN and the LAN since the router was last initialized."; var hhsw_intro="This is a list of all wireless clients that are currently connected to your wireless router."; var hhta_831="Select a filter that controls access as needed for this admin port. If you do not see the filter you need in the list of filters, go to the Advanced → Inbound Filter screen and create a new filter."; var hhta_en="Enabling Remote Management, allows you or others to change the router configuration from a computer on the Internet."; var hhta_pt="Choose a port to open for remote management."; var hhta_pw="For security reasons, it is recommended that you change the password for the Admin account. Be sure to write down the new passwords to avoid having to reset the router in case they are forgotten."; var hhta_pw_ap="For security reasons, it is recommended that you change the password for the Administrator accounts. Be sure to write down the new and passwords to avoid having to reset the router in case they are forgotten."; var hhte_intro="You may want to make the email settings similar to those of your email client program."; var hhts_def="A System Logger (syslog) is a server that collects in one place the logs from different sources. If the LAN includes a syslog server, you can use this option to send the router's logs to that server."; var hhts_del="Click the Delete icon to permanently delete a schedule."; var hhts_edit="Click the Edit icon to change an existing schedule."; var hhts_intro="Schedules are used with a number of other features to define when those features are in effect."; var hhts_name="Give each schedule a name that is meaningful to you. For example, a schedule for Monday through Friday from 3:00pm to 9:00pm, might be called \"After School\"."; var hhts_save="Click Save to add a completed schedule to the list below."; var hhtsc_pingt_intro="Ping checks whether a computer on the Internet is running and responding."; var hhtsn_intro="Clicking any of these links or buttons will take you to another web site for further information."; var hhtt_intro="Good timekeeping is important for accurate logs and scheduled firewall rules."; var hhwf_intro="Create a list of Web sites to which you would like to allow access from the devices on your network."; var hhwf_xref="Use with Access Control."; var htsc_intro="Ping is an Internet utility function that sends a series of short messages to a target computer and reports the results. You can use it to test whether a computer is running, and to get an idea of the quality of the connection to that computer, based on the speed of the responses."; var htsc_pingt_h="Enter either the IP address of the target computer or enter its fully qualified domain name."; var htsc_pingt_p="Start pinging the specified host."; var htsc_pingt_s="The host is pinged repeatedly until you press this button."; var igmp_e_h="This option must be enabled if any applications on the LAN participate in a multicast group. If you have a multimedia LAN application that is not receiving content as expected, try enabling this option."; var int_ConWz="Internet Connection Setup Wizard"; var int_ConWz2="Internet Connection Wizard"; var int_LWlsWz="Manual Configure"; var int_WlsWz="Manual Internet Connection Options"; var int_intro="There are two ways to set up your Internet connection. You can use the Web-based Internet Connection Setup Wizard, or you can manually configure the connection."; var int_intro_ConWz="If you would like to utilize our easy to use Web-based Wizards to assist you in connecting your new DLink Router to the Internet, as well as configure the Wireless settings, click on the Setup Wizard button below."; var int_intro_WCNWz7="If you would like to utilize our easy to use Web-based Wizards to assist you in configuring the Microsoft's Windows Connect Now technology, click on the Setup Wizard button below."; var int_intro_WlsWz="If you would like to configure the Internet settings of your new DLink Router manually, then click on the Manual Configure button below."; var int_intro_WlsNwWz="If you would like to utilize our easy to use web-based wizard to assist you in connecting your <-- model_number --> to the wireless network, click on the button below."; var ish_glossary="Glossary"; var ish_menu="Menu"; var ipaddr_msg0="The IP Address entered is invalid."; var lan_dns="Primary DNS"; var lan_dns2="Secondary DNS"; var li_Log_In="Log In"; var li_Login="Login"; var li_WJS="WARNING JavaScript is not enabled for this browser!"; var li_alert_1="Session timeout, please try again."; var li_alert_2="The network connection seems to be down. Press\"Ok\" to try again."; var li_alert_3="Invalid password, please try again."; var li_alert_4="Please enter the graphical authentication code."; var li_intro="Log in to the router"; var li_intro_ap="Log in to the Access Point"; var li_newfw="A new firmware update is available. You will be directed to the upgrade page upon login."; var logs_LW39b_email="email,The Email Now button is disabled because Email Notification is not enabled on Tools → EMail Settings screen."; var lower_wnt="lower than wireless network"; var mult_ssid="Multiple SSID"; var network_dhcp_ip_in_server="Invalid LAN IP Address, ip address in DHCP Server range"; var network_dhcp_range="DHCP Range Invalid, FROM not bigger than TO"; var new_bwn_mici_usb ="My USB type is"; var ns_intro_="Use this section to configure the internal network settings of your router and also to configure the built-in DHCP Server to assign IP addresses to the computers on your network. The IP Address that is configured here is the IP Address that you use to access the Web-based management interface. If you change the IP Address here, you may need to adjust your PC's network settings to access the network again."; var pbc="PBC"; var psClosed="Closed"; var psIdle="Idle"; var psOffline="Offline"; var psPaperError="Paper Error"; var psPrinting="Printing"; var psQueued="Queued"; var psReady="Ready"; var psStarting="Starting"; var psUnplugged="Unplugged"; var r_rlist="ROUTE LIST"; var rb_Rebooting="Rebooting"; var rb_change="If you changed the IP address of the router
you will need to change the IP address in yours
browser before accessing the configuration Web site again."; var rb_wait="Please wait  seconds."; var rd_p_1="You will now be redirected to the login page."; var rd_p_2="If the login page does not appear, click this link."; var regenerate="Regenerate"; var reh="The settings file is invalid."; var resetUnconfiged="Reset to Unconfigured"; var rs_Converted="Converted"; var rs_Done="Done"; var rs_RSPW="Restoring Settings, Please Wait"; var rs_Repacked="Repacked"; var rs_Restoring_Settings="Restoring Settings"; var rs_Saving="Saving"; var rs_cld="Converted local data"; var rs_csd="Converted saved data"; var rs_intro_1="The restored configuration file is not correct. You may have restored a file that is not intended for this device, or the restored file may be corrupted."; var rs_intro_2="Try the restore again with valid restore configuration file."; var rs_intro_3="The device may be too busy to properly receive it right now. Please try the restore again. It is also possible that you are logged in as a \"user\" instead of an \"admin\" - only administrators can restore the configuration file. Please check the system log for any errors."; var rs_intro_4="The restored configuration file has been uploaded successfully."; var rs_intro_5="The restored configuration file has been uploaded in failure."; var rs_success="Restore Success"; var rs_uld="Unpacked local data"; var rs_usd="Unpacked saved data"; var sa_Dir="Dir"; var sa_External="External"; var sa_Internal="Internal"; var sa_Internet="Internet Connection"; var sa_Local="Local"; var sa_NAT="NAT"; var sa_Originator="Originator"; var sa_State="State"; var sa_Target="Target"; var sa_TimeOut="Time Out"; var sa_intro="This page displays the full details of active sessions to your router."; var sc_intro_rb="The router must be rebooted before the new settings will take effect. You can reboot the router now using the button below, or make other changes and then use the reboot button on the Tools/System page."; var sc_intro_rb3="The router must be rebooted before settings saved on a previous page will take effect. You can reboot the router now using the \"Reboot\" button below, or press the \"Continue\" button and make other changes."; var sc_intro_rb4="The router must be rebooted before the restored settings will take effect. You can reboot now, or you can continue to make other changes and reboot later."; var sc_intro_sv="The new settings have been saved."; var sch_time="Time Frame"; var sd_BPSN="BigPond Server Name"; var sd_BPSt="BigPond Status"; var sd_Disconnect="Disconnect"; var sd_FWV="Firmware Version"; var sd_General="General"; var sd_CPU_utli="CPU Utilization"; var sd_Mem_utli="Memory Utilization"; var sd_NNSSID="Network Name (SSID)"; var sd_Release="DHCP Release"; var sd_Renew="DHCP Renew"; var sd_SecTyp="Security Type"; var sd_SecKey="Security Keys"; var sd_TMode="Turbo Mode"; var sd_WLAN="Wireless LAN"; var sd_WRadio="Wireless Radio"; var sd_bp_login="BigPond Login"; var sd_bp_logout="BigPond Logout"; var sd_channel="Channel"; var sd_intro="All of your Internet and network connection details are displayed on this page. The firmware version is also displayed here."; var sd_intro_ap="All of your wireless and network connection details are displayed on this page. The firmware version is also displayed here."; var sd_macaddr="MAC Address"; var sd_title_Dev_Info="Device Information"; var sentinal_3="Contact your Sentinel Service Administrator to enable access to this page."; var sentinel_1="Sentinel Blocked Web Access"; var sentinel_2="Access to this Web site has been blocked on this computer by your router's Sentinel Service."; var si_msg_1="The same MAC Address has been added!"; var si_msg_2="All MAC fields have been added!"; var si_msg_3="Please select an Access Point to connect."; var sl_ApplySt="Apply Log Settings Now"; var sl_Critical="Critical"; var sl_FWandSec="Firewall & Security"; var sl_Infrml="Informational"; var sl_LogDet="Log Details"; var sl_LogOps="Log Options"; var sl_RStat="Router Status"; var sl_SLogs="System Logs"; var sl_VLevs="View Levels"; var sl_Warning="Warning"; var sl_WtV="What to View"; var sl_alert_1="Are you sure you want to clear all log entries?"; var sl_alert_2="This log has been sent to email address '+data.smtp_email_addr+'"; var sl_alert_2a="This log has been sent to email address"; var sl_alert_3="Email notification is not enabled"; var sl_emailLog="Email Now"; var sl_intro="Use this option to view the router logs. You can define what types of events you want to view and the event levels to view. This router also has internal syslog server support so you can send the log files to a computer on your network that is running a syslog utility."; var sl_intro_ap="Use this option to view the device logs. You can define what types of events you want to view and the event levels to view."; var sl_reload="Refresh"; var sl_saveLog="Save Log"; var sp_alreadyused="is already used."; var sp_name="Name"; var specapps_alert_conflict1="Trigger port range of '+saved_records[i].entry_name+'' '+protocols[saved_records[i].trigger_ports.protocol]+' ['+saved_records[i].trigger_ports.port_range+'] conflicts with ''+saved_records[j].entry_name+'' '+protocols[saved_records[j].trigger_ports.protocol]+' ['+saved_records[j].trigger_ports.port_range+'].'"; var specapps_alert_duplicate1="The rule ' + saved_records[j].entry_name + '' is duplicate of '' + saved_records[i].entry_name + ''.'"; var specapps_alert_duplicate_name="The rule name ' + saved_records[i].entry_name + '' is duplicated.'"; var specapps_alert_empty_schedule="Please select a schedule for rule ' + data.port_trigger_rules[i].entry_name + ''.'"; var sps_fp="The following printer is attached to your router."; var sps_intro2="Print Server Status"; var sps_intro3="Your D-Link Router includes an integrated print server that allows a printer to be shared between multiple computers on your network. This page displays status information about the print server and any attached printer."; var sps_lpd1="Use this information to configure your computer for LPD/LPR printing."; var sps_nopr="No printer detected"; var sps_pare="printers are"; var sps_port="Port"; var sps_ports="Ports to Open"; var sps_pr="Printer"; var sps_protdis="This printing protocol is currently disabled. You can enable it here."; var sps_ps="Printer Status"; var sps_qname="Queue Name"; var sps_raw1="Use this information to configure your computer for raw TCP port printing."; var sps_tcpport="TCP Port"; var sps_usbport="USB Port"; var sr_RTable="Routing Table"; var sr_RTABLE="ROUTING TABLE"; var sr_intro="This page displays the routing details configured for your router."; var ss_Collisions="Collisions"; var ss_Errors="Errors"; var ss_LANStats="LAN Statistics"; var ss_RXPD="RX Packets Dropped"; var ss_Received="Received"; var ss_Sent="Sent"; var ss_TXPD="TX Packets Dropped"; var ss_WANStats="WAN Statistics"; var ss_WStats="Wireless Statistics"; var ss_clear_stats="Clear Statistics"; var ss_intro="Traffic Statistics display Receive and Transmit packets passing through your router."; var ss_intro_ap="Traffic Statistics display Receive and Transmit packets passing through your Access Point."; var ss_intro_user="Only Administrator can clear the statistics. The Clear Statistics button is disabled as you are not currently logged in as Administrator."; var ss_reload="Refresh Statistics"; var ss_title_stats="Network Traffic Stats"; var ssid_lst="SSID List"; var static_PPPoE="Static IP"; var st_msg="connect type none"; var sw_intro="Use this option to view the wireless clients that are connected to your wireless router."; var sw_intro1_ap="The Wireless Client table below displays Wireless clients connected to the AP (Access Point)."; var sw_intro2_ap="In Wireless Client mode it displays the connected AP's MAC address and connected Time."; var sw_title="Associated Wireless Client List"; var sw_title_list="Number Of Wireless Clients"; var ta_A12n="Administration"; var ta_AdmSt="Administrator Settings"; var ta_ELM="Enable Management"; var ta_ERM="Enable Remote Management"; var ta_EUPNP="Enable UPnP"; var ta_GWN="Gateway Name"; var ta_LMAP="Admin Port"; var ta_RAIF="Remote Admin Inbound Filter"; var ta_RA="Remote Admin"; var ta_RAP="Remote Admin Port"; var ta_ResConf="Restore Configuration from File"; var ta_ResConf_ap="Upload Settings"; var ta_SavConf="Save Configuration"; var ta_alert_1="Invalid value for Admin Idle Timeout, should be in range (1..65535)"; var ta_alert_3="Invalid remote management port '+data.wan_web_port+', should be in range (1..65535)"; var ta_alert_3b="Invalid secure remote management port '+data.web_server_wan_port_https+', should be in range (1..65535)"; var ta_alert_3c="Secure remote management port and remote management port may not be the same."; var ta_alert_3d="You must enable one method of management."; var ta_alert_3e="Invalid management port '+data.web_server_lan_port_http+', should be in range (1..65535)"; var ta_alert_3f="Invalid secure management port '+data.web_server_lan_port_https+', should be in range (1..65535)"; var ta_alert_3g="Secure management port and management port may not be the same."; var ta_alert_4="A restore is already in progress."; var ta_alert_5="You must enter the name of a configuration file first."; var ta_alert_6="Please wait, uploading configuration file"; var ta_intro1_ap="Enter the new password in the \"New Password\" field and again in the next field to confirm. Click on \"Save Settings\" to execute the password change. The Password is case-sensitive, and can be made up of any keyboard characters. The new password must be between 0 and 15 characters in length."; var ta_intro1="The \"admin\" account can access the management interface. The admin has read/write access and can change passwords."; var ta_intro_Adm="The Admin option is used to set a password for access to the Web-based management. By default there is no password configured. It is highly recommended that you create a password to keep your new router secure."; var ta_intro_Adm2="By default there is no password configured. It is highly recommended that you create a password to keep your router secure."; var ta_intro_wcn="This will save the current wireless configuration from the router to your computer through Microsoft's Windows Connect Now technology and allow future propagation of the setting through Microsoft's Wireless Network Setup Wizard."; var ta_msg_TW="Please enter the same password into both boxes, for confirmation."; var ta_sn="System Name"; var ta_upnp="UPnP"; var ta_wcn="Save Configuration To Wireless Network Setup Wizard"; var ta_wcn_bv="Save to Windows Connect Now"; var ta_wcn_note="Note: refer to Help -> Tools for possible limitations regarding this feature."; var td_="(hours)"; var td_DDNSDDNS="Dynamic DNS (DDNS)"; var td_DDNSSET="DYNAMIC DNS"; var td_EnDDNS="Enable Dynamic DNS"; var td_PWK="Password or Key"; var td_SvAd="Server Address"; var td_Timeout="Timeout"; var td_UNK="Username or Key"; var td_VPWK="Verify Password or Key"; var td_alert_2="The timeout value can not be less than or equal to zero."; var td_alert_3="The timeout value can not be greater than 8760."; var td_intro_DDNS="The DDNS feature allows you to host a server (Web, FTP, Game Server, etc...) using a domain name that you have purchased ( with your dynamically assigned IP address. Most broadband Internet Service Providers assign dynamic (changing) IP addresses. Using a DDNS service provider, your friends can enter your host name to connect to your game server no matter what your IP address is."; var td_intro_DDNS_DLINK="Sign up for D-Link's Free DDNS service at"; var te_Acct="Account Name"; var te_EmSt="Email Settings"; var te_EnAuth="Enable Authentication"; var te_EnEmN="Enable Email Notification"; var te_EmN="Email Notification"; var te_FromEm="From Email Address"; var te_OnFull="On Log Full"; var te_OnSch="On Schedule"; var te_SMTPSv="SMTP Server Address"; var te_SMTPSv_Port="SMTP Server Port"; var te_SMTPSv_Port_alert="Port should be in range (1..65535)"; var te_ToEm="To Email Address"; var te__title_EmLog="Email log when FULL or on Schedule"; var te_intro_Em="The Email feature can be used to send the system log files, router alert messages, and firmware update notification to your email address."; var tf_ADS="Available Download Site"; var tf_AutoCh="Automatically Check Online for Latest Firmware Version"; var tf_CFWD="Date"; var tf_CFWV="Current Firmware Version"; var tr_CFLV="Current Language Pack Version"; var tr_CFLD="Date"; var tr_CFLDRM="Remove Language Pack"; var tr_CFLDNO="No Language Pack"; var tf_CKN="Check Now"; var tf_COLF="Check Online Now for Latest Firmware Version"; var tf_Ching_FW="Checking availability of new firmware"; var tf_ClickDL="Click here to download it."; var tf_EM_not="Email notification is not enabled on Tools -> Email Settings page"; var tf_ENFA="Email me if a newer Firmware is available"; var tf_EmNew="Email Notification of Newer Firmware Version"; var tf_FUNO="Firmware Upgrade Notification Options"; var tf_FWChNow="Check Online Now for Latest Firmware Version"; var tf_COLFL="Check Online Now for Latest Firmware and Language pack version"; var tf_FWCheckInf="Check Latest Firmware Version"; var tf_FWLPCheckInf="Check Latest Firmware and Language Pack Version"; var tf_FWCinP="Firmware update check is in progress."; var tf_FWF1="You must enter the name of a firmware file first."; var tf_FWInf="Firmware Information"; var tf_FWUg="Firmware Upgrade"; var tf_LAUg="Language Pack Upgrade"; var tf_FailFWC="Failed to check online. Server is unavailable or you might not be connected to the Internet."; var tf_LFWD="Latest Firmware Date"; var tf_LLPD="Latest Language Packet Date"; var tf_LFWV="Latest Firmware Version"; var tf_LLPV="Latest Language Pack Version"; var tf_ULP="Update language package will make changes language display on web page. Before performing an upgrade, be sure to do it!"; var tf_really_LP="Do you really want to reprogram the device using the language package \"%s\"?"; var tf_LFWVis="Based on the result of checking online, the latest firmware version is"; var tf_NFWA="Newer firmware version is available."; var tf_RLP="Remove language pack"; var tf_USSW="Note: Some firmware upgrades reset the router's configuration options to the factory defaults.\n Before performing an upgrade, be sure to save the current configuration from the Tools-System screen.\n Do you still want to upgrade?"; var tf_Upload="Upload"; var tf_alert_1="The web session has timed out. Please re-login to access this page."; var tf_intro_FWCh="To check for the latest firmware, click the [Check Online Now...] button. If you would like to be notified when new firmware is released, place a checkmark in the box next to Email Notification of Newer Firmware Version."; var tf_intro_FWChA="If you would like to be notified when new firmware is released, place a checkmark in the box next to Email Notification of Newer Firmware Version."; var tf_intro_FWChB="To upgrade the firmware, locate the upgrade file on the local hard drive with the Browse button.Once you have found the file to be used, click the Upload button below to start the firmware upgrade."; var tf_intro_FWU="The Firmware Upgrade section can be used to update to the latest firmware code to improve functionality and performance."; var tf_intro_FWU1="There may be new firmware for your"; var tf_intro_FWU2="to improve functionality and performance."; var tf_intro_LANGU="The language pack allows you to change the language of the user interface on the %m. We suggest that you upgrade your current language pack if you upgrade the firmware. This ensures that any changes in the firmware are displayed correctly."; var tf_intro_LANGU1="To upgrade the language pack, locate the upgrade file on the local hard drive with Browse button. Once you have found the file to be used, click the Upload button to start the language pack upgrade."; var tf_msg_FWUgReset="Some firmware upgrades reset the configuration options to the factory defaults. Before performing an upgrade, be sure to save the current configuration from the Tools → System screen."; var tf_msg_LPugRest="After downloading the latest firmware and language pack, please update the firmware first before the language pack."; var tf_msg_Upping="Note: Now uploading. The upload may take up to 1 minute."; var tf_msg_wired="To upgrade the firmware, your PC must have a wired connection to the router. Enter the name of the firmware upgrade file, and click on the Upload button."; var tf_really_FWF="Do you really want to reprogram the device using the firmware file"; var tf_intro_FW_click_site="Click here to check for an upgrade on our support site."; var tool_admin_check="Please check"; var tool_admin_pfname="Port Forwarding Item"; var tool_admin_portconflict="Remote Admin Port conflict with"; var tool_admin_vsname="Virtual Server Item"; var tool_system_0="Reset JumpStart?"; var tool_system_1="Load settings from a saved configuration"; var tool_system_2="Please wait, uploading configuration file..."; var tps_apc="Advanced Printer Configuration"; var tps_apc1="These settings are automatically configured and should be modified only by advanced users."; var tps_dci="Double-click on an icon to install printer"; var tps_drname="Driver Name"; var tps_dsr="Disable Soft Reset"; var tps_enlpd="Enable LPD/LPR Printing"; var tps_enraw="Enable Raw Port Printing"; var tps_foo="The printer's IP address and TCP port number are shown here."; var tps_foo2="The printer's IP address and queue name are shown here."; var tps_intro2="Print Server Setup"; var tps_intro3="Your D-Link Router includes an integrated print server that allows a printer to be shared between multiple computers on your network. From this page you can select which printing protocols to enable."; var tps_intro4="To use the shared printer from this computer, launch the Printer Wizard from the Wizard? page."; var tps_intro5="To use the shared printer from this computer, follow the setup instructions found in Help -> Home -> Printer Wizard."; var tps_lpd="LPD/LPR Printing"; var tps_lpd1="The LPD/LPR printing protocol uses a fixed IP address and queue name to communicate with your printer."; var tps_raw="Raw TCP Port Printing"; var tps_raw1="The raw TCP port printing protocol uses a fixed IP address and TCP port to communicate with your printer."; var tps_sfp="Searching for Printers..."; var ts_ls="Load Settings From Local Hard Drive"; var ts_rd="Reboot The Device"; var ts_rfd="Restore To Factory Default Settings"; var ts_ss="Save Settings To Local Hard Drive"; var tsc_24hrs="All Day - 24 hrs"; var tsc_TimeFormat="Time Format"; var tsc_24hour="24-hour"; var tsc_12hour="12-hour"; var tsc_AllDay="All Day"; var tsc_AllWk="All Week"; var tsc_Days="Day(s)"; var tsc_EndTime="End Time"; var tsc_EvDay="Every Day"; var tsc_SchRu="Schedule Rule"; var tsc_AddSchRu="ADD SCHEDULE RULE"; var tsc_SchRuLs="Schedule Rules List"; var tsc_SchRuLs_name="Schedule Rules List Name"; var tsc_SelDays="Select Day(s)"; var tsc_StrTime="Start Time"; var tsc_TimeFr="Time Frame"; var tsc_alert_1="No day is selected for schedule name '+(data.sched_table[i].sched_name)+'"; var tsc_alert_2="Invalid Time"; var tsc_alert_3="The schedule name '+(data.sched_table[i].sched_name)+' is reserved and can not be used"; var tsc_alert_5="You can not delete this entry because it is used on the +x+ page."; var tsc_alert_6="This schedule is already used"; var tsc_alert_7="You can not change name of this entry because it is used on the '+used_page+' page."; var tsc_alert_9="There is no room for any more entries"; var tsc_end_time="End Time"; var tsc_hrmin="(hour:minute)"; var tsc_intro_Sch="The Schedule configuration option is used to manage schedule rules for various firewall and parental control features."; var tsc_pingdisallowed="This feature is disabled when logged in as User"; var tsc_pingr="Ping Result"; var tsc_pingt="Ping Test"; var tsc_pingt_h="Host Name or IP Address"; var tsc_pingt_mesg="Ping Test sends \"ping\" packets to test a computer on the Internet."; var tsc_pingt_msg1="Enter a host name or IP address above and click \"Ping\""; var tsc_pingt_msg10="User stopped ping."; var tsc_pingt_msg100="Pings sent"; var tsc_pingt_msg101="Pings received"; var tsc_pingt_msg102="Pings lost"; var tsc_pingt_msg103="% loss"; var tsc_pingt_msg104="Shortest ping time (in milliseconds)"; var tsc_pingt_msg105="Longest ping time (in milliseconds)"; var tsc_pingt_msg106="Average ping time (in milliseconds)"; var tsc_pingt_msg109="Hop"; var tsc_pingt_msg11="No response from host, retrying..."; var tsc_pingt_msg2="You must enter a host name or IP address."; var tsc_pingt_msg3="Please wait, resolving"; var tsc_pingt_msg4="Unable to resolve, check that the name is correct."; var tsc_pingt_msg5="Resolved to"; var tsc_pingt_msg6="No response to ping from router, will retry."; var tsc_pingt_msg7="Response from"; var tsc_pingt_msg8="received in"; var tsc_pingt_msg9="milliseconds. TTL ="; var ipv6_tsc_pingt="IPv6 Ping Test"; var tsc_sel_days="Select Day(s)"; var tsc_start_time="Start Time"; var tsl_EnLog="Enable Logging To Syslog Server"; var tsl_SLSIPA="Syslog Server IP Address"; var tsl_SLSt="SysLog Settings"; var tsl_alert_1="Syslog server IP address is in WAN subnet, it should be within LAN subnet (+lan_subnet+)"; var tsl_alert_2="Syslog server IP address should be within LAN subnet (+lan_subnet+)"; var tsl_alert_3="Syslog server IP address should not be same as Gateway IP address"; var tsl_intro="The SysLog options allow you to send log information to a SysLog Server."; var tss_RestAll="Restore all Settings to the Factory Defaults"; var tss_RestAll_b="Restore Factory Defaults"; var tss_RestAll_b_ap="Restore Device"; var tss_SysSt="System Settings"; var tts_sysCk="SYSTEM CHECK"; var tss_intro="The System Settings section allows you to reboot the device, or restore the router to the factory default settings. Restoring the unit to the factory default settings will erase all settings, including any rules that you have created."; var tss_intro2="The current system settings can be saved as a file onto the local hard drive. The saved file or any other saved setting file created by device can be uploaded into the unit."; var tss_intro_ap="The current system settings can be saved as a file onto the local hard drive. You can upload any save settings file that was created by the <-- model_number -->."; var tt_Apr="Apr"; var tt_Aug="Aug"; var tt_CopyTime="Copy Your Computer's Time Settings"; var tt_CurTime="Current Router Time"; var tt_DaT="Date And Time"; var tt_Day="Day"; var tt_Dec="Dec"; var tt_EnNTP="Enable NTP Server"; var tt_Feb="Feb"; var tt_Hour="Hour"; var tt_Jan="Jan"; var tt_Jul="Jul"; var tt_Jun="Jun"; var tt_Mar="Mar"; var tt_May="May"; var tt_Minute="Minute"; var tt_Month="Month"; var tt_NTPSrvU="NTP Server Used"; var tt_Nov="Nov"; var tt_Oct="Oct"; var tt_Second="Second"; var tt_SelDynDns="Select Dynamic DNS Server"; var tt_SelNTPSrv="Select NTP Server"; var tt_Sep="Sep"; var tt_StDT="Set the Date and Time Manually"; var tt_TimeConf="Time Configuration"; var tt_TimeZ="Time Zone"; var tt_Year="Year"; var tt_alert_1only="Please select one of Automatic or Manual Time setting. Not both"; var tt_alert_checkdyndns="Please check the configured Server Address"; var tt_alert_dstchkmonth="DST end month must be different than DST start month"; var tt_alert_invlddt="Invalid Date or Time"; var tt_alert_nontp="NTP Server is not configured"; var tt_alert_invalid="Invalid NTP Server" var tt_alert_tupdt="Gateway Time has been updated"; var tt_auto="Automatic Time Configuration"; var tt_dsdates="Daylight Saving Dates"; var tt_dsen2="Enable Daylight Saving"; var tt_dsoffs="Daylight Saving Offset"; var tt_dstend="DST End"; var tt_dststart="DST Start"; var tt_intro_Time="The Time Configuration option allows you to configure, update, and maintain the correct time on the internal system clock. From this section you can set the time zone that you are in and set the NTP (Network Time Protocol) Server. Daylight Saving can also be configured to automatically adjust the time when needed."; var tt_time_1="12:00 AM"; var tt_time_10="9:00 AM"; var tt_time_11="10:00 AM"; var tt_time_12="11:00 AM"; var tt_time_13="12:00 PM"; var tt_time_14="1:00 PM"; var tt_time_15="2:00 PM"; var tt_time_16="3:00 PM"; var tt_time_17="4:00 PM"; var tt_time_18="5:00 PM"; var tt_time_19="6:00 PM"; var tt_time_2="1:00 AM"; var tt_time_20="7:00 PM"; var tt_time_21="8:00 PM"; var tt_time_22="9:00 PM"; var tt_time_23="10:00 PM"; var tt_time_24="11:00 PM"; var tt_time_3="2:00 AM"; var tt_time_4="3:00 AM"; var tt_time_5="4:00 AM"; var tt_time_6="5:00 AM"; var tt_time_7="6:00 AM"; var tt_time_8="7:00 AM"; var tt_time_9="8:00 AM"; var tt_intro_Time_a="This section allows admins to configure, update, and maintain the correct time on the Access Point's internal system clock."; var tt_week_1="1st"; var tt_week_2="2nd"; var tt_week_3="3rd"; var tt_week_4="4th"; var tt_week_5="5th"; var tt_week_6="6th"; var ub_Upload_Failed="Upload Failed"; var ub_continue="Continue"; var ub_intro_1="The uploaded firmware file may not be correct. You may have uploaded a file that is not intended for this Gateway, or the uploaded file may be corrupted."; var ub_intro_2="The Gateway will not be reprogrammed."; var ub_intro_3="If the uploaded file is correct, it is possible that the gateway may be too busy to properly receive it right now. In this case, please try the upload again. It is also possible that you are logged in as a \"user\" instead of an \"admin\" - only administrators can upload new firmware."; var up_ae_de_1="Are you sure you want to delete this entry?"; var up_ae_se_1="There is no room for any more entries."; var up_ae_se_3="this.primary_key_name+'+ this.thearray[-1][this.primary_key] +' is already used"; var up_ae_wic_1="You have unsaved changes in the entry you are editing."; var up_ae_wic_2="Press \"Ok\" to abandon these changes and perform the requested action."; var up_ae_wic_3="Otherwise press\"Cancel\"."; var up_ai_se_2="The '+this.primary_key_name+' field can not be blank"; var up_fm_dc_1="Do you want to abandon all changes you made to this page?"; var up_fm_dr_1="bad settings file"; var up_fm_dr_2="Bad settings file"; var up_fm_dr_3="Restored data not acceptable"; var up_fm_re_1="The restoration of settings failed"; var up_fm_re_2="Press OK to continue"; var up_gH_1="The hex string ' + value + ' is not valid."; var up_gIUH_1="The number ' + value + ' is not valid."; var up_gIUH_2="The number ' + value + ' must be positive."; var up_gIUH_3="The number ' + value + ' should be in between '+ min + ' to ' + max + '."; var up_gS_1="The string ' + value + ' is too long\n(maximum length is ' + length + ' characters)."; var up_gX_1="The IP address ' + mf.dmz_address.value + ' is not valid."; var up_he_1="An error occurred on this page. This might be because you are\n+ \not properly logged in, for example just after a reboot.\n"; var up_he_2="Press OK to go to the login page, or Cancel if you want to see\n+ the error message."; var up_he_5="The error on line +line+' of '+url+' is \n\''+msg+'\'.'"; var up_if_1="The action can not complete because the network connection seems to be down"; var up_jt_1="There is unsaved data on this page. Do you want to abandon it?"; var up_jt_2="If not, press Cancel and then click Save Settings."; var up_jt_3="If so, press Ok."; var up_nosave="Nothing has changed on this page. Do you want to save it anyway?"; var up_rb_1="Are you sure you want to reboot the device?"; var up_rb_2="Rebooting will disconnect any currently active sessions."; var up_rb_3="Rebooting."; var up_rb_4="Are you sure you want to reset the device to its factory default settings?"; var up_rb_5="This will cause all current settings to be lost."; var up_rb_6="Resetting to factory defaults and rebooting."; var up_tz_00="(GMT-12:00) International Date Line West"; var up_tz_01="(GMT-11:00) Midway Island"; var up_tz_02="(GMT-10:00) Hawaii"; var up_tz_03="(GMT-09:00) Alaska"; var up_tz_04="(GMT-08:00) Pacific Time (US/Canada), Tijuana"; var up_tz_05="(GMT-07:00) Arizona"; var up_tz_06="(GMT-07:00) Mountain Time (US/Canada)"; var up_tz_06b="(GMT-07:00) Chihuahua, La Paz, Mazatlan"; var up_tz_07="(GMT-06:00) Central America"; var up_tz_08="(GMT-06:00) Central Time (US/Canada)"; var up_tz_09="(GMT-06:00) Guadalajara, Mexico City, Monterrey"; var up_tz_10="(GMT-06:00) Saskatchewan"; var up_tz_11="(GMT-05:00) Bogota, Lima, Quito, Indiana (East)"; var up_tz_12="(GMT-05:00) Eastern Time (US/Canada)"; var up_tz_13="(GMT-05:00) Indiana (East)"; var up_tz_13b="(GMT-04:30) Caracas"; var up_tz_14="(GMT-04:00) Atlantic Time (Canada)"; var up_tz_15="(GMT-04:00) Georgetown, La Paz"; var up_tz_16="(GMT-04:00) Santiago"; var up_tz_17="(GMT-03:30) Newfoundland"; var up_tz_18="(GMT-03:00) Brasilia"; var up_tz_19="(GMT-03:00) Buenos Aires"; var up_tz_20="(GMT-03:00) Greenland"; var up_tz_21="(GMT-02:00) Mid-Atlantic"; var up_tz_22="(GMT-01:00) Azores"; var up_tz_23="(GMT-01:00) Cape Verde Is."; var up_tz_24="(GMT) Casablanca, Monrovia"; var up_tz_25="(GMT) Greenwich Mean Time: Dublin, Edinburgh, Lisbon, London"; var up_tz_26="(GMT+01:00) Amsterdam, Berlin, Bern, Rome, Stockholm, Vienna"; var up_tz_27="(GMT+01:00) Belgrade, Bratislava, Budapest, Ljubljana, Prague"; var up_tz_28="(GMT+01:00) Brussels, Copenhagen, Madrid, Paris"; var up_tz_29="(GMT+01:00) Sarajevo, Skopje, Warsaw, Zagreb"; var up_tz_29b="(GMT+01:00) Budapest, Vienna, Prague, Warsaw"; var up_tz_30="(GMT+01:00) West Central Africa"; var up_tz_31="(GMT+02:00) Athens, Istanbul, Minsk"; var up_tz_32="(GMT+02:00) Bucharest"; var up_tz_33="(GMT+02:00) Cairo"; var up_tz_34="(GMT+02:00) Harare, Pretoria"; var up_tz_35="(GMT+02:00) Helsinki, Kyiv, Riga, Sofia, Tallinn, Vilnius"; var up_tz_36="(GMT+02:00) Jerusalem"; var up_tz_37="(GMT+03:00) Baghdad"; var up_tz_38="(GMT+03:00) Kuwait, Riyadh"; var up_tz_40="(GMT+03:00) Nairobi"; var up_tz_41="(GMT+03:30) Tehran"; var up_tz_42="(GMT+04:00) Abu Dhabi, Muscat"; var up_tz_43="(GMT+04:00) Baku, Tbilisi, Yerevan"; var up_tz_43b="(GMT+04:00) Moscow, St. Petersburg, Volgograd"; var up_tz_44="(GMT+04:30) Kabul"; var up_tz_46="(GMT+05:00) Islamabad, Karachi, Tashkent"; var up_tz_47="(GMT+05:30) Chennai, Kolkata, Mumbai, New Delhi"; var up_tz_47b="(GMT+05:30) Sri Jayawardenepura"; var up_tz_48="(GMT+05:45) Kathmandu"; var up_tz_50="(GMT+06:00) Astana, Dhaka"; var up_tz_51="(GMT+06:00) Ekaterinburg"; var up_tz_52="(GMT+06:30) Rangoon"; var up_tz_53="(GMT+07:00) Bangkok, Hanoi, Jakarta"; var up_tz_54b="(GMT+07:00) Almaty, Novosibirsk"; var up_tz_55="(GMT+08:00) Beijing, Chongqing, Hong Kong, Urumqi"; var up_tz_56="(GMT+08:00) Ulaan Bataar"; var up_tz_57="(GMT+08:00) Kuala Lumpur, Singapore"; var up_tz_58="(GMT+08:00) Perth"; var up_tz_59="(GMT+08:00) Taipei"; var up_tz_59b="(GMT+08:00) Krasnoyarsk"; var up_tz_60="(GMT+09:00) Osaka, Sapporo, Tokyo"; var up_tz_61="(GMT+09:00) Seoul"; var up_tz_62b="(GMT+09:00) Irkutsk"; var up_tz_63="(GMT+09:30) Adelaide"; var up_tz_64="(GMT+09:30) Darwin"; var up_tz_65="(GMT+10:00) Brisbane"; var up_tz_66="(GMT+10:00) Canberra, Melbourne, Sydney"; var up_tz_67="(GMT+10:00) Guam, Port Moresby"; var up_tz_68="(GMT+10:00) Hobart"; var up_tz_69b="(GMT+10:00) Yakutsk"; var up_tz_70="(GMT+11:00) Solomon Is., New Caledonia"; var up_tz_70b="(GMT+11:00) Vladivostok"; var up_tz_71="(GMT+12:00) Auckland, Wellington"; var up_tz_72="(GMT+12:00) Fiji, Kamchatka, Marshall Is."; var up_tz_72b="(GMT+12:00) Magadan"; var up_tz_73="(GMT+13:00) Nuku\'alofa"; var up_tz_73b="(GMT+13:00) Samoa"; var up_vm_1="A MAC address field can not be empty."; var up_vm_2="input_string+' is not a valid MAC address'"; var up_vp_0="The +name+' port range string can't be empty.'"; var up_vp_1="The +name+' port range string ''+input_string+'' is invalid.'"; var up_vp_2="The +name+' port ''+n+'' in the port range string ''+input_string+'' should be in between 1 to 65535.'"; var up_vp_3="The +name+' port range''+got2[0]+'' in the port range string ''+input_string+'' should go from low port to high port.'"; var usb3g_apn_name="APN Name"; var usb3g_dial_num="Dial Number"; var usb3g_manual="USB 3.5G Manual"; var usb3g_max_idle_time="IDLE TIME"; var usb3g_reconnect_mode="Reconnect Mode(0:always/1:OnDemand/2:Manual)"; var usb3g_stat_titile="USB 3.5G Statistic"; var usb3g_titile="USB 3.5G Settings"; var usb_3g="3G USB Adapter"; var usb_3g_phone="3G USB Phone"; var usb_3g_help="Select 3G USB Adapter to use a 3G adapter to provide access to the Internet using an EV-DO cellular signal. Simply connect a 3G USB adapter to access the Internet (third party EV-DO subscription and available signal required)."; var usb_3g_help_support_help="If you have trouble accessing the Internet through the router. Double check the settings you entered on this page and verify with your Internet Service Provider (ISP) if needed."; var usb_config1="Please configure your WWAN settings. If you are unsure of the settings, please contact your Internet Service Provider (ISP)."; var usb_config2="Please configure your Internet Connection Type settings. If you are unsure of the settings, please contact your Internet Service Provider (ISP)."; var usb_config3="The Internet Connection Type is not for 3G Internet connection. Please select WWAN to support 3G Internet connection."; var usb_config4="The Internet Connection Type is for 3G Internet connection, please select another Internet Connection Type."; var usb_config5="The Internet Connection Type you selected is for 3G Internet connection. The USB settings will be changed from Network USB/WCN to 3G USB Adapter."; var usb_config6="The Internet Connection Type you selected is not for 3G Internet connection. The USB settings will be changed from 3G USB Adapter to Network USB."; var usb_device="USB DEVICE(0:3G Modem/1:KCODE)"; var usb_iphone="iPhone 3G(s)"; var usb_network="Network USB"; var usb_network_help="Select to share a USB printer, scanner, or storage device connected to the USB port behind the router with multiple users within your network."; var usb_network_support_help="Device drivers and the D-Link USB Network Utility must be installed on each computer that will use the device."; var usb_reboot="Changing usb type to Windows Mobile or iPhone or Android Phone will cause the device to reboot."; var usb_wcn="WCN Configuration"; var usb_wcn_help="Select to configure your wireless network using Windows Connect Now (WCN). WCN allows you to copy your wireless settings from the router to a USB flash drive and use to automatically configure the wireless settings on your computer(s) or other WCN-compatible devices."; var usb_window_mobile_5="Windows Mobile 5"; var vs_http_port="Remote Admin Port confict with Virtual Server Item"; var vs_vslist="VIRTUAL SERVERS LIST"; var wepkey="Wep Key"; var wepkey1="WEP Key 1"; var wepkey2="WEP Key 2"; var wepkey3="WEP Key 3"; var wepkey4="WEP Key 4"; var wireless_gu="This wizard is designed to assist you in connecting your guest wireless device to your wireless router. It will guide you through step-by-step instructions on how to get your guest wireless device connected. Click the button below to begin."; var wpin_filter="WAN Ping Inbound Filter"; var wprn_bados="Unsupported Operating System"; var wprn_bados2="The Printer Setup Wizard supports only Windows XP/2000/98/ME operating systems. Your computer uses the operating system."; var wprn_cps="Check Printer Status"; var wprn_cps2="The current printer status will result in the test page failing to print later in the setup process."; var wprn_foo1="The Printer Setup Wizard requires the raw TCP port printing protocol. This protocol is currently disabled on your router."; var wprn_iderr="Printer Device ID Error"; var wprn_iderr2="The printer manufacturer and/or model could not be determined, possibly due to an invalid device ID reported by the printer. The wizard cannot continue without this information."; var wprn_intro1="Welcome to the D-Link Printer Setup Wizard"; var wprn_intro2="The wizard will guide you through the following steps.  Click Next  to begin."; var wprn_intro3="Step 1 Detect the printer"; var wprn_intro4="Step 2 Launch the setup executable on your computer"; var wprn_intro5="Step 3 Insert the printer driver CD if requested"; var wprn_intro6="Step 4 Print a test page"; var wprn_man="Manufacturer"; var wprn_mod="Model"; var wprn_nopr="No Printer Detected"; var wprn_nopr2="The setup wizard was unable to communicate with the printer."; var wprn_rppd="A Required Printing Protocol Is Disabled"; var wprn_s1a="The following printer has been detected.  Click Next  to install the printer onto your computer."; var wprn_s2a="To complete the setup process, the wizard will now launch an executable file on your computer."; var wprn_s2b="After clicking Next, you will be asked for permission to download an executable file. Please click Run/Open  to allow the executable to run on your computer. If a second window appears prompting you to verify the publisher, please click Run  again."; var wprn_s2c="After clicking Next, you will be asked for permission to download an executable file. Please click \"OK\" to download the the file.

To launch the executable, you may need to open the file-download folder using a file browser and double-click on the icon labeled Printer_Setup.exe."; var wprn_s3a="The setup executable you have just launched will display a progress bar and notify you when setup is complete. When done, click Finish below to close the Printer Setup wizard."; var wprn_s3b="If the progress bar did not appear, the setup executable did not launch and setup is not yet complete. Refer to the Troubleshooting Tips section below."; var wprn_s3c="The setup executable will search for a compatible printer driver on your computer. If one cannot be found, you will be prompted to insert the driver CD that shipped with the printer."; var wprn_s3d="Alternatively, you can direct the setup executable to a folder on your computer containing a printer driver you have downloaded from the printer manufacturer's web site."; var wprn_tt="Troubleshooting Tips"; var wprn_tt1="Refer to the documentation that came with your router for printer setup instructions specific to your operating system."; var wprn_tt10="If the setup executable did not launch automatically after downloading to your computer, you may need to open the file-download folder using a file browser and double-click on the icon labeled Printer_Setup.exe."; var wprn_tt11="Verify that a printer is attached to the router's USB port."; var wprn_tt2="Enable raw TCP port printing from the Print Server? page under the Tools submenu."; var wprn_tt3="If you are not authorized to modify the router's configuration, contact the router administrator."; var wprn_tt4="Verify that the printer is turned on."; var wprn_tt5="Click Refresh  to try again."; var wprn_tt6="Attempt to fix the problem with the printer, then click Refresh  to update printer status."; var wprn_tt7="OR, click Next  to continue anyway and later choose No when asked if you'd like to print a test page."; var wprn_tt8="Unplug and reinsert the printer's USB cable."; var wps_KR35="Step 1: Select Configuration Method for your Wireless Network"; var wps_KR37="Please select one of following configuration methods and click next to continue."; var wps_KR42="Select this option will display the current wireless settings for you to configure the wireless device manually."; var wps_KR46="seconds ..."; var wps_KR51="Select this option if your wireless device supports WPS (Wi-Fi Protected Setup)"; var wps_LW13="Add Wireless Device WITH WPS (WI-FI PROTECTED SETUP) Wizard"; var wps_step="This wizard is designed to assist you in connecting your <-- model_number --> to wireless network using WPS. It will guide you through step-by-step instructions on how to get your wireless device connected. Click the button below to begin."; var wps_lost="This will cause all wireless settings to be lost."; var wps_message1_1="Please start WPS on the wireless device you are adding to your wireless network winth"; var wps_message1_2="Please press down the Push Button (physical or virtual) on the wireless device you are adding to your wireless network within"; var wps_msg="Please press down the Push Button (physical or virtual) on the wireless
device you are adding to your wireless network within  seconds …"; var wps_wireless_dev="Please choose wireless device with wps!"; var wps_p3_1="There are two ways to add wireless device to your wireless network"; var wps_p3_2="PIN (Personal Identification Number)"; var wps_p3_3="PBC (Push Button Configuration)"; var wps_p3_4="please enter the PIN from your wireless device and click the below \"Connect\" Button"; var wps_p3_5="please press the push button on your wireless device and click the below \"Connect\" Button within 120 seconds"; var wps_reboot_need="Are you sure you want to reset the device to Unconfiged?"; var wps_ssid="SSID"; var wps_check_wep="When WPS Enable, Wireless Security mode can't set wep."; var wps_disable="If you set EAP for wireless security, it will disable wps function."; var wt_p_1="The gateway is currently measuring your network connection."; var wt_p_2="Accessing this web page might have an effect on the measurement."; var wt_p_3="This page will refresh shortly."; var wt_title="Please wait"; var wwa_5G_nname="Manually set 5GHz band Network Name"; var wwa_dnsset="DNS settings"; var wwa_gw="Gateway Address"; var wwa_intro_online1="It appears that you have already successfully connected your new router to the Internet."; var wwa_intro_online2="Click Next if you still want to secure the router with a password and set the time zone."; var wwa_intro_s1="By default, your new D-Link Router does not have a password configured for administrator access to the Web-based configuration pages. To secure your new networking device, please set and verify a password below:"; var wwa_intro_s2="Select the appropriate time zone for your location. This information is required to configure the time-based options for the router."; var wwa_intro_s3="Your Internet Connection could not be detected, please select your Internet Service Provider (ISP) from the list below. If your ISP is not listed; select the\"Not Listed or Don't Know\" option to manually configure your connection."; var wwa_intro_s4="The Internet Connection Setup Wizard has completed. Click the Connect button to save your settings and reboot the router."; var wwa_intro_wel="This wizard will guide you through a step-by-step process to configure your new D-Link router and connect to the Internet."; var wwa_l2tp_svra="L2TP Server IP Address
(may be same as gateway)"; var wwa_msg_bigpond="BigPond Cable (Australia)"; var wwa_msg_dhcp="Choose this if your Internet connection automatically provides you with an IP Address. Most Cable Modems use this type of connection."; var wwa_msg_ispnot="If your Internet Service Provider was not listed or you don't know who it is, please select the Internet connection type below:"; var wwa_msg_l2tp="L2TP client."; var wwa_msg_pppoe="Choose this option if your Internet connection requires a username and password to get online. Most DSL modems use this type of connection."; var wwa_msg_static="Choose this option if your INTERNET Provider provided you with IP Address information that has to be manually configured."; var wwa_msg_pptp="PPTP client."; var wwa_msg_set_bigpond="To set up this connection you will need to have a Username and Password from your Internet Service Provider. You also need BigPond Server IP adress. If you do not have this information, please contact your ISP."; var wwa_msg_set_dhcp="To set up this connection, please make sure that you are connected to the D-Link Router with the PC that was originally connected to your broadband connection. If you are, then click the Clone MAC button to copy your computer's MAC Address to the D-Link Router."; var wwa_msg_set_pppoe="To set up this connection you will need to have a Username and Password from your Internet Service Provider. If you do not have this information, please contact your ISP."; var wwa_msg_set_pptp="To set up this connection you will need to have a Username and Password from your Internet Service Provider. You also need PPTP IP address. If you do not have this information, please contact your ISP."; var wwa_msg_set_l2tp="To set up this connection you will need to have a Username and Password from your Internet Service Provider. You also need L2TP IP address. If you do not have this information, please contact your ISP."; var wwa_msg_sipa="Choose this option if your Internet Setup Provider provided you with IP Address information that has to be manually configured."; var wwa_msg_complete="The Setup Wizard has completed. Click the Connect button to save your settings and restart the router."; var wwa_note_hostname="Note: You may also need to provide a Host Name. If you do not have or know this information, please contact your ISP."; var wwa_note_svcn="Note: You may also need to provide a Service Name. If you do not have or know this information, please contact your ISP."; var wwa_pdns="Primary DNS Address"; var wwa_pptp_svraddr="PPTP Server IP Address
(may be same as gateway)"; var wwa_pv5_alert_15="Invalid PPTP Server address"; var wwa_pv5_alert_20="Invalid L2TP Server address"; var wwa_pv5_alert_21="The User Name field can not be blank"; var wwa_pv5_alert_4="Invalid Gateway IP address."; var wwa_pv5_alert_5="The gateway IP address is not in the WAN subnet"; var wwa_pv5_alert_6="Invalid Primary DNS IP address."; var wwa_pv5_alert_7="Invalid Secondary DNS IP address."; var wwa_pv5_alert_8="You must specify the primary DNS server"; var wwa_sdns="Secondary DNS Address"; var wwa_selectisp_not="Not Listed or Don't Know"; var wwa_set_l2tp_msg="To set up this connection you will need to have a Username and Password from your Internet Service Provider. You also need L2TP IP adress. If you do not have this information, please contact your ISP."; var wwa_set_l2tp_title="Set Username and Password Connection (L2TP)"; var wwa_set_sipa_msg="To set up this connection you will need to have a complete list of IP information provided by your Internet Service Provider. If you have a Static IP connection and do not have this information, please contact your ISP."; var wwa_set_sipa_title="Set Static IP Address Connection"; var wwa_setupwiz="Setup Wizard"; var wwa_title_s1="Step 1: Set your Password"; var wwa_title_s2="Step 2: Select your Time Zone"; var wwa_title_s3="Step 3: Configure your Internet Connection"; var wwa_title_s4="Step 4: Save Settings and Connect"; var wwa_title_set_bigpond="Set BigPond Cable Connection"; var wwa_title_set_bigpond_a="Set Username and Password Connection (BigPond)"; var wwa_title_set_pppoe="Set Username and Password Connection (PPPoE)"; var wwa_title_set_pptp="SET USERNAME AND PASSWORD CONNECTION (PPTP)"; var wwa_title_set_l2tp="SET USERNAME AND PASSWORD CONNECTION (L2TP)"; var wwa_title_set_russia_pppoe="Set Username and Password Connection (RUSSIA PPPoE)"; var wwa_title_set_russia_pptp="SET USERNAME AND PASSWORD CONNECTION (RUSSIA PPTP)"; var wwa_title_set_russia_l2tp="SET USERNAME AND PASSWORD CONNECTION (RUSSIA L2TP)"; var wwa_title_wel="Welcome to the D-Link Internet Connection Setup Wizard"; var wwa_wanmode_bigpond="BigPond"; var wwa_wanmode_l2tp="Username / Password Connection (L2TP)"; var wwa_wanmode_pppoe="Username / Password Connection (PPPoE)"; var wwa_wanmode_pptp="Username / Password Connection (PPTP)"; var wwa_wanmode_russia_l2tp="Username / Password Connection (RUSSIA L2TP)"; var wwa_wanmode_russia_pppoe="Username / Password Connection (RUSSIA PPPoE)"; var wwa_wanmode_russia_pptp="Username / Password Connection (RUSSIA PPTP)"; var wwa_wanmode_sipa="Static IP Address Connection"; var wwan_auth_auto="Auto(PAP+CHAP)"; var wwan_auth_chap="CHAP only"; var wwan_auth_label="Authentication Protocol"; var wwan_sw="Welcome to the D-LINK INTERNET CONNECTION SETUP WIZARD"; var wwan_auth_mschap="MS CHAP only"; var wwan_auth_pap="PAP only"; var wwan_dial_num="Dial Number"; var wwan_sw="Welcome to the D-Link Setup Wizard"; var wwl_128bits="128 bits"; var wwl_64bits="64 bits"; var wwl_BEST="BEST"; var wwl_BETTER="BETTER"; var wwl_DWKL="Default WEP Key to Use"; var wwl_GOOD="GOOD"; var wwl_NONE="NONE"; var wwl_WK="Wep Key"; var wwl_WKL="Wep Key Length"; var wwl_WSP="Wireless Security Password"; var wwl_WSP_1="Wireless Security Password"; var wwl_alert_pv5_1="The Wireless Security Password must be at least 13 characters or 26 hex digits. You entered"; var wwl_alert_pv5_2="WEP password needs to be 13 characters, each of [a-zA-Z] only."; var wwl_alert_pv5_2_5="WEP password must be exactly 5 alphanumeric characters."; var wwl_alert_pv5_3="WEP password needs to be 26 hex digits, each of [0-9a-fA-F] only."; var wwl_alert_pv5_3_10="WEP key must be exactly 10 hexadecimal digits (0-9 or A-F)."; var wwl_alert_pv5_4="The Wireless Security Password must be at least 8 characters."; var wwl_band="Wireless Band"; var wwl_enc="Encryption"; var wwl_intro_end="Below is a detailed summary of your wireless security settings. Please print this page out, or write the information on a piece of paper, so you can configure the correct settings on your wireless client adapters."; var wwl_intro_s1="Your wireless network needs a name so it can be easily recognized by wireless clients. For security purposes, it is highly recommended to change the pre-configured network name of [dlink]."; var wwl_intro_s3_1="In order to protect your network from hackers and unauthorized users, it is highly recommended you choose one of the following wireless network security settings."; var wwl_intro_s3_2="There are several levels of wireless security. The level you choose depends on the security features your wireless adapters support."; var wwl_intro_s3_2r="There are three levels of wireless security -Good Security, Better Security, AND Best Security. The level you choose depends on the security features your wireless adapters support."; var wwl_intro_wel="This wizard will guide you through a step-by-step process to setup your wireless network and make it secure."; var wwl_s3_note_1="For information on which security features your wireless adapters support, please refer to the adapters' documentation."; var wwl_s3_note_2="Note: All D-Link wireless adapters currently support WPA."; var wwl_s4_intro="You have selected your security level - you will need to set a wireless security password."; var wwl_s4_intro_z1="The WEP ( Wired Equivalent Privacy) key must meet one of following guildelines:"; var wwl_s4_intro_z2="- Exactly 5 or 13 characters"; var wwl_s4_intro_z3="- Exactly 10 or 26 characters using 0-9 and A-F"; var wwl_s4_intro_z4="A longer WEP key is more secure than a short one"; var wwl_s4_intro_z5="Use the same Wireless Security Password on both 2.4GHz and 5GHz band."; var wwl_s4_intro_za1="The WPA (Wi-Fi Protected Access) key must meet one of following guildelines:"; var wwl_s4_intro_za2="- Between 8 and 63 characters (A longer WPA key is more secure than a short one)"; var wwl_s4_intro_za3="- Exactly 64 characters using 0-9 and A-F"; var wwl_s4_note="Note: You will need to enter the same password as keyed in this step into your wireless clients in order to enable proper wireless communication."; var wwl_text_best="Select this option if your wireless adapters SUPPORT WPA2"; var wwl_text_better="Select this option if your wireless adapters SUPPORT WPA"; var wwl_text_good="Select this option if your wireless adapters DO NOT SUPPORT WPA"; var wwl_text_none="Select this option if you do not want to activate any security features"; var wwl_title_s1="Step 1 Name your Wireless Network"; var wwl_title_s3="Step 2 Secure your Wireless Network"; var wwl_title_s4="Step 3: Set your Wireless Security Password"; var wwl_title_s4_2="Step 2 Set your Wireless Security Password"; var wwl_title_wel="Welcome to the D-Link Wireless Security Setup Wizard"; var wwl_title_wel_ap="Welcome to the D-Link Wireless Setup Wizard"; var wwl_note="Please keep a note of the following settings for future reference."; var wwl_wl_wiz="Wireless Network Setup Wizard"; var wwl_wnn="Wireless Network Name (SSID)"; var wwl_wpa="WPA-PSK/TKIP (also known as WPA Personal)"; var wwl_wpa2="WPA2-PSK/AES (also known as WPA2 Personal)"; var wwl_wsp_chars_1="(13 characters or 26 hex digits)"; var wwl_wsp_chars_2="(8 to 63 characters)"; var wwl_wps_wizard_setup="Please select on of the following configuration methos and click next to continue."; var wwl_wcn_title="WI-FI PROTECTED SETUP (ALSO CALLED WCN 2.0 IN WINDOWS VISTA)"; var wwl_wcn_status="Wi-Fi Protected Status"; var wwz_auto_assign_key="Automatically assign a network key (Recommended)"; var wwz_auto_assign_key2="To prevent outsiders from accessing your network, the router will automatically assign a security (also called WEP or WPA key) to your network."; var wwz_auto_assign_key3="Automatically assign a network key for both 2.4GHz and 5GHz band (Recommended)"; var wwz_manual_key="Manually assign a network key"; var wwz_network_key="Assign a network key"; var wwz_manual_key2="Use this options if you prefer to create our own key."; var wwz_wpa_support="Use WPA encryption instead of WEP(WPA is stronger than WEP and all D-Link wireless client adapters support WPA)"; var wwz_wwl_intro_s3_1="Give your network a name, using up to 32 characters."; var wwz_wwl_intro_s3_2="Give your Wi-Fi network a name."; var wwz_wwl_intro_s3_3="Give your Wi-Fi network a password."; var wwz_wwl_intro_s3_4="Give your Wi-Fi network a name and a password."; var wwz_wwl_title_s3="Step 1 : Welcome TO THE D-LINK WIRELESS SECURITY SETUP WIZARD"; var wwz_wwl_wnn="Wi-Fi Network Name (SSID)"; var wwz_wwl_wnn_len="Using up to 32 characters"; var wwz_wwl_wnp="Wi-Fi Password"; var wwz_wwl_wnp_len="Between 8 and 63 characters"; var wwz_wwl_mix="Use WPA/WPA2-Personal Mix Auto encryption instead of WEP(WPA is stronger than WEP and all D-Link wireless client adapters support WPA)"; var wwz_wwl_title_s3_3="Step 3: Set your Wireless Radio Mode"; var wwz_wwl_select_mode="Select your radio mode"; var wwz_wwl_rmode="Radio Mode"; var wwz_wwl_mode_1="5G Mode"; var wwz_wwl_mode_0="2.4G Mode"; var wwz_wwl_title_s3_2="Step 2: Set your Wireless Security Password"; var wwz_wan_option_0="Not Listed or Don't Know"; var wwz_wan_option_1="Adelphia Power Link"; var wwz_wan_option_2="ALLTEL DSL"; var wwz_wan_option_3="AT&T DSL Service"; var wwz_wan_option_4="Bell Sympatico"; var wwz_wan_option_5="Bellsouth"; var wwz_wan_option_6="harter High-Speed"; var wwz_wan_option_7="Comcast"; var wwz_wan_option_8="Covad"; var wwz_wan_option_9="Cox Communications"; var wwz_wan_option_10="Earthlink Cable"; var wwz_wan_option_11="Earthlink DSL"; var wwz_wan_option_12="FrontierNet"; var wwz_wan_option_13="Optimum Online"; var wwz_wan_option_14="RCN"; var wwz_wan_option_15="Road Runner"; var wwz_wan_option_16="Rogers Yahoo!"; var wwz_wan_option_17="SBC Yahoo! DSL"; var wwz_wan_option_18="Shaw"; var wwz_wan_option_19="Speakeasy"; var wwz_wan_option_20="Sprint FastConnect"; var wwz_wan_option_21="Telus"; var wwz_wan_option_22="Time Warner Cable"; var wwz_wan_option_23="US West / Qwest"; var wwz_wan_option_24="Verizon Online DSL"; var wwz_wan_option_25="XO Communications"; var adv_ug_example1="(Example: uid)"; var adv_ug_example1_info="
(Example: ou=people, dc=yourcompany,dc=com)"; var adv_ug_example2="(Example: cn)"; var adv_ug_example2_info="
(Example: cn=Users, dc=yourcompany,dc=com)"; var adv_ug_checkusername="is already existing in the User list."; var adv_ug_uname="User Name"; var adv_ug_pwd="User Password"; var adv_ug_checkug_msg1="The password of user"; var adv_ug_checkug_msg2="can not be blank."; var adv_ug_legalug_msg="The Group Name entered is invalid. The legal characters can not enter # * , ; ' / ''"; var adv_ug_beused_msg="This User Group had used for some rule. Please setting one entry at least."; var adv_ug_select_msg="Please select a user group."; var adv_ug="User Group Settings"; var adv_ug_info="This section allows you to easily create user names and passwords for different groups of users. These groups can access your router through a VPN tunnel."; var adv_ug_local="Local User Settings"; var adv_ug_local_db="Local Authentication database"; var adv_ug_gname="Group Name"; var adv_ug_help="Choose a User Group in the Authentication database menu and click the Edit buttion.A list of 25 users will then appear for the User Group that you just chose.You can edit the name of each User Group and the User Name and Password of each user."; var adv_certi= "CERTIFICATES SETTINGS"; var adv_certi_del_msg="This Certificate had used for some Rule."; var adv_certi_del_cfirm_msg1="Are you sure that you want to delete this rule?"; var adv_certi_cname_msg="The Certificate name is already in the list."; var adv_certi_valid="Valid"; var adv_certi_invalid="Invalid"; var adv_certi_full_msg="Certificates is Full! Please Delete an Entry."; var adv_certi_info="This section is used to configure Certificates that are used with an IPSec based VPN. You can configure local certificates and the certificates of remote peers."; var adv_certi_op0="Local Certificate & Private Key"; var adv_certi_op1="Certificate Of Remote Peers"; var adv_certi_op2="Certificate Authorities"; var adv_certi_op3="Local Self-Signed Certificate"; var adv_certi_select_type="Select certificate type"; var adv_certi_name="Name"; var adv_certi_name_1="Certificate name"; var adv_certi_prikey="Private Key"; var adv_certi_cert="Certificate"; var adv_certi_cert_name="Certificate Name"; var adv_certi_cu_name="Country Name"; var adv_certi_ct_name="City Name"; var adv_certi_og_name="Organizational Name"; var adv_certi_og_unit="Organizational Unit"; var adv_certi_com_name="Common Name"; var adv_certi_hostip="Host IP Address"; var adv_certi_host_dname="Host Domain Name"; var adv_certi_email="E-Mail Address"; var adv_certi_klen="Key Length"; var adv_certi_vperid="Validity Period"; var adv_certi_local_id="Local identities (certificates to which you have the private key)"; var adv_certi_subject="Subject"; var adv_certi_validity="Validity"; var adv_certi_issuer="Issuer"; var adv_certi_remote="Certificates of remote peers"; var adv_certi_ca="Certificate Authorities"; var adv_certi_help_msg1="Select "Local Certificate & Private Key" from the Certificates Settings drop-down menu to configure your local certificates. Enter the Name for the certificate. Click the Browse button to look for the Private Key and the certificate on your computer."; var adv_certi_help_msg2="Select "Certificate of Remote Peers" from the Certificates Settings drop-down menu to configure the certificates of remote peers. Enter the Name for the certificate. Click the Browse button to look for the Private Key on your computer."; var adv_certi_help_msg3="Select "Certificate Authorities" from the Certificates Settings drop-down menu to configure the CA files to be used with your router. Enter the Name for the CA file. Click the Browse button to look for the CA file on your computer."; var adv_certi_both_alert="Please select a Private Key file or Certificate file."; var adv_certi_pk_alert="Please select a Private Key file."; var adv_certi_certi_alert="Please select a Certificate file."; /* VPN */ var vpn="VPN"; var vpn_setting="VPN SETINGS"; var vpn_settings_op3="SSLVPN"; var vpn_info="There are 2 ways to configure your VPN settings. You can use the VPN Setup Wizard or you can manually configure your VPN settings."; var vpn_note_info="Before launching the wizard, please make sure you have followed all steps outlined in the Quick Installation Guide included in the package."; var vpn_settings_op2="PPTP/L2TP"; var vpn_ipsec_ip_null="IP Address can not be NULL!"; var vpn_ipsec_mask_null="Mask can not be NULL."; var vpn_ipsec_cover_issue="The Net/Mask could be covered by Local or Remote."; var vpn_ipsec_the_same_issue="The Remote Net/Mask could not be LAN/Mask."; var vpn_ipsec_full="The setting was full of IPSec rules"; var vpn_ipsec_limit_full="The VPN settings was full, it's limited to 25 rules."; var vpn_ipsec_port_msg="Can not enable IPSEC, because of port 500 already used in port forwarding rule."; var vpn_ipsec_name_blank="The Name field cannot be blank."; var vpn_ipsec_name_illegal="The Name entered that the legal characters can not enter # * , ; ' / '' : > and space."; var vpn_ipsec_name_used="The VPN name is already used."; var vpn_ipsec_local_msg="Local Net/Mask can't be empty!"; var vpn_ipsec_netmask_fm_error="The Net/Mask's format is error."; var vpn_ipsec_illegal_local_addr="Illegal Local Net address."; var vpn_ipsec_local_mask_error="Local Mask error"; var vpn_ipsec_rip_be_empty="Remote IP Address can't be empty."; var vpn_ipsec_remote_msg="Remote Local LAN/MASK can't be empty."; var vpn_ipsec_illegal_rip="Illegal Remote Local Net address."; var vpn_ipsec_rip_mask_error="Remote Local Mask error"; var vpn_ipsec_range_submask="The range of Subnet Mask must be between 0 to 32."; var vpn_ipsec_coexist="VPN IPSec/Remote user and l2tp over ipsec can't coexist."; var vpn_ipsec_preshare_key="Pre-shared key length must be 8 - 64 charactors or 16 - 128 hex charactors"; var vpn_ipsec_key_blank_msg="The key can not be blank."; var vpn_ipsec_character_issue="is invalid. The legal characters can not enter # , ; ' / ''"; var vpn_ipsec_set_x509="To configure X.509, please go to 'Certificates' under 'ADVANCED'"; var vpn_ipsec_db="Authentication database can not be blank.\n"; var vpn_ipsec_set_db="To configure XAuth, please go to 'User Group' under 'ADVANCED'"; var vpn_ipsec_pwd_empty="The password can not be blank."; var vpn_ipsec_illegal_name="is invalid. The legal characters can not enter # * , ; ' / ''"; var vpn_ipsec="VPN - IPSEC"; var vpn_ipsec_rip="Remote IP"; var vpn_ipsec_rip_netmask="Remote Local LAN Net /Mask"; var vpn_ipsec_verify_check_info="The validity period of the certificates are \"Invalid\" due to incorrect router time settings or certificates expiration, please make sure your router time settings accordingly under \"Maintenance\" / \"Time and Date\", or contact your locally registration center."; var _certi="Certificates"; var _local_id="Local ID"; var _default="Default"; var _fqdn="Fully Qualified Domain Name"; var _asn1_dist_name="ASN1 Distinguished Name"; var _custom_str="Custom string"; var _phase="PHase"; var _dh_gp="DH Group"; var _ike_list="IKE Proposal List"; var _hash="Hash"; var _pfs="PFS"; var _ipsec_list="IPSec Proposal List"; var vpn_ipsec_help_msg2="An IPSec based VPN, such as that of the <-- model_number -->, is made up of two basic parts"; var vpn_ipsec_help_msg3="Internet Key Exchange security protocol (IKE)"; var vpn_ipsec_help_msg4="IPSec protocol (AH/ESP/both)"; var vpn_pptp_full="The setting was full of PPTPD rules"; var vpn_l2tp_full="The setting was full of L2TPD rules"; var vpn_pptp_l2tp_server_ip="VPN Server IP"; var vpn_pptp_l2tp_server_ip_invalid="The Server IP Address entered is invalid"; var vpn_pptp_l2tp_ip_overange="The Ending IP address must be greater than the Starting IP address."; var vpn_pptp_l2tp_server_ip_not_same_subnet="The Server IP Address and the Remote IP Address are not in the same subnet"; var vpn_pptp_l2tp="VPN - PPTP/L2TP SERVER"; var vpn_pptp_l2tp_mppe_encrypt_mode="MPPE Encryption Mode"; var vpn_pptp_l2tp_help_msg1="PPTP uses TCP port 1723 for it\'s control connection and uses GRE (IP protocol 47) for the PPP data. PPTP supports data encryption by using MPPE."; var vpn_pptp_l2tp_help_msg2="L2TP uses UDP to transport the PPP data, this is often encapsulated in IPSec for encryption instead of using MPPE."; var vpn_ssl_full="The setting was full of SSLVPN rules"; var vpn_ssl_not_blank="Certificate can not be blank.\n"; var vpn_ssl_gp_empty_msg="The Group should not be empty!"; var vpn_ssl="VPN - SSLVPN"; var vpn_ssl_certi_setting="SSLVPN Certificate setting"; var vpn_ssl_certi_sel="Certificate Select"; var _new="new"; var vpn_ssl_port="SSL Port"; var _select="Select"; var vpn_sslvpn_setting="SSLVPN setting"; var vpn_ssl_en="Enable SSLVPN"; var _ug="User Group"; var vpn_ssl_access_range="Client Accessible Range"; var vpn_ssl_help_msg1="Through the use of web browser and the HTTPS or SSL protocol, SSL (Secure Socket Layer) VPN allows you to establish a secure private connection from a remote location over the Internet for access to your personal documents, shares, and other resources configured the Local Network of the router."; var vpn_ssl_help_msg2="Configuring the integrated the SSL VPN server requires the creation of user account or multiple user accounts and groups under the Advanced > User Groups section, using or uploading a certificate and corresponding private key to provide the Local Identity of the router to remote VPN clients, and the configuration of SSL VPN server."; var vpn_ssl_support_msg="Click the drop-down box under "SSL VPN Certificate" and select the uploaded certificate to identify the Local Identity of the router."; var vpn_ssl_support_port_msg="The Port number used tp remotely access through HTTPS."; var vpn_sslvpn_setting_msg="This part setting the “Name”, “Client Accessible Range” and configuring the integrated the SSL VPN server requires the creation of user account or multiple user accounts and groups under the Advanced > User Groups section."; var vpn_sslvpn_checkbox="Check the box to enable."; var vpn_sslvpn_servername="Enter a name for the server."; var vpn_sslvpn_ug="Select the “User Group” and click the “SELECT” button to select the group in which the user accounts were created."; var vpn_sslvpn_acc_range="Enter the Local Network IP Subnet. (i.e.Assuming the router is configured with a LAN IP address of and subnet mask of, the Local Network IP subnet will be"; var vpn_sslvpn_save_config="Click "Save Settings" to save the configuration."; var _ipsec="IPSec"; var _sslvpn="SSL VPN"; var wziard_vpn_step2_msg="You have to input the Profile Name."; var _rip="Remote IP Address"; var ZERO_STATIC_DHCP_IP="Please enter another IP Address"; var INVALID_STATIC_DHCP_IP="The IP Address entered is invalid (IP Range: 1~254)"; var INVALID_START_IP="The Starting IP Address entered is invalid."; var IP_ORDER_ERROR="The Ending IP address must be greater than the Starting IP address."; var INVALID_END_IP="The Ending IP Address entered is invalid."; var INVALID_GROUP="The group is invalid"; var ZERO_IP="The IP Address cannot be zero."; var RANGE_INVALID="The Client Accessible Range is invalid !"; var INVALID_IP="The IP address is an invalid address."; var FIRST_IP_ERROR="The 1st address of IP address must be an integer."; var SECOND_IP_ERROR="The 2nd address of IP address must be an integer."; var THIRD_IP_ERROR="The 3rd address of IP address must be an integer."; var FOURTH_IP_ERROR="The 4th address of IP address must be an integer."; var FIRST_RANGE_ERROR= "The 1st range of IP address must be between"; var SECOND_RANGE_ERROR="The 2nd range of IP address must be between"; var THIRD_RANGE_ERROR="The 3rd range of IP address must be between"; var FOURTH_RANGE_ERROR="The 4th range of IP address must be between"; var MULTICASE_IP_ERROR="The %s can't allow enter loopback IP or multicase IP (127.x.x.x, 224.x.x.x ~ 239.x.x.x, 255.x.x.x)."; var st_vpn_list="Connected VPN TUNNEL List"; var st_vpn_info="The VPN List below displays current VPN information."; var st_vpn_table_local_info="Local Information"; var st_vpn_table_remote_info="Remote Information"; var st_vpn_table_encode="Encode"; var st_vpn_table_duration_time="Duration Time (HH:MM:SS)"; var st_vpn_table_help_info="This page displays current established VPN tunnels."; var del_entry_msg="Are you sure that you want to delete this Entry?"; var adv_filter_mac_msg="The Access Control mac address is already in the list."; var adv_filter_mac_msg_1="MAC Filter settings will lockout all Machines. This is not allowed."; var username_alert="Please input the User Name"; var support_status_vpn="Displays current established VPN tunnels."; var support_cert_desc0="Certificates are used with an IPSec based VPN, such as that of the DIR-330. A Certificate Authority(CA) file provides greater security for your router."; var support_cert_desc1="To configure the Certificates Settings, first choose a certificate type from the drop down menu. Choose "Local Certificate & Private Key" to configure certificates on your computer that are used to access other sites through a VPN tunnel."; var support_cert_desc2="Choose "Certificate of Remote Peers" to configure the certificates that are used by other computers that require access to your router. Choose "Certificate Authorities" to add an CA file to be used on your router."; var support_ug_desc0="The User Settings section of the Advanced menu allows you to create groups of users that can access your router with a user name and password."; var support_ug_desc1="First, select a group from the Authentication database list and click the Edit button. A list of 25 potential users will then be listed."; var support_ug_desc2="The Group Name can be changed. Enter the User Name and Password for the users in each group. Click Save Settings after you have finished entering the user names and passwords for each page."; var support_vpn_header_desc="The <-- model_number --> supports IPSec, PPTP, and L2TP VPN as the Server Endpoint."; var support_vpn_ipsec_desc="IPSec (Internet Protocol Security) is a set of protocols defined by the IETF (Internet Engineering Task Force) to provide IP security at the network layer."; var support_vpn_ipsec_ike_desc="The first part, IKE, is the initial negotiation phase, where the two endpoints agree on which methods will be used to provide security for the underlying IP traffic. Furthermore, IKE is used to manage connections. Each Security Association(SA) is unidirectional, so there will be at least two SA per IPSec connection. The other part is the actual IP data being transferred, using the encryption and authentication methods agreed upon in the IKE negotiation. This can be accomplished in a number of ways by using the IPSec protocol ESP."; var support_vpn_encrp_mode="Encapsulation Mode"; var support_vpn_chkbox_en="Check the box to enable"; var support_vpn_fill_name="Fill in the VPN name as desired"; var support_vpn_tunnel="Tunnel"; var support_vpn_s2s="Select Site to Site for LAN-to-LAN configuration, enter the destination gateway IP address in the box"; var support_vpn_l2l="For LAN-to-LAN configuration, enter the destination Subnet and Mask"; var support_vpn_psk="Enter the pre-shared key. The VPN Servers Endpoint from both ends must use the same pre-shared keys"; var support_vpn_mode="Select Main mode or Aggressive mode"; var support_vpn_mode_desc="(The difference between the two is that aggressive mode will pass more information in fewer packets, with the benefit of slightly faster connection establishment, at the cost of transmitting the identities of the security firewall in the clear. When using aggressive mode, some configuration parameters such as Diffie-Hellman groups, and PFS can not be negotiated, resulting in a greater importance of having \"compatible\" configuration on both ends)"; var support_vpn_pfs="Select PFS if both ends supported"; var support_vpn_en_setting="Enable Settings"; var support_vpn_auth_src="Authentication Sources"; var support_vpn_sel_pptp_or_l2tp="Select PPTP or L2TP"; var support_vpn_server_ip="Enter the VPN Server IP which is the LAN IP of the <-- model_number -->"; var support_vpn_assign_ip="Assign a range of IP addresses. The assigned IP range should include a range of IP addresses on the LAN network. Make sure there are no conflicts with the DHCP range of the LAN interface."; var support_vpn_auth_protocol="Select desired authentication protocol (PAP/CHAP/MSCHAP v2)"; var support_vpn_encryption="Select desired level of encryption ( 40 bit/128 bit)"; var IPV4_format="The IP should be IPv4 formate."; var IPV4_range="The range of IP must be between 0 to 255"; var local_mask_alert="Please enter a Local Subnet Mask."; var illegal_characters=" invalid. the legal characters can not enter"; var auto_update_TEXT00="Auto Update"; var auto_update_TEXT01="Update fail."; var auto_update_TEXT02="Download update file fail."; var auto_update_TEXT03="Starting, please wait ..."; var auto_update_TEXT04="Update file downloading, please wait ..."; var auto_update_TEXT05="Language pack reloading, please wait ..."; var _graph="Graph"; var wlan_security_eap="AUTO (WPA or WPA2) - EAP"; var wlan_security_psk="AUTO (WPA or WPA2) - PSK"; var fixed_ip="Static IP"; var set_timeout="Set Timeout"; var _Net="Net"; var packet_kbytes="Packet/KBytes"; var _start="Start"; var _link_local="Local Connectivity Only"; var unique_set_wep="There is only one wireless setting can be set WEP security mode."; var INVALID_PRESHARED_KEY="The length of the Passphrase must be between 8 and 63 characters"; var ip_addr_range="IP Address Range"; var port_range="Port Range"; var dhcp_set_mbssid="Dhcp Server Setting for the Guest Zone"; var en_ssid="Enable SSID"; var ENTER_ASCII="Please enter the SSID name of the ASCII characters."; var hwid_fail="The hardware ID checking fail"; var fw_upgrade="The firmware upgrading"; var update_fail="The update file open fail."; var fw_fail="The firmware upgrad FAIL!"; var lang_fail="The language packet reload is failure."; var lang_verify_fail="The language packet verify is failure."; var lang_reload="The language pack had reload."; var upfile_fail="The upload file open fail."; var FMT_INVALID_IPADDRESS="Invalid IP address format."; var FMT_INVALID_IPRANGE="Invalid IP range format."; var FMT_INVALID_IPNETWORK="Invalid IP network format."; var FMT_INVALID_IPFORMAT="The IP address is an invalid address."; var FMT_INVALID_IPUSABLE="The 1st range of IP address must be 1 ~ 223."; var FMT_INVALID_ACCOUNT="The User Account cannot be empty."; var FMT_INVALID_USERNAME="The User Name cannot be empty."; var check_num_msg1="Please enter another %s value."; var check_num_msg2="The value of %s must be numeric!"; var check_num_msg3="The range of %s is %1n ~ %2n."; var check_num_msg4="The value of %s is even number only."; var ipv6_ip_illegal_arr="The IPv6 address is illegal address"; var ipv6_ip_double_colon="The IPv6 address allows double-colon only once."; var ipv6_be_hex="The suffix of tag must be a hexadecimal."; var ipv6_suffix_invalid="The suffix of tag is not an invalid address."; var check_name_invalid="invalid. the legal characters are 0~9, A~Z, or a~z,-,_."; var compare_suffix_error="The suffix of IPv6 Address Range(Start) more than the suffix of IPv6 Address Range(End)"; var IPV6_HINT_CONF="Manual IA_PD hint configuration"; var IPV6_HINT_PREFIX="Specified Prefix"; var IPV6_HINT_LENGTH="Specified Prefix Length"; var IPV6_HINT_PLTIME="Specified Prefer Time"; var IPV6_HINT_VLTIME="Specified Valid Time"; var E404_oops="Oops!"; var E404_not_available="The page you requested is not available."; var E404_suggestions="Suggestions"; var E404_internet_set="Internet settings"; var E404_suggestions_TEXT01="Make sure your internet cable is securely connected to the internet port on your router, and your internet LED is blink green or blue."; var E404_suggestions_TEXT02_1="Check to make sure that the"; var E404_suggestions_TEXT02_2="on your router are set correctly, such as your PPPoE username/password settings."; var E404_suggestions_TEXT03="The DNS server may be down at the moment, please contact your ISP or try again later."; var STORAGE_title="Storage"; var STORAGE_intro="Web File Access allows you to use a web browser to remotely access files stored on an SD card or USB storage drive plugged into the router. To use this feature, check the Enable Web File Access checkbox, then create user account to manage access to your storage devices or use the Guest account (guest/guest) to access the Guest Floder. After plugging in an SD card or USB storage drive, the new device will appear in the list with a link to it. You can then use this link to connect the drive and login with a user account."; var STORAGE_http_storage="SharePort Web Access"; var STORAGE_en_web="Enable SharePort Web Access"; var STORAGE_en_http_remote="Allow Remote Access"; var STORAGE_http_port="HTTP Access Port"; var STORAGE_en_https_remote="Enable HTTPS Storage Remote Access"; var STORAGE_https_port="HTTPS Access Port"; var STORAGE_en_least_one="Needed enable at least one remote access."; var STORAGE_create_user="User Creation"; var STORAGE_access_path="Access Path"; var STORAGE_permission="Permission"; var STORAGE_ro="Read Only"; var STORAGE_rw="Read/Write"; var STORAGE_device="Device"; var STORAGE_totalspace="Total Space"; var STORAGE_freespace="Free Space"; var STORAGE_dev_link_a="Storage Device Link"; var STORAGE_dev_link_b="Device Link"; var STORAGE_dev_link_msg="You can use this link to connect to the drive remotely after logging with a user account."; var STORAGE_support_help="The Storage page contains information about the USB storage drives or SD cards currently plugged into the device."; var STORAGE_guest_paths_max="Guest account only support maximum two access paths."; var STORAGE_account_paths_max="The account only support maximum five access paths."; var STORAGE_exist="This access path is already existing in this account List" var STORAGE_append="Append"; var STORAGE_append_folder="Append New Folder"; var STORAGE_select_folder="Select Folder"; var STORAGE_send_mail="Sending mail, please wait..."; var STORAGE_login_title="Web File Access Login"; var STORAGE_login_intro="Log in to the web file access Server"; var STORAGE_max_account="Maximum 10 accounts set."; var STORAGE_portconflict_st="Storage Remote Access Port conflict with Remote Admin Port."; var STORAGE_portconflict_sl="Storage Remote HTTPS Port conflict with Remote Admin Port."; var STORAGE_portconflict_stl="Remote Access Port conflict with Remode HTTPS Port."; var STORAGE_HINT_1="Click on Shareport Mobile/Web Access Setup Wizard to set up SharePort Mobile through a step by step wizard."; var STORAGE_HINT_2="You can also click on Shareport Mobile/Web Access Manual Setup to set up the SharePort Mobile features manually."; var _duplicate_user="Duplicate user name exist."; var _user_list="User List"; var _changePwd="Change Password"; var _modify="Modify"; var _num_of_device="Number of Devices"; var _link="Link"; var _number="No."; var _all="All"; var _folder="Folder"; var COVER_WARR="The IP Address can not cover with other IP Address in the Same Range."; var INVALID_PASSWORD="The Password cannot be empty."; var IPv6_ULA_help="ULA is useful for Local IPv6 communications, if you would like to enable it, click Enable ULA. By default ULA is disabled."; var IPv6_ULA_prefix="ULA Prefix"; var IPv6_ULA_enable="Enable ULA"; var IPv6_ULA_default="Use Default ULA Prefix"; var IPv6_ULA_current="Current ULA Prefix"; var IPv6_ULA_lan="LAN IPv6 ULA"; var IPv6_ULA_lan_1="LAN IPv6 Unique Local Address"; var IPv6_ULA_setting="IPv6 ULA Settings"; var IPv6_ULA_setting_1="Current IPv6 ULA Settings"; var IPv6_ULA_setting_2="IPv6 LOCAL CONNECTIVITY SETTINGS"; var IPv6_ULA_error="Invalid IPv6 ULA Prefix"; var IPv6_ULA_msg="Unique Local IPv6 Unicast Addresses"; var IPv6_ULA_msg_1="Use this section to configure Unique Local IPv6 Unicast Addresses(ULA) settings for your router. ULA is intended for local communications and not expected to be routable on the global Internet."; var IPv6_ULA_blank="The field of ULA prefix is blank, use the default ULA prefix?"; var HNAT_ENABLE="True Gigabit Routing Connectivity Setting"; var HNAT_ENABLE_DESC="Enable True Gigabit Routing Connectivity"; var HNAT_WAR4="When %s1 is enabled, %s2 will be disabled automatically. Would you like to proceed?"; var MEDIA_SERVER="Media Server"; var MEDIA_DESC="The Media Server feature lets you share your music, pictures, and video on a USB storage device with other devices connected to your network."; var MEDIA_NOTE="Shared media may not be secure. We recommend that you only allow devices to stream if your network is secure."; var MEDIA_ENABLE="Enable Media Server"; var MEDIA_NAME="Media Server Name"; var ITUNE_SERVER="Itune Server"; var ITUNE_DESC="If yout enable Itune Sever,any computer or device with Itune Client that connects to your network can play your shared music."; var ITUNE_NOTE="The shared music may not be secure. Allowing any devices to stream is recommended only on secure networks."; var ITUNE_ENABLE="Enable Itune Server"; var ITUNE_NAME="Itune Server Name"; var WPS_WARR_SSID_BROADCAST="To hidden SSID will be disabled the WPS, Are you sure ?"; var WPS_WARR_WEP="Using WEP Encryption will be disabled the WPS, Are you sure ?"; var WPS_WARR_WPAPSK="Using WPA/TKIP Encryption will be disabled the WPS, Are you sure ?"; var WPS_WARR_TKIP="Using TKIP Cipher will be disabled the WPS, Are you sure ?"; var WPS_WARR_WPAPSKONLY="Using WPA-only Encryption will be disabled the WPS, Are you sure ?"; var WPS_WARR_WPAEAP="Using WPA-Enterprise Encryption will be disabled the WPS, Are you sure?"; var WPS_WARR_OPEN_CONFIG="Open mode configuration is not secure."; var WIFI_WEP_CONFLICT="The wifi just support one wep setting in host zone or guest zone."; var HNAT_HELP_TITLE="True Gigabit Routing Connectivity"; var HNAT_HELP_DESC="When this option is enabled, the router will speed up the NAT/Routing performance by hardware acceleration mechanism. The limitation is that both of SPI and QoS engine will be disabled automatically when True Gigabit Routing Connectivity is enabled."; var ap_wz_scm="Welcome to the D-Link Wi-Fi SETUP WIZARD"; var ap_wz_scm_info="Give your Wi-Fi network a name."; var ap_wz_wifi_name="Wi-Fi Network Name (SSID)"; var ap_wz_wifi_desc="(Using up to 32 characters)"; var ap_wz_wifi_pwd_info="Give your Wi-Fi network a password."; var ap_wz_wifi_pwd="Wi-Fi Password"; var ap_wz_wifi_pwd_desc="(Between 8 and 63 characters)"; var ap_wz_psk_error="The length of Wifi Password must be between 8 and 63 characters."; var ap_wz_done_info="Please take a note of the following summary of your Wi-Fi Security settings for future reference."; var ap_wz_done_desc="The Setup Wizard has complete Click the Save button to save your settings and reboot the device."; var _wps="WPS"; var _finish="Finish"; var _end="End"; var DSLITE_AFTR_TITLE="AFTR ADDRESS INTERNET CONNECTION TYPE"; var _setup_wizard_usb_title="Wi-PnP Wireless Setup"; var USB_MESSAGE="Do you want to copy your wireless settings to a USB flash drive so you can automatically configure your wireless settings on another Windows PC?"; var USB_DETECT_1="Plug a USB flash drive into the USB port on the back of the router."; var USB_DETECT_2="Unable to copy your wireless settings to the USB flash drive. Please make sure it is connected securely and is available."; var USB_DETECT_3="Unplug the USB flash drive from your router and plug it into the Windows PC you want to automatically configure. A window will automatically appear:"; var USB_DETECT_4="1. Click Connect to a wireless network."; var USB_DETECT_5="2. Click Yes to add the PC to your wireless network."; var USB_DETECT_6="If the window does not appear, open your USB thumb drive's folder and double-click WiPnP.exe."; /* VLAN SETTINGS*/ var VLAN_SETTINGS="VLAN Settings"; var VLAN_SETTINGS_DESC1="A VLAN is a switched network that is logically segmented by function, project team, or application, without regard to physical locations of the users."; var VLAN_SETTINGS_DESC2="You can configuare which hardware port or IP source/destination address will be a VLAN, and all packets from a network device in a VLAN will only be forwarded to other devices in the same VLAN."; var VLAN_TYPE="VLAN type"; var VLAN_TYPE_DESC="Choose how you want to create your VLAN"; var VLAN_TYPE_PORT_BASE="Port-based"; var VLAN_TYPE_IP_BASE="IP-based"; var VLAN_RULES="VLAN RULES"; var VLAN_RULES_CHECK="VLAN rule full."; var VLAN_LIST="VLAN LIST"; var VLAN_PORT1="1 (LAN)"; var VLAN_PORT2="2 (LAN)"; var VLAN_PORT3="3 (LAN)"; var VLAN_PORT4="4 (LAN)"; var VLAN_PORT5="5 (WLAN)"; var VLAN_ID="VLAN ID"; var VLAN_IP_RANGE="IP Range"; var VLAN_IP_FIELD="IP Field"; var _destination="Destination";var VLAN_ID_BLANK_CHECK="The \"VLAN ID\" field can not be blank."; var VLAN_ID_VALUE_CHECK="The \"VLAN ID\" range of value should be between 2 to 4094."; var VLAN_HINT=""; /* parental control */ var PARENTAL_CTRL="Parental Control"; var PARENTAL_CTRL_DESC="Options to improve the spped and relialibility of your Internet connection, to apply content filtering and to protect you from phishing sites. Choose from pre-configured bundles or register your router with OpenDNS® to choose from 50 content catgories for custom blocking."; var PARENTAL_CTRL_SECURITY_OPT="security options"; var PARENTAL_CTRL_SECURITY_OPT_ADVANCED_DNS="Advanced DNS™"; var PARENTAL_CTRL_SECURITY_OPT_ADVANCED_DNS_DESC="Advanced DNS makes your Internet connection safer, faster, smarter and more reliable. It blocks phishing websites to proetct you from identity theft."; var PARENTAL_CTRL_SECURITY_OPT_FAMILY_SHIELD="OpenDNS® FamilyShield™"; var PARENTAL_CTRL_SECURITY_OPT_FAMILY_SHIELD_DESC="Automatically Block adult and phishing websites while improving the speed and reliablility of your Internet connection."; var PARENTAL_CTRL_SECURITY_OPT_PARENTAL_CONTROL="OpenDNS® Parental Controls™"; var PARENTAL_CTRL_SECURITY_OPT_PARENTAL_CONTROL_DESC="OpenDNS Parental Controls provides award-winning Web content filtering while making your Internet connection safer, faster, smarter and more reliable. With more than 50 content categories to chooes from it's effective against adult content, proxies, social networking, phishing sites, malware and more. Fully configurable from anywhere there is Internet access."; var PARENTAL_CTRL_MANAGE="Manage your router"; var PARENTAL_CTRL_WWW=""; var PARENTAL_CTRL_SECURITY_OPT_NONE="None:Static IP or Obtain Automatically From ISP"; var PARENTAL_CTRL_SECURITY_OPT_NONE_DESC="Use the DNS servers provided by your ISP, or enter your preferred DNS servers."; var PARENTAL_CTRL_SUCCESS="You have successfully configured your router to use OpenDNS® Parental Controls."; var PARENTAL_CTRL_FAIL="Configured fail"; var PARENTAL_CTRL_HELP1="Although the Advanced DNS feature is enabled, the DNS IP address of your workstation can still be modified to the DNS server IP you desire. Please note that the router does not dictate the DNS name resolution when the DNS IP address is manually configured on the workstation."; var PARENTAL_CTRL_HELP2="If you selected this option and have a VPN or an Intranet setup on your network, you can disable the Advanced DNS service if you experience connection difficulties."; var STEP1="Step 1"; var STEP2="Step 2"; var STEP3="Step 3"; var STEP4="Step 4"; var STEP5="Step 5"; var STEP6="Step 6"; var STEP7="Step 7"; var STEP8="Step 8"; var STEP9="Step 9"; var STEP10="Step 10"; var IPV6_wizard_step_1_x="Configure your IPv6 Internet Connection"; var IPV6_wizard_step_2_x="Save setting and connect"; var KR35_x="Select Configuration Method for your Wireless Network"; var KR36_x="Connect your Wireless Device"; var _aa_wiz_s2_title_x="Choose Policy Name"; var _aa_wiz_s3_title_x="Select Schedule"; var _aa_wiz_s4_title_x="Select Machine"; var _aa_wiz_s5_title_x="Select Filtering Method"; var _aa_wiz_s6_title_x="Sentinel Categories"; var _aa_wiz_s7_title_x="Port Filter"; var _aa_wiz_s8_title_x="Configure Web Access Logging"; var _setup_wizard_3_x="Set your Password"; var _setup_wizard_4_x="Select your Time Zone"; var _setup_wizard_5_x="Set Advanced DNS Services"; var _setup_wizard_6_x="Configure your Internet Connection"; var _setup_wizard_7_x="Set your wireless security"; var _setup_wizard_8_x="Save Settings and Connect"; var _setup_wizard_wlan_x="Welcome TO THE D-LINK WIRELESS SECURITY SETUP WIZARD"; var aa_wiz_s1_msg1_x="Choose a unique name for your policy"; var aa_wiz_s1_msg2_x="Select a schedule"; var aa_wiz_s1_msg3_x="Select the machine to which this policy applies"; var aa_wiz_s1_msg5_x="Select filters"; var wprn_intro3_x="Detect the printer"; var wprn_intro4_x="Launch the setup executable on your computer"; var wprn_intro5_x="Insert the printer driver CD if requested"; var wprn_intro6_x="Print a test page"; var wwl_title_s1_x="Name your Wireless Network"; var wwl_title_s3_x="Secure your Wireless Network"; var wwl_title_s4_x="Set your Wireless Security Password"; var wwz_wwl_title_s3_3_x="Set your Wireless Radio Mode"; var setup_wizard_complete="The Setup Wizard has completed. Click the Save Button to save your setting and reboot the router."; var admin_info="shop owner user name & password"; var admin_info1="Please enter the username and password for shop owner access the router management GUI."; var old_password="Old Password"; var new_password="New Password"; var verify_new_password="Verify New Password"; var link_info="Link Info"; var link_info1="Link Info displays the phsical connectivity on the both the LAN and the WAN interfaces."; var link_info2="Link Status"; var acl_info="Acl Info"; var acl_info1="ACL Info displays all the router access control rules."; var acl_info2="Dest IP/Subnet Mask"; var acl_info3="Dest Port"; var _setup_wizard_ntt_3="Set your username and password connection(Primary PPPoE)"; var _setup_wizard_ntt_4="Set your username and password connection(Secondary PPPoE)"; var _setup_wizard_ntt_5="Setup internet connection complete"; var _setup_wizard_ntt_6="Check ACS Server for latest firmware version and configuration file"; var _setup_wizard_ntt_s101="SET USERNAME AND PASSWORD CONNECTION (PRIMARY PPPOE)"; var _setup_wizard_ntt_s102="To set up this connection you will need to have a Username and Password form your Internet Service Provider. If you don't have this information, please contact your ISP."; var _setup_wizard_ntt_s201="SET USERNAME AND PASSWORD CONNECTION (SECONDARY PPPOE)"; var _setup_wizard_ntt_s301="SETUP UP INTERNET CONNECTION COMPLETE!"; var _setup_wizard_ntt_s302="The Internet Connection Setup Wizard has completed. Check the Connec Button to save your setting."; var _setup_wizard_ntt_s401="CHECK ACS SERVER FOR LATEST FIRMWARE VERSION AND CONFIGURATION FILE."; var _setup_wizard_ntt_s402="Router is checking ACS server, please wait ...."; var _check="Check"; var _item="Item"; var tool_admin_portconflict_vs="Remote Admin Port conflict with Virtual Server Public Port"; var tool_admin_portconflict_app="Remote Admin Port conflict with Application Rules Firewall Port"; var tool_admin_portconflict_st="Remote Admin Port conflict with Storage Remote Access Port."; var tool_admin_portconflict_sl="Remote Admin Port conflict with Storage Remote HTTPS Port."; var conf_upload="The configuration file is being loaded."; var dis_wps_pin="Disable WPS-PIN Method"; var lock_wps_pin="Lock WPS-PIN Setup"; var lock_wps_message="Locking the WPS-PIN Setup prevents the settings from being changed by any new external registrar using its PIN. Devices can still be added to the wireless network using Wi-Fi Protected Setup. It is still possible to change wireless network settings with Manual Wireless Network Setup or Wireless Network Setup Wizard."; var dynamic_dns_ipv6="Dynamic DNS For IPv6 HOSTS"; var _ipv6_mydomain_net=""; var dynamic_dns_ipv6_list="IPv6 DYNAMIC DNS LIST"; var dynamic_dns_ipv6_enable="Do you want to enable the Dynamic DNS entry for IPv6 Address"; var dynamic_dns_ipv6_disable="Do you want to disable the Dynamic DNS entry for IPv6 Address"; var clear_language_pack="Clear the language pack?"; var _NULL="NULL"; var enable_hub_and_spoke_mode="Enable Hub and Spoke Mode"; var ss_WStats_0="WI-FI Statistics 2.4G"; var ss_WStats_1="WI-FI Statistics 5G"; var GMAIL_ACCESS="GMAIL_ACCESS"; var _username_gmail="ADMIN_ID"; var _password_gmail="ADMIN_PWD"; var _GMAIL=""; var _user_ID="USER ID"; var wizard_check_passwd_length="The account password must be more than six characters."; //mydlink string var _mydlink_even="mydlink Event Management"; var _mydlink_info0="real-time browsing history"; var _mydlink_info1="push event"; var _mydlink_info2="Notice of Online User logging"; var _mydlink_info3="Notice of Firmware Upgrade"; var _mydlink_info4="Notice of Wireless Intrusion"; var _mydlink_info5="event trigger"; var _mydlink_info6="Setting and registering your product with mydlink will allow you to use its mydlink cloud services features, including online access and management of your device through mydlink portal website."; var _mydlink_info7="Send Mail Now"; var _Language="Language"; var _setup_wizard_6="mydlink registration"; var _setup_wizard_mydlink_info_0="This device is mydlink-enabled, which allows you to remotely monitor and manage your network through the website, or through the mydlink mobile app.You will be able to check your network speeds, see who is connected, view device browsing history, and receive notifications about new users or intrusion attempts.

You can register this device with your existing mydlink account. If you do not have one, you can create one now."; var _setup_wizard_mydlink_info_1="Do you have mydlink account?"; var _setup_wizard_mydlink_info_2="Yes, I have a mydlink account."; var _setup_wizard_mydlink_info_3="No, I want to register and login with a new mydlink account."; var _setup_wizard_mydlink_info_4="Please fulfill the options to complete the registration."; var _setup_wizard_mydlink_info_5="I Accept the mydlink terms and conditions."; var _setup_wizard_mydlink_info_6="If you already have an account, select Yes, I have a mydlink account and click Next to register the router with "; var _setup_wizard_mydlink_info_7="If you do not have an account, select No, I want to register and login with a new mydlink account and click Next to create an account."; var _setup_wizard_mydlink_info_8="If you do not wish to sign up for the mydlink service, please click Cancel."; var _setup_wizard_mydlink_info_9="You may now use mydlink service with this device."; var _setup_wizard_mydlink_info_10="To complete your mydlink registration, please check your Inbox for an email with confirmation instructions."; var _setup_wizard_mydlink_info_11="should not be blank."; var _setup_wizard_mydlink_info_12="Your settings are being saved."; var _setup_wizard_mydlink_info_13="Checking WAN connectivity."; var _skip="SKIP"; var e_mail_addr="E-mail Address(Account Name)"; var f_name="First Name"; var l_name="Last Name" var _confirm_password="Confirm Password"; var _confirm_wifi_setting="STEP 5: Confirm WI-FI SETTINGS"; var _signup="Sign up"; var _mydlink_set="MYDLINK SETTINGS"; var _mydlink="MYDLINK"; var _mydlink_service="mydlink Service"; var _mydlink_account="mydlink Account"; var mydlink_skip="Would you like to skip mydlink registration?"; var _reg_mydlink_service="Register mydlink Sevice"; var _registered="Registered"; var _n_registered="Non-Registered"; var _signin_success="You may now use mydlink services with this device."; var _signup_success="Please check your mailbox for an email with confirmation instructions."; var _login_fail="Cannot login to mydlink."; var _pass_empty="Please set an Administrator password before mydlink registration begins."; var my_dlink="MYDLINK SETTING"; var WIFI_INVALID_SSID="SSID should be represent with ASCII character from code 32 to 126."; var check_accept_condition="You must accept the terms and conditions to continue."; var check_accept_condition="You must accept the terms and conditions to continue."; var GW_MEDIA_SERVER_NAME_INVALID="Media server name given is invalid"; var _bad_media_server_name="The Media Server Name field can not be blank"; //shareport var shareport_index_info="Shareport™ Mobile/Web Access is an easy to use shared access from any computer or mobile device in your home network to an external USB storage drive connected to your router. It allows you and other guest users to access files stored on a USB storage drive via the user account you create."; var shareport_index_wizard_title="Shareport™ Mobile Setup Wizard"; var shareport_index_wizard_info="If you would like to utilize our easy to use Web-based Wizards to assist you in setting Shareport™ Mobile service, click on the button below."; var shareport_index_wizard_btn="Shareport Mobile/Web Access Setup Wizard"; var shareport_index_manual_title="Shareport™ Mobile Manual Setup"; var shareport_index_manual_info="If you would like to configure Shareport™ Mobile/Web Access service settings manually, please click on the button below."; var shareport_index_manual_btn="Shareport Mobile/Web Access Manual Setup"; var shareport_wizard_info_1="Please make sure your USB storage is connected to the router."; var shareport_wizard_info_2="Create a User Account to manage the storage accessibility."; var shareport_wizard_info_3="Select/Create a folder in the USB drive for accessing the contents."; var shareport_wizard_info_4="Fill in Dynamic DNS Account information for enabling remote access service. If you don't have DDNS account, please sign up one from here:"; var shareport_wizard_info_5="Shareport™ Mobile/Web Access Setup is complete! You can now use below link to access your USB storage via below User Account."; var shareport_wizard_info_6="Above links will activate when settings are saved and after device reboot."; var shareport_wizard_username="User Name or key"; var shareport_wizard_password="Password or key"; var shareport_wizard_wait_check="Please wait for web access link checking..."; var shareport_wizard_select_folder="Select/Create folder in the USB driver for accessing the contents." var _localaccess="Local Access"; var _remote_access="Remote Access"; var _account_name="Account name"; var _error="ERROR"; var no_usb_detect="No USB storage! Please make sure there is a storage device plugged in the router."; var _process_setting="PROCESS SETTING"; var _not_found_ddns="Error found in Dynamic DNS Setting, Please try again."; var _download="Downloading file, please wait..."; var ppp_name_empty="PPP user name cannot be empty!"; var ppp_pass_empty="PPP password cannot be empty!"; var STREAMBOOST_WEB_SESSION_TIMEOUT="Login Timeout."; var IPV6_PASSTHROUGH="IPv6 passthrough settings"; var IPV6_PASSTHROUGH_ENABLE="Enable IPv6 Passthrough"; var dfs_enable="DFS Channel Enable"; var WLAN_DFS_MESSAGE_1="DFS enables you to use more channels to help find one with the least interference."; var WLAN_DFS_MESSAGE_2="However, please note that when using DFS, the router must scan for radar signals for a minute before using a channel, and will change channels automatically if radar signals are detected."; var STORAGE_SAMBA="Windows File Sharing(SAMBA)"; var STORAGE_SAMBA_admin="Require router's admin password"; var STORAGE_SAMBA_user="Allow all users to access(no password)"; var bwl_ht2040_ac="20/40 MHz"; var bwl_ht204080_ac="Auto 20/40/80 MHz"; var MSG049="802.11ac mode doesn't support WEP."; var MSG050="802.11ac mode doesn't support TKIP.";